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Show Tml WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES. NOVEMBER 5. 1961. PAGE SIX Personal Notes Pvt. Trujillo appointed hometown recruiter aide Fort Douglas Private Jerry Trujillo, son of Mrs. Mary Trujillo of 2814 South 9100 West, Magna, has been assigned duty as a U.S. Army hometown recruiter aide; an Army spokesman announced. As a recruiter aide. Private Trujillo will assist local Army recruiters and meet with his high school peers to inform them about the many opportunities the Army offers. He joined the Army in June of this year and attended basic and advanced individual training at Fort Dix, New Jersey. He was trained as a transportation specialist. 18, T really love the Army and I want more of it, said Private Trujillo. The Army has given me excellent training in driving and managing just about every type of wheeled vehicle. I could go out now and be highly qualified to drive commercially, he said. He is a 1981 graduate of Cyprus High School. Young men and women interested in learning more about Army opportunities should contact Private Trujillo at the U.S. Army recruiting station, 2101 West 3500 South, West Valley City, 841 19 or call A thousand dollars of funding from the Oquirrh District Community Fund means a free paperback 974-555- 4. Travel film will feature Australia A color film Only in Australia is the second offering in the Travel Lecture Series at Utah Technical College scheduled Nov. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Rampton Technology Building at 4600 South Redwood Road. The film will be narrated in person by photographer Aubert Lavastida who, as a professional film maker, is director of motion picture production at the University of Michigan. Lavastida describes Australia as unique among progressive nations since there is a close affinity between almost every Australian and the immense land itself. Only in Australia are places like Woolgoola and Boolaloo to be found and only there do the people speak English in their characteristic manner, fair using such expressions as dinkum." Photographed in color are the Royal Botanic Gardens of Sydney, the vom-ba- t, Nature Reserve-featurin-g emus and kangaroos and the Great Barrier Reef, a coral wonderland and the location of the giant clam, the la worlds J. L. Kuntz turns 82 Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pinelle, 6901 West 3500 South, West Valley City, are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Diana, to Roger W. Ochocki, son of Mr. Ladis Ochocki, lvanhoe, Minnesota, and the late Winnifred Ochocki. Roger moved to Salt Lake two years ago from lvanhoe, Minnesota, and is employed in the Purchasing Depar tment at Valley Bank and Trust. Diana works for Mervyn's Department Store. The couple met at the Intermountain School of Broadcasting. Diana graduated from the school in April of 1981. Roger graduated in July of 1981. They are planning a November 28 wedding at Our Lady of Lourdes, Catholic Church, in Magna. BIRTHS PACKARD, Mr. and Mrs. Garth F., 6102 South 4000 West, Kearns, son. HOLY CROSS BANKS, Mr. and Mrs. Lou M., 4506 Charles Drive, West Valley City, son. ELLIS, Mr. and Mrs. Gaylon W., 4449 Palmer Drive, West Valley City, daughter. ENTERLINE, Mr. and Mrs. Eric, 6154 South Zoidac Drive, Kearns, daughter. LAKEV IEW d McCARY, Mr. and Mrs. Paul, 5854 LDS APPLKFORD, Mr. and Mrs. Mark S., 5936 West Zenith Circle, West Valley City, son. FISHLR, Mr. and Mrs. Richard, 2908 South 9050 West, Magna, daughter. ASTILL, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, 7330 Jefferson Road, Magna, son. MUMME, Mr. and Mrs. John C.. 4420 Dean Circle, West Valley City, daughter. PHILLIPS, Mr. and Mrs. Duane J., 5543 West Palander Way, son. SEQUAPTEWA, Mr. and Mrs. Don E., 5467 Nez Perce Drive, Kearns, daughter. THOMAS, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling. 6424 West 4100 South, West Valley City, daughter. W ILLIFORD, Mr. and Mrs. David, 5730 Chan-tell- y Light Circle, Kearns, daughter. COTTONWOOD BOYACK, Mr. and Mrs. Verl, 6752 Kings Estate Drive, Hunter, daughter. HERBSTRITT, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S., 3564 South 4240 West, West Valley City, daughter. Bram-blewoo- Lane, son. MATTHEWS, Mr. and Mrs. Wally, 5453 Sara Jane Drive, Kearns, daughter. V ALLEY W EST BOLINDER, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L.. 5004 Tuscon Street, daughter. NITOKOKALISI, Mr. and Mrs. Angilau, 4035 West 3275 South, West Valley City, daughter. UNIM.RSITY BURKE, Mr. and Mrs. Michael, 8333 West 3410 South, Magna, son. MAGNA Joseph L. Kunz, 2777 South 9100 West, and four generations of his family spent his 82nd birthday (Oct. 29) touring the new Jordan River Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, i Kunz, his wife Neva M., daughters Cleo Kunz and Beverly Gailey, granddaughter Connie Gailey and Charles Luna attended the open house together. A party, with cake and ice cream, followed. Among the family members attending the party was Shirley Torgerson, a daughter, from Salina. great-grands- The West Mountain Times announces a newspaper feature unique to the Salt Lake valley. As a community service. The West Mountain Times will print your baby s birthday picture, free! ' Bring in a wallet size photograph (preferably black and white) to our offices at 4140 West 5415 South, Kearns, Utah 84118, and we will print it in our monthly "baby insert. We want the residents of West Valley City, Kearns and Magna to become actively involved in their community newspaper. The West Mountain Times. We are your community newspaper. 4 Call and bring in your babys first birthday picture today. one-year-o- Judds Lounge ICS ld 966-444- on Tat m W. WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 4140 West 5415 South Kearns, Utah 84118 Call MCE Friendly 3300 So. Puce vrv!n::n;:n:Kn::n:H;:::::::H:in:Hm!ii::::H::::K:::m!i:niiiiii!!iiiii::::uM jj Water Heater $116. 40 gal gas 5yr. S Toilet 49 iE a grade White only LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Vanities , Bath tubs Sinks Faucets PIPE FOR ALL NEEDS BlacteGalv. e ABS PVC. Copper 4703 Was! 5414 So. Kaarna Waakdays 9 am lo 6:30 pm Sat. 9 am lo 5 pm 967-200- 1760 W. 1900 So. Waal Valla; 966-444-4 Attention Housewives! Remodeling mm Bur GOT A NEWS TIP? We welcome suggestions and news tips. Call Debra Curry at or send a letter to the editor: Oru After Now Cold Cold ii If program. Brockbank Rodriguez, left, and books as Dr. Barbara principal looks on. largest shellfish. Tickets for the film can be purchased at the UTC College Center for S2.50 or at the door if seats are available. Engagement book for each student at Brockbank Junior High today, said Mrs. Snow, Distribution Chairman for the Reading is Fundamental High students Toni Mark Peterson, right, select Beal, Brockbank Junior High Junior il For All Your Plumbing Needs Come ana7 Sea Us November Special TACO TIME 966-444-4 Monday Night Special you would like to earn extra money in the comfort of your home Join Our Distribution Drive All Food PRICE -8 P.M. Vi 5- Hey! Have Something to Buy or Sell? Soft Flour Tacos 2 for $1.49 Call The West Mountain Times 8432 West 2700 South Magna, Utah 966-444- 4 Your Own Business with STROUT REALTY Ten Reasons to Consider The Greatest Team WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES W1 M;n saving Q V'Wy Cuy YES! Start my subscription by mail immediately for our new, community newspaper, the West Mountain Times. I'm enclosing 58.00 for a full years subscription its a bargain I cant refuse! MAIL TO: WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES. IN Name Address City, State, Zip 4140 West 541$ South, Kearns, UT 84118 Why not use our Classifieds call West Mountain Times 966-444- 4 Reasonable Rates Malionrde Advening Buyer from Evrywre Manonwioe Referral Service Bg Cty Prospect information Office Ah Materta Furmsned Sgns Form Supples AH Advert 11 ng ootti Loc ano Bfi Crties Ai Promotional Mring Folder fcegmn Lri of NEW Prosoects eact Wee Profession Training for Rapid Development Wond Largest ere 0desi m Country Property mce i900 Tftnvmg Ana Me Franchise Fee etner Oiir Reputation and Creed Fairness Honesty1 integrity' or get a license wre h etp mst RroHK end Catalog maned on request Mo o&tgaiio n STROUT REALTY Inc R O Boa 27147 Denver COdO47 toe Earth ; |