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Show m Pf v $1.50 Pays for T he Blade The dates for holding court in the several counties of the -- Fifth Judicial District of Uijih for the year 1900, 'have been fixed as f ul ows : Y. 1 3,7 ."KIESES 7 . ."TT . Date. County). ,T3rm. J a ti u a r y 2 777777ZT77 Wash lug ton First Iron First JanriaryJ) . Beaver... First January 23 ...Millard First Wruary 6 Juab ." .. First February 19 This suit is madeTiip-i- n sack slylerof bhtckclay worsted, uiouldedjiud fashioned to lit, and n rimmed with the very Dest materials consistent with the price. These sulis retail for $19.00 in Salt Lake City. To become acquainted we will end you one f o no n v Irf!1y37.LZVashinglonu;ecotid April 24 April 10 May Iron Reaver . .7.77. . & ee 0 1 id . Second Second Second 22MllIard;.f.. ...;..77 7. 7 J uab" Dine 4 September 4 777777.7 Wash I n g 1 6 n .r.t.T h I . 1 TH ESE"ALIi"VDOr(iOODSvare offered nr prices even much lower than other houses are sell- ing the imitations or domestic goods for. Sl(). 45, rd -Iron . ........Third Heaver Third September 25 October 9 ;..... .MIlIard .;..7 ...;..Thir(I October 22 ........ ...... Juab". Third 11 September E.V II IGGlNSf THIS BLACK CLAY WORSTED is'a fabric that i woven expressly for high-clas- s suits and should not be compared witli cheap black domestic clay worsted on the market Tt has a much liner surface, finer weave, and will twice out wear the cheap black clay, will not wearshiney and gives a suit a ricb.appearanee not found in cheap goods. .r. ' HODS SUITWOHTH $19. ONiiY S10.4o; - w WESTS HAIL DKIJER : Judge. WE WERE FORTUNATE. enough to secnra.these suits at a, :iara: bargain" and" can now offer them to you on the basis of the actual cost of the material and labor" with but one small protit added tit' r ( SAMPLES FREE. & ST; PAUL . Set d us your name and address, and tell us about what you want, and we will send you samples of our dothingfree. end size of pants and cott; chest measure for coat and waist, and SIZES, We will send order blanks giving-fulfor pants, and you will get your size, Instructions for measuring. AGENTS. WANTED In every town. This offer only to the mail order-tradin-sea- .i m e. Direct Jlue toll beEast, via Omah.or Kansas '. Chicago for passengers and Freights TIIKKKISA 7 WKSTS MAIL ORDER HOUSE. Gity and JOSEPH A SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. (The above firm Is reliable. Heaver Co. Clatfe.) ' WEST, Manager. ; sau5kagiion..:.;;..: III ., ,h, our service pleases the customs and makes him a permanent patron of out line. L. Downing, Commercial J gout, Salt Lake Ctv, Utah t APPLYTIIESAME AT U v b rulo in jim as the purchase of your railroad ttckertharyotLwouIdlpT purchasing other commodities? If you couldbuy silk for tbesame price youeould calico, you wouid take the silk wouldnt you? 'J he 0. M. & Stl P. Ry, is the .SlLKJ between: Omaha and Chicago; that is. If ELECTRIC ! LIGHTED; STEAM HEATED, SOLID VEsTI RULED TRAINS of life very latest designs ii iid safety apjdfances. running over a itiiiumuiuuiiuuiiuiuuititiutitutiuuiiiitllfii -- tmA , f- - W A K TT JB FLOOR MJ LL SCHEDULE: - STRAIGHT GRAt)E, 33 lb flour, SAn L. L. DOWNING, Commercial Agent, 212 8. West TempP Street, Salt Lake City Utah. 14 lb ' Francisco STKAiUUT UttADE, 36 to Ctilcago. We LEAD, "Others FOL50 lbs for CO lbs clcar wheat. GRAHAM, LOW. Give tis a trial. For.tiine tables CORN MEAL, SO jbs for 100 lbs corn. maps, etc., call on o' address . ; m. 1 stone htasti d sleet VaR track several mil: cs shorter thau any oilier, line cut any FAMILY- FLOUR Jigure In" the' case, Through-Electri- c Lighted Sleepers, Denver to Chicago IIIGHPATENT, Through Tourists Cars. and GRAIN7 , CHOPPED GRAIN. bran, - shorts No bran or shorts. 90 lbs for 100 lbs whole grain. JAS li I10BLNS0N, 3 lb MILLER. l |