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Show A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of . club and, secondt-t- o one delegate for each fifty members, or majority fra lion thereof, enrolled on the club rolls.;. It is recommended that those clubs residing some distance from Salt Lake Clty-shaelectas near as possible those, ladies and gentlemen as delegates who are also selected as delegates to the N. 43 Republican State convention, which meets on the same date in SMt Lake Cjty In order to insure a full attendance.. W.M. GLASSMAN. President. 1L JONES, Secretary,. ; 2 o f Iih e C u ll X makoa 2 g '.lions of the veby BEST Paint in the woiiLi for $2.50, o or fpJnrSAUfi, of your paint bill. Is far more DrRATLE than lxT:ts White Lead and Is absolutely notPci-soxouIIammar Paint Is made of the test of such as all gcod painters nsc. materials paint and is ground thick, very thick. No txouHe to mix, any b:y can do it. It is the common sente or House Paint. No better paint can be made at , any cost, and is s. not to Crack, Blister, Teel or Cnir. F. IIAMMAR PAINT CO., St. Lcuis, Mo. Sold and guaranteed by Reaver Furniture & Wall Paper Co , Reaver City, - - Utah. Ectab. V J373, NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Reaver County, UtahrAprUjITlOpor To C. L. FINLEY: You are hereby notified that we have expended two hundred dollars (200) In labor. and Improvements upon the Deer Trail and lode claims, sl tinned lu Newton Mining DlstrlctTlieaver Codnty, Utah, as vvlU appear by certificate Jllcd-Jan- u ary5riS09, In t.heoflice of the Recorder of said county, in order to hold the said premises under the provisions of section 2324 Revised Siatutesof the -- United States, being the amount required to hold the samo for the year ending December 31, 1900. And if wlthln ninoty days after this nutlco by publication, you fail or refuse to tontribute your proportion of such expenditure as a coowner, your Interest fn said claim will become the property of tlm subscribers Ad-abel- le u iidersa idect lqnx23xiTotrrnt!tdpnr- REPUBLICAN LEAGUE OF UTAH. - tmn of the" said expenditure Is ?20 on the Adabelle and 25 on theDeer Trail. Signed, John Moyesand C. H.Moyes, White Hills, Arizona. First publication Apr. 14 last June 0. 9-- Official Call for State League Convention of Republican Clubs. .APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 3053. United States Land Office, Salt Lake --"March 1st, IDO ), a Republican-Sta- le 1900. 'Jjeague Convention of Utah is hereby City, Utah, April 7th, called to convene in Salt Lake City on Notice is hereby given, that the REVENUE MINING COMPANY, by Thursday, the 10th day of May, 1900 at L. W. Ruron, its attorney in fac, 10 oclock a., m., sharp, at JLho tali Lake whose.Post Office addresses Salt Lake theatre. City, Utah, has made application for a Said Republican State Leagueconven-tio- n United States Patent for the Ruckboe, Jiine-and-Clodes, is called for the purpose of electing Rwckbee No. 2, consolidated Mining Maims, situated In len delegates and ten alternate delegat- Pine Grove Mining District, unorganes to the National Republican League ized, County of Reaver, State of Utah, conventloiir to be held in St. PattlrMiniir," consisting of 1500 lhiearfeet of each of duly 17th. 1900, and to elect a president, the Ruekbee, Ruck hen No. 2, June and Cliff lodes, and surface ground as shown a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer on the plat of the official survey, being -- and of the RepubllcanState1 M. S, ;N o7T4 1 951 a tfd d esc r bed I n - t h e jm auditor League of UtalrancP to consider such field notes and plat of tho official survey on file In this office, with magnetic variOther business as tnay regularly come ation at lO deg.loYuin.East, as fol- before, the ronvcntlon. lows, t o wl t: ::::'777:7:7x::t-;;:.-- : --The of thosevcral Republipresident Commencing atcorncr-No.-lof-t- ho can League clubs are requested tb cal UK Ruekbee no. 2 lodo and running thenco meeting of the clubs on the same eve- N. 44 deg. 4 min. e. 600 feet to corner Ruekbee no. 2 lode; thence ning that the regular Republican pri- no.432 of said y. deg. 9 min. w. 1500 fent to corner maries are held. No. 3 of the said Ruckbeo no. 2 lode, clubs are The Republican League wlileh ls cnmmn na hriTd eh leal with entl led, first, to two delegates for each corner no. 2 of the Ruekbee lode; thenco In accordance with.. the call of the National Republican League, dated Hlf 1 deg. 9 min. w. 1500 feet to comer no. 3 of tho Ruekbee lode; thence s. 44 deg. 4 min w. 000 feet to corner no. 4 of the Ruekbee lode; thence 8. 43 deg, o mill., k. 672.0 feet to cornerNo. 3 of llm o June s44 deg. 4 tiiinrAT 600 feet to corner no, 4 of the June lode; which Is common and identical with corner no. 3 of the Uitr lode; ihence s. 44 deg. 4 min. w. OUd lent ty corner noT lodei-ltheiie- 1 1 ff I od e ; A hen ce h 4 3 d eg- ,- 0 min. e. 1500 feet to corner no. Clilf lode, from which inst-mentioii- corner. United States S. 49 deg. 52 mlu. K. L. M. 1 the of ed no. 1 hoars 'foet distant ; 929.6 thence n. 44 deg. 4 min 600 feet u corner no. 4 of the Cliff .lode, which Is common and identical wish corner no. 1 of the June lode, and from which tho last named corner u. S L. M. no. 1 bears 8. 15Meg. 54 min. feet. distant ; 44 4 thence N. deg.. min. E. 600 feet to corner no. 2 of tho June lode; thence s. 43 deg. 9 min. k. 827.4 feet, to corner no. l of the Ruekbee no. 2 lode, tho place of beginnlng of exterior boundariesof said consolidated claims, and from which tiin U. S. L. M. no. 1 bears s. 38 E-107- deg. 48 in In. w. 1100.7 feet djstantr; The presumed general direction of the Ruekbee lode, from the dbcovery, point thereof, is deg. 9 mhiricr 875 feet, and N. 43 deg. 9 min. tv. 625 8.-- 43 feet. The presumed general direction of the Ruekbee no. 2 lode from tbe diceov-er- y point thereof, is 8. 43 deg. 9 min. E. 1067 feet and feet. N. 43 deg. 9 min. w, 433 The presnmed gpneral- -d Iren June lode, fronrj ho discovery pdliiY thereof, is s. 43 deg. 9 min. e. 1051.3 feet and N. 43 deg. 9 min. w. 448.7 feet. The presumed general directing of the Cliff lode from the discovery point thereof, is s. 43 deg. 9 min.- k. 778.2 feel and N. 43 deg. 9 min. w. 721.8 feet. T The said consolidated claim Is situated In Pine Grove an unorganized Mining District, In Reaver County, Utah, and ihereare no known locatlons near or In the vicinity of these claims. The location notices thereof are recorded in the Mining Records of Raayer County, as follows, to wit; The Ruck-be- e lode in Rook 1 of Locations on pagn; 377; the -- Ruekbee No. 2 hf Rook 1 of Mining Locations on page 411; the Juno lodo in Rook 1 of Mining Locations on page 538 and the Cliff lode Tti Rook 1 of Mining Locations on page 447. lon-of-- the - the above claims are applied., for, there being no .cdnfllcts.JThe total All of area applied for being 82.548 acres- .No corner of the public land survey can be found to tie the said f consolidat--e- d claim within the distance required ny the rules and regulations of the Surveyor General's Office. I direct, that this notice be published In the Reaver CotintyrRIadex at Reaver7 Mty, Utah, the news pa por r iu hlis eL nenrestrfhlTsnldmliilng claim for the ptfrlod of ten weeks. 1 1 -- - 1 FRANK D. IIORRS Register. E. P. R. Thnm p d ird al m a h ts a tt6rnry7 First publication Apr. 14 last June 16. |