Show LATEST anos SHOCK egyptian princess goes unveiled and clad in latest costumes no longer envelops herself as if bof burial and khedive throws all written protests jn waste basket cairo egypt A few days ago lve egypt was startled when of the ahti princess hatza a cousin dive a charming young lady ot 20 summers appeared on the streets dressed in the latest parisian fashion wearing a hat from which the french milliner had discarded the veil this audacity stirred the upper mohammed dan section of the community and telegrams were sent in large numbers to the khedive by the religious teach ers in the azhar university and from to save the other sources urging him dignity of their religion by forbidding his relative to espouse european fash the tenets of thel ion thus defying faith and setting aside ancient laws which govern mohammedan society the khedive its Is known even take the trouble to acknowledge the receipts of these messages and therefore the princess unabashed takes her dally drive like any european lady and in the latest style at that since this princess first defied tra dit lonal rules governing the life ol 01 moslem women it has become a corn mon sight to see the rising feminine generation of mohammedan elite society women going about like their christian sisters without and without veils As I 1 informed you little while back mohammedan organized themselves to demand that they be no longer subjected to the habit of being compelled to en delope themselves and appear while going about as though they were in the shrouds of the dead other de mands are that they have the say a to whom they should marry and not to be forced into wedlock with men whom they have never known and possibly have never seen in their lives mass meetings were held in the city and elsewhere at which resola eions were passed and sent to the khedive and to the national council which has been sitting reviewing th laws of the country and making rec to the counsel of state as to what new laws should be en acted and old ones abrogated f that these women were serious Is shown by their fiery speeches in which they pledged themselves to influence women of marriageable age to refuse to wed any man whom they did not know personally or who would not pledge himself to help them acquin more self independence the move ment has already borne some fruit of course it will be some time before it becomes popular with everybody and not for many years to come will egyptian women be entirely emandi and have the same privileges hat european and american women enjoy |