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Show wasn ogy eae PaEZ SALT —_— LAKE P. UTAH UTAH STATE NE‘YS The creamery at Chartest ow by local people, was destroyed by fire last week, is- is the less being $8, ΙΙ “ 1 f 8 ‘ 1 t and The Utah tomato pack of last year was 600,000 Cases, much of which per found its way to Liverpool and is now οἷ- on the British market Cache county iy you has taken missioners some The time Π ag M Garff of Lehi found some giant powder caps. which exploded the thumb and first fi hand and r of ew the. ft left Senator Smoot presented in the ate last week a memorial from sen the Salt smal! son of |s Lake congress @ Commercial ης t by 5 μαι ( that ua ΐ τ ' ed to ¢ t € The 1 t tot Dwar 1 | | | el to pa recurrences For Mr: make taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root, the } ney It correct and uy the amount of $8,000 w bought by the state board of can the {f the pa f mencen ry Salt 2ist of the Lake ] ed cor ba a pondi @ n 1 th ove thos a Johr Clark a mach t was knocked down by a street car in Salt Lake City, and is in a mane iffer ing from a severe contusit of the head and bad bruises about the body Concerted action horticulturists and Utah will probably sage of a state law and infected fruit market What you cannot avoid, learn to bear, True happing heap, did we | but apply to the right inerchant for on the part of the } it—Hytche, | fruit dealers of result in the pa important to Mothero. Examine carefully every bottle οι prohibiting wormy CASTORIA asafe and sure remedy for | upon the Utah infants and children, and see that it Bears the blacksmith, Martin McAndrew, a was found dead in a shack near Lake side, in Boxelder county, with a bullet through his Lody. It is not known whether McAndrew suicided or was murdered. Etta Groves of Parowan died last week, after two weeks’ suffering from Signature of Ze dv In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought. Had Done His Best. Uncle Hosea did not feel able to contribute more than 75 cents to the | accidental poisoning. While suffering missionary cause, and wasnot particufrom a cold, the young woman took | larly enthusiastic about giving even that two antiseptic pills, thinking that they “You ought to give as the Lord has were quinine prospered you,” said Deacon IronAt a meeting of the Retail Merside chants’ association of Ogden last “I don't think the Lord'll ever acweek, muncipal ownership of public cuse me of bein’ ungrateful,” anutilities in Ogden was indorsed, and a swered Uncle Hosea. “Six of my campaign will be waged for a muniboys is preachers.” cipal lighting plant. Berry Neal, the young man who was almost electrocuted at Fish Creek, a What Hubby Missed. “I was telephoning the other night,” fortnight sinee, is not recovering as steadily as was hoped at first. His \" the, girl, j'and a voice crossed ‘mine, a whispering voice. I couldn't memory seems affected and he has no use of his lower limbs. The sheriff of Juab county has noti- help wondering what the game was. **What are you whtispering for?’ 1 asked. fied the saloonkeepers and gamblers ““Hush,’ she said, still in the whisper. ‘I'm trying to talk under my breath. I don't want my husband to of Robinson and Mammoth to cease all games at once and to hereafter close all saloons from 12 o'clock Sat- hear. urday night until] midnight Sunday. you?’ Please get off the wire. Won't “I got off the wire, but I couldn't After nearly six years of strenuous litigation, Mrs. Emily Spiking, whose husband, Thomas W. Spiking, was run ever and killed by a street car in Salt Lake City, will receive $15,000 from the Utah Light & Railway Co. sleep very well that night for wonder- ing what it was she didn’t want her husband to hear.” | along the Old York road, not knowing with a sole view to using it for the best interests CUTICURA ‘CURED FOUR that a swarm of bees also considered of humanity by establishing universities at Chicait their home. The swarm hived be go, general educational boards and institutions Southern Woman Suffered with Itch. tween the first and second floors, diof research. And Dr. Judson is no doubt sincere ing, Burning Rash—Three Little rectly beneath the beds occupied each in the opinion he expresses, for he is a man of Babies Had Skin Troubles. night by Prendergast and his family. considerable independence of thought and not The house where Prendergast lived, a mere truckler to the money power. “Mybaby had a running sore on his | with a realty sale, passed into possesHe comes of an old American family that was neck and nothing that I did for it took sion of John Lambert, Jr. a promimainly instrumental in organizing the Baptist effect until I used Cuticura. Myface nent Philadelphian, with a country church in America, a family that was of consider| Was nearly full of tetter or some sim- | place at Abington. In line with preable importance in the early days of New York ilar skin disease. It would itch and jected improvements, Lambert arstate, Incidentally, he is a nephew of Grover Cleveland, but he does not burn so that I could hardly stand it. ranged to have the house moved back trade upon that. Two cakes of Cuticura Soap and a box from the present foundations, preThe doctor was born in Jamestown in 1849 and was graduated from Wiiof Cuticura Ointment cured me. Two liams college in 1870. He was: for*@@ @@m¢rg assistant-principal of the high. years after it broke out,gn my hands liminary to having it remodeled, the structure being more th@m100-years— school at Troy, N. Y., and in 1885 accepted the chair of history and a lectureand wrist. Sometimes I would go old. ship on pedagogy in the University of Minnesota. Seven years later he went nearly crazyfor it itched so badly. I Workmen discovered the presence to the University of Chicago as assistant professor of political science, and went back to myold stand-by, that of the bees, and an apiarist employe was shortly afterwards promoted to head of his department. The administrahad never failed me—one set of Cutito remove the swarm found more than tive qualities he displayed while acting president during Dr. Harper's illness cura Remedies did the work. One 200 pounds of pure honey between the caused him to be selected as president of the university at the latter's death. set also cured my uncle’s baby whose second floor and the ceiling of the Dr, Judson is the author of a number of authoritative works, including: head was a cakeof sores, and another first. It being assumed that Mr, Lam“Europe in the Nineteenth Century,” “The Growth of the American Nation,” baby who was in the same fix. Mrs. bert took title to the honey with the “The Higher Education as a Training for Business,” “The Mississippi Valley,” Lillie Wilcher, 770 Eleventh St., Chathouse, the honey was turned over to and a number of others on a wide range of subjects. He has been decorated | tanooga, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1907.” him. by the German emperor as a compliment to his literary ability, An Object Lesson. THAW TRIAL JUDGE Vietor J. Dowling, justice of the supreme court of New York, who is sitting as trial judge in the Thaw murder case, is one of those judges who believe in deciding every question as it arises, promptly and definitely, and allowing no criticism of his ruling afterwards. At the last Thaw trial the Justice Fitzgerald allowed the lawyers fullest latitude in arguing every little point of law, and after he had decided the point would permit them to carry on another long drawn-out debate. This is a thing that Justice Dowling has never been known to tolerate. He holds the yeorge Barr, a miner, was seriously of the explosion of some giant powder Barr was alone when the accident occurred, and was not found until few hours later. Superintendent Christensen has received notification from the commissioner of education at Washington, D. C., that Salt Lake will be one of the forty cities, under 100,000 population, from which statistics of public schools will be gathered. Fitzgerald. “Be Thorough.” “Miranda,” said the mistress, “you Such was the advice given by Plel@ are a good cook, and I just knowthat Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood, V. C., to you are too good for us to keep. Some | the boys of Felsted school. In the man will come along one of these days course of his speech Sir Evelyn said: | and induce you to marry him.” “When construing a passage, easy or “O, no, mum,” answered Miranda, dificult, look out every word of the “I’ve lived with you and | Yervently. meaning of which you are not certain. your ’usband too long to want ever to In games play your best, not for your get married.” own hand, but for your own side.”— There are two conclusions to be Chums, | | drawn from the reply of the faithful servant; one is that she was loyal to Wooden Buildings and Rats. her employers, the other is ag “Why are there so few rats in New it | may b. York?” remarked a man who knows all the range of nature from bugs to elephants. “Simply because there are “They say that he married her for By holding the attorneys down to the case and so few wooden houses, and especially her money.” excluding all extraneous matters he had a verdict | because there are so manycellars and “And what did he do when she sont | in 40 minutes from the time the case was started stone walls and concrete floors. If her wealth?” Dowling studied law in the office of Justice there were no wooden buldings in the “He lost his reason.” — arvana | city, and none with wood in them, At the University of New York he won many honors, particu record for the shortest murder trial in New York. | ESTABLISHE DEFENDER OF ROCKEFELLER A LITTLE DOMESTIC JAR, Sheepmen of Weber County say this is one of the best winters in many years for their stock, Unless the | weather becomes more rigorous during the remaining winter months, they de clare that their flocks will be in fine She—You (shriek) brute, before we condition when spring opens. married (shriek), (shriek) you said According to the annual report ot mamma could come and see us as the fire chie f, there were 116 fires in often (shriek) as she pleased. Ogden during the year 1907. This was He (meekly)—Yes, dear; but she more than thirty-five over the pre has ceased to please, yious year, and four more than oc curred in any other one year since the CUBS’ FOOD department has been organized fill at once and ee that shipment is made on first train. 170 AIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH injured near GrantsviNe as the result which he was thawing out. - «+. Send in your orders quick for your needs in Watches, Diamonds, A smooth scheme for separating | farmers from their money has been worked with much success in South Dakota. An oily grafter calls on a farmer and makes a bid for his land The figu sa re absurdly lowat first, 7 Lieut. E. H. Shackleton, M. V. O., the young but by de grees are raised as high as :-4 British office troduced several innovations $60 an acre, and the farmerconsents. when he started for the south pole with an Eng_The old reliable piace for Jewelry. lish party recently. Profiting by past experience, Then the visitor explains that he is only an agent, but that he can sell the he went pract y without vegetables, it being PL aNTs, SEEDS. Best on eartty biee catalog. Intern’) Nurseries, land at the price named if the owner found that the ) not keep well, and carried only Leaver; Cole, Agents Wanted, will agree to pay for advertising at the best of m« He will use a specially built the rate of fifty cents an acre. The automobile for the earlier stages of the journey “agent” promises orally that the ad- | CAUSE OF NERVOUS BREAKDOWN, and, instead of ing on dogs for the final dash vertising money will not be payable over the snow and ice, he will rely mainly on the until the land is sold, but this stipula- | Profession of Dressmaker a Toll That hardylittle Si! pony. Kills in the End. Ν As commander of the expedition he has taken | tion is not contained in a contract with him 28 mer Success” has been painted on | that the farmer signs. “These are the reasons, and they In a few days he receives a copyof ! J the funnel of the old Newfoundland sealing vesonly are suggested- -that thousands of an ad and not over-courteous demand| sel, Nimrod, whose name has been changed for our dressmakers are ill every year It is said that twenty> the trip to Endurance, and Lieut. Shackleton ex- | for money. with nervous prostration; that as two agriculturists were caught with pects to plant the south pole itself the union many more go to the wall and give this bait in Brown County and that jack, presented to him by Queen Alexandra up work; that none of them ever make Almost as many fruitless expeditions have been made to the Antarcti¢e one of them gave up $320. Others dea compe tence although their work clare hotly that they will not pay but ions as to the Arctic, with the odds in favor, however, of the Antarctic ex should assure it. they will make a fight in the courts. plorers getting back to a warmer and more congenial climate ‘It is the general outline of the reaShackleton’s vessel sailed from Lyttleton, New Zealand, and is expected sons that I, Anne Bannerman SedgeCOMPLAINTS MANY AND VARIED to reach King Edward VII. island February 1, which will be midsummer in the wick Hitt, at 388 am at the end of my aretic region. The vessel will then return to Lyttleton and wait until String and have reached a parting of Complete hesei Had to Obtain January, 1909, before going to the base of tions on King Edward VII the ways in which I know not howto in Organizations, ind to bring the explorers back to civilizat rhe motor car is not built turn, or what to do next. That I, a ' It w carry the provisions. fine looking woman, as you see, with “All clubs,” said the secretary base of operations is 750 geograp! miles from the It is a speaking voice that once would have complaint books, and some of the ὶ i on the return of the spring to « depots to within 9500 geo gotten me a place upon the stage, and plaints set down in them are funny. | miles of the pole, The dash to the pole will be made only three with a hundred letters telling of my In our book yesterday a member coms of the party worth and skill, can think of nothing plained ‘that the hot water was alLieut. Shackleton went with Capt. Sc: five years ago in the latter's better to do next than to try to get a ways cold, and moreover, there never historic ish to the pole, in which a record for “furthest south” estab job of demonstrating until I can get Was any . lished During the 96 days’ journey over the ice Lieut. Shack was away from the octopus of the com“A novelist last week had the nerve stricken with snow blindness and so had to be fastened to the sledge, when posite woman who wants clothes made to complain that his last new novel all the dogs were dead, in order to do his are of the pulling. He spent And yet | love my work, and don’t hadn't been added to the chub library. Christmas day, 1902, 300 miles from the ship, and the party had a plum know how I shall do without the long “Young swells sometimes complain pudding which weighed only nine ounces. On his return to England Lieut evenings, as well as days of thought about the club wines and cigarettes Shackleton was made a member of the Victorian order. and toil for which | have given up and cigars in orderto introduce brands social] life and recreation for 18 years.” that they are touting for on the sly. — Exc hang e Sometimes anonymous scandal soils the complaint book's pages Thus, last HAD STORED HONEY IN HOUSE. year appeared this entry about a very Dr. Harry Pratt Judson, president of the Uni popular member: versity of Chicago, comes forward as the defendindustrious Bees Had Hive Between ‘Maj. Hawkins is flirting with too er of John D, Rockefeller, whom he represents Floors of Dwelling. many of our wives. sy the way, he as the burden-bearer of the community, conveying still owes that tenner—he knows to For several years Patrick Prenderinferentially the impression that the multi-millionwhom.’” gast of Abington, Pa., lived in a house aire takes the money of the American people ‘SEEKS SOUTH POLE if ] For obtaining groceries to the valu of $3.50, under false pretenses, a Salt Lake man has been sentenced to thi days’ imprisonment FOK Jewelry, Silver or Clocks. We will da se TRICK FARMERS. Real Estate “Agents” Go After Men with Land for Sale and Reap Rich Harvest. SIORIS. CITY ADVERTISING WESTERN Sudden Deaths. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY AN | The Cause of Many ERGATIS The Reason for Marrying. | Lampoon. larly the Devlin prize for classics, and also prizes for both the best written there would be norats.” and the best oral examinations. From the beginning he has been an ardent | Many Old People Suffer from Selected Her Own Coin. politician and he has served two terms in the state senate, besides being Bronchial Affections particularly at This curious incident of travel in for several years one of the party leaders and one of the secretaries of the this time of year. Brown's Bronchial Africa is told by A. Henry Savage Tammanyhall executive committee, In 1905 he was elected by a handsome Troches give immediate relief. Landor: “I wished to buy a bag of majority justice of the supreme court, the term for which is 15 years and the salary $17,500 a year. It’s a sweeping ossettion to say that | grain, but the woman who ownedit would on no account accept silver The judge is 41 years of age. He is a recognized authority on constitua new broom sweeps clean. money for it, nor any article which tional law and is the author of the Dowling anti-gambling bill, which he preshe saw in my camp. My Somali PILES CURED IN6 TO 14 DAYS. sented while in the senate. He belongs to a number of Catholic benevolent PAZO OINTMENTis guaranteed to cure any case servant had a bright idea—the only They Thrive on Grape-Nuts, P, A. Moran, a drill man at the rat! societies, several historical societies and the Oakland Golf club. He has of Itching, Blind, Bieeding orΕμίν Piles in 6 to ld days or money refunded. 5 one he had during the entire journey road quarries at Lakeside, Boxelder | fought many battles for the labor unions. across Africa. He went to one of the Healthy babies don't cry and the | county, was seriously injured one day Talk is cheap—unless a lawyer is boxes of provisions and tore off a well-nourished baby that is fed on last week, by being struck by falling handing it out. highly colored label from a corn beef rock. His hip was Grape-Nuts is never a erying baby. ken and he was tin. Having licked it copiously, he Many babies who cannot take any otherwise badly brui ed, being partially stuck it in the middle of his forehead buried beneath the heavy stone, other food relish the perfect food, | a That he is seven-sixteenths Chickasaw and ~~ Inquisitive, like a woman, the Oarayu Grape-Nuts, and get well. A movement is on foot among the Cherokee Indian and nine-sixteenths Seotch-Irish * asked him what he did it for. The “My little baby was given un by business men of Ogden occupying is the boast of Charles D. Carter, new member]: Somali said he had been seized with a three doctors who said that the con- from the fourth Oklahoma district. His .paternal quarters alcGng Washington avenue in violent headache and the colored pawhat is known as block 25, to install | densed milk on which I fed her had ancestor, Nathan Coerter Sr., was captured wher per was a certain cure. The Carayu ruined the child’s stomach. One of a small boy by ShawneeIndians at the Lackawandn independent heating and lighting "at onceoffered the grain if the Somali the doctors told me that the only plant for the j of furnishing | na valley massacre, when all of the other members would part with the magic paper. Her thing to do would be to try Grapetheir places of busissne in that block. of the family except one of Nathan’s sisters were wish was satisfied without delay and Nuts, so I got some and preparedit as | killed. Nathan Carter was afterward traded to the Jonas. Halvorsen οἱ Richmond, the woman departed happy.” follows: I soaked 144 tablespoonfuls Cherokees, one of whosefull-blooded squaws π6[...'. Cache cour is in a precarious condi in one pint of cold water for half an married. Mr. Carter's father, a captain in the]. tion as the result of a fight with Glen Another Kind of Current. hour, then I strained off the liquid and | confederate army, added to this strain of Indian}. -Lewis. It is charged that Lewis struck “I wish I was a little fish,” said mixed 12 teaspoonfuls of this strained ylood by marrying a one-fourth breed Chickasaw him over the head with a pair of brass | Jack, “Papa says the ocean is full of Grape-Nuts juice with six teaspoonfuls | woman, a sister of Gov. Guy, chief of the Chickaknuckles. The atten z physician τιν as currents, and I like currants better of rich milk, put in a pinch of salt | Saws. says he has but small hopes of Halvor | than anythi ‘cept bananas, apples, andalittle sugar, warmed it and gave | sen'’s recovery The new representative was born in a little oranges and sweet potatoes.” The mail] stage runuing from Dragon it to baby every two hours. log cabin near Boggy depot, an old fort of the “In this simple, easy way I saved | Choctaw nation, 98 years ago When seven years old he was taken by his to Vernal Was totally destroyed by Hehdicagesd Femininity. baby's life and have built her up toa fire one day last week. The stage parents to Mill Creek, a stage stand and postoffice on the western frontier of Nothing can be more unlt icky for strong healthy child, rosy and laugha broke down on the desert, and while the Chickasaw nation. When 11 he started to school at a log school house woman than to be born plain A woming. The food must certainly be per- ; nearby. the driver went for heip a lighted lan When 13 he entered the Chickasaw Manual Labor Academy, where an without ait ractions of some sort fect to have such a wonderful effect as tern usec by a passenger to keep warm | he finished when 18. Two of these five years at the academy he missed in starts life even more severely handithis. I can truthfully say I think it | set fire to the express packages. Two order to work as a cowboyonhis father’s ranch. capped than a man without brains.— bags of mail were destroyed is the best food in the world to raise | As a cow-puncher and broncho-buster he began life for himself at “DiaLadies’ Field. delicate babies on, and is also a deliJoseph H. Dickman, an old prospecmond Z” ranch, where the city of Sulphur now stands. He was then 18. When cious healthful food for grown-ups as 80 he accepted tur, was found dead in his room in a position in a store where he advanced from clerk to book Ivy Both Good and Bad. Salt Lake City, death having occurred Wwe have discovered in our family.” keeper, cotton buyer and cotton weigher. When 23 he was appointed audito |i Ivy growing over the walls of a Grape-Nuts is equally valuable to four days previous to the discovery of public accounts for the Chickasaw Nation, and three years later became | house renders the structure cool in the strong, healthy man or woman, It of his body. That his death was sud a memberof that nation’s council, From this position he advanced to superin by whom it is Fees tech printed on the summer and warm in winter. It also stands for the true theory of health. ront of ever fen was shown by the discoveryof a tendent of schools and mining trustee of Indian territory. At the time of his keeps the walls dry. It is, however, half burned match between the thumb “There's a Reason. Read “The Road |NEW OKLAHOMA CONGRESSMAN yeuad wtFies AixirfSenna Cleansesth Sys em Effect- uallir Dispelrei and Headaclies due to Constipation: Acts ανally, acts te BooedlecWomen andChild 7jeteiΕμ. μοςbay the Genuine W ich nameof the Com- ee CALIFORNIA Ὁ -υΥπι(ο. and finger of his right hand to Wellville,” in pkgs. eleation to the new congress he was in the insurance business. SOLD YALL LEA INGDRUGCISTS one size only, regular ; 50¢per battle. very destructive to woodwork, fore ing the joints apart. |