Show fell dead when arrested an el paso texas dispatch says 3 S knowles recently in the em of the el paso a south western railroad secured from the lowden bank on the statement that he was 3 H knowles a mining man tor for whom a draft has been received at the bank but who was un known to the banker and when the fraud was discovered officers were sent to search for the swindler when the handcuffs belie wee placed on his wrists he first turned pale and thea then dropped dead the correspondent at st petersburg of the echo de paris says that at a council of admirals presided over by high admiral grand duke alexis it was decided that rear admiral princa prince Ouk be court martl aled for having disobeyed the order not to re turn to port arthur the court will sit at vladivostok viceroy alexieff Alex leff pres presiding lAing kerr of north carolina who wn third assistant postmaster gen eral era during cleveland s second term died in washington thursday night a |