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Show 4 it r mwofsitt Heaver Wool Manufacturing & Milling: Co. of Beaver City, Utah. There are delinqieiLLnpQntheiojovvlog described stock on account of assessment No. 1. levied on the 13 day of January. 1900. Tbe several amounts set opposite tbe names of tbe respective - GO TO Dr,-G- . H. BEAVER DRUG STORE For your DRUGS and MEDICINES,. CHEMICALS, TOILET ARTICLES, I Etc., Etc. 7 At this Establishment is to be found tbe PUREST " REST and grade of WINES and LIQUORS for Medicinal purposes to he found in tbe county, Do not forget tlie location, OPPOSITE THE MEETING" HOUSE, "NORTH. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. No. 4400. John W Muir John L Mat lie ws Christina Muir E C Mutbews Est. KobtCMIller. Not Issued 17 14 5 18 27 0 4.04 4 04 lo J UUJ WUNowers 8 17 Orrissa Robinson not Issued 2.72 13.43 Ann lticiiards not issued ElizabothRiehards i.ot Isud 13.39 Jane Richards not issued Margaret Smith Richard SmLh Ellen Stewart John II Stewart LeviAStewart Rose Mav Siewart Mary A Tolton Sidney Tanner Est. 107 10.35 108 12.12 15 109 0 143 73 43.30 Tannerjiotissued in.88 E. P. PitV not. Issued" ; y . 8.24 JMary-An- n -- Mary Wardrobe Wio II 15 0.20 Farnsworth 1441.94 Lucinda E. Murdock 126 44.62 iE:J II llennau DEPARTMENT oi i lie INTERIOR, Land Ollice, at Salt Lake City, Utal, Match 3, 1000. Noticu is .Imrebv givenitbatzitiiiifoir Leadville.Aspen, yOLQRADi Springs. ver Pueblo setiler lias bled notice of an-D- lowing-name- d j 1- -4 04-- II. E. 10330 for i lie W 2 1- Sec. -4 W 7, R. 10 W., S. L. M. 19.35 T2M2 15.00 43.30 1-1- .88 8.24 en i intention 10 make! final proof in sup- - Train No 2 leaves Sait Lake Citv 2:15 at port of bis claim, and that said proof p m Pu- Arrive at will be in a e before tbe Coiimy Clerk of eblo at 10:53 a. m , ColoradoSprings, 1 :7 milliard CVunly. Utah, at Fillmorc.Cily, p. in., Denver 2:25 p, m. Utal), on April 1 li h. 1000, viz,: George Train No. 4 leaves Salt Lake 8:05 p. m 17.00 2.72 13.43 13.30 13.30 Stewart. 3P no SCENIC LINE OF THE WOULD. Two Fast Trains Daily lo 1- Tp. -2 S E FRANKDrilQR RS. Register. C. Cal lister. Attorney. 104 Thomas 44.62 First publication, March 10, 1000. - 0.20 Arrive at, Pueblo, 5:22 r. m., Colorado Springs, 6:46 p. in., D.u- v r. 9:15 p. m. Elegant new dining cars on all through 25 JS., He names ihe following witnesses lo prove ids con t innous residency pon and cultivation of said land, viz: Samuel Grav, of Diverney. U tab, Stanley Da vis of Annabella, Utah. John Rurriston and iSTels Scliow of Milford, Utah. - C trains. Connections madn .at... Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver with alt lines East. Puli-0.0- 0 . Elegant day coaches, chair cars aod TH.n j.eepera on all trains. Take the D. & R. G. and have a comfortable trio and eij v the fiiit acenerv ou the continent, tS. K. Hooper, G. P. & rIV Ay Denver; f R. F. Kevins, H. M. gushing. General Agent, Trav, Passenger Agt. Salt L ke City Salt Lane Cht- y- M20185.3Uf 185.31 137 20 20.03 And inlteeordance with lawjind an order of the board of directors made on the 5th day-- of - Marchl900. So-rn- ay shares of each parcel of suchsToclms may he neeesarv will lie sold at t he Office of tTie Reaver Woolen Mills on TheSi st tay (ifNI arc IrriOOOat ibebonr of 10 oclock A. M. to pay d dlnquent assessments thereoii together with the eost of advertising and expenses of the sale. - . - N r. L.S II E P II E RD, -- Pr cs. r URDOCICTScctT Rdavcr City, Utah, March 10. 1900. Mar 31- -0 Or-Ar-- obtained and all Pat--J Caveats, and Trade-Marbusiness conducted for MODERATE FEES, (ent Our Office is Opposite; U, S. PatentOffice and we can secure patent m less time than those J remote from J Washington, Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- We advise, if patentable or not, free of tion. (charge. Our fee 44not due till patent is secured. J How to Obtain Patents, with A of same m the U, S. and foreign countries cost Pamphlet, sent-freAddress, ks 1be Finest Ratbtng Resort In tblTW orldT Wiien you go to Salt Lake do not fall ic gvo yoursclLth's rare treat -- a- e, ! C A. SW,OV& 0Oi A S H 1 M GTO r FJ1 S . D. c. $ tVvVww V. vo I |