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Show DsV.vnrUUEOF mails, A lilt IV A'fj & J Beaver City, P.CL 'All mail coming or go ' now i via i 1,1 Milford. j at vo . ' ' ' -- '1 . Depahjit Mails CO-p.Vn. i-- i - ;:(),. ti. L 1:30 tt. m. clut-oS'iiL-J - AN iavt;tl,ijl ;V Depart daily except - i obtained and all Pat--J 'Caveats, and Trade-Marks conducted for business ent Moderate Fees. -- . j ! SuitduAV- .Lena Kkok, - ' - A-- i .M. I ' S. PATENTOFFICE OUROFFICElSOPPOSimt;.less time than those weeansecure la and patent : f , i remote from Washington, ; . Send model: drawing, or jmoto., with de$cnp-tion. Weadvise, if patentable' or not,' free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.with A PAM PH LEJT, V How to Obtain Patents, cost of same m the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, ; C.AiSW6W&p.; Patent 1 " 1 SCENIC LiNE.OFTHEV OKU). ' Two Fast '1 rinjs l)aily , n . ;;' , The Finest Bathing Ueshrt hr the World ' I Ijaito do not fail Salt ' th:s rare treat yourself f -- . Office, Washiet-''- , Opp. ; d, C. " 1 . Leadvillk Aspen, oiorado Springs. Pueblo a n r D enVer. c'i e.O i lfc hvflSbrr ff ; l rain No r., t bio nt 2 P t) leaves SaljlLike :" 10:5 . in Denver, z. Cp. 11 -- Train NOj, 4 i.2 Qit,.v J5' Arrn 'at cPEt 4 ,t Arriv- nf - r l' ' . . ' prpurT. h?c .m ,, . leaves Salt " e j . . P f , flj Southbour d O' STATIONS ' Fi sc-) ' -- rvJ At H i oi d . . ' -- ' Fleur L c nrm slet-- f & It. G. ers rn: afl trafris"; illArkH the D. - ard bav- a Es con iortable trie Trains tbe bjest.ceru rv tn fnc corninotit j K. Hooper, G. P. & T. A v v ; - Nrtt bound" . 8:05 p. m , Iuetio-- 5:2-- Direct Lint to Salt Lake aiil ulF Utah '.!aints)Ut L cul'l iun- cura in'effe t M rdi lD; 1S9S; (Tins U.. Qu- - is ke . 0:05 - AJL.hve Arrive b&tf'' .. r V' s 2:0u V:H L-R- ve. - tu ten Juab niiTFr sc run uatly . ex ept Sui.dai ' s. ,"D-r.v- r. a u Ogdeu TRY witu tbrcunji irons. " M fHE lr yaGdiiJ yi''r'r S. G. Dye, Agin:, JLlfjid,. Utah. W. H. BANCROFT, VV.:Eccles TrrHcAl!Ir Sail f j 'Vue-Pr-- ,- - .uiijtv s Sat , &G n. Like City. - . -- - -- PurleV, Gen. las-- . & i.m. D E " ShP.Uuio1 Ciiv. i Soufh. Jafungr Effecf;. Monday, July 24. ' vr No .. . 189-orf- ' h ' No 2. V . . LeavDiilly rLweit Mondays 8 50 Arri STATIONS.- -1 , . 0 Mil 7 Up cn, - Oally Except Sundays rri, ? P. M. 5 SO 5.10 .. : 4 si 4.35 ' 4.17 r.Lv. . 4(0 ? 'Ar. 3.47 m f' t : 4 : - t f MiSS. OBASGB, in Sqr Dal Ias,T,'ex. forsavbV ' r 3.22 a 3.0) 1.2 45 Atlanta, Ga. 1 II. P. IIANSON, r' ' 3 37 Lv 2,35 .' San Francisco, ('nl. ; HlchfieltlUtab. ;i()S. A. VKT. .CHIEF ENUI.NEEI!. 7 2:20.. 0 ' f |