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Show LEAVER CITY, UTAH. SATURDAY, JANUARY -- 27, VOL. IV. NO. 4 iCOCh- ' ) ?;AV f selves and tiring the public with their city last week and fractured - his skull.. speeches have yet suggested anything Ho never recovered consciousnessrpass- -' differing froiurAhe President's - poliev ing away on Saturday. lie was 70 'years' which will not. sully the honor of the of age, And had passed upwards of half a century upon the seas. lie. was an. cdun'iry. Ji Published every Saturday by THE BEAVER CO. PUR.'CO." . Irishmanby-birthrranawayJromJiom- Utah, Heaver Ctty, - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ope Year, Six Months, 1.50. .75. . 1 e . re l ) o r t c o tn e s Advertising Rates on Application. at the post office at Beaver City Etred lUiah, Jor transmission tmough the mails as second class matter. in Montana ar.d on Ills death bed confessed to having committed the murder V. 31. Will I K, EDITOR. for which brother man was executed. This is one more case added to t ho long Brother Howard, of the Sal in a -- Press,-ays ifst of judicial murd'drs with which the s that if the ice hadnt melted they history of our barbarian methods is would have had a good supply for next marked. Capita! punishment Is one of summer. the relics of barbarism, the abolition of which will evidence the real progress of civilization; but that period, still far off It. is beginning to look as though will have to be used to get some In the dim fuiure, should be anticipated laws which will prevent the killing body to undergo the operation with Mr. by of men because circumstances seem to Bryan this fall. indicate their guilt of a capital crime, good service. i lie -- the arHllnry, at school Fortres MotTroe VeTeA))eTiid as soon as possible.. J;' , s-- 8GM1T-- B I Xx From Our Regular Correspondent. And still new cotton mills continue General Shafter has been ordered to to start up in the South, and with the come east as escort to the body of Genis aulditlotTof each-nespindler" there t is understood that he add e.d t wo n gw co ti ver tsit 0 i lie pO p ill ait eral.Lftwton,I to-g- ot asked forth is assignment so-of and policy expansionprotection. transportation to this . city, where he wishes to do a little lobbying for tho bill retiring1 him asa major general. v; The JifJPiaJnjiwos you" anything, on bilhiwhich failed in the last Congress, the Philippines, you need not go does not' mention him by name, but to tltpir successors for a settletiiehtl At-- 1 authorizes the President. to appoint as or nny General Griggs has hoiiii'etl the major general on the retired , list,- any -- world that t he ?2 0, i S OOd a id n to p a 000, p o IVieerwhoeo ninuui dedanurni yd ii Cuba, of UicleSAm wipes Tlds language (. fits no one except Gener- up to,theJ.ime that Avobegaii making als Sliafter ana Miles, and as tho latter ' contractsGn our own name. is already a major general it is obviously t intended for Shaftors benelit. - t w as - It was closed on account of the depletion of its. teachers and students on account of the war with Spain, and lias remained closed' for tbesumo reason. General Miles thinks that tho development of our artillery makes it absolutely necessary that training shall be given in tho management of the complicated median-- ' ism of high powered guns, and that it will ho best to conduct the school with only one half or one fourth classes than not at all. The electrical school for enlisted jnen is airegdy opcn. The strongest sort of an effort will bo made in Congress this year to provide for betteiing the militia of the country. At present, tho United States appropri- N ntes only $400, 00() a year for the equip ping of ail Jho malltia of alljlhe states. the This t of a single..' cavalry reg I ment. If more money- were supplied, tho militia., x could be organized on the same basis isjust-abotinhalf-- of . army,thus jn avoiding hereafter tlie mass of compli-- . cated details that felLu'pon the govern ment when tho war with Spain was bo gun. An effort to appropriate a million dollars last year tnetAvith failure,zbut ft is hoped'that the result will be more favorable this year. , , - . onfall-obligation- oi , Ahilippino question, notwithstanding the attetnpts.being made by the anti- - ac-cont- p ar t 'Ueneral Miles has recommended that. -proof being entirely lacking, as in this .administration element of Congress. 1 tu an e u ve r I n g h e r m Bulje.ts are the only arguments that Minnesota case. can, be used at presont to settle the s tn al Monitors victory was duo to his skill in t chlo-Tofor- . when only 16, and came to the United Stales.AvhencftJiCLcrjiisedjo i alhparts of the world. When the war began, ho was captain of a merchant vessel, but left his position to enter idle volunteer navy as ft lleutenantrwhero be rendered from a town i n T Minnesota that, over twelve years ago a man was hung there for the murder of itis sweethearts father, the evidence on which he vvas eouvieted being purely .circumstantial- Last Friday a man died 1 o s i 1 -- o The last of the crow of the Monitor in JACK RABBIT AND IIARE SKINS, Quite.a number 'icf 'spirited debates have taken place in of late hcr world famed buttle.with the Merri-ma- 50000 skins wanted during winter months Is dead. Lieutenant Samuel How- send sample skips per mail to, touching trpou the Philippine question, CO.74l8-El- liStrR0tr but inis a noticabie fact that none of ard, her pilotr.xiipppd and fell on t he : the Tagologs v ho arc indulgim thetn- - "pavement In T rdnTurh iS"troir. it t his California, 1 the-Sen- ate r c, - WOOD-MAYO- R ef 4 -- |