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Show Utahs Fastest Crowing Newspaper" outhom Mkrof.lmms Corp 141 PlerPont Av e tah ' dAILY TEMPERATURES Mew .07 And Continuing The Kane County Standard VOLUME XXIV NO. KANAB, UTAH, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1958 19 $3.00 Yearly; 10c Single Copy o) uo What Can We 1 Expect In Kanab? "V 4 ,, By M. Upper Colorado River Project Dill Passed By House Thursday, 256 to 136 A, J. Bean One of the largest reclamation projects in the history of the United States was passed late Thursday afternoon by the House of Representatises by a 256 to 136 vote, leaving a comfortable margain of 120 votes The complete project will include dams and reserviors for the storage of water throughout several wesMusic Festival ternCoststates. Region of the Upper Colorado t River Development Project is Scheduled For estimated to be around $756,000,-000- , a to go to the Kanab Wednesday, 7 buildinggoodof share the Glen Canyon Dam east of Kanab. The Regional Music Festival to Rep. William According for small ensembles and solos Dawson it is a , both instrumental and vocal will develbe held at the Kanab High School opment of an entire river basin this year Wednesday, March 7, a river basin that drains one according to Music instructor, twelth of the land area of the The above pictures give some idea of the rugged terrain where the now approved Glen Canyon Dam will be constructed. Garth Tietjen. United States and from the standThe picture at left is taken looking upstream and down into inner Glen Canyon from upstream. Note fantistic and scenic rock The sections will begin at 9 point of mineral and metal a.m. and the public is invited to wealth, the richest area in the shapes near top of canyon. Picture at right shows Sentlnal Rock landmark of Colorado River Travelers of many years is marker come and enjoy these fine pro- nation. uality perhaps, than are the . The water lino will be near top of .for confluence of and the mighty Colorado and is a scant mile above the thousands of others who will be grams. Judges for the event will According to some the Glen inner canyon (dark shadow). Mysterous and unusual erodes rock forms on top are typical of area. affected by the stupendous devPhotos, W. R. Heaton be Dean Gernt De Jong, Rich Canyon Dam will be one of the ard Ballon, and Mr. Curtis ail of nations largest, being smaller elopment that will soon be under BYU. way. We have all read the stir- er only to Boulder Dam in Nevada. Kanow so The needed. as to Nevada. of The market difficult will get it. direction ment, reach, City Schools participating here will It is ring words that have colored nabCity, will be pushed to contain its will expected to be 700 feet high. lumber and for finished its with probMountain, believes WHITING Navajo that jay Include St. .George, Cedar City, descriptions of the undertaking After of victory was made known the the lead to natural expansion many bridges, rearing Parowan, Delta, principal confronted with the expansion ably from its inception. River of Des- growing population, Millard, Valley, Senator Wallace F. Bennett said Real estate water above mill in feet 7,015 river. the The ways. problems being we many supply are to about Glen Canyon Dam one experience, poBeaver and Kanab. that the passage of this bill tiny!where Hurricane, of the worlds major dams, and power. The city has just wer js the first problem. Kaibab value will Increase. Local peo- historic The Kanab high school PTA would mean more urgent indusThe last great waterhole of the purchased 16,000 ft. of 6 inch Lumber is in the process of solv- - P,e should .be on guard so that Mormon pioneers made their are in charge of preparing to try for this area than can now the water of in from have so heroic a pipe advantages bring crossing passage ing their own power problem, they wl lunch for the participants from be comprehended. Governor Lee West, A reservoir 186 miles plastic on to their to Cave Lakes reinforce the be never the It was Realized supprofit horribly dangerous area Included. the unlimjor the various schools. They also of Utah who was in Washington long. Unlimited future and is taking up other 6 inch There hep is a possibility that furth property. An e2r of prosperity used again. The Glen Canyon are trying to find homes for ited opportunity development, ply during the hetlc days of the 8 10 is be in store for area is so fantlstically beautiful business replaced by and er power may be realized from and some students to, stay in, who House unheard of riches, Richest un- pipe to - that it is al- fight said, it is just the ComNation-scistern. is for the There Lumber the Kaibab pipe regarded by the same source. The passage of everyone. touched area in the country will have to stay overnight of a probeginning resof the possibility another the Upper Colorado Bill will Pny anitclpatesthat established al Parks service as an area of It all sounded so big. An4 conDifferent phases of the festi- ram that will build up the west ex- A be is increase will national ervolr. fhms power Importance", raising presently have a great deal of positive efval will be presented In the Kafusing. Not quite real not really Although the bill is now law from the plant of Kaibab The present road (?) to the nab on the pending decision of wages to hold 'their employees possible. But it is. Big, possible pected High School. Those 'wishing It will go to a Senate House Consoon so to in Lumber is dam addition a even site the for Company precarious, competition the Sustained Yield program. It gainst to attend may secqre a program ference for Various work on It and about to be realized. So now wm influence the decision to to ndve. jeeps and should not be lightly at the high school .to help in j what? What happens now, this what we now have. there, with possibly some does RICHARD TAGG, geologist, undertaken by sightseers in pass need for con-where various parts of taje care 0j summer, to us in Kanab? (I notThe Federal Government finding . Comto town cars. small is also the Atomic with It cope gtructlon lumber over a period enger Energy very sandy the festival will be presented. wont need to take up chewing with expect a, inin many places. There is a land- a. situation, such as this 0j years at the dam site as well mission came through with tobacco. I had planned to do so .In Bremerton. as jn immediate area. There- - form.fSm abou the area The ing atrip at . VVahweep. a few If California played any more will be, unaided. Terrance Jackson son of Mr. a. great of home and Glen Canyon Dam will be one miles above the dam site, which snide tricks to stop passage of Washington, a similar case, they Mrs. Joseph Jackson has Fircsfia and Special the bill so I could spit more ef- made the needed ofimprovements business construction, possibly of the Big dams of the world. Is suitable for light planes only been promoted to assistant Sales in facilities the project financed by big contractors who It will be 700 feet high, topped and which will probably be part fectively on California cars.) But, The Special Interest group of Manager of the Cleveland, Ohio a in and is which sewer, and before Hoover hospitals, Dam, put wm larged come Into the area. As a only by improved g district for Gerber really, how will it affect you and other necessities, and these re-the North Ward MIA are Baby Foods. . 726 feet high. It will back up long. The improvement of the tf.iK-- h me. Things will start here. We nRPn,)Pn ijimher new branch He will a an illustrated this lecture supervise malned the property of the city. a reservoir 188 miles long and major road, combined with necknow they will build a town at So Ohio which in office the Kanab at customers close a boom Cincinnati, Jn in beSunday Chapel Pcts we feel need not a area prob-forwill helpless recreation essary auxiliary road wjjj become the dam site, 75 tortuous miles also Ohio cover will 7:30 the have Dayton, p.m. They arranged the size of the development to the mill. They expect to similar to Lake Mead, for fish- ably bring more prospectors east and south. But building a If we need help, we channel their production in this ing, boating and scenic excurs- - to the area, much of which has to have Dr. Walqulst of Cedar area. town will take time and they Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Heaton slides and a lecture ions. It will have the added ad- - been inaccessible except on foot City present ; will have to start somewhere. his recent trip to the Holy and family who are now living about inshould on Local be hitherto of fabulous, people guard Land and Iran. vantage How will It be? What will hapEveryone is in- in Provo where LeRoy is attendaccessible areas to lure tourists against real estate inflation. The to this interesting ing the BYU, were home last pen? I didnt know the answers. attend vited and travellers, providing a spec- - existing towns could be complete-tacula- r No one does. But I took the week end on business. program. waterway stretching 257 ly by passed if prices become questions to a small group of Colorado San and the miles up prohibitive. people and asked them. And got "IS WHIT PARRY delivered a few Juan rivers. Heading upstream answers, personal opinions, from - views folin the Dam while Glen from Canyon stirring paint the point of view of their buslowing could be viewed: The front of the Lodge. He feels iness or positions. And In so doCrossing of the Fahters, where that the impact on Kanab will ing I learned a lot. These were - turn to Kanab until two bodies of MidFather Escalante made his haz-- be largely dependent - on the Charred Wednesday not formal interviews, mostly - to missardous crossing in 1776. The its western uranium hunters, discovery. report caught on the fly, at work and (Continued on page four) five in southern weeks Utah, on (Continued' Rainbow Bridge National Monu- ing interviewed page four) giving 'the person found in were Last little time to think up answers. Tuesday MAYOR AIKEN got trapped Chance Canyon, 130 miles east V AROUND KANAB WITH THE ROVING REPORTER in Dr. G. R. Aikens office and of here and 12 miles north of Colorado River. the a for little kept patents waiting A search party discovered the The Bashful Reporter from while so we could get his view Certainly envy people like the ing in the music festival for en- MilGene of bodies Haeusler, a not is Aikens and the Maddozs who sembles and soloes both instru- - Salt Lake reports a lot of This community point able to take off for far dis- - mental and vocal the meet will nabers and affair (the Mayor speaking). waukee, and Kenneth H. Elliot, visiting small inside their Minneapolis, anticibeen climes and Just fish and be held in the High School you in that city Mr. and Mrs. tant have Many people around while we other poor are invited to attend any or all los Judd, Mrs. Mary Bunting, pating this outcome and we can plane which had crashed against wall. the come canyon to outsiders have to scratch out a of the mortals program hope De Ralph, Bruce, Steve, and expect many The flying prospectors had existence saw Doc Aiken the local drug stores have a good aid Bunting, Mrs. Iva Don Shum-thIn, almost immediately. Land other day and hes sun tan- - stock of comic books and squirt way Remund, and husband speculation Is bound to follow, been missing since the latter part ned and full of vinegar and fish guns so these musical genius Grant, Mrs. Ann Hewett and and local owners should guard of Januray. Elsie she says these Salt Lak- stories about his vacation in can amuse themselves against undue inflation, not price Badly Burned ers are interested in the news Ya station of Mexlco south Out Our of Doc know If the market themselves has what. checking LaNard Johnson, Sheriff of property prices skyrocket out of Kane County, and leader of a striking resemblance to Em- - town was finally opened by the from Kanab; Mrs. Belva Robin-- j sight the buying will be done several searches, said the bodies est Hemingway (Ed. note: Dear powers that be Jim Reynolds, son Chard, Mr. and Mrs. Athe Meeks, Mrs. Glayds Shumway away from Kanab. We could were burned beyond recognition, Doc, the above is Rovies own 25, is the patrolman in charge man is a of Jim out the ourselves Anderson, and Mrs. Roy Rust personable young price right but they were indentified as personal opinion). married to Effie Miller Rey- - Madsen she mentions that O. Hope youll all come out to picture. The first evidence of those of the missing men by progress will be immediate road personal belongings and a num- the last basketball game tonight nolds and they have one daught- - C. Bowman who has been in the the boys cant possibly play as er the couple are . originally LDS Hospital is much improved work done by the state, a fund ber on the planes wing, which also reports that Mrs. Jessie has already been set aside for checked with that of the craft poorly as they did in the last from Escalante but Jim has been game and we need to support working with the checking de- - McAllister Reeves is in much improving the road to the dam they were flying. site. This road will eventually Evidence showed, the sheriff them winning or losing Oh yes, partment at Wendover before improved health I dont know become a super highway which said, the two men had set up a as an added attraction, the fac coming to Kanab they like Ka- - all of these people but hope that in turn will bring about a great claim near where they crashed utly will play In a preliminary nab very much and would like this column will reach someone who is interested in them increase in travel, in tourists, and had camped there two or game (Ed. note: An attraction? to make their home here You mean a spectacle, dont The LeRoy Judd and Supt The Kanab North Ward got business people and others. This three nights before the disaster. off to a flying start in the drive Davis families are moving into you?) highway will also bring in other Had Damaged Prop Noticed that Garth Tietjens for funds for the new Stake their beautiful new homes this big business, with the prosperThe searching party found a new home is coming right Roma Ann Carpenter as attendPortland induced along House up to Thursday night week end by payrolls. ity on Its right by the morgue so $4,273.00 had been turned in with Wise crack department (stol-h- e ants. James Willis will assume Cemeht Company has long had hole which the plane had hit Some can name it The Chateau less than half of the people con- - en from various sources) the duties of best man. leases in that area, as far as Its taxie for the atakeoff, apparprop. It then Tietjen by the Rue Morgue tacted the South Ward began women would look more spick if is a former The House Rock, on limestone form- ently damaging miles and final- still, taxied some two have so too late much of of much didnt to deader their be to student the and span report drive; they University ations, they plan perhaps made a there than Kanab has been for their results couldnt get hold A hug is energy gone to Utah where she was majoring build a mill. The coal deposits in ly become airborne, and ' of Elmer Jackson, Stake Chair- - waist" Women diet to retain in education. She was Miss Kane the area are good and will be downwindsix turn to clearfailed by the past week or so feet or the five top man to see what has been col- - their girlish figures or their in Noticed Jane to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pugh of County of 1954 and was chosen this end. picture Pughs developed Two sounds that Kanab announce the approach- - first attendant to Miss Utah that Tribune and the announce- - lected outside of Kanab but still ish husbands There will be an influx of pop- of the canyon rim.said the Johnson Sheriff plane to turn a mans Ing marriage of their daughter, year. Carare lots to ment she and that theres go guaranteed yet Rodney ulation, gradual at first, and as was apparently too heavily lad- penter intend to Jump into the Mr. Carpenter is a former Lost helicopters and burned head the., rattle of money and Miss Helen Jane Pugh, to Rod- the Federal Government conto clear the canFig- - ney Carpenter, son of Mrs. Irene student of CSU. He is a director slough of matrimony March 16 up uranium prospectors have the rustle of a petticoat structs a town for housing the en with supplies is a rough, if they find the secret of two surely put Kanab in the news ures dont lie, but girdles of the Junior Chamber of Com- workers near the dam site, yon. It Carpenter of Kanab. he added, and a dangerous area, s fresh the truth It exJohnson merce and secretary of the the wishes dense Sheriff will of a their The young couple as cheaply as one, I hope lately great many probably to be operating an airplane. Lions Club in Kanab. March in the .must lost families will live in Kanab and place that if wedding pan slapped promises gets that egg change people get pass it along theyll found s A home. Tuesday Wreakage 16 Following the reception the at Those the Fredonia. people having The difference between fjgxt Wednesday the town will they do it closer to home--will follow. couple will leave for a young rentals and housing ready will i The bodies were found Tuesreception filled with high schoolers seems to me that we in Kane nesia and magnesia is that the - honeymoon sisin southern Calif- asked her 5:30 the search has to Miss about the realize first p.m. by be among pro- day Pugh know to amnesia a doesnt with are sweaters fortunate have various of Mexico after which and to guy omla County ter, Mrs. Paul Armstrong, fits. The development of the party, less than two hours after sporting See ya nextserve as matron of honor, with they will make their home in town at the dam site will prob- it began to search that area. hues and representing schools of sheriff so active and one that where hes going Mis Kathryn Pugh and Mis Kanab. week ably be patterned after Bould The party, however, did not re- Region Six all will be contest- can fly a plane. Its been an exciting week, with the dramatic finale on Wednesday of President Eisenhowers press conference and the stirring radio address acceptance. I hope your ear was as glued to the radio as mine was, and that you were as pleased with his decision to seek a second term as President. It was a breathtaking experience to listen to this great man and realize that you were one with literally millions of listeners, not only In this country, but all over the world. Our other big moment came later when we knew that the Upper Colorado Bill had been passed in the House and the realization of a dream was about to start for us. We, here in Kanab, are just a little closer to the act- multi-purp- long-range- ose, Wah-wee- Dam-site- - 2d o long-rang- ii en-an- d spon-sorin- e I.U . Ka-ar- e 7 Car-laz- Ron-mer- day-lon- g . - Helen Jane Pugh Tells Troth With Rodney Carpenter boy-th- sage-brus- h e con-livin- g 11 - ant--b- e bride-elect- bride-to-b- e e |