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Show 4 VL- - - . . club anu, 'second, torone delegate for each fifty members, or majority fra lion thereof,. enrolled on the chib rolls. l lt is recommended that those clubs from Salt-La- ke residing some distance ' 4dect as near as possible those A special train carryings tjie officials of the Short Line and Union Pacific ladles and gentlemen as delegates who also ..selected as- - delegates- - to- - the Ilford to. Uvada un'-ar- H passed through Saturday. The run out and back was Tlepubllcan State convention, wldcb meets on the same date in Sit Lake ' made In iive hours. j City In order to Insure a full attendance... t V M. (i ti AS S M A N . President r Shearing Is well under way now the 15. lir JONES, prevailing fine weather making shearers Secretary. and sheepmen rejoice. The town Is full v 9 of wool buyers, but the highest 'price .received. yet Is 10 cents. Thu NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Reaver County, Utah, April 14, 1900. To C. L.7"FINLEV: Yottare hereby notified that wo have expended two hundred dollars ($2o0) in labor and Ini- .ii.o,, tin. Deer Trail ,,d of hist wook l.as greatly Proy.m,ts claims, sltuaied In Newton re. I't.i'Oiiraged Many wlio 1 AU,,llr DUirlcl. Heaver County. Utah. Jiad given up the Idea of plauling are as will appear by certificate filed danti- ! loeal-farn.e- puttlng in a crop. The local schools closes on lust. i , x. 43 deg. 9 ml 11. yv1500 fee t to corner xo. 3 of the. R uck hew lode; iheiice s. 44 deg. 4 min w. 000 leet 10 corner No. 4 of the Ruckbee lode; thence s. 4:rtdegTT9 min. e. 072.0 feet to corner xo. 3 of ihe June lode; thence s. 44 deg. 4 min. w. 600 feet to corner no4 of the June lode; V which is com riiou and idem leal wit h corner N(iv 3 of he Clitflnde; thence 44 deg. 4 min. yv. 600 feet, to corner, no. 2 of the Clifflode; thence s. 43 deg. k. 1500 feet to corner no. I of lie , CnjTJkide, from .which corner. United States L. M. no. 1 bears s. 41b deg. 52 mhi. E. 929.6 feet" dista'isi; thence N. 44 deg. 4 mln'E. 600 feet.io, corner no. 4 of the Cliff lode, which is common and ideniicul wiih corner No. 1 of tlie JuhFIode, and from which the last named corner u. S I. M.no. l bears s. 15 deg. 54 min. E. 1071.3 feet distant; thence n. 44,deg. 4 inlu. E.. 600 fet to conier no. 2 of tli June lode; t lienee s. 43 deg. 9 min. k. 827.4 feet to corner No. of the Ruckbee no. 2 lode, the pljee of beginning of exterior boundaries of said consolidated "claims, and from which tho U. S. L.M. no. 1 hears s. 38 j mfn. 1 last-mentione- d 1 ary 5, 1900. In theoffiee of the Recorder deg. 48 min. w. 1100.7 feet distant. of said coitntyrfn order to hold thcTsalU The presumed general direction of 27th promises under the provisions of section the Ruckbee lode, from tho d Leo very 2324 Revised hereof, i s. 43 deg. 9 mi 11. k. States, being t ho amount required to 875 feel, and n. 43 deg, 9 min. wv Mrs.. Ileas. sister of Addison Bybee ,,oltl. ,l,e ,llmn for . year omling comber 31, 1900. And if The presumed t general direction of wlo has resided In Milford for a year dliy9 ftf,r this no.lee by puhlltlmf i he Ruckbee no. 2 lode from ihe dieeov-er- y pa4t, left for thd East on Saturday. or refuse to tontrihiue your fall you point thereof, is 8. 43 deg. 9 min. K. of such proportion 1067 feet atid N. 43 deg. y niinw 433 expenditure as ac ;Mrs. I. V. o a vvye w o- -p vv n e i r I rif o r e s 1 rwl LI e a v e. f o said b 1: claims will feet- .- - rry become the property of the subscribers mouths visit to Ohio, about May 1st. general dire Ion of " under said section 232. Your propor- 'fthe June lode, from the discovery point tion of the said expenditure Is ?20 on is s. 43 deg. 9 min. k. 1051.3. the Adabelle and 2&0n the Deer Trail. thereof, feet aiid n. 43 deg. y min. w. 44d.7 feet. Signed, John Moyesand C. IT. Moves, The presumed general direction off White Hills, Arizona. .I lie Cliff lode from ihe discovery point First publication Apr. 14 last June 0. ti ereof, is 8. 43 deg. 9 min. k. 778.2: 1 flic O la Call for State League Convention feel aiid n, 43 deg. 9 miurw. 721.8 feet of Republican Club8r The said consolidated claim is situatAPPLICATION FOR PATENT. 7- ed in Pino Groveran unorganized MinIn accordance with -- the- call of tho ing District, in Reaver County, Uiah Notice No. 3053. National Republican League, dated and there are no known locations nearUnited States Land Office.: Salt Lake er in the vicinity of these claims. March Tst, 190), a Republican State Tlie location notices thereof are- reLeague Convention of Utah is hereby City, Utah, April ?th, 1900. called to con vene in Salt LakeCity on Notice is iieukby given.- - that the corded in the Mining Records of Raaveir1 ItEVEN UE MINING: COM PA N Y, by County, as follows, to wit; Tiie Ruck-- : -Thursday, the 10th day of Mavi900 at L. V. liurion, i i s attorney in faci bee lode in Book. jp of Locations on ; 10 o'clock a. m.,. sharp,-- at the if alt Lake whose Post Office the Ruckbee No. 2 Mn Rook 1 or address Is Salt Lake : - t heatre. City, Utah, has made application for a Mining Locations on page 411; the June Said KepubRcarr State League con ven- - United States Patent fgr the Ruckbee, od eJ a i 5ou k t o f 'M i n i n g Lo o a t f b n o 7 tlon is called for the purpose of electing Ruckbee No. 2 Juno and jClitf lodes, lage 538 and tiie Cliff lode in Rook 1 ofr hi Mining Locations on page 447. consolidated . ! ten delegates and ten alternate delegat-s;t,oi- h Pine drove Mining claims, situated Ail of tiie above claims are applied Mining District, unorganNational Republican League ized. County of Reaver, State of U tali, for. there being no conflicis. The total convention, to he held fn St.Pau, Minn., consisting, of 1500 linear feet of each of area applied fcrbeing 82.548 acres. No corner of the public land survev JnJy.lTth. 1900, and to elect a president,' t.hn Ruckbee, Ruckbeo No. 2. Julie and Cliff as surface shown lodesand can be found to tie the said cousolhliii ground a vice president, a secrotary a treasurer on the plat of the official survey, being ed ciaim within the (Rsjjimce required and an auditor of the Republican ;Stae M. SNo. 4195Tuid described he lie i and rules of regulaTions tiieSur- by League of Utah and to consider jmch field notes and. plat of the official survey-o- u veyor (lenprals Office. file In this office, with magnetic varibusiness as may regularly-com- 6 J direct, that-th- ls . notirbe poblislied 10 deg. 10 min East, as fol ' at ation in the convention. tiie Reaver County Blade at Reaver before, to wit: lows, ity, Utah, the newspaper poblislied The president of the several Republi1 no. of the nearest the said mining claim for ihe Commencing at corner can League clubs are requested to call k Ruckbee no. 2 lode a fid running thence period of ten weeks. eveon of same tho clubs the 4 44 000N. min.E. feet to corner meeting deg. FRANKD-IJOBBfNO.-2 saifl of No. Ruckbee lode.; thence ning that the regular Republican prR N. 43 deg. 9 min. w. 1500 foot to corner J maries are held. Register. no. 3 of the said Ruckbeo no. 2 lode, The Republican League clubs are which Is common and - Identical with E. D. R. Thompson Claimants attorney entitled, first, to two dologatcs for each corner no. 2 of the Ruckbee lode; thence First publication Apr. H last June 10 1 the. United Statutes-o- f point t , 625-feet- J 1 . rat 1 1 1 1 -T- he-presumed 1 v- 9-- - . - pag--377- 1 - 1 . 1 In-t- --ot- her - -- ' i . , - 4. 2 ( - . . . |