Show kahnas JS ilive ou happened to notice the fact that there is no politics in kincai this veir aone is talk ng cj oo 00 the trains there are no street corner groups brangi ng over ahe issuer no ODO gives a b g red or a 1 atle blue t t k era dau tor a political argument no sort of exaggerated statement can pro toke debate from the most excitable it 11 all and all roosevelt is elected hoch is elected the coun ty ticket is elected ahe ees is sot kachig is called excitable but she 1 as calm as a basket of chips tt is eai ot a of trouble rolls across her pe cebul breast art ears ago p were flocking in to the gazette st apio the paper tl G V abley stopped 1 thieo times in tint camingo but th s beir he is taking the paper insides ind tops and top and all without so much as a i of d sap ud cheo V ib ley is satisfied batis fied the world is soaked with goose greise and is smooth ill over eight ears agu the pop lists vere go ing to reform the orld at the next ing of the legislature legis liture and vera cir r ng cicia the og will w ving flags at the octopus and gold bug hese hot happ iod ra ous deijs A man could start a not bi ie d eg the alphabet in a dria at aid get SIY months in the hospital bj declaring for e ther of the ten ag mat the ch ago u but no kioses is is idle as a pa doted turtle on a plaster pans log placid as a h red man isleen un ler a hedgpe fenar and happy as i g sun flower that node in all the 1 the reason 13 that kansas has paid her debts his n n tb bank i 1 coce nod an organ in the cirlor to give tone even tb ng ig lobely and the billit de of the boose is 1 ove t cal 1 ap will am al len white in emmor a gazette |