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Show From the Trenches B2 YouthEducation B3 Church Life B4 Television B6 Sports B7 Thursday ; December 9, 1999 "t B1 Today it's a sad note to report As we reported last week, our Clipper and Clipper Today Electric Light Parades were a great success as tens of thousands gathered in Bountiful, Kaysville and Clearfield to welcome Santa and to usher m the Christmas season But some of you may have noticed that there really was no one m the vehicle honoring our Kaysville Grand Marshal, Elizabeth Green Tall. We had asked her to nde in the Kaysville leg of the parade because at age 101 she was extremely well known and her life was an inspiration to people all over Davis County We wanted to honor as well as Bee her Grand our Fisher, Marshal in Clearfield for her life's contributions and because she had lived to witness virtually every moment of the 20th Century we Unfortunately, received word less than an hour before parade time that she had become seriously ill and would not be able to take part We allowed the vehicle to proceed without her because we didn't want her to miss out on the recognition she so richly deserved We felt that the public at least would be able to read her name on the side of the car that mght and that she might appreciate the recognition even though she could not take part directly We were later informed that Elizabeth Tall didnt recover and instead passed away at her home that night. Our condolences go out to her family, and we regret that the parade's show of respect for her came just adayor two too late to enable her to experience BY KM MADSEN Clipper Today Correspondent In 1861 Mrs. Isabella Beeton of London, set out to alleviate the discomfort and of people living in households of untidy ways and became the ongmal White Tornado? Up until that time, people hadn't connected dirt and disease, and although it was popular to strew herbs about the house to keep it fresher smelling, people didn't understand the need to sweep, scrub, and disinfect. Mrs. Beeton changed all that with her Beeton's Book of Household Management, and from that time on, every cookbook pubg lished included reapes for formulations. In our modem era, the drive seems to be behind accumulating possessions, filling our home with more that needs to be cleaned and polished and more chemical compounds to clean it all with In the midst of all this, the stress levels of soaety escalate and we seem to be perpetually short of time. Enter the popular nse of stress reducing such as techniques aromatherapy. deals with the healing potenAromatherapy tial of scent It's based on the idea that because the human olfactory nerves lead directly to the brain's emotional center (the limbic system) one's emotional well being may be improved by the judiaous use of suf-fen- home-cleanin- scents. A new movement is on the horizon combining the use of essential oils with basic cleaning ingredients to sav e money, tune and rescue our nerves. Not many housewives would list cleaning as a activity. but aromatherapy herbal housekeeping "proponents claim greater satisfaction, a it. clean fresh environment and improved this we At can only honor her by adding juncture, a few words in her memory She was truly a nativ e of health are all benefits. To make herbal cleaning formulas, you Davis County having liv ed during most of the county 's need She was measuring cups and spoons, existence. and narrow funnels, and large stainbom in Fruit Heights less steel or glass bowls (ceramic or plastic on Jan. 1, 1898, and bowls can absorb essential oil scents). It's remained a resident okay to store the finished product in plastic of the Kaysville-Fru- it containers such as spray bottles or empty all her area Heights flip top containers like empty Parmesan life. shakers. cheese A 1917 graduate of The following essential oils are effective, Davis High school, easy to obtain (most health food stores carry she also attended essential oils) and not too expensive: Business LDS oil is a disinfectant and the Lavender she In 1918, College. of aromatherapy Its calming scent queen became the first eases tension, anxiety and depression. female employee at a Lemon, orange and grapefruit oils are young, pioneering tough degreasers with refreshing scents that financial institution alleviate fatigue and depression. known as Layton First Lime oil is a lighthearted atrus scent that National Bank A smells so deliaous, it's easy to forget how the member of well it performs as a degreaser and general of the Daughters cleanser A few drops of this oil mixed with 2 Utah Pioneers, she tablespoons baking soda make an effective also was active in the kitchen scrub espeaally in the refrigerator Ladies, plus Rotary Eucalyptus oil is a disinfectant Inhaling and the Eagles its fragrance can relieve a stuffy nose. It's a American Legion good choice when sickness is present Auxiliaries. Tea tree oil made from the Australian A widow for years, tree Melaleuca altemifoha, is effective at her passing her against bacteria, fungi and some viruses. Its family included five scent eases congestion and is also a good a grandchildren, choice when theres illness in the home. daughter-in-lasix White cedar oil disinfects and provides step grandchildren, 12 and uplifting scent Another good choice for times of illness. and nine great-grePine oil, a fine old standby is a degreaser grandchildren. and a disinfectant. Its clean, outdoor scent fall she witnessed her the and nse lifetime, During of the Bamberger Railroad, the birth and growth of stimulates alertness. Lagoon, and the transformation of Davis County from a somewhat isolated rural area to a bustling suburban center She also witnessed two world wars, dozens of other conflicts, as well as myriad national and world events. She witnessed the transformation of society BY DR. DARRELL K. WHITE from its early fascination with automobiles to the comworld of and of the a Daw School District Superintendent high space age technology ing As a little child at the turn of the century, she could For those of us who are privileged to not have imagined how its cataclysmic events would work in education, our greatest reward is the unfold, or that she would be on hand to witness nearachievement of our students. ly all of them While she won't be here to see the end W'e are fortunate in the Davis School of one millennium and the ushenng in of another, she District to serve great families who send studid live through the dawning of the automobile age, dents to our schools with a positive attitude the advance of electricity and telephones, the conabout learning Because we have great stuwell as the as of and subjugapolio, quering smallpox dents and great teachers who work together tion of a host of other human ills. It was a century of miracles, triumphs and to achieve success, we have much to celebrate: tragedies. While she will be unable to share her memFor instance, consider the following' ories of these momentous events, she was lucky the A review of ACT test results of graduWe lived know what have cannot them. to enough 21st Century will bring, but we do know that the 20th ating seniors for the years 1994 through 1999 Century brought more changes and advances than shows a consistent pattern of increasing during the sum total of previous human history In scores which are well above state and national averages. During that time penod, this issue, we begin a senes called TO decades that 10 which Davis be the same to happen shaped composite scores for Davis students have increased from 21 4 to 211, while the state's decades that framed Elizabeth Tail's life. Not only was she fortunate to have expenenced the average composite peaked at 216 m 1998 and the nation's at 21 0 from The events of this century, she and others of her age also 22.1 composite score found m the Davis saw the transformation of Davis Countv from times of District has been the highest achieved since almost pioneer simplicity to today's complex world. 1994 and has K-e-n at that level for two years It must have been a wonderful view and one that few of us will ever get to expenenee as fully and comin a row While Davis District students pletely as did Elizabeth Tall, a modem Davis County continued a trend to score high in the area of pioreer stress-reduci- wide-mou- at th HERBAL CLEANERS can help homes achieve a cleaner, fresher environment while improving the health of occupants Breathe deeply and regularly while cleaning with these ingredients none of them are harmful to inhale. Just the opposite is true; their benefit comes from inhalation of the essential oils. You can lightly scent areas of your home by placing a few drops of the essential oil on a cotton ball and leaving it by an open window or heat register Other ingredients necessary for homemade cleaners include: Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), a mild abrasive that neutralizes both alkalis and aads. Don't confuse it with washing soda (sodium carbonate) a stronger alkali sometimes used in cleaning products. White vinegar; a mildly aadic liquid that neutralizes many alkaline soap solutions. Sodium lauryl sulfate powder (SLS), a simple effective detergent derived from coconut oil It cleans surfaces better than soap does. You can order it by mail or find it at some health food or nutrition stores. Unscented castile soap, like SLS will help loosen and wash away dirt. Large bars that you can grate for use in cleaning formulas are available by mail order or in larger grocery stores. Lemon, lime and grapefruit juices are available m both concentrated and or fresh forms at any grocery store. They smell great and are antibacterial and aadic to boot Borax (sodium borate) is a mildly alkasalt that kiosens dirt and line, water-soluble SciWOl Z006: We 1997-199- COPY stains while removing odors. Borax is available in all supermarkets. Camauba and olive oils recondition and polish wood surfaces Camauba is derived from the leaves of fan palm Beeswax thickens pastes and polishes for shining. Clay powder is a very mild abrasive Its main purpose in cleaning formulas is to absorb essential oils and make them easier to disperse in powdered cleaning formulas As a general rule, expert Sandy Maine, author of Herbal Housekeeping (1999, Interweave Press) suggests adding one teaspoon of essential oil per 2 cups of other cleaning ingredients See below for some of her reape suggestions - wmoow wasn LMiMNHmm lemon The juice and peppermint oil in this formula discourages flies and other bugs from perching on your windows Juice of 1 lemon 2 cups water or dub soda 12 teaspoon peppermint essenUal oil 1 teaspoon cornstarch Mix all ingredients and pour into plastic spray bottle. Shake well before using the deaner on an inconspicuous area before using it on the entire fabric. 4 cups water 1 cup white vinegar 3 tahlcsxons sodium laurv I sulfate 2 tcaqxxiro b ikine soda 8 leasjxxm lavender essential oil 8 teasfxxMi ginger essential oil Mix all ingredients together and fill a sprav bottle hall full Shake the bottle vigor-ousl- v 1 1 and sprav furniture or rug Scrub area with a brush using small circular motions. W ipe oil remaining suds with damp sponge Continue to sprav scrub and wipe until entire area has been treated Eucalyptus, Lavender, and Tfea "free Spray Cleaner This cleaner disinfects surf aces, kills mold and discourages its return All three essential oils arc known for their antimicrobial properties. 1 1 teasptxn vxlium laurv sulfate 1 teasjxxxi borax 2 tablesjxxms white vinegar 2 cups hot water 1 4 teaspoon eucahptus essc-nti.i- l oil 4 teasjxxin lavender essential oil 3 drops tea tree essential oil Mix all ingredients together and stir until dry ingredients dissolv e 1'our into sprav Kittle To use sprav on anv surface except glass Wipe with a clean damp cknh 1 LamnderGinger Ufiliplilti y This high suds deaner lifts dirt and smells from rugs and plush furniture. The lav ender and ginger oils help mask animal odors. Test should celebrate student success with a score of 22 6 in 1999 they also improv ed m other areas. For instance, they have unproved the most in the area of mathematics with a 12 gam in six years. A review of SAT test reading Placement, students results Davis District continue then high achievement. A whopping 73 percent of all students who took AP tests in May 1999 passed the exams with a 3 0 or better That rate is up from a 70 tests which are given yearly to students m grades five, eight and 11 shows continued success among Davis District students in all areas by either meeting or exceeding test scores posted last year m every category of math, reading. language, science and soaal science. The beauty of DARRELL the SAT is that it provides a comparison of our student achievement to the achievement of students throughout the nation The purpose is to provide a comparative rank, the national percentile rank, to see how well a student does aim pa red to peers nationally. Our students perform well For instance, Davis 1 scored better than 68 percent of the students in the national group. When it comes to Advanced in the percent pass rate just one year ago and exceeds the national pass average of 65 percent The Davis School District also has a higher percentage of high school students taking the AP exam than the percent of students particiK. WHITE pating across the state of Lhah and the nation. The news gets better when one a insiders tests at the elementary school lev el For example, m Language Arts. 93 percent of the district's second-gradesaircd aKive 75 percent Does all this good news mean our work as educators is over? Nope That answer itself then begs the question. Well, m what areas can students improve in the Davis School District end-of-lev- el rs irwimijliii Such a question is one that great educators ask themselves all the time lor instance. 99 percent of a class mav K-- readk-- el. but a great teacher isn't ing up to grade satisfied with such a percent he oi she knows of one student w ho needs addi tion.il help and encouragement to become a successful reader A ample of great aspects aKrnt serving as superintendent is that I'm surrounded by some great people great teachers, great parents and great students. We all expect improvement Improvement issinonvmous with the Davis School District, and improve v we will But let us not forget to take the tune necessary to congratulate each other aKmt the great strides we are making and celebrate our students' success. Let's not forget aKmt students like Nathan Cnxikston of Davis hgh and Ross Crandall of Viewmont 1 ligh who each, as juniors last year, passed four AP tests and reamed perfect saues m cal1 culus. So it s an exciting time to K-- an educator, and with the positive attitude that so manv in Davis Countv have with regards to education. we will continue to do nothing less than strive for excellence. |