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Show r The Western Union telegraph office St. George from Salt Lake Friday last. has beeu moved Into the post office .The News states on the authority .of building, a changewhlch will be highly Mr. Old that Frank Salisbury bus been appreciated by the public. tendered tlu management of the Apex be Mfss Alice FarriswortKIeft Thursday mine, andVhat he for FrUco.where she will "visit friends purposed lookings over the property for a few days and from there proceed and considering. llin. proposition. Fredz to Sait LakeCity, wbrejshe,wlli remain Alberg, the present manager, has reseveral months. Tf she can make satis signed, the resignation to take effect on factory arrangements as to transporta- the 1st prox A buffalo whim arrived ;veut-down-fo- r-1 tion and traveling companions while, in Jiere for the mine Thursduy. Deseret' ' ' I Halt Lake, aiio. will .attends the -- Paris News. t .. One dollar pays for the -- Blade from Ex. now until January 1st, 1901 Miss Lily McGarry successfully passed n.n : mm tm Ernest Maltravers at the Academy the examlnationfor enumerator and Concert Hull next Tuesday night. was appointed last Tuesday for the position. Miss MeGarrys held covers Everybody go. The dates for holding court in thp only the city of Heaver. Two additionMr. Frank J. Jjrlggs, son of Mr. al Enumerators will be appointed larerr several counties of the Fifth Judicial of Utah for the year 1900, have Robert Ungers of tills city, whose home one for Milford.-Frisc- o, and thecouutry District fixed as follows: is now in Lucern Wyoming, is in Heaver wen and one for Mlnersville, Adams-v- j been Date. Term. County. on a visit to relatives. lie, Greenville and Sulphur Dale. fi Postmaster E' A. Hodges, in company with M r.Oran t, took in Milford. Minersvllle and oiher pointsWcsi Wednesday ahd Thursday on insurance bus- iness. , January 2 ...WashingtonrFlrst 9 Iron First January N brick house and full city January 23 Heaver First L,......... Millard lot; residence of R. Maeser, corner 10th February 6,;.. First and M streets. Horse and buggy, cow, First, All April 17.... . .7.77. Washington Second household .furniture, organ, etc. will be sold at a bargain. For terms April 24 1.1 ron Second or other particulars apply to R. Maeser May 8 Heaver Second FOR SALE, i ne-roo- m, . . Republican Primary conventions are to be held in the various precincts of on Ma 5- -0 the premises the County for the selection of delegates S ALT LA K E CITYS N K W HOTEL. Toil) eS rarer Couve n ti oirwh i ch m eetsmr t he 10th ofMay. Oates have not yet The eye of the proverbially critical been set. stock man and miner of interior Utah, the popular when he reaches Halt Lake, turns comErnest Maltravers, drama will oe presented at the Academy placently and wish satisfaction upon the Concert. Hall next Tuesday evening by alatlal and conspicuously the H. Y. A. Dramatic company for the hostelry, THE KENYON. Mr. Don Porter has made It literally a modern a benefit of the Expedi. hot el, vvitli ail the elegant personal comtion. '1 hey should have a full house. forts and conveniences to whichpeopio Died. Lizzie Muir, daughter of Mr. of taste are accustomed, and with feaand Mrs. John Muir, died yesterday tures of attention not heretofore given afternoon after an illness oT only about to guests.. It is very evident that this one week, aged 17 years 6 months. The industriously handled enterprise is a Lake City and Is truly apimmediate cause of deaihwas brain credit fever. " The bereaved family have 'the preciated by the trivellug public. Since its inception a little over a year sympathy of the entire community. ago The Kenyon lias catered to a ' - Tloti. S. R. Thurman, the veteran very large clientele, and iu order to of Provo, was in Heaver Thurs- - meet the requirements of a rapidly iu attorney day on business and proceeded on to creasjng patronage, Mr. Potter has Parowan yesterday, whero he Jias an built an addltionof.seventy sillies with hath?. Situated in the very heart of important water case before Judge Salt Lake's business centre, The Ken-do- n Higgins court, which convenes at that is destined to take Its place as the next Monday. point leading hotel of western America. . - H up-to-da- Millard May 22.,....; June Juab. 4 Se p t e m be r 4 Se pte m ber 1 1 So ptember 25 ...... Second ... Second ...... W as h n g t o n . . . .. .,T h I rd 1 ron Thl r. . 1 1 Heaver October 9 October 22 . Third Third .MiIlard....;.v.., .Third Juab te, E. V HIGGINS, Judge. Houth-Aiheric- to-Sa- tl DEPARTURE OF MA11H, Beaver City, P. O. Allmail coming or going Is now via ARRIVAL Milford. , Arrlyo at Depart at 1 s - "Mails 1 " 1 Depart daily except Sunday. Ejiskst Hodges, P, M. V v ce ti se wa s g r a n t e d afternqoirto Miss A m a r ria ge 1 1 RLr 1 as t Tho StrGeorgeNews states that Har-tholome- w, CAVEATS, TRADE MARK0, COPYRIGHTS AND DEOICNC. Send your business direct to Wcxhlncton, the-smelterwas-t- saves time, costa leu, better aerrice. IT. blow in yesterdayr aged 21, of Filmore and There Is said to be plenty of ore at the Martin Anderson, aged 21, of Heaver smelter, and as more is on theroad from City. In the evening Mayor Kelly tied the Apex .copper mine it is thought them a rimonlai knot for the young that the smelter will continue running. W. W. Old, of the St. George Copper couple ids first official act in this line. We understand I he happy couple left Co., accompanlediiy Frank Salisbury of the Ajax mine at Mointnouth, arrved,jn for Heaver Sunday. M Hard Progress. Thursday - 1;20 p. in. 12:00 .u. clo&es at 11:30 a. in. A r r i ve d a y oxce p t M ond a y . 1 -- & cIom to 8. fates Oflee. HUES prolimin- ary examinations made. Atty's Dm not dne util patent Is secured. PER80HAL ATTHfTIOlf MVElT- -lt TRAM ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Book "How to obtain Patents, etc., seat free. Patent procured through S. O. Elggers receive special notice, without charge, la the1 1 fy offlee , ACE: IINVEMTOVE Illustrated Eleventh yssr terms, f a yoar. i 1. monthly - ? . i - .a - . |