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Show Y I 7$ 1 !Lf U ID I. on, con-Associati- Putnisned eve ry Satuniayb.y THE BE AVEIt CO. PUB- CO. - huststntchreaom crxnri JSonoiLBstaeiaT4rc4Bsel4al0LfaetFel--poorpandwin Peru ative to B HAVE ft CITY, ' NYepublish Oils week a very interest- - constant and Ion? continued practice lug letter from; Hoff. Guy E. .Mitchell, jand trainingr A letter or document in Secretary of the National Irrigation pvhlch the grammar, orthography, embodying an Interview struction and evoryt hing else is perfect, with Senor Ramon Estacia. of Peru. loses all Ls charm If the ehirography is R could the no more important matter "f thoTondinonsexisiing SUBSCRIPTION RATES: prior to Spanish occupation, gives a defective orthography be overlooked-verfl.OO. One Year, striking example oMhe blighting. Penmanship In all Us pris. ino glory and 75. influence of r Six Months, Span! sh dominai ion; an tx- - ufiistieform should bo reinstated in California lias Advertising limes on App''ba)'nnample wlpich has had i.s counterpart iu our public schpjds City every country where Spain has supplau-- , shown its right to the dost inciion of ed- E tjred at the post Ifioe at B Ufat), for tranfcirpssion through tin mails ted humane and intelligen t foi ms of ucatlonai cen er of the Wesi bv read- ts .econd class matter. goveriimeni by their piratical methods. opt fug the : pencerian or slant system Peru, like Mexico, was ei joyh g a high- of penmanship in all of its public schools HU E, EDITOR. W. M. ly civilized form of governn cut when and forbidding tin lac of the eriical, the Spanish tCoi.quistudores invaded an example whhh should be followed by Aguinaldo's on the run heir territory. ' Iu fact, except in tiie Utah and all ot her slates, y J '4 - - j - -- u 1 t In jusiico to the teachers and the more modem we wili sufy that, the S.ate methods of worshiping God, It is not Look out for the blue N on this paraopen U) desputo that that civilization schoobmanual, issued by the State. Board graph, li. means that your subscription Wjis of a higher order Gian lias ever provides ilia; direei instruction in writ- has expired been attained by t heir conquerors, sur- ing shall extend only to the Gth -- grade, rounded though they have-bee- n by the a fact which we learned after ihe above Influences of advancing people and na- was in type. Tiie fault then, for fault '1 Beaver of ibo trustees tions, Were it not for the Christian- it is, lies with the State Roard of Eduadto few use a dollars distrlcccpuld and civilizing influences which cation and should be corrected. In sup- izing vantage in the construction of some were brought to bear on thorn to rota rd port of t his .provision, the argument is at the Park and Central that before leaving the G.ln is not certain that I h eT acI theirprogress.it schools. Incas ot Peru would not today be set- - grade tiie student has h arned t he prin- ting examples'to the whole world in en-- ( tuples of penmanship and needs nothing and possibly but the practice w hich the increased architecture, gineering, of the Salt useful Invention. The Tho Reaver correspondent for in-- 1 chirographic work of the. higher grades-dividuastruggle on Lake Tribune must have earthquake wealth and notoriety, charac- - gives. Just as well might 1.., he claimed is He the brain. evidently recovering, torlstic Anglo-Saxo- n race, lias for that the rudimentary principles or of no been as has there however, report centuries stDOd in ihe way of such iihriieiic having been learned in the for several days. great works as the Coudesuyu canal, or any undertaking which has for i;s object the welfare of future generations TJio new Reaver creamery Iras our rather than the It is love of tricacies of higher mathetnat i( s. That presen'. thanks for samples of cheese and butter money anu w hat it. will bring on one ihoy could Jo it there is no doubt; but,. L .recej ved jvt t be oflicotbis vei k. They sldiratrainsrlove Of eoiuiTry and what penmanship, the process is too slow' are making un excellent article and the Its future will bo on tl.e other, and the pike jfor thi5 pluugiup ago. They both need. were received highly samples Srmth American na Hons have not profitthe guiding hand of an instructor. ed by the contaminating influence of tiie former. u-- e of firearms, an i super-intenden- ts, . lie-sclio- ol j out-buildin- gs ; j j l of-th- ar-ma- j o ny $ 4 ake a-sh- ! V YTho subscription price of The Blade has beeu reduced to $1.00 per annum, but only as an experiment; if the sub- tlm scription list grows as reduction will be permanent, otherwise will he reestablished. ce the Rotter subscribe now and get the benefit of the reduction. old-pri- The meteoric shower, scheduled for last Monday and Tuesday night, failed to show a 11 t Ifa t7jw as nth ertised and in consequence the audience was very slim in Reaver. Fake shows are so common In this part of the world that people are past being disappointed. Borne of the kti o w I n g ones s ay that the show split at over into the Prove, part of granger settlements on the Sevier. ' ft-goi- ng' Ono of the iATTEND natural resuitsof theadop- - college this ear. tion ofjdie vertical Never in the his. ory of our country; system of penman- ship Is no penmanship. In "the GEr and ; was t h e r e4' gr a i id er" o' p po r uni t y Thau fur euueatcd yoimgmen and 8th grade department of our city school an, ausj icious inompnt neither drawing nor penmanslsip is he- - h'on,en for those who are just i. ow on threshold hen the absurd vcrtbal of life.' Ing taught. system was adopted, It was asked by. Grand Island Business and Normal those who opposed the change why it College has for fourteen years bepnihe would not be as well to discard penman-- 1 leading Institution of its findinjlto was be- - vvcsll,ln s,Ucs and last 3 ear more than. ship entirely, since the twice as many calls wore received for J change andbewas .nadir Ihe made at Ing lta as could - -- . : - gniduaies supplied. .hQ3toftQJiQherswhQLfaIIedlo- recog- - Everyt hing necessary'-f- or a successful Nor- nlze or could nofrmaster ihe art of the sian. in life Is ' Spenceriau hand, and it seems now (hat. !iia antJ hofiand courses.; Expenses laught-r-Rusinos- s, lw' Roard only SI. 50 per week. -- O e au attempt lilI10 pvol, 0I1 year-,f j,.sl.d from the list of studies. Penmanship College Record sentfre, or feir six cents-Ione of the most necessary accomplish- - will send clrgun catalogue. ments and one which, in order to reach Address, A. M. IIai:gks, President. - Grand Island, Neb. . a high slate of perfection in, requires I Is to be made to ellmiuate it s ttl0l s r v- -s & 0 L ivwvnni.'y |