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Show know WHITE NEWS SUMMARY |You WHAT yrup yfTiss SPlixive Mrs. Frederic Schoff of Phil has beén re-élécted presid National Mothers’ cong ma of acts gentlyyet prom pt- 16 esien ejfectu lhy, The senate has accepted the amendment ot the legislative bill increasing the salaries of surveyors general from $2,000 to $3,000 by onthe bowels, cleanses assists one in overcomind habitual constipation ermanently. Toset its eneficial effects buy the éenuine. lanufactured by the CALIFORNIA Fic Syrup Co. SOLD BY LEADING DRUCGISTS - 50¢per BOTTLE Seger ee = SO RUDE OF HIM, “Why won't you see Herr Schmidt to-day, Erna?’ “O, mamma, I can’t endure him any more! Only think, the last time he called he waved his handkerchief to me after leaving, and then—” “Well, and then?” “Then he sneezed into it!” What is contention? The true phil- osophy of life and the principal ingredient in the cup of happiness.—Burton. Garfield Tea—a simple and satisfactory laxative! Composed of Herbs, it regulates liver and kidneys, overcomes constipation and brings Good Health High aims form noble character and great objects bring out great minds.— Tryon Edwards. |} ONLY ONE “BROMO QUININE” ον is LAXATIVE BROMY 4 ININK. Look for signature of H.W. GROVE. Used the World ever to Cure a Cold in One Day, %o. Success seldom comes to a man who isn't expecting it. | | | output. Two men were killed and five per| sons seriously injured when an excursion train on the International & Great Northern railway bearing a party of homeseekers from Kansas | and Oklahoma en route to Las Paltenas, Mexico, was wrecked at Pearsall, Texas, In the arrest of Fanny Ritchie and Harry McCuen at Dearsun Texas, the Positively cured by mystery of a wholesale murder ip these Little Pills. Oklahoma City last August, involving They also relieve Die the death of five persons, is cleared treas from Dyspepsia, In up. The woman declares McCnen digestion and Too Hearty committed the murders, robbery be Eating. A perfect rem ing the motive. edy for Dizziness, Naw They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, CARTERS ITTLE Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature PER (eeora all REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. MADE FOR SERVICE and guaranteed absolutely ~ WATERPROOF 4 Bran? OILED SUITS, SLICKERS AND H TS Every garment guaranteed Clean - Light - Durable Suits $3°° Slickers $390 come to Australia as the guest of the commonwealth ing the visit next winter in Australian waters of the American battleship fleet on street cor cas Jacob are unconstitutiona came [ror Gloner 1 st h exposing it to the Didn't Need It. Agent—Here’s a book that will be welcome in every family. It contains all the rules of etiquette and directions for avoiding slips in grammar. Hiram Grasscutt—Don't need nothin’ of that kind. Got a daughter hum from boardin’ school, a son goin’ to high school an’ a hired man who's a college feller workin’ fer his health. But, by jing, partner, it’s a relief to talk once in a while to a common, ordinary person. I don’t; need the hook, but I'm darned glad you called. fir ao $250,000 damages revocation, rnor of laughte beer \ while Cuba, of 1 on account military her { he tainst th croner’s (2 Sothe next time I whi upplying true nourishment. Such an ideal food is found in GrapeNuts, made of whole wheat and barley by long baking ar tion of 4 stase in the barley which changes the starch > y in he tend to my business every day 1 who Grape-Nuts ed for : 1 a fight St. Joe, came to orrhage of the over-exertion. ld for trial. customers I meet a man i 2 years old and atod health to the use of and Postum which (Παπ: j | r many ye irs before I ts, began to I could not say that e or knew what it was to I am well.’ I suff greatly wit! tS aré as ation, now 1 as ever In extra 8 bi jeal food and my | it He Wasn't Afraid. Mrs. Spenders—I wonder how you'd like it if | ever got ‘new-womanish’ and insisted upon wearing men’s clothes? Mr. Spenders—Oh, 1 haven’t any fear of your ever doing that. Men’s clothes are never very expensive.— Catholic Standard and Times. Schoolmaster—Do you wish your son to learn the dead languages? Mr. Koffin—Certainly, as I shall require him to asist in my business as an undertaker. important to Mothers. DEEP CRACKS FROM ECZEMA Could Lay Slate-Pencil in One—Hands in Dreadful State—Permanent Cure in Cuticura. “TI had eczema on my hands for about seven years and during that time I had used several so-called remedies, together with physicians’ and druggists’ prescriptions. The disease was so bad on myhands that I could lay a slate-pencil in one of the cracks and a rule placed across the hand would not touch the pencil. I kept using remedy after remedy, and while some gave partial relief, none relieved as much as did the first box of Cuticura Ointment. I made a purchaseof Cuticura Soap and Ointment and my hands were perfectly cured after two boxes of Cuticura Ointment and one | cake of Cuticura Soap were used. W. | H. Dean, Newark, Del., Mar. 28, 1907.” On the Judges. in the uptak as thae easier.” Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of West Union, S. C.,writes to Mrs. Pinkham: “T was greatly run-down in health from a weakness peculiar to mysex, when Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound was recommended to me. It not only restered me to perfect health, but to my delight I am a mother,” Mrs. Josephine Hall, of Bardstown, Ky., writes: “T was a very great sufferer from female troubles, and myphysician failed tohelp me. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound not only restored me to perfect health, but I am nowa proud infants and children, and see that it FACTS FOR SiCK WOMEN. jears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years, The Kind You Have Always Bought. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of womenwho have been troubled with It's All Right, Then. She—You have kissed other girls, haven't you? He—Yes; but no one that you know. —Harper’s Weekly. It Cures While You Walk. Allen’s Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching feet. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25c. Don’t accept any substitute. Trial package FRE. Address Allen $. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. The Price. “What does it cost you, Ferdinand, that handsome umbrella of yours?” displacements, inflammation, uleeration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing-down feeling,flatulency, indiges- tion, dizziness or nervousprostration, Whydon’t you tryit? Mrs. Pinkhaminvites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass, Pam “Eternal vigilance, my boy.” TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body antiseptically clean and free from unhealthy germ-life and disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparations alone cannot do. germicidal, disin- fecting and deodorizing toilet requisite of exceptional exFrom October to May, Colds are the most frecellence and econquent cause of Headache, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE removes cause. E.W.Grove on box 2c | omy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes, For His “Animated Nature.” throat and nasal and WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. Goldsmith got $4,500 for his “Ani- toilet by mail postpaid. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT |s guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding ΡῚ in 6to lédaysor money refunded. δῦς. Most remarkable grass of the century. Good for three rousing crops annually Fancy prices please the seller more One Iowa farmer on 100 acres sold $3,- | 800.00 worth of seed and had 300 tons of than the buyer. hay besides. It is immense. Do try it. | and stores, 50 cents, or bodies.” Billion Dollar Grass. uterine catarrh. At drug mated Nature.” judge For 10¢ AND THIS NOTICE LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETASLE COMPOUND mother.” The damage caused by rust is more to be feared than the wear and tear of work.—Haliburton. ye maun mind that the Lord isna sae dull Every womaninterested in this subject should know that preparation for healthy maternity is accomplished by the use of Fxamine carefully every bottle of CASTORIAa safe and sure remedy for For Over Half a Century Brown's Bronchial Troches have been unexcelled as a cure for hoarseness, coughs and sore throat, A celebrated Scottish lawyer had to address the Caledonian equivalent of our supreme court. His “pleading” occupied an entire day. After seven hours of almost continuous oratory he went home, at supper and was asked to conduct family worship, As he was exhausted his devotions were brief. “T am ashamed of ye,” said the old mother. “To think ye could talk for seeven hoors up at the court and dismiss your Maker in seeven minutes.” “Ay, verra true,” was the reply, “but Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For childrea teething, softens the gums, reduces tnfammation, allays cures wind colic. 25c a bottie, Large Trial Sample WITH “HEALTH AND BEAUTY” BOOK SENT FRED THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Mass, |eiScSdtteAt® ELECTROTYPES n great variety for sale at the lowest prices by y AN. KELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO., 78 W. Adams 81, Chieage Many a man gets left by sticking to the right W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 13, 1908. And if you send l4c we will add a package of new farm by you. John Crosse, Wis. K. seed never before A. Salzer Seed & W. Co., seen “OUCH” La OH, MY BACK Transmitted Snake Bite. An extraordinary case of snake potlsoning is reported from a country hospital in Victoria, N. S. W. An old mar was brought in in a comatose state and showing all the symptoms of hav ing been bitten by a venc mous snake But on investigation it was found h had been bitten | log, which died almost immediately afterward from snake bite. Medica] treatment was successful, and the man gradually re covered from the snake poison which the reptile had indirectly transmitted IT IS WONDERFUL HOW QUICKLY THE PAIN AND S FNESS GO WHEN YOU USE OS oll iGISTS.—80c. CONQU RS to him. Beyond Him. On the occasion of the production of “Lucia” at the Metropolitan opera| house last winter a well-known club man, who had taken a cousin from a | Connecticut town to hear Donizetti's great work, turned to his relative dur ing the first intermission and asked how he liked the r “Oh, ty f the visitor; “but is whole blamed thing in Latin ?”—Harper's COFFEE The dealing. If you ling’s is don’t Best, like it SHOES AT ALL PRICES, FOR ED : MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. ka W. L. Douglas m2kes and sells more simple. Schil- costs you nothing. thanany,otlior manufacturer the ip er wt er mani 44: Bek" world, because they hold their "= oa fit better, wear longer, and = are o eater ¥2 than any other shoes “a the worid to-day. W.L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At An Price er CAUTION. i by the shoe W. L. Dongias name and price is st alers everywhere. Shoes mal trated Catalog free to any address, d on b Take No Substitute, , Brockton, WEAR SHIELD BRAND SHOES I e's a Reason.” Name give n by Postum ( Battle Creek, Mich. Read “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. because of some organic derangement this happiness is denied them, We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hal!’s Catarrh Cure. F. J.CHENEY& OO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorabie in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WaLpinG, Kinnan & Marvin, | Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. 78 Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting “tly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tne Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per ή Soid by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ist I can think and write . How’s This? | my effort How many American women in lonely homes to-day long for this blessing to come intotheirlives, and “I wouldn’t like to be positive, but to be able to utter these words, but | it’s well worth trying.’” he has the last 5 years. He mixes ts with Postum and says they suprem before | “Tf I leave $100,000 or so to the | church, will my salvation be assured” | “The minister answered cautiously: etc. to that 1,66] prize fighter fifth round by IT {S FOUND ONLY ON his bedside he muttered weakly: A LITTLE KNOWLEDGE. dred so-and-so?’ Havana, 58 Asserted His Rights. John Hunter was a negro given to Active and Bright, Though Almost a chastising his wife Centenarian, “You, John,” said a neighbor one | day, “Susanna say, ef you don’t quit Shepard Kollock, of 44 Wallace St., beatin’ her she gwine to de Freedman Red Bank, N. J., is a remarkable man bureau!” at the age of 958 “She do, do she?” he replied, with For 40 years he was scorn. “Now, lemmetell yer, wunst a victim of kidney an’ fer all! Susanna am mywife! An’ troubles and doctors so long as she go ‘bout her bizness I said he would never gwine leff her ‘lone. But w’en she git all. 7 ve cured. “I was ter cuttin’ up I gwine ter beat her, an’ VU Vi trying everything,’ ther’ ain't no bureau nor no sidebode ΔΩ says Mr. Kollock, nor no chist of drors what kin hol’ me “but my back was lame and weak, back!’” and every exertion sent a sharp Worth a Trial. twinge through me. I had to get up Cyrus Townsend Brady, the author several times each night and the kidney secretions contained a heavy sedi- and clergyman, told at a dinner in ment. Recently I began using Doan’s Toledo a story about charity. “A millionaire,” said Dr. Brady, “lay Kidney Pills, with fine results. They dying. He had lived a life of which, have given meentire relief.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box as he now !d0ked back onit, he felt none too proud. To the minister at Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The Telephone Girl’s Amendment. Said the business man with a grouch against the telephone central: “One day I was calling a number and said, ‘Get me on-four-hundred gsoand-so.’ The girl said, ‘Fourteen-hun- of OV license 2» for A REMARKABLE MAN, send to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., to pay postage, ete., anda they will mail you the only original seed eatalog published in America with samles of Billion Dollar Grass, Macaroni Vheat, the sly miller mixer, Sainfoin the dry soil luxuriator. Victoria Rape, the 26c a ton green food producer, Silver King Barley yielding 173 bu. per acre, ete., ete., Among ever tributes } ‘ g , The ¢ n of t ς tess of Buena Vista against Major General Brook PURE WHITELEAD hr i So badly do the farmers of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, require heip inte sugar on the farms that the Farmers’ The phosphates also, placed up unleague has issued an appeal to the der the bran-coat of the wheat, are inunemployed of the cities and towns cluded in Grape-Nuts, but left out of to go to the country for work, amd an white flour They are necessary to appeal has been sent to the bureau | the building of brain and nerve cells, of labor and immigration. “I have used Grape-Nuts,” writes an The supreme court of Missouri has Iowa man, “for 8 years and feel as good es prohibit decided that city ordin and am stronger than I was ten years ing persons from loung > or loafing ago. Iam over 74 years old, and at- 1 PAINT QUALITY gh I called the number I thought I'd be forehanded. pealed to America to protect her ter: | “I said, ‘Get me fourteen-hundred ritorial industry against France. The | so-and-so.’ And the girl asked, ‘Onestate department has been informed | four-oh-oh so-and-so,’” that a delegation is now on its way| HAPPY OLD AGE trom Monrovia to Washington’ to| make a personal appeal. | Most Likely to Follow Proper Eating. The ε stion has been made in the Au an senate, and greeted As old age advances, we require less with enthusiasm, that the federal gov ood to replar waste, and food that ernment invite President Roosevelt to street THE DUTCH BOY PAINTER Ὃν 4 STANDS FOR eg Lead is the standard paint | over the world. Itis made c lead into a white The government of the little African republic of Liberia has ap- The SOLD BY BEST DEALERS EVERYWHERE CATALOG FREE FOR THE ASK WG White ma by fumes of weak acetic acid and earbonic ar g this powder is then ground xed with linseed oil, making a thick paste, in which formit ts packed The The steamer Pomona, which plys and sold for painting purposes. painter thins it down to the proper between San Francisco and Eureka, Wi wrecked near Fort Ross on consistency for application by the adMarch 17. All her passens rs were dition of more linseed oil. The above refers, of course, to pure, saved Three men were killed and four in- genuine White Lead only. Adulterated jured, two fatally, by the blowing up and fake “White Lead,” of which there brands on the market, is of one of ten wi houses of the | ἡ gene some sort of composition United States Px company at containing only a percentage of white Coalmont, Ind lead; sometimes no White Lead at all; An unknown negro shot and morin such stuff, barytes or ground rock, tally wounded Baxter and Rufus | chalk, and similar cheap substances Burns at Burns, Miss. Both are relaare used to make bulk and imitate the tives of United States Senator Μο appearance of pure White Lead. Laurin of Mississippi There is, however, a positive test by Senator B. R. Tillman of South Carwhich the purity or impurity of White olina, is dangerously ill at his home Lead may be proved or exposed, beat Trenton, 8. C., suffering with a re fore painting with it. turn of the disease which affected his The blow-pipe flame will reduce health three years ago. pure white lead to metallic lead. If Assistant Secretary of the Treasury a supposed white lead be thus tested J. P. Edwards, whose resignation was and it only partially reduces to lead, accepted last week, has accepted the leaving a residue, it is proof that receivership of the New Amsterdam something else was there besides National bank of New York, which white lead. recently suspended. The National Lead Company guarMrs. Mabel Woodham Neelley, of antee all White Lead sold in packages Kalamazoo, Mich., whose two-year-old bearing its “Dutch Boy Painter” trade son Walter died last December from mark to prove absolutely pure under pneumonia while under treatment by | this blow-pipe test, and that you may two mental healers, was last week re make the test yourself in your own irrested and charged with man | home, they will send free upon reslaughter. quest a blow-pipe and everything else necessary to make the test, together Walter R. Day, secretary of state of with a valuable booklet on paint. AdKentucky under the Republican re dress, National Lead Company, Woodgime of Governor Taylor in 1900, has bridge Building, New York. been sentenced to serve one year in the penitentiary for forging the name GLAD TO HAVE HIM GO, of his uncle, Floyd Day, to a check for $5,000. Toll-Gate Keeper Thought He Had The bubonic plague in Ecuador is Visit from His Satanic Majesty. increasing and the sanitary condition of Guayaquil and other towns is causThis is not the only age in which ing great alarm. There are fifty-one motor cars have created excitement cases of the plague in the Lazaretto, and disturbance. In 1802 such appari besides several cases of smallpox and tions were few and far between; at yellow fever. present they are too frequent to atAs the result of an unsuccessful at tract attention. Mr. Joseph Hatton, in tempt to assassinate Federal Judge “Old Lamps and New,” tells of the Lira, of the northern district of Chi- fright caused by one of Trevithick’s huahua by firing two shots at him steam locomotives, made to run on through a door, four alleged plotters unrailed roads in the early part of the are held in jail in Juarez on a charge last century. of conspiracy to murder, Now and then one of these extraorFraak Kito, a Japanese cook, fired dinary vehicles would be encountered, five bullets into the body of Mrs. Liz- snorting and puffing on the highway. zie Hulse of New York City, who The countrymen regarded them as the had spurned his love. Kito then evil one in disguise. drank carbolic acid and died. Mrs, One of the cars, coming to a tollHulse will recover. Both had been gate, stopped for the gate to be employed in a restaurant. opened. The toll-man came hurrying The fortifications bill, carrying a to- out. He flung the gate open with tal apropriation of $8,210,611 instead trembling hands, and teeth which of the $38,443,945 asked for by the chattered audibly. war department, has been reported to The driver asked him how much toli the house committee on appropria- there was to pay. tions by Chairman Smith of the sub“O, nothing, dear Mr. Satan, nothing!” hastily assured the man. “Go committee on fortifications. Under pressure exerted by the on as fast as you like; there’s nothing fransvaal government, which is en- to pay.”—Youth’s Companion, titled to 60 per cent of the company’s output, the Premier Diamond Mining company has refinitely refused to re|} new &s agreement with the diamond syndicate, and will market its own sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. its Chief Use and a Method of Determining Good from Bad Explained. the In an amateur boxing tournament In Philadelphia, Willie Robinson, 19 years, Was killed while boxing with Charles Wolf, same age LEAD 1S? | Bulgarians’ Healthful Diet. In Bulgaria the chief article of foo | is sour milk into zoghurt. On| this diet the eople live to a rare old age. The Womans’ Congress Gaiter—elegant leather trimmed fine kid vamps—easy as a Price, $3.00. If not at dealers asl tent ELLET-KENDALL SHOE CO. MFGS. Kansas City, Mo. oS Mass. |