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Show 4 f'OVTP v v J V QPnPTr'TD OOuI lXtliUt i .1 L.VHT? T . Mentioned a an Available Can y f helper in an Indiana printing PROFESSIONAL'CARDS. of-- O Thus he bocanu' a r at theage of 13. In 1858 young Scofield went to Brookfield, Pa., and lice. man "new-spape- pieuce, cm i chlow & HAiuucrrE: Lhw, Attorney ihereoblaineLLcmployinenLascQm- positor on the jeifersonian. In this McCornick Bl'dg Salt LakkCitv. didats for V.CI President. position he received the remuneration his bar1- - For Gov. Edward Seofic.d. of Wisconsin., of $lc0 a three yeai;s he labored thus, but in C. 0. WHIHEMOUE, who has been proposed for vice prot1801 he became one of President Lin, on the republican Attorney-at-laHe as volunteers. colns 75,000 began national ticket,- ha.?' all tffe quallfica 605 McCohnicKBl'k. Salt Lake Cits' man ended and a listed asamajor, a tiors usually demanded in gOCQ i n t ex media te rank a vi n won ev e ni ' . W, - mantorT-the-phcedhr-b- es I many Ji CCS terlfhg Tjualities and anilities which, as vice president, he would not be called upon to show. Wisconsins governor, says the Chi- - g byhis ry , : gallantry and devotion to his His sufferings were great, but duty. he has never discussed his army "experience except with old comrades, and even with them he is silent about his own performances. men whose-al- l around capacities tit Maj. Scofield did not return to the them for almost any station in life. case after the close of the Ira career ranging from the humble, printers war. His first work as a civilian was though very necessary, position of in the way of civil engineering. Comprinters devil in the cflce of a ing west, he went to Chicago and was eountiy newspaper, to that of chief then engaged by Finn Ilali as forei: executive of the great state of man of Halls mills in Scofield has alwavs been able he formed an associationOcoutoInJ.88(P with the Marito do the right thing at the right time. nette Lumber company, and later with His political life has bcen'quite brief, Arnold. These partnerships but very successful. lie never sought George resulted in the organization of one of an office, but offices have been brought the largest lumber concerns ip the to him. and, like the good citizen that Gov. Scofield has satisfied he is, he has never refused to serve country. everybody with his administrathe pec pie and has always appreciated nearly tion of state affairs and should make' an y the honor which he believed was acceptable candidate for the vice presiintended to confer on him. dency. Such, at least, is the opinion Thus,, in 1880, when the people of 0f a good many republicans in Wiseon- district desired him togjn himself will not d i s- come to the capital as the guaru i a n of Cll ss the subject. lie feels somewhat U.cir interests in the capacity of state delicate about expressing himself tliere-- t mater. he accepted the trust in the on 0wing to the fact that he has taken s t redid not piri that tendered it, and fuse to return when he was asked to do so forthe next term. In 1801his pine policy, having publicly declared friends desired that he should. try for the United States taking posagainst governor, and he went before the con- session of the islands. These views, it vention. He was defeated, it is true, is asserted, he has modified since the but then he received more votes than party attitude on the issue has become a n y c t h e r--o f- -1 h e--u n su eee s s fu wand i more clear. 1806 lie in and was nominated dates, Aguinaldos Wifes Cnrringrs. and elected and reelected in 1898. Earrirs worn by the wife oUAguin-lif- e Gov. Scofield has devmtUd most of his are to business and has been singularly u.do,lhe I jiiLppines-insurgen- t,. successful in his line; His first attempt novw i repossession of Mrs.T. L.Wells, Atchison, Ivan. Mr. W eLs, who is it earning a living was in the capaci- - of conncc tc dw ith t he-a i rap sfer-clerUnited States mail service in Atchison, said that the pendants which were once O. A. MUUDGCK, Attorney-at-Law- . Careful atteiiiifiii given ;o local biTsiifcss 0 ' -" Mining Litigattorra SpociaityTOffice at residence, - Jleaver City, Utah, THOMAS MAltlONEAUX, A TTO RNE Y - AT-AV, Office in Tnompsou Hall. L Wiscon-yiiTTMa- - Beaver city, - - Utah. a C. v N E U H AUsEN j 7 M. ARCHITECT. Dooly Building, - - Salt Lake City,' School Work A Specialty. hon-eMl- JOHN VVAIU) CHRISTIAN, City and County Attorney The-govern- or j t 1 . 1 4 A 1- - C.mnseior-al-la- w. R om used.vr. - UEAVt.ll C.TY, j j - - Utah L. IL GRAY, Attornry for Lind and Mining Claimant. 3 9 Teuipje'on, SHt Lake Cny, U ah, Land Office buHlneHS attended to. Agricul tural and Mineral 1atenliTProcured. -- k- Coumy Court House, 5. J Ynd Water L tigatiou a Specialty. practice m ad pam of the Scate. , Utah. by Mrsv wife by -. Aguinaldo were sent to-h- is Lieut. Fred Manes, a friend of the famBarlow Kerguon JohnM. Cannon ily. The ornaments were secured some N vC C NNON, FEuGUSO time ago. when the wardrcbe of Aguin- AtiorneyH-rtt-Laaldos wife was found by the American lUom 331-- 5 Bldg. soldiers. The eorringsjire of solid gold add appear to have been cut out of the Salt Lake City, Utah, -- v etatwi t had eThFy 7ar FlffCrkle dfl & in squares and are much larger than the earrings infuse in, most civilized W. II. TUKMAYNK, countries. They are greatly prized by Mrs. 'Wells on account of their w his- toric connection. (Late assaycr to UanauerSmelting works Char Two Finger Prlr.ts Aliker Tfie'chance of two finger prints be- No GO EDWARD SCOFIELD. ingalike. is not lions. Asiiycr. one in -- ' sixty-fou- r gs it bil- - -R- e-isonub i- c ive lu. Sl . . - Simples ) Marei Prompt At'eutrn. . . . . dal! L,ke Cty.' |