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Show A v ) r forts and conveniences to which people of taste aro accustomed, and with fea- tures of attention" not heretofore given if to guests.. It is very evident that this industriously handled enterprise is a 1A Til E A V ER credit to Salt Lake City and is truly ap- - ming. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, , 1 f ' COPYRIGHTS AND DESIGNS. V predated .Jjy .the tr ivelingpnblic. Since its inception a little over a year COUNTY IS Send your business direct to Washington, saves time, costs less, better service. , My office close to V. 8. patent Office. TRE prelimindue unillpatent ary examination mad. Attya fee not la secured. PEK80NAL ATTENTION OIYEN-- 19 TEARS ACTUAL EXPERIENCE.- - Book How to obtain Patents, etc., tent procured ttouufhl. Q. Slggers catered to a DOING. very-largclientele, and in order .tomeet the requirements of a rapidly 4n has creasing patronage, built an addition of seventy suites wiili One very promising indication among hath?. Situated in the Very heart of Lake's business centre, The Ken-do- n the new mines of Granite Is t h rs fact Sait Isdestined to take its place as tho that considerable jumping of claims is leading hotel of western Amerlcal going bn. ago The Kenyon lias o - -- free.--Paten- ts receive illustrated monthly Eleventh, year terms, $1. a year. 9180,fcst. .n. w? ts Ue QIDPrhQ ulbbLliu, WASHINGTON, D. c! E P 4 (The Direct Line to Suit Lake and all Utah Points.) Sunnysidivahd are extracting somevery line lookingqnarlz with which the -iron is impregnated. ' ' Dig Ltcul 'ltwt earn in effect Merch 19, 1898: Northbound Southbound stations Arrive 7:30 a. m. fLaave 6:05 Arrive 5:30 99 - 1- ' T vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv SHORT LINE ut the without charge, in the IWVEWTIVE AGE Mr.-Pott- er Sherifi Barton and his associates are on one of working a big Iron l)low-otheir claims in Granite district, soiith of speoial notice, Mr. Abram Fotherltigham is meeting T,eflve 2:00 with vbry flattering results from assays taken on samples of ore from the claims which he and his associates are opening up over in Granite district An assay certllicato received yesterday shows 120 - 1:00 Leave 9:10 p. m J A rive 9:o Leave 8:35 Leave 53j 0. m Ttaijua Pelwteu Juao and Frisco ruu uuily, except Suudaj oz, sliver, .06oz. gold ($1.25)r30 per cent lead and 5.4 per cent copper, ora gross Latest Style Tourist Sleepers on ail passenger trains, between Milford ahd Salt Lake --value of and, Ogdpn: ling Four trains daily between Salt-LaLakeL-7j0- 0 a. m , 8:00 a, m., 6:25 p, m., 8:45 p. Leave Salt prices, The Oregon Shrrt Line, in connection w t fa the Union Pacific Sys ern, is the snort and faMeatLine to nil points East. Direbt connections at Ball Lake Chy auu Ogden with through trains. t ,S. GDye, Agnt, Mlford, Utah. $124.G5-perton-at-pr- ke oval . JOE A. YOUNG, I lVhltilngham Block, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 202-- 3 V k S. w. Eccles, Ganl Traffic Mgr., SaiL WJ H. " . Lake City. Utah South Mgr., Bait Lake City. 1 Effect Monday, July, 24 1899. Takingr " Daily ExceptMondays - - 7:30 A. M. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 8 ALT LAKE CITYS JEW HOTEL. of-Jnte- rlor up-to-da- eI V - 1 TheeyooMho proverbially critical stock man and miner Utah, when he reaches Salt Lake, turns com placentlyand with satisfaction upon the alatlal and conspicuously hostelry, TIIE KENYON. Mr. Don Jor t e rlliaajn ad Llli terall yAJii odern hotel, with all the elegant personal com- - . 9 00 9.15 Ar 9 35 Lv.9 47 10 C5 10.26 : II 50 1 te, , STATIONS.' 9 fi 0 7 16 21, 30 7 51 8 15 8 33 c. Arrive Daily Except Sundays" a, j ;' T orfh o 2. . Leav i Burley, Gen, Paas. & rat,. Agt. Balt Lake City. Pacific Hai road. No . Prompt and GarefuT atfen- lion Given fo aff Gfaims, D. E. Bancroft, & G h. Vite- - Pres. P? M. MilfoitJ, Upton, . 4 15 . 1 3 57. ' Thermo, Nada, Sulphur Well, 7 , Luad. 6.0; 4 39 3.31' Lv. 3 15. 35 39 Crvena, -- 45. Bsara,' V2;40; Beryl, 2.19- 52 Ar. 3 2'. 58-- , Ecdant,' der 60 10 - ; - 15 ; ll,08Ar. 65. 11:34 11:55 68 Bear, 1:2P 75, Uvada, 1:10 JOS. A. a,. WEST, CHIEF.ENOINEEE. Lv, 1.40 |