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Show Trouble and Never Suspect it. he total val ducts during 1907 Prevalency of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the aiarm ing increase and remarkable prevaiency The ing for Wi ιο e kidney dis gorders are the tent t he horses were Z I 8 ay vers ge fi 1; a in Scurvy Adds to Misery of People of Erivan Province, Who Have 0 Bould welv Had a Poor Harvest. f before t being burned buildings was gotten The hog industry of Wyoming 18 marketed were there and growing, the year about 5,000 Crop re swine, during to the value of $1,800 a daring thief wt rok window of the s s! ¢ T » we tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. ¢ 1 by drug n 4 π f ' nd a few 1 ! now t ute i approx 1 ized ν 0 { an tells all about it, bothsent free by mai Address D1 Kilmer & », I N.Y. 1 five W he I r Y. g τν in il I There pro f re at itely ve uD SU 111“ ᾷ ) 1907 this of ν I i $ ) 8 in be i ‘ st ( etric a i aleidvaaier tae completec | αὶ W ( begin early ne Hugh Ful ' prin hot \ and instant ly killed by Ed. Johnson t Silver Bow, a Nevada camp Phe use Of | the killing was over yme mining elain Johnson was armed with a} rifle and Fulton with a six-shooter | WR? ον. Seventeen persons were injured, | none of them fatally, in a collision | between two trolley cars in Denver | One of the cars should have taken a| siding, but failed to do so, and the two cars crashed together head-on. Orfis Boy—A lady with some poetry. Editor—Howold? Boy—'Bout 18, Show her in at once, boy. A passenger train was derailed near Reno, Nevada, the engine, tender and ten cars leaving the track. Two bag gage cars overturned and the track was torn up for half a mile raneeas) gers were badly shaken up, but none | seriously injured. A Railroad Man’s Knock, “That famous railroad man, the late Samuel Sloan,” said a New York banker, “loved fast trains and hated slow ones. They tell a story about a trick he once played on a railroad whose service was notoriously slow. “Having, several times, to use thix railroad’s afternoon accommodation, The reports of the assessor just in| shows a total property valuation in | Reno, Nevada, of $5,432,820, an in- | he caused a sign to be painted, which he took from his pocket and hung in the front of one of the cars when nobody was looking. The sign said: ‘Passengers are requested not to pluck | flowers while the train is in crease of more than $3,000,000 in the| past five years. It is estimated that the increase for the coming year will be close to $2,000,000 mo: | The population of Wyoming at the present time is estimated at 125,000, The bonded indebtedness of WyomSurely No Smoker. ing is $180,000, and this is being paid The bishop of London at a dinner in off at the rate of $20,000 per year. Washington told a story as the cigars The annual income of the state govcame on about one of his predecessors. ernment is about $700,000 “When Dr. Creighton was bishop of | Former Senator Thomas M. -attertion.’” London,” he said, “he rode on a train one day with a small, meek curate. son was assaulted by Fred G. Bonfils, one of the editors of the Denver Post, was broken by Bonfils. The assault was a climax | to attacks made by each on the other I | in their newspapers for several years. “Dr. Creighton, an ardent lover of and Mr. Patterson’s nose tobacco, soon took out his cigar case, | and with a smile, he sald: “*You don’t mind my smoking, suppose?’ “The meek, pale little curate bowed and answered humbly: “Not if your lordship doesn't mind my being sick.’” How’s This? C. B. Shaver, president of the Fres no Flume and Irrigation company, one of the largest lumbering concerns of the coast, died of diabetes at Fres: | no, Cal., on Christmas day, after an | Deceased, beillness of three weeks. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrl, that cannot be cured by Hall's Osterrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY& CO., Toiedo, Ο. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon erabie in al) business transactions and financially bic carry Gut any obligations made by his firm aALDIne, Rinnan & MARVIN Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Βαν Catarrh Cure Is taken fnternally ing directly upon the blood an’ raucous surfaces of the Teetimoritale sen< fice, Price 75 cents per Sold by al ἴοτα In FE. McConnell, president son, @ depositor of the ban $3,400 on ¢eposit when ion closed its doo Out of worl Money for Foreign Missions. The average American church member gives 54 cents to fore £n missions. The record is held by United Presbyterians, who give $1.77 a member. ause he esent of who had the institu ‘ b Οἱ ris for | 18 s Wil im McReyn the st telegraph operator west 0 Mississippi river, committed n Denver ( tmas afternoor ooting | f in the head teynolds w 61 years old :yrup ofTiss ae SF lixire Senna old e i I Μι Pacific. lyvonthe bowels, cleanses 16 system effectually, assists one in overcomins habitual constipation ase coast the wou navy vent th 00 Japar of be should j nding ( ‘ ther the Ι 1erou helr ve 5 n unable a fore foreign erma nently, 0 det its ar eneficial effects buy thousand Already ime. the denuine more the fz f Ir 1 Manufactured by the is CALIFORNIA lies result of manifesting han nines rs ever bef hav ‘ ing In Ὁ during; any have move 17 ire to ῷ been previous « rhere wi the ΜΙ on the seryed E on vdquartérs It al branch of the union ti κα Fi ( 8 ἃ a their work is | W ore ΟΥ th ] 2 : Ss nti-hiz ¢ ὶ . Uni 1 hat ‘ay now ud i expected f nnouncement ers or | e Circus Freak | Ne yr rece η ζ 2 Afraid of Results. Ρ blew open the safe — oa uae ᾿ Campbell, Cal a ee th ΜΘ; Ρ “μα "Β oe ee and abstracted $700 in stamps and | he ) TO} ress =ξ { We ΡΘΕ Gress ΙΟΣτ 8 in $100 overlooking $200 in coin, groom in the afternoon greenbac ommi The American board of | ferred the inquiry to the livery departΤί joners for foreign missions has ment, and the head of that department The clerk who opened the mail re-| eived Turkey famine advices showing trom e interior unusually ΟΙ severe cond . dic co. 7 ated a oa the child is not yet up in the mysteries of th Ἶ toilet. Her aunt recently purchased me of th hai some of those hair ornaments | ar- known as “rat These Louise did not 1 € ranla one brief reply eral “Bottle green coat, fawn-colored treusers, with top boots, silk hat and cockade. We can make you prices.” In about a week came a plaintive but parents, her with lives t he ce} “ sere per i behold until } ¢ i ne i flew t γ ‘ Ι e}her m, voice to , Women Now Permitted to Smo New York plan of allow the public di one of th New fo and 1 not the en present Restaurants \ ne B } s B 4) 1 ‘ a k i er cent inc » over » man who attendsstrictly to his A 25 own business has a good steady job. same period last year in the immi tion from all countries is own in Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. the November statement of the buFor chtid ething, softer reduces fnflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25ca bottle, reau of immigration. In that month 117,476 immigrants arrived at the In polite society a snub is a sort of various ports, against 94,621 in Noupper cut. vember, 1906 William Bell, an animal trainer knownto circus men throughout the country, dropped dead at Kansas City of heart disease. Bell, who was known as “Texas,” was 55 years old He was one of the few men wh could control Rajah, the famous man killer elephant. It is estimated that about 500 able IT Is bodied Mexicans with their families | are destitute in Los Angeles at the An effort will be made to present. charter a freight train and send to Mexico. The remainder will have t 0} be looked after by the local chari ible institutions READERS sire'.?0tyaor. —e || dvertisedin its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substi- ιἰς tutes or imitations. ' W.N. U,, Salt Lake City, No. 1, 1908 “OUCH” OH, MYB ( } of e fa ] j evera c ndus'ries » York to Ly τς lay | New taurants We addel κκ fee Levi P. Brockway, S. Second Ave., Massach usetts and Connecticut are Anoka, Minn. says: “After lying for generally thought of as the big shoe Admiral George Dewey, the hero of ay | five months in a hos manufacturir tates, but as the great Manila. celebrated his 70th birthd pital i was dis on December 26. west has become more densely popucharged as incurable ] lated, these states are slowly losing Leopold Vilsack, millionaire banker and given only six prestige an@ brewer, dropped dead of heart | months to live. My | Wisconsin, for instance, has the failure at his home in Pittsburg i ' heart was affected, | GR largest manufacturer of full vamp By a majority of 545 Raleigh, N, | had smotnering shoes in the w i—The F. Mayer C., on December 26th, voted out its spells, and some Boot & Shoe Co. of Milwaukee. The liquor dispensary and will become 4 times fell uncon- market for this company’s product is prohibition city scious I got so 1 the great west from the Mississippi York New of bank, n Hamilto The couldn't use my to the Pacific. Undoubtedly it is MilCity, which paid out $1,500,000 during * arms, my ‘eyesight waukee’s nearness to this great west doors, its closed then the panic and was impaired and the kidney secre- | market which is responsible for the has resumed business tions were badly disordered. I was great growth of this concern which completely worn out and discouraged has been in proportion to the growth The Christmas present of Mrs, Wilher when I began using Doan’s Kidney iam Luck of Roanoke, Va., to of the west. In the last 25 years they Pills, but they went right to the cause have outgrown six factories. bucludhusband was two boys and two girls of the trquble and did their work well at a birth ΑΠ joing well ing the new Seattle factory nearly I have been feeling well ever since.” The families of more than 200 men completed and the Milwaukee factory Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box who are serving terms in Sing Sing annex built this last year the total Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y, capacity of the Mayer Boot & Shoe ate Christmas dinners furnished by | Company exceeds 9,000 pairs per day, Mrs. Ballington Booth’s Prison league NO WONDER HE WAS SCARED. which already has been inadequate to A bad fire in the snow sheds on the de- ] near Truckee ; meet the demand of the west. Southern Pacific Costume Suggested Would Have Made ~~ eo ee teland cut off all layed many t ] Youth Look Lik in . i ation with the east egraph comm = Louise spends | a aren Fe as ; ; | 8 aa great deal ofof ti time great deal for a time postoffice at | fe ΝΣ Ὃν πα ΤΣ ome — in the room of a favorite aunt who Cracksmen entered war. Winter crops Teamsters Stand by Tenants cu have nt’s Churchill county, next year at least Leaving SPOT GASH fc arid lands of vada. In the Industry Gradually Eastern Coast. fick f of or In the } year 500 fa taken advantage of the gover fier and have settled on th Shoe Cure, +SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. bu t unprotec Discharged Because Docters Could Not death othe mothe Aunt Nell is unise of 1 Mass note: family , “I always knewit was expensive to : The Most Suspicious Ever. | get married, but can't you suggest Henry Clews, the banker and au ncreasing appropria the explosion of a ! something a little less elaborate? result thor, wa ng at the Union club in f of the people a New Υοτὶ it ac *1 financier xa ee financ Ottawa, Ills,, of dyr SUFFERED TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. “No wonder tl > success. wert ' i d of a COUNT AND PRINCE FIGHT, πονεομοακύίαι ful,” said Mr. Clew hattered in va ecked the most With Eczema—Her Limb Peeled and careful, the most sg cious fellow I 1έ τ I Former Husband of Anna Gould and Foot Was Raw—Thought Amputa. eve he reminds me αὶ Los Angeles Bertram Σ Her Alleged Fiance Clash. tion Was Necessary—Believes of a farmer my father uged Ὁ e | id Life Saved by Cuticura. used { Boni de Castellane a for him 1 t μμ. “It was } wife, who was Miss of this farmer that, believed s 1 LG New York, was recent “T have been treated by doctorsfor whenever he bought a he of sheep, ῃ ] wa us twenty-five years for a bad case of he examined each sheep closely to d ced, and Prinee Helie de Sain rrested Italian 1 8 eczema on myleg Theydid their best, ' make sure that it had no cotton in it.” i, Who on several occasions was re g, charged with being mem itt but failed to cure it. My doctor had ρι | ) be engaged to. Madame bers of the Black Hand society, have advised me to have my leg cut off. At Gould, had personal encounter on received What Better Proof Is There? sentences of from thirty to this time my leg was peeled from the Thursday at the Church of St. Pierre ninety days in the workhouse Jackson—Heaven bless him! He knee, my foot was like a piece of raw showed confidence in me when the de Chail while a service to the} John Andrews, formerly chief clerk flesh, and I had to walk on crutches. clouds were dark and threatening. memory ef Lady Stanley Errington, a in the comptrolier’s office in Atlantic I bought a set of Cuticura Remedies. Wilson—In what way? relative of both men, who died lately City, Ν. J., has been found guilty on After the first two treatments the in England, was in progress Jackson—He lent me an umbrella! charges of forgery and embezzlement swelling went down, and in two —Stray Stories. Beginning inside the church, where of sums aggregating about $24,000 months my leg was cured and the new Count Boni says the prince insulted Robbers entered the home of CamThe doctor was surboth him and the sacred edifice, the eron Cool, the race horse breeder, at skin came on encounter was resumed at the door- West Pittston, Pa., and after fractur- prised and said that he would use Cuticura for his own patients. Ihave way, where Count Boni, followed by ing his skull with a blunt instrument, now been cured over seven years, and | his brother, Count Jean de Castel- robbed him of $300. He cannot surbut for the Cuticura Remedies I lane, evertook the prince. Count Boni vive. might have lost my life. Mrs. J. B. spat in his cousin’s face. Then came In Roosevelt place, a street in Kan- Renaud, 277 Mentana St., Montreal, | the clash of cane, followed by a rough sas City, triplets were born to Mr. Que., Feb. 20, 1907.” and tumble fight on the pavement and Mrs. Barton Curry on December which ended in the gutter, where the 92 Sleeping Strength. The babies are a girl and two 23. men were finally separated by a big boys, and the mother is doing well. Diffident Lover (trying to feel his butcher Count Boni at the moment Curry is a laboring man ground—nervously)—Do you know, of intervention was holding down the carpenter, I—er actually dreamt that I proposed Albert C. Loenhart, a well-nigh insensible’ prince, while was mysteriously murdered at Tuc: | to you last night. Now—er what can Jean, according to eye witnesses, was, son, Arizona. It is believed he was| that mean? administering to him a severe kick- ’ Practical Girl (promptly)—Mean! murdered by highwaymen who were ing frightened away before they had time| Well, it means that you are a lot more sensible asleep than you are awake, to go through hig pockets. Both Countries Made Concessions. Wallace Dyal, a woodman employed Freddy. Washington.—The finishing touches at a turpentine still about eighteen Important to Mothers, were added on Thursday to the draft; miles from Waycross, Ga., was shot Examine carefully every bottle of of an agreement between America down by a crowd of negroes who were CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for and France, under section 3 of the fighting among themselves. Before infants and children, and see that it Positively cured by Dingley act, which has been in prep dying he shot and killed two negroes, Bears the these Little Pills. aration for nearly a year past. M The Assizes court at Paris, France, Signature of Lda They also relieve Die Jusserand, the French embassador has sentenced Gustave Herve, the tress from Dyspepsia, In In Use For Over 30 Years, called at the state department to dis digestion and Too Hearty anti-military leader, to one year’s imThe Kind You Have Alwayy Bought. cuss the details of this arrangement Eating. A perfect rem prisonment and to pay a fine of $730 edy for Dizziness, Naw and it is expected that it will be pro for defaming, the army and navy and Foiled. sea, Drowsiness, Baé mulgated from the state department inciting the troops to mutiny by his “I guess I can’t collect that money| Taste in the Mouth, Coae Pending writings, in the ccurse of a few days ed Tongue, Pain in the Mr, Jones owes me.” Side, TORPID LIVER. its signature, the details are with “Why don’t you mail him a state- They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable Jackson Stilley, 50 years old, a well held, but it is known that the con known resident of West Elizabeth, ment?” cession made by Americais the abate “I was going to, but a sign on the Pa., while stealthily trying to escape ment of the existing duties on Fre neh the eyes of the younger members of letter box says ‘Post No Bills.’” | Genuine Must Bear champagne by 20 per cent, while the family and hide Christmas presFrance remits duties on American cot Fac-Simile Signature Stop That Cough ents, fell down a stairway and broke tonseed cil, certain classes of ma before it becomes chronic. Get | his neck. chinery and other commodities Brown’s Bronchial Troches, the best | Milton B. Owen, 19 years of age, is preparation known for coughs. attempt Bank of England Shows Confidence in under arrest, charged with ing to kill the entire family of his United States. A word is a winged seed—none can employer, Richard Owens, of the town London.—The directors of the B | tell when once it has gone forth what of Algoma, Wis., by putting poison its harvest may be.—Sydney. ; ind on Thursday lowers into the teapot Sunday night. He said n rate of discount to 6 he thought it would be fun to kill the ONLY ONE “BROMO QUININ 7 per ¢ which latter rate w FOR SOLDIERS AND HEIRS family. T s LAXATIVE BROMY) QUININE. Look for All federal soldiers and sa:lors who served 90 days tablished as a result of the r t nature of E.W.GROVi. Used the World between 1461 4 1866 and who homesteaded less than Charles Schroff, proprietor of a sa9 Cure a Cold in Une Day. 2c. American financial crisis In a ne 2 reentitled toadditional loon and bowling alley in Buffalo, N If soldier isdead, his financia conditions in AT Talk to old soldiers, widowsand heirs. There is no need to hunt fortrouble; his by killed and shot was Υ.. Find some soldier re‘ative who went West er South coupled with a better monetar everything comes to those who wait. after the war and homes eaded government land, Schroff, Sr., Charles, aged 23 tion in German) ted Get busy and make some ea ney. Write HENRY N. Ovp?, Washington, D.C. for further particulars, been drinking heavily, and quarre ors their decis PIEES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. with his wife, and, it is said, struck | PAZO OINTMENT is guara I ate of to cure any case of lt J 1 Β eding iruding Piles in her, when she called upon her som to be ndicappi rmoney refundec ΠΤ m for the p ey Ν protect her. | tice Colonel Τ. ς Woodburn, acting mmander of the Department of {| Columbia, ἵ S. A in a statement nade at S¢ le, said that the whc acts gently yet prompt- cold Eastern roads are on the verge of what premises to be a disastrous rate | COMING WEST. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. the Smelter City bank of Durango Colo., which closed its doors Decem ber, 17, has been placed under arrest The warrant upon which he we ι rested was sworn to by Harry Ja Drogeiss SOLD BY LEADING DRUCGISTS -50¢ peBOTTLE | Michigan Charles Take Hall's Fam ly Puis for constipation. Fic Syrup Co. was ng to this country, of a large lumbering concern ος manager of | FIVE MONTHS iN HOSPITAL. ms were burned to Five p¢ rhe officials of the i th de in a fire ent in the min Watertown at John Clark rare becoming mofé: of the Clark Every mémber every da as they realize et death in the fi ν t Wvoming D spell ow NEWS SUMMARY depa { McG mg no ‘ SI ut 1 ( Wii n Tat, Ώ y το. scurvy n European Rus lily worse lately T the Ely { says provinces of ‘Buro ν the address, Binghamton, N. dispatch Tiflis iu 4 9.1 eS Editor—What!!! 4 from leuvor will be made to use a the uma’s famine appro 7 ! section, although ne Ν voted exclusively for τ than writing mentor make al I take mame, i I er’s Entirely imong the native pop e province of Brivan, other sections of the Cau d severely in 1907 from 4 t and resultant famine Vieasures to send in food and to afford edica! ef are being taken, and WV y r sizes Been rg , ution more t buck Pe ve ore t the sat 1] Having Will Result. 8 with I Russia Lost—Much Suffering i Nev g European Worse, the Winter 1 00,0 per Sta in I idivid $ Crops tolen | tt front tal of ¢ than than Outiook Grows Steadily turning to the state about $50,000 and trinkets Rings, watches, lockets fs soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most hamton, € Wyor t ) Wy conflagration What To Do. havea from 1 of pro $ 15 P There is comfort in the knowledgé se often expressed, that D Kilmer's Bwamp Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and ¢ y part of the urinary passage It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or easant ne beer, and over: omes th eessity of being compell 1 to go often @uring the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary ct of Swamp-Root that n f the past 11,50! with doctoring the effects, while the origénal disease undermines the system. You may 4 hip themselves gists in hity cent and one rod year past @ of Wyoming καν 961 925. Sor common ciseases that prevail, they are almost the last recognized by patient and physicians, who con book minera of kidney disease ¥/most PERISHING FROM FAMINE IN AUSSI NORTHWEST NOTES Thousands Have Kidney The publication of a retri of statements made in the New York Ος ] American and Evening Jo tober concerning William in ler with the case of Raymond h cock, may result in the abandonme inef the criminal libel proceedings stituted by Mr. Chanler WONDERFUL HO PAIN |