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Show r Page Four M. J. Bean New at the Kane County Hospital is a General Electric Portable machine, long needed according to Dr. G. R. Aiken. It Is being Installed by General Electrics Mr. Dawson from Salt Lake City. Dr. Aiken points out that this new portable will plug into a socket in a hospital room, or it can be used In the operating room at need. Mardean and Jack Church-an- d family enjoyed a four day vacation visit In Henderson, Nevada, with her sister, Georgia and husy water installed and some benches and possibly tables added to make it a pleasant picnic grove. This will add to the business in town and also fill a need. , Dr. and Nita Aiken and Iva and Floyd Maddox have returned from the vacation fishing trip to Libertad, Mexico. Everyone sports a fine new sun-taFishing was good, they brought back 300 pounds of fish! Among which was a 90 pound sea bass, sea trout, cabala, pompano and red snappers. Also a large and beautiful collection of sea shells. Nita reports that they established very neighborly relations with a handful of Mexicans who were there to ice fish for the Inland markets and who very obligingly helped them keep their catch In fine shape to bring home. Diane and Doyle Franklin enjoyed a brief week end visit to Chandler, Arizona. They took their boys to visit their grandparents, John and Tempe Franklin. Also going with them was Diane's brother George Kirby. Dick Tagg, of the Atomic Energy Commission, who makes his headquarters in Kanab, flew his Cessna 120 to Price last week end. He enjoyed a visit with friends there and spent some time with old budles who are currently engaged in exploration for oil in Carbon county using seismograph technique. A highly successful and well attended meeting of the Kalbab Ti:nbermans Fraternal Organization was held Saturday night at Valley Cafe In Orderville. President Morris Shields was in charge of the meeting, assisted by Gam Willis, and Courtney Syme, Secretary and Treasurer. The meeting was principally concerning points In band, Rob Lunt Bob Is coach at Basic High In Henderson and has a crack basketball team, having won seventeen out of twenty-ongames thus far. Of special Interest Is the fact that Ronnie Machl, formerly of (and now about 8 ft. tall, according to Mardean) Is one of the star players. Cloyd and LaRue Chamberlain and their three, children have moved to Reseda, California, to make their home. Cloyd plans to join forces with brothers Thomas and Lamond in the contracting business there. According to Whit Parry, the n. e Ka-na- b Classified Ads For Rent: 2 bedroom apt. in Kanab. See Charlotte Heaton. M-l-p- d For Lease: Station and Cafe and home in Glendale to reliable couple. See Rex Bauer, Glendale, Utah. Ph. M-- c l For Sale: Wurlitzer salem maple spinet piano, used less than 1 year. $59.00 down and balance . $25.00 per month. Write G. W. Davis Piano Co., 112 No. 5th, M-Las Vegas, Nev. 8, 15 c For 8ale: At the Bradshaw Used Car , lot in Kanab: 1956 Chevrolet Station Wagon, 1955 Chevrolet Pickup, New. '54 Plymouth Sedan, $1145.00. 1951 Chevrolet Vs ton truck, $675.00. 1950 Chevrolet, $475.00. For Rent: 2 bedroom Kanab. Furnished, Call Ml c apt. Fredonia Current In Ve Expccl In Kanab ? Meets Defeat In Tournament from page one) routine chosen for delivering materials to the dam site. Kanab, as the closest town suitable for a Jumping off point, will inevitably see many developments. The highways into Kanab at present are not adequate in all respects if materials are trucked in. this, however, may be augmented by air freight, utilizing our airport and developing the small strip at the dam site. Some opinions are that a railroad would be extended either from Marysvale terminal or from Cedar City, the Marysvale angle having a little the advantage topographically. The costs of the railroad from Flagstaff on the other side of the river and across the canyons would probably be so costly as to be prohibitive. If the railroad spur from Marysvale came down it would probably follow Johnson Canyon and out Parla. The City of Kanab may find itself hard pressed to handle the sizeable Influx it can expect. The major nroblems being water and power. However, we can expect Federal aid on these problems if we get overwhelmed. The first comers will be those in connection with the highway to the dam site, this money (enough to start) has already been set aside and will immediately be put into use. The Federal Government also allocated $5,000,000 In their 1955 budget to finance the initial steps on the development for the dam construction. This money is available Immediately on need. Among the first to make their headquarters here will be engineers, contractors and the white collar workers who will make up their office forces. The first local people to benefit will be those with rentals, cages and motels. There will be immediate property speculation and local property owners should be cautious about promotors and about letting values Inflate. Real estate in the area is already higher than is reasonable- for the value Involved in most cases and everyone would be the long range los game Thursday afternoon and played a cold game so were defeated 46 to 44. With three minutes to go Fredonia had a five point lead but got a couple of bad breaks and went down to defeat Monte Butler and Kenny Powell each had 14 points in this game, though neither one hit very well. Two Kingman men also had 14 points for high. Their second game was with Ash Fork on Friday afternoon in the consolation bracket Fredonia won this- game handily 55 to 43 with all 12 players seeing action! Kenny Powell made 17 points, Fredonla's high score, but Don Greer had 25 for Ash Fork. On Saturday morning Fredonia met McNary at 8:00 a.m. Sparked by Freshman, Luther Stingley with 27 points, McNary was able to beat us 47 to 36. There were only 2 points margin with 4 minutes to go, but because of effective, stalling by McNary, Kenny Powell fouling out, and Monte Butler not able to connect on his shots, the margin was increased to 11 points. Kens ny Powell had 15 points for Fre-donia- high scorer. McNary went on to win the consolation easily over Sanders. To show how close Fredonia was to the champs, Holbrook; McNary was beaten one point by Cottonwood in first round play, then St. St Johns beat Cottonwood by two points and then St. Johns was beaten only four points by Holbrook in the finals. Monte Butler was chosen for Honorable mention in the a new contract to be drawn up between the employees and Kat bab Lumber Company. I laws (Continued 47-R- F-1- 6 9, F-2- 3, Life tiling tlcpa at Aspen, Colorado. . . fWJ life at tit bat! anthem-comparab- le After aa axcitio Jay on tlia slti slopes, j top off poor fan ty ordering... 3 ouu take about six weeks to harvei this sale. Mrs. Jay Powell of Ceda Ridge was a business visitor her on Tuesday. Frank Rossman of Marbl Canyon was a business vis i to in Flagstaff two days last weel Mrs. W. H. Howry and sor Robby of Lancaster, Califomif visited in Fredonia last weel She visited her sisters, Mrs. E don Johnson and Mrs. Gene an brother Burton Judd and othe relatives and friends. Mrs. James Lee of Lancaste: California was here last wee for her brother Lafe Judds fui erad. She visited many friend and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill White an Mr. and Mrs. Charley White c Idaho Falls, Idaho recently vl ited a few days with the men sister, Mrs. Sterling Heaton. He brother Joe White and his wif of Hurricane also visited here. and we price ourselves out of the market DAN FROST backed up to the heater in his store and with great optimism and enthusiasm surveyed the big jobs ahead of us. He feels that we are about to have the biggest summer business we have ever experienced. Possibly the population of Kanab will eventually be doubled or tripled, but it will be a long range thing and should be considered carefully and planned wisely. Kanab should realize that this development presents a challenge, and we will have to work hard to improve what we have, to expand and to build. It is possible that some sort of zoning restrictions should be planned and put into immediate force so that hurried and possible claptrap construction will not be possible. We must demand some kind of control so that, in growing bigger, the growth will be without the shabbiness that often follows rapid development Dreams, long unattainable, will now be possible of becoming - actualities. Things that were outside of our reach because of so many limitations, can now be done. President Heber J. Grant said it in'so many words: "It is not that the job becomes easier, but our ability to do so develops. We are about to become Involved in the biggest thing ever to happen in this area. We must row big enough to handle it. The effects will not all be good, and these we must anticipate and control. We must remember , that this is a permanent change and development, this area will never again be as it is now and our thinking must be wisely long range and judicial. Foolish speculation, bad planning (or no planning at all), too high expectations and haste could hurt us alL We must, first of all, develope our abilities to do the job. will The High School present a program on Public Safety, March 5th In the Kanab High School gymnasium at 7:30 P-T- -- p.m. The program this month is under the direction of our local Highway Patrolman N. Merrill Johnson. Lt. Paul Christensen and Sgt. Squires also of the Utah State Highway Patrol will speak and show a movie on Highway " Safety. This program should be of interest to all persons In each community. Come on everyone lets bave a big crowd out to Monday, March 5th--- --- - Uranium Prospetcors Mrs. Winnie R. Swapp, Mrs. Emily R. MacDonald and Mrs. Adeline R. Egbert left Wednesday morning to attend a birthday dinner in Las Vegas, Nevada that afternoon in honor of Mrs. George S. Cram. Mrs. Cram (Elie Riggs Cram) formerly of Kanab, is celebrating her 80th birthday, February 29th having been born on Leap Year. Elie has reached 80 years of age with only 20 Feb. 2yth birthdays. The Kanab ladies will stay in Las Vegas Wednesday through Friday, visiting relatives. Mrs. MacDonalds daughter, Ella Kae, is teachipg school there. News From Kanab " (Continued from page one) The search was concentrated n that area after a Mr. Spencer of Richfield, sheepman, reported he had seen airplane tracks there. The sheepman said he found the tracks, Feb. 9, but it was some time before he retura-ttown. When he heard the story of the mission prospectors, he rted seeing the tracks to the sheriff. Return for Bodies The search party was unable Jo get the bodies out and returned to the scene by jeep Thursday. Besides Sheriff Johnson, those going after the bodies were, Mr. Bemnent State Director of Aeronautics and some CAA officials. The bodies will be sent by railroad to their homes. Several times. Sheriff Johnson sa id, searchers had flown over the site where the plane crashed but had failed to spot tne wreakage because the plane was badly burned and had fallen into a pocket which was hidden from the air. Included in the search party were Sheriff Johnson, Merrill Johnson of the Utah Highway Slim Patrol, deputy sheriff Lathim of Fredonia, Ariz. and A fool and his life are easily Burton Judd and Whimp parted Drive Carefully. o Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chamberlain that their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Cutler have been transferred from Tuscon, Arizona to Greenville, Mississippi. They are now at home at 1715 Hospital Street in Greenville. re-n-o long-range- VALLEY THEATRE ORDERVILLE, March UTAH 3-- Here Come The Girls March 10-1-1 Hell Below Zero Starring ALAN LADD TETZEL JOAN BASIL SIDNEY D. Hellogg, counseloi vocational Rehabilitation Divii ion Arizona Board of Vocation: Education of Flagstaff was business visitor In Fredonia tw days this week. Word has been received her that Dean Heaton, son of Mi and Mrs. Leonard Heaton of Pip Springs has resigned as an MV1 inspector at Sanders Checkin station and is now employed 1 Mesa, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heato: of Moccasin and daughter, Mn Charlotte Young of Kanab wer visitors in Phoenix this wee) end. They attended the funera services of Mrs. Heatons brotl er while there. They also visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Heaton a b i : Nw Heavyweight Champe OUti Jfr high-tonna- n S KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY smoother Kentucky bourbon KENTUCKY. ge and relatives here over the weel V. LOUISVILLE, Champs of every voight doss ! end. , x, HILL CO., DIVISION OF NATIONAL IJeiv '53 Chevrolet TanifForca Truclis w New Lightweight Brant Brooksby, son of Mi and Mrs. Eldon Brooksby spen last weekend visiting here. H is attending Brigham Young Ur iverslty. Jense McCormick has return ed from Phoenix where he spen about three weeks obtalnln medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCormic and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brook sby attended the Square Dane Jamboree in St George receni jf ASMMMHhvMNHei New models to do bigger jobs rated up to 32,000 lbs. G.V.W.l New power right across the board with a brand-nebig I New autoV8 for hauling matic and transmissions! Tempe. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Judd no living in Flagstaff visited friend t mt Mg HIU $ er if the thing gets out of hand Travel To Las Ycgas A Events Forrest at IU Best! When youSi A Public Safety Program, March 5th P-T- 150-J1- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cravens and are on a month vacadaughters Wanted: Small baby walker. tion. are visiting relatives They . M-- l Call pd in the Midwest They planned to spend about two weeks with For Sale: Large lot in Kanab. relatives at Cedar Rapids, c Jays See Myrza Hamblin. owa and then go on to Minnesota and visit Gwens folks the A eervlce For You remainder of the time. They Typewriters and adding mach- should be back here about March ines cleaned and adjusted. Re- 14th. Clyde Markart of Short Creek pairs on electric mixers. Electric shavers, reground and cleaned. spent several days this week Gun Smithing. Museum Shop, studying the grading of lumber at Kaibab Lumber Mill so he Kanab. Phone 186-J-. can properly grade lumber at the F-16, 23 M-- l pd Short Creek Mill. Male and Female Help Wanted Logging of a small timber sale in the Orderville Canyon area Man or woman wanted to hand- was started this week by the le McNess Products full or spare Kalbab Lumber Co. This sale time. Opportunity to make $40 was passed up earlier because a day. No experience necessary. of roads not being adequate In Write McNESS COMPANY, P. the area but roads were built O. Box 14, Bayshore Station, M-Oakland 23, Calif. l p there last summer. It should V .Thursday, March 1, 1956 Kane County Standard Vfca 1 Gen vice-preside- r. And Fredonia BallTeam big shady lot across the street south of Parry Lodge Is going to be put to fine use this summer. Since the old Ami Judd house was removed from the premises the lot has been vacant It was purchased from Ami by Pickett Lumber of St. GeorThe Fredonia High School basge, they sold It to Whit The use of the lot has been turned over ketball team participated In the to the City of Kanab to be used class B North Tournament in as a picnic and lunch spot for Flagstaff last week. They met Kingman in the first tourists. It will be cleaned up What's Doing? By Southern . Utah News fines 1820 DISTILLERS S6 PROOF. PRODUCTS CORP, ly. Those attending the Class North Tournament at Flagstaf last week were: members of th GAA Club chaperoned by Mn Lavell Wittwer and Mrs. Alle Judd; Gayneld Mackelprang; Mi and Mrs. Arland Brooksby an children; Mr. and Mrs. Milto: Whiting; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fir nlcum; Lavar Johnston; Mr. an Mrs. Dale Butler; Jay Powell Max Powell;' Jerry Powell; Kiel Judd; Oscar Ellis and Qiffor Sage. Champs ritrrni-- ' aft Meet todays most modem truck fleet! It offers new champs of every weight class, including four new heavy-dut- y series. It brings you new power for every job, with a modem short-stroV8 for every model. Then theres a wider range of Hydra-Mati- c models and Powermatic, a new d automatic, plus new manual transmissions.! Come in and see these new Chevrolet trucks! ke six-spe- ed five-spee- V9 standard tn L.CS. and Scries 8000 and 10000 models, an in all other models, 1 Extra-co- st options available In a wide range o models (five-spee- d standard In Series 9000 and 10000). 1 Nw Middleweight Anything less is an old-fashion- extra-co- st option transmission truckl Champe BRADSHAW CHEVROLET Cedar City, Utsh COMPANY |