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Show - - lcuvcr e the world. And all children of t McKinley, Republican whatever nation should bo taught to but to American intelligence and bow tiu t ool v him tar y sal u te, bu t ITT As to the Philippine war.for veneration to the Stars and .Stripes, the ueiMSsarycrush in g of Spains not-tojh- 1 1 1 . J h a tJ? I urluuseuihlcjnoLD,ce3om-amLiat- : SUMMONS, In the Fifth District Court, valor. Utah County ofJIeai or. which Elida Anu Loebrio, iY -power Plain i ill, party; Pres! den t M eKi ey ? 1 responsible, t Ills same Salt Lake Herald upheld and Indorsed to the extent of pushing one of the Presidents prominent emissaries In that war to the froiP as a democratic candidate for Congress. Co mm out U ji n ticca sury.M ajor'.V o u g would. never liave been thouglit of in M a i ill aZu o t " equality. 1 1 1 1 y . - State of . . - " S U 1 U 111 OilSw . Alexander S. Lochrie, . Defendant. J Stataof Utaii, to tin Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service, of with-in-t'- this summons upon you, if ervtd he I his -- act ion is; county brought, otherwise within' thirty djnys-. "defend the above euonheclibu with a homlhatlonfbr;Con-- ' titled action, and in ease of your failure gress but fpr t er c e o r dn ki d el i y I il m in so to (loT'Jbd firemen t "AvUI be rendered? ii the patjMnt-Isirebelsand killing Fi.ipino the demand agahm'-yoaccording-t1 1 1 Jn-whf- afier-serviremTi- ch d 1 shown f-th- o u wh e It Jil n IImi it after the service of this summons ad- tun pTa i u I Ii- -w ee d aTs upon ministration in its policyoD expansion saicT of bo Clerk tiled wftb will the and maintaining national honor. If the you ' Court. . administration is guilty of planning and Dated January 2G, 1900 maintaining a mercinary warfare, what J oh n W aril Christi a n are the men who voluntarily do the dirPlaintiffs Attorney. 1- - - ty, work for personal, glory and aggran- P. O. address. Reaver City. Reaver Co.,. dizement? What, is the newspaper or Utah, 17.) (Pub. Jan. MKINLEYS WAR. 27-F- eb. McKinleys war, vorite expression with the democratic press of the country in referring to the campaign now going on In tlio Philippine Islands. The boss push of the fraternity locally, the Salt Lake Herald, even going so far as to urge that the President come west while? the coflins, the filling of which he is charged with, are being Rued up at the Presidio, that lie.may see the effects of his policy. This shows to what awful straits life Democratic party Is- - reduced forenm-palg- u thunder. Something1 Jess than whon Hie .whole cooo.ry, two years u was crying out its impatience for ji ge on Spain for its overt asa u I t u this nation, and while the President is becoming a fa- political party that, while they condemn the policy and .tlio niefr behind it, -- pat the hireling on the back end seek t o a J- vanen t hemselves through his notoriety? The fact is, and the politics of -- those who volunteered to go to the front and defend the flag against the attacksof the Philippine savages will prove it, the rank and tile of democracy never thought of questioning t he Presidents motives or loyalty jo nationaljiiturests until Mr.- Rryan, shrewd politician that ho H, began to manufacture campaign thunder out of it. Consistency,, thou art a bllt lhy rar; far ru moved from democratic headquarters. p-- was bringing-int- o- play- - every lat3 joeI. re-j'- on NOTICE. . Uni ed Slates Rand Cilice, Salt Uiahp FeU. 2. 19oo. 'i o whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the Statu-Ulati hasYiled in this office a list, No. 22, of lands selected by said State lor Tlio northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of JSeelion seven (7).und t lie west half of the nort li west quarter and t he southeast, quarter of quarter of Section eight (tf), all in Township thirty (30), South. and nf range nine (9). west, Salt Lake Rase and Meridian. A copy of said list,'"so far as it to said tracts. by descriptive sub-tlm-nortlivve- 1. i The Reaver Wool Manufacturing A. the country into war; these same organs Milling to. of Rbayer City Utah. Notice of 'iammany billlnsgate devbted whole Is hereby given that at a meeting of Hie colji tn ns ip the charge that he was be- - directors of the Reaver Wool Mauufac-lifInfluenced by tho big banking and und Milling Co. held on Liie l3th day: -JanuarvlDOO. anJissessmenLifllO-pp- rimporting houses of- eastern cities-to a. v adea.wara t-- w h ate ve rcos t ta n a Hon n rrwairte VTed o rf l here a prraT s tocirirr f honor and thus protect their interests, said company payableou orv oefore War wal declared, sh'V0V('r and tho jMarchTst,T90;), 'to life Secretary of said democrats rushed1 Into ' the Tiehl all tho com pany at Reaver City! Utah: Any stock upon which this asses-monmilitary Umber they could, muster, in Jea!ous of tli0 ,may remain unpaid oe March Is ,1900, honor and glory won by tiie Republican ' will be delinquent and advertized, for )ariylhrough the magnificent diploma- - sale aRpuWie auction, and unless pay-c- y and statesmanship of their recognized meni is made before will be sold on the leader. William McKinley, they are now 31st day of March, 1900, at Gib office of to pay the delinquent seeking to belittle. Lacking tunitviio gain party. honors. prominent assessfitent together individuals of the Democratic party, in- advertising and expense of sale. The cluding their leader and mouth organ. stockholders shall be repaid in goods at Col. Rryan, rushed Into tlio fray in the 25 percent, below the retail trade price, hopes of gaining personal honorand glo- and proportionately of each kind of ry. Tluy were not disappointed. Tho goods on band. ' fe--la- g ig al-hc- re -- tt the-oppor- the-Compa- tiy, mRliI-tbereftsti-- Of whole world doffs Its hat to the Ameri- can army and navy;' not to President , M. 4. list, are in a township containing mineral claims of record, tviz: V NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. - o tlio establishment aiid 'maintenance' if an Insane Asylum, under b.ee. 12 of the. Act of Congress approved July 10, 1894... The following tracts, embraced in said, -- known tactic of diplomacy to avoid plunging , Lake-Chy- st es i d ivj ini a -Jluer (. o s p i e on s p o s (d liis oflice. for fnstmetion tiv anv per " du. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 soui at erected riui d- - bjui he publ Ic-gen- e I " re- ally. During t lie, sixty days nex t f o ow i n g : the datc of this., notice, .under .depart--mentinstructions of November 27.. 181)0 (23 L. D., 459). protests or contesis against the claim of the sta o to anyof t or subdivisions hereinabove described. on tho ground that the same is. more valuable Uian for agri- cultural purposes, will be received andi noted for report to Die Ueneral Land! O nice a tWash I n g onD.--f Fa i I it ren- I cu rJUPILP ricoiuest w ithi n i lm i i me- 1 1 a lie,-tract- for-tnincr- s ai I SpecifiedwilPllHjr:ennsIieredSHllicienti.-evidence -- of t he charm ter of said tracts. and the selection thereof. r being otliPoryDe free from objection," non-miner- al will he reeomnded for ; FRANK r ainroval. D. IIORRS. Register. GEO. A. SMITH. L SHEPHERD, Pres. Receiver. O. A. MURDOCK, See:. First publicat ion Feb. 10, 1900, - ' i t i |