Show GETS A GOLDEN CROWN M ss mabel boardman honored by italy for A d ng victims of the earthquake boston the marquis de montag clarl italian charge d affairs at wash ington has remitted to miss mabel boardman of manchester mass and washington a golden crown the gift of the italian government in tion 0 her services u a member ol 01 ft M ss Oo ardman the american red cross society to the victims of the recent italian earth quake the crown a reproduction of the ancient roman civic crown is corn posed of oak leaves and acorns made of solid gold it is in a tapi cal roman box of leather which is adorned by the royal coat of arms in gold on the crown is engraved to miss mabel boardman of the red cross from the italian govern ment as a token of gratitude 1908 1909 miss boardman as the executive head of the red cross society recent ly announced her intention to devote her life entirely to its interests she is the sister in law af senator crane and was a member of the famous tatt philippine party while visiting japan she saw the evidence of the work of the red cross in the russo japanese war and was with the boundless possie gitles of the movement she is an intimate friend ot both president and mrs taft |