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Show NEWS SUMMARY NORTHWEST NOTES The General Demand 8 Miss Evelyn Tanner ef the Well-Informed of the World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could gs at Fernie, B. > ers Wish, money known to them to be Mrs. wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, Anaconda acceptable to the system and gentle, yet C., or, if the Rs F. Soule, sion Of an aicohol stove. Wash., has been practically wiped out as the re of forest fires. Clayton had a rhe town of Clayton, In supplying that demand withits excellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, , the California Fig§ Syrup OYTUp Co. proceeds along ettrical lines and relies ijation Of about 500 people ΛΑ on the merits of the laxativefor its remark- forest fire of ar ns did considerable damage in the able success Coeur d’Alene 15 national acros he That is one of many reasons why Syrupof Figs and Elixir of Senna is given ho, just across the the ΒΝ —, = - by the Well-Informed To get its beneficial effects always buy forest as to year ago, ] ty valuation Real es show the follow $124,117,938 railroads, “i ilization of returns fror of rhe state board has re< h first Montana Post organien I n was organized one S te rs ᾽ meeting Ββ80, Price fifty centa in fon Mon sters’ the genuine—manufactured by the Ca fornia ig Syrup Co., only, and for sale byall leading druggists. perbottle, wa rned t0 death in her home by prompt, in action, preference sul man personal, In and iong five $81,789, $43,816,000. lways of Colorado have ral court for an injunc raining the members of the Colorado ,atlroad commissicm faye finished, which will be sometime this year, $150,000 will have been spent in e improvement, Her Reason. Not long The fire that has been burning in {ng near Dayton, wa nduced to come to court only after veral subpoenas bad been served uy n her ξ When the dilatory witness was final. ly brought befo.o his honor, he said tte St. Lawrence mine at Butte for nearly 4 quarter of a century, claimed iis first vietim last week. Peter Cal chan, aged 25, who went into the mine in a new gas helmet, was overcome and asphyxiated. Ontario, Oregon, is in the throes of in his severest tone an oil boom, Every oil expert that “What reason can you assign, madam, for disobeying the summons! of the court?" “T ain't got none, Jedge,” answered the woman, meekly, “only we've got small-pox down to our place, an’ Tj thought mebbe you'd be kinder pre Judiced agin it.”—Illustrated. has inspected this field has made a favorablo report on the. formation, and that where so much natural gas | is found the indications are first-class for an field in the vicinity. in the! temple. Henry Miller, a lumberman,, of a young man. | was strug, but the course of the bul- | “Don't take any stock in him,” said jet was ghanged by papers in his | the first. “He is a flirt. He is a jilt.” | pocket, “But his presents—” “He gives all the girls presents when he is making up to them. Why, | | BR jerk in nell of Washington, chief| tie postal service, Malcolm | Gillis, poxmaster at Butte; Dr. Roff, he gave me something every other | nostmaste: at Missoula, and Strictly Fresh Eggs. There are summer resorts, remote Fortunately a heavy rain fell | from any agricultural communities where fresh farm products are even harder to obtain than in the city, It flagration. Was at such a place that the new China has formally accepted the boarder, who had eaten four or five date, January 1, next, and the selecbreakfasts there, began to wonder tion of the city of Shanghai, as the why the eggs were invariably served time and place for holding the meetfried, SHE COULD NOT WALK ing of the international opium com: | “See here?” he inquired one morn mission, ing of the genial colored man who The people of Constantine, Algeria, | waited upon him, “why do you always For Months—Burning Humor on Ankles —Opiates Alone Brought Sleep ire still in a state of terror from the fry eggs here? Don't you ever boil —Eczema Yielded to Cuticura. earthquake shocks of a few days them?” ago, fearing a repetition, and thereis, | “Oh-oh, yes, sah!” responded the | “T had eczema for over two years. in consequence, a steady exodus to waiter, pleasantly. “Of co’se, yo’ kin t they only the country. have 'em boiled, if yo’ wants ‘em. But I had two physicians, gave me relief for a shoft time and I The Orthodox Missionary congress, you know, sah, yo’ takes de risk!” |cannot enumerate the olntments and which is now in session at Kiev, has | lotions I used to no purpose. My anktaken a backward and unpopular step Astonished Great Piantst. in petitioning the government to again A collection of anecdotes of musical les were one mass of sores. Theitchmake obligatory in Poland the use of celebrities just published at Leipsic | ing and burning were sc intense that could not sleep. I coulc not walk for the Russian calendar. contains this one under the head of William F. Downing, a member of Anton Rubinstein. When the great | nearly four months. One day my husthe old Stiles Alvord band of outlams pianist was making his tour of the band said I had better trughe Cuticura who ten years ago operated in southUnited States he sat one day in a |Remedies. After using them three many. John Hossuf, who had been drink- | ward Dujont was wounded The baseball evangelist, the eloquent Billy Sunday, said during the revival services at Sharon, P: “Keep good company. Nothing does |the young more harm than bad society. Only yesterday a farmer told }me about a youngster of six or seven, la little country weeker, who had as | suspicious and mistrustful a heart as | some old miser or crook, “This boy was sent by a charity society to spend a week at the farmer's. The farmer set out to meet him, but was late. He ran into him half-way to the farm, trudging along the white road, a big burlap bag of luggage on his little bony shoulder. “The farmer held out his hands for the burlap bag. “I'll carry it, son,’ he said. ‘It's too heavy for you.’ ‘*Go on!’ said the little bo; flercely. ‘Clear out now, or I'll call a cop. “T have already promised ten cousins to marry them. I can see I shall never get through all my divorces.” Judge | ern Arizona, was killed in his saloon at Wilcox, Ariz., by Ranger William Speed, while resisting arrest. railroad train looking out upon the scenery. Suddenly a man sitting across the aisle spat over Rubinstein’s head out of the open window. The master drew back and gazed in astonishment and anger at the vulgar American, who smiled and said, soothingly: | “Don’t worry; I know my distance.” week.” : | Cheadle of the district bench at Lew“But he gives me,” said the second | j:town, Mont., were all slightly 1πThe First National bank of Bell girl, “such presents as convince me | jyred in an automobile accident near| Plaine, Minn., has been closed by orthat he means business this time.” “What has he given you?” | Helena. cur: | der of the comptroller of the | Malheur county, Oregon, of which rency. The bank was reported insol“He has given me a tea service, @| vale jg the county seat, is one of the vent, followed by the suicide of the set of table linen, a Morris chair, 4| yery Jarge counties of the state, be-| president of the bank, J. G. Lunde. to be Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. τν κο Gammation, aliays : senger run were awaiting him at Grand Junction. One hundred sheep were struck and killed by lightning while taking shel- Cal., Bridgeport, Ξ : i (er from a storm at7 reduces s, 250 a bottle, at the head of the Carson river. When rust >» sheen ut “ame t Back pay is usually slow about com | the storm came up the sheep rushed under a tan k tree while the her tng to the front 8» der and his dogs sought the protec It Cures While Foot-Ea Τ You Walk hot. tion of another sweaty 1ing can atone for want of truth. cin. τ - The Bank of Austin, Nevada, one of the oldest banks of that place, fa last week. According to the cash J. A. Miller, Jr., however yorary Ssupension, as he says 000 ank has vans and $2 he same an Japatiese section wbber in the tanks in their men t captured of ct car τ at Mont, @fd of t an ‘xamination disclosed $65 in batters ιαπ 8 effects xoney, the exact amount secured by at Park City, Mont., severackman 8 ral days prey k by an An unknown man was struc Pacifia about n¢ine oD the Southern one mile fron la, Nevada. The body Was immediately picked up and found to be cold, leading the crew to was already elieve the a deau vhen hit» by the engine, and that he nad bee Murdered. trying to escape Pounds was shot Gifts I by ntliy ἶ n, Conn Pittst 3 in ed niav is | Auburn, S i Ν. of 1 Υ w iM ind ] i $ ) Ts the vast private correspondence with sick women conducted by women only, and arethe letters kept strictly confidential ? Come and See. Have theyreally got letters from over one million, one hundred thoysand women correspondents ? Come and See. Have they proof that Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has cured thousands of these women ? Come and See. | ‘ This advertisement is only for doubters. The great army of women whoknowfrom their own personal experience that no medicine in the world equals Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoundfor femaleills will still go on using and being benefited by it; but the poor doubting, suffering woman must, for her own sake,be taught confidence,forshealso might just as well regain herhealth, +. |Positively cured by theseLittle Pills. They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, Ine digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect reme edy for Dizziness, Naue sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste inthe Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER, SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Brown, Locke, Ark., May; 18 and July | Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature fluor SING, BIRDIE, DON’T! REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Keepsthe breath, teeth, mouth and body antiseptically clean and free from unhealthy germ-life and disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparations Miss Yellem (about to sing)—What | is your favorite air, professor? Professor—Fresh air—and plenty of it! Good morning! Few Horses Used in China. The only places in China where alone cannot do. A germicidal, disinfecting and deodorizing toiletrequisite } of exceptional ex- cellence and economy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes, threat and nasal and any great extent uterine catarrh. At are Shanghai, Eh Tau and TienTsin Austr walers,” so called bec > the in New South Wales, are the most popular. These horses are imported into Shanghai in batches of from 20 to 50, are well ta drug and toilet stores, 50 cents, or by mail postpaid. horses are used to ken care of riving in on. the excellent voyage, and, ar Large Trial Sample WITH “HEALTH AND BEAUTY" BOOK SENT FREE THE PAXTON TOILET C8., Boston, Mass, nditien, are put into use within a couple of weeks αἴ. | a | ΘΓ arrival. shadow of myoriginal self and my | friends were quite alarmed about me While clearing away the “uins of “First I dropped coffee and used Postum, then began to use Grape-Nuts the explo ien in the Rikovsky mine, which τε ted in the death of about although I hadlitile faith it would do two hun men, the authorities me any good. “But I continued to use the food and found a set of counterfeiting tools have gained twenty pounds in weight and a quantity of spurious money I is believed the counterfeiters causeg | and feel like another person in ever) the explosion. way. I feel as if life had truly begun The record run from Denver [0 anew for me. Cheyenne in.an automobile was le “I can eat anything I moderation, suffer ast week by J. WV t ΠΥ feet from mor cf the N rn Col Ρ Whereas a vear ag had to send |} me away f home for rest whi others ( ] ‘ at wl t | spring I h G g of 1 ᾳ | all alone “My breakfas gay jon Come and See. “I lost flesh unti] I was almost and killed by a pollfceman after a chase of two blocks. ΄ Mrs. Pinkham now to whom sic woman are asked to write? They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. And She Is Proud of It. Two ladies were lunching together ne day, when one who is a member of the Colonial I s said to the othWhy do you not join the Co1] Dames? Y surely must be izible.” Oh, yes,” responded her friend. “I now ΐ I ! | with cr sometimes but generally only G N Postum. And I can work until n one hour's and not feel as tired as work would have made m2 a year ag re’s a Reason Name given by Postum Co., Battl Creek, Mich. Read, “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs Ever read the above letter? A new H 18 Gert 18 spike n, | Wyo., team on July 4, died a few days} aco a result of blood poisoning | used by the spiking fore death | one appears from time to time. They ame Rehwaldt had suffered paralysis | are genuine, true, and full of human trom the hips down. ; interest. the me I kno ding Rhod for in of wy Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FOR, SALE «AT THE LOWESTPRICES BY an- have been de- n LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS years.”—Emily A.N. KELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO, 73 W. AdamsSt., Chicago I COFFEE 4 ashamed to keep the undertaker waiting for a job who ought Stoltz of his position as freight conductor and promoting him to a pas- Come and See. Was there ever such a person as Lydia E. Pinkham, and is there an I used Cuticura, and there has been no return of the eczema. | Mrs. David That Murine bye Remedy Cures Eyes, fined $800 and Gertie Williams $10 ople Do the women of America continu. ally use as much ofit as we are told? in a short time. It is now a year since Official estimates of the fire losses to the insurance companies as the reποσο. about 8,500 people. The taxable prop- | sult of the forest fires in British Co {mportant to Mothers. erty aggregates something over $4,| lumbia have been prepared by the Examine carefully every bottle of 000,000 special representatives and adjusters. CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for on James Iverson, aged 30, of Sparks, They place the amount at $2,850,000. | infants and children, and see that it is wasted on 1 le Compound. out drugs ? Come and See, used one set of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills, and my ankles healed hall rug, and a beautiful brass bed-| ing gixty miles wide and 180 miles| stead.” —Exchange. long, with a populatign numbering| Much sympathy g Ts ft a purely.vegetable compound made from roots and herbs — with. times I had the best night's rest in months unless I took an opiate. I | 13, 1907.” He'd Pull Hard. “Senator Folker, who journeyed to Albany at the risk of his life to cast | the vote that doomed racing in New York, had collected a number of instances of race-track trickery,” said | an Albanylegislator. | Nevada, a prominent member of tlre Members of the United Brother“Discussing, one day, the way jock| Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi-| hood of Tailors of New York City are Bears the Ζ}7»γη | ueers, was accidentally shot in Blue again threatening a general strike, eys so often sold races, he said that ΄ Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. canyon, near Truckee, Cal., by his which, if called, will involve 30,000 | there was a Gloucester jockey once, the rider of a favorite, who was overThe Kind You Have Always Bought. | companion, Harry Criss, while hunteoat makers and helpers. Ak present | | heard to say in a saloon, the night | Criss mistook Iverson }ing for deer. 5 ‘ke men are working from ten to High Art in Billville. for a deer. before the favorite ran: dieven hours. “7 shan’t win unless the reins | “An’ you say it took that artist two| George F. Demargs was shot and in3ronson Howard, the dean of Amermonths to paint this little picture?” | stantly killed by Jackson Reid, aged break.’” “Shore did!” | 11, on Government island in the Lewis ican playwrights, died Algust 4, at ALMOST A SHADOW. “Well, all I've got to say is, he’s | & Clark fair grounds. Demars, with Avon-by-the-Sea. He was born in DeGained 20 Ibs. on Grape-Nuts, too slow for this settlement. I could| his father and brother, were fishing troit, in 1842. Like most men of his | ‘a’ painted two houses an’ four barns on the island, and were ordered off by profession he began his career in a | difference be| There’s a wonderful newspaper Office, being a reporter on in that time, an’ not half tried."—At-| several children, among whom was | the Detroit Free Press. tween a food which merely tastes good lanta Constitution. | young Reid. | and one which builds up strength and Miss Elizabeth Barnett, recently Convicted on a charge of violating eee good healthy flesh. Your Druggist Will Tell You | the anti-pass law, S. C. Watts was acquitted of the murder of Oscar PetIt makes no difference how much we| erson, a bachelor farmer, and re-ar- | It is |; eat unless we can digest it a9 ΝΕ νη rong. Doesn't Smart. in the federal court at Helena, Mont rested on a charge of forgery system until | not really food to the a Watts, who is a Great Northern brakeA Yorkstate woman it is absorbed. ; , weewife and ΚΝ for his ; a pass old man, ᾽ secured aa honored Old age, especially1 says: fa oe it to the Williams woman. Both naw bay, ten miles northwest of Bay + this 3 ΜΉ“ re} City, Mich. “T had been a sufferer for ten years 1S) were indicted. tage ΝΕΤ of moreη value than all the plea 8S Scott Pound and Ray C. Baird, two | with stomach and liver trouble, and M. Stoltz, a freight conductor hand youth.—Cicero had got so bad that the least bit of ling his last train as such, was killed Seattie youths, about 18 year food such as I then knew, would give inear Grand Junction, Colo., by being were surprised at} work robbing which | me untold misery for hours after run over by a train. Orders relieving icon in San Francisco, into eating. they had forced an entrance, and in | y and all statements rtisements of Lydia made in the E. Pinkham Wiles of Grafters. and stopped the progress of the con ing, rani}amuck at Kalispell, Mont., and shot |three men. Alderman Schu-| man recefved a flesh wound, while Ed- | Evans called his we r's attention to a dead What Does This Sign Mean ? fly in some dish or other. It means that public inspection of “The waiter, as he took the dish the Laboratory and methodsof doing away, muttered with a-~ malevolent business is honestly desired. It means that there is nothing about the buslook at the limp insect: “I'd give a two-dollar bill if I knew iness which is not “open and above. for certain that this was the fly that’s board.” It means that a permaner nt invita been buzzing about my nose all the morning.” 1 tth is ext ided to anyone to come City Youngster Too Well Aware of the A number of persons were burned | ago there was tried in an He Meart Business. “At luncheon, Mr. This sign is permanently attached to the front of the main building of the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine he Company, Lynn, Mass. and verify "Ὁ death and 100 houses were de| siroyed by fire at Donauschingen, Ger- | Ohio court suit for damages where. in the principal witnes , a woman liv- Two girls on the boardwalk talked when he thinks of the way he has been duped “He told me the other day that he could hardly understand the rage that possessed him against every petty little insignficant dealer that had cheated him. He said it was like the rage of a waiter that he had noted one afternoon at luncheon NO CHANCE TO BUNKO HIM. Three children, aged 1,2 and 4 years, respectively, were burned to death at Minneapolis. The mother Mrs. Frank Lindberg, locked the children in a room and went shopping. ....04 and that before the work is Ered bogus paintings have been | “He's awfully angry,” said the art | dealer, repressing a smile Some of his costliest pictures, you know, have turned out fakes. His blood boils tured ¢ ‘THE COME AND SEE SIGN A Chicago art dealer was talking about the wrath of William T. Evans, the New York colleetor upon Whom | ] William E. English, a private in company 115, coast artillery, awaiting desertion, was trial] for shot and killed at the Presidio, San Francisco while trying to escape. It is reported by railroad officials that work on the new freight ternal at Imlay, Nevada, has been re a Levi P. Brockway, S Anoka, John Zett, a farmer living on the Bolton road near Vernon, Conn., killed his wife and granddaughter and tried to kill his son, using a sledge hammer and a knife from Mrs. Steve Adams, wife of the man yho was tried for the murder of Arur Collins at Grand Junction, and vyho was acquitted of the charge, is in Denver, and has left her husband, ac to a dispatch from Denver. ᾿ Yes»8 lady "( see, folks folks along al g de You see, route is too poor now ter hand out Art Collector and irritated Waiter Had the Same Feelings. Could an encounter be tween the police a band of igands, who have | terrorized ie suburbs of Tiflis of the latter were killed and the Gthers rcing the law as to rates and rail ay regulation against them. “Poor man! so you are a victim of the late financial panic?” GOOD CAUSE FOR WRATH. second Ave., er ly 15 Minn,, says: five months in a John G son, a stockman of Columhospital I was dis bus, Mc was killed by a train at charged as_ incur Kenzie, 1 8. D., while en route to Chiable, and given only » with a shipment of cattle. six months to live The Shevlin-Mathiu Lumber e¢om My heart was affectsawmill at Beaudette, Wis., ed, I had smother aught fire and burned to the ground ing spells and someusing a loss of approximately $250 times fell uncon 0) - scious. I got so ἡ The Hearst Independence party 1s couldn't use my planning to put a full state ticket in arms, my eyesight the field In Kansas by means of a was impaired and petition containing the names of 2,500 the kidney secretions were badly dis voters. ordered. I was completely worn out The new Finnish diet was formally and discouraged when I began using pen at the palace at Helsingfors Doan’s Kidney Pills, but they went 5, by yovernor-General right to the cause of the trouble and with the customary cere did their work wel! I have been mon E | feeling well ever since.” Formal ratifications of the new 50 cents a box. Sold by all dealers rademark and ypyright treaty be- Foster-Milburn Co 3uffalo, N. Y, tween the Ja 8 government and e United States were exchanged on BEGINNING EARLY, \ugust 6 wife of a promi business Because Doctors Not Cure. | τ. ponent parts are Discharged The plant of the Jenkins Rubner mpany at El eth, N. Y., has been y des tr yed by fire, causing s of $100,060 from a horse near Cokeville, Wyo almost instantly | ! The eftizens of Butte wil nda ud Of provisions to the ure au ganction for family use because its comk FIVE MONTHS IN HOSPITAL. de Pre * good; eee Line ; Reke : all Ochi ¢ of € xcel- 44 better; finer: xekke ing $s Best. You κε very Yes,” one n't Campaign Song Books .,.”" it Mr. on "14 149 Ρε Καὶ Brooklyn, N.Y, of Hopeless and Mrs. s seem to get WIDOWS’10¢er New Law ot tained badly.’ answered Miss those or Cayenne. « “It’s where a PENSIONS "Wathcwn5a an thinks he knows aj] about herse DEFIANCE STARCH sssi*s\ 0 rors winand races and a woman thinks she knows | W. N. U,, Salt Lake City, No. 33, 1908 all about bridge.” |