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Show y- - y I v We believe, however. Icct the taxes after they become delin- - bv the Advocate. n terestsof the people is quent The impression had- obtained that., the. besti with the home insubserved by trading tax this that treasurers among county can see the goods should be collected by the State Treas- stitutions, where they befonrthey payt heir money- - aud where-the- y L p m-lroi-A-D 1) -- Ji , Published every SaiuriiayJy THE BEAVER CO. PUB. C07 Heaver City, One .Year, Bix Mouths, i f T Utah. SUBSCRiPllON KATES: , 4 . . urer. - . - - - - . - 1.53. - .75. Advertising Rates on Application. t , -- pc-o- J - I Efttredat tlipoHtclfice Jor ait' Bt ver Ci t y transmission uitough t lie mails Utah, s second class matter. i are contributing a portion at least of tiieir money toward the upbuilding of At a meeting held in Salt Lake City the community to which ,the.y- look for last Monday night, attended by forty- - support themselves, and until we are four of the legal lights of the State, the convinced that the merchants of Beaver Of the matter of establishing a new circuit do not want the patronage y vvesliall conunue in, -- the advocacy , Court Of: appeals "for Utah; Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, was J of this policy Jf, however, wo are) h turned down by a vote of 37 to 7. Sena- - forced by that law of nature which,. tor Brown, Judge Marshall and J udge prompts humanityto self preservation, : Dickson were appointed a committee to to look for advertising patronage verrvesiiail'do-oi- ir patrons roport to Senators Iloar and 'Rawlfhs and Representative Rhea the action of fulljustico if Uncle Sam is compelled,-t- o the meeting. put on an extra train over the O. S. Ij. railway 1 6 handle the .mail order j-- -- i. j 1. 1 ! W. 31. AY III I E, EDITOR. SATURDAY, JAN. t out-sicTe"oTl- 13, 1900.' A.biuecross on tbit paragraph jjieans that your subscription has expired. ea business. Judging from tlio unanimity with whicli the democratic papers are harp- Earl Oliver, the evangelist.Ms be- ing upon tbo financial spasm whicli ovRAILROADING PATENTS. ing cooked to a finish by Tito press of ertook the eastern stock exchanges a the state. It is tube hoped that ha will few days agorand the wonderful degree A single firm of patent lawyers, C. A. soon bo ready to serve with extradi of sameness characterizing the articles, Snow & Co., of Washington, 1) C. , have tion papers. one. would naturally thick that they in t lie last year procured 1,030 patents for tiieir elents, many of them for rehave located somewhere in jected inventions. 7 C. A. Know & Co. the East to manufacture the stuff in have been accuse of railroading j patents It is rcaliy . refreshing to note the tho Office, but they in. Patent jobio.s. through r plows of brother Glas-tnasist that Mils locomotion is better them of tho Ogden Standard, in repair--luthem, for by i lie latter process tho inventor often dies before he tho political fences.which he helped According to the last circulation 00 to teardown durfug his short period of statement issued by ihu Treasury De- - gets his patent. ft - dementia. the total amount pf money in partnient, circ u i ati on b n J a n u a r ij w a & SI. 980, 398, 170, or a gaih of over 8'3,C0 0()0 for the THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE.. Scientific men and newspaper writers As shown tables by year, comparative are speculating on the -- amount The great overland route, theUnion in tho report, the amount of money lias will have when the Salt Great lake they more than doubled since Pacific railroad, is a strictlyup-i- o considerably date 'transportation lino and offers its dries up. They have got the amount 1879,-anthe amount of gold in Jan.jl, patrons unequalled service. figured out now to be 400,000,000 ions circulation is more than five times as Please bear in mind the following -- uiir and are already talking of closing up as it was at that'date. disputed facts: fho salt industry of New York, Michi- - great That by using the Union Pacific you ga n and Kansas. Tho n ext t li i n g for will savejnany Jiours. time loalLEast them to give out information ornis wljoft HOW ABOUT II? ern points; theroJorealio time ycn-sais eqtial to money earned. Aho.drylng-upjic- t jylllJjc enacted Here i -- i'ho Pioneer-Dinin- g tho- est thojneichants of Beav er Chy or any West. The -- storm starter got Jn his work other community where any pretentions The only lino equipped - with -- buffet,, v1 throughout southern Utah the first of to commercial prominence,, are made; smoking and library cars., the week and the fanner is looking hap-- ' The Price Advocate of recent, date ealte - T h rough Pi i tn a IT ve sll bulehlHFdTaHr nti the. fact that the aud ordinary fleoplng cars. 7 pier than for several years past. 'Wheth- attention v, '7 during - Free of December there mdhth er this is tho same storm vas reclining chair cars, with no more starter that than v ' to Missouri mer and Chicago,. the Herald refers to every morulugwe a thousand packages of iuerchandisojiof charge and only one charge to New York. 7 are unable to say; but U matters not so various descriptions and value passed As the lowest rates to all points apply we as storm! the Price tho all from long through postofliee, get via t he Union Pacific, why not use it in. Den-vothe mail order houses of Chicago, r preference y other line?- a ml g U er-as t c rh c III e zzThoso Three trains fbFTiTl p'6 i u i s e n s e a ve S Ati opinion was rendered by Attorney Eastern Milt r Lake City at 7. and 11:45 a. m. and houses have .biiiit up 0:40 irni General Bishop Monday relative to the animmense business in that section ly Detailed Information of every kind collecting of, taxes from delinquent car persistent aud. liberal advertising in to rail road amis t!i inli j t will be heard with the local press. The Blade has re- relating will Companies, which v and cheer- dismay by conntv treasurers through-o- u ceived propositions from t he'su jnslitu-Hoi- ) fully, furnished hopromptv on application to tilio Stale! Thlf dpinTdliTstd the s w li TcTTiraFce p t ckT vvoii d in lTiouUt :ll. 3I.CLAY, General Agt. effect that county treasurers must col- - edly lead to the results complained of ?01 3Iaiu St., Salt Lake CiiyUtan. . . sledge-hamme- n, g ox-carti- ng 5-- 1 -- : . of--sal- d . m vo somethitjg-tlnttrsiiould-tnt- . ep- Car-Lin- o-of f - us ( 11 -- j. t H . . yt. -- to-an- . 1. 1 mail-orde- rtns-poiatio- 7 n l-'i- " |