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Show ΙΝ ΜΥ FAMILY! WEST NOTES SUMMARY NORTH “| Have Used Pe-ru-na at Various Times for Several Years.” econd triei of large has been y Harry K of ng postponed ceman, 8t 1 one t 1 lors ed sericollision the Northern . Μοπι fo Mrs. Joannah Straw, Broadway, Canton, S. D., heey tz cone ἃ 4 Unite 5 Na own EX} i i mpany ds era New we i Ir i alt t i 8 ty 1 L, Pudyear, an i a 1 24 widow and a house paint to Cit r Kz vu late by i f at night 5s year growers two would Holly H W wa Alberta by » banks wee { urge of hav murdered Ἡ brothe William y, near Greenville, a month ago | Recommend Pe-ru-na. ver respon $121,000 Ta. ο the eall of > 11 unt ree red cond ) » by are twice the The gen- law York, EDWARD M. N. ¥ BURTT,5N. of Nevada are effort to get re it conditions resent and will send a over the state to minor writes; | “fam very glad to tell you of the| cures wrovght by Peruna in my family. | “My son, aged seven, who had ca-| tarrh of the nose, Was cured by two | botties of Perna, and I had catarrh of | the head, nose, throat and ears. One| bottle of Peruana cured me.” | Pe-ru-na Tablets: Some people prefer tablets, rather than medicine in a fluid form. Such people can obtain Peru na Tablets, which represent the solid medicinal ingredients of Peruna. | Ask Your Pruggist for Free Peruna Almanacfor 1908, The Brazilian coasting steamer Guasca, Captain Ramos, 550 tons, has gone down off Paranaqua, Brazil, as result of a collision with an unknown vessel. Thiry persons on board the Guasca were drowned were laid off at Missoula, Mont. at the roundhouse, the car shops and Colonel Goethals, chief engineer of the Panama canal, has cabled the canal officers in Washington that all records were broken for the moarth had been frozen to death, and physicians declare there is no doubt that the babe was alive when placed where of A call for statement by the bank examiner of all state banks of Wyo ming shows that all have an available cash balance in excess of the re quired 30 per cent, and cash payments have been resume “4 in practically all parts of the state. November in the matter of exca- vation on the isthmu The monthly statement of the pub lic debt shows that at the close of business November 30, 1907, the debt, less cash in the treasury, amounted Papa Had tittoon Views on the Sub-| to $874,479,839, which is a decrease ject of Marriage. for the month of $1,746,794 SOMETHING OF A CYNIC, Physicians are greatly interested in the case of Edward Shea, a_ well known young man of Montclair, N. J., who has been in a trance for ten days, only occasionally becoming partly conscious for a few minutes. Miss Marie Cahill, the actress, chose the chorus girls for her new play, “Marrying Mary,” by measurement. The Bertillon system was employed, “By this excellent system of meas- urement,” said Miss Cahili the other Over @ score OF day, “one gets, In a chorus girl, the Well, at any rate, I'll point out its meaning to you with a story. “A boy looked up from his book one night. “ ‘Father,’ he said, ‘what is a mirage” “The father answered glibly from behind his paper: ““The union of a man and woman the father. ‘A bury (Mo,) Savings bank shot and dangerously wounded Ashley Dameron, the city marshal, who slept in a room in the rear of the bank building. The robbers failed to get into the safe, man Mean Revenge. A man had been very badly treated by the proprietors of a boarding house, and when in temporary financial difficulties had been forced to leave. Some time later, smiled upon by fickle fortune, he achieved success and prosperity as a popular dentist, and soon found means to revenge his former landlady’s slight. The method he adopted was simple but extremely effective, quite ruining the business of his enemy. Directly opposite the boarding house he opened his new dental establishment, and upon the largest window in bold letters appeared the following notice: “Steelpointed boarding house teeth a spe- cialty!” BOTH GAINED The Lincoln league, the leading Republican organization of northern New York, with a membership of 1,500, has adopted resolutions recemmending Governor Hughes to all Republicans as the next Republican nominee for president. The Banco Mobilario, an important nitrate bank of Santiago, Chile, suspended payment on December 7, and the Bank of Chile took charge of the situation. The liquidation is still general and the financial crisis continues to be very acut.e One of Van Dyke's great masterpieces, “The Erection of the Cross,” has been stolen from the church of | Notre Dame, Belgium. The thieves | carefully frame The notion that meat is necessary for real strength and the foundation of solid flesh is no longer as prevalent as formerly. Excessive meat eaters are usually sluggish a part of the time because they are not able to fully digest their food, and the undigested portion is changed into what is practically a kind of poison that acts upon the blood and nerves, thus getting all through the system. “IT was ¢ heavy meat eater,” writes an Ills. man, “and up to two years ago, was in very poor health. I suffered with indigestion so that I only weighed 95 pounds. “Then I heard about Grape-Nuts and decided to try it. My wife laughedat me at first but when I gained to 125 pounds and felt so fine, she thought) ee 3 Poets, ΗΤΟ, she would eat Grape-Nuts too. “Now she is fat and well and has gained 40 pounds. We never have indigestion any more and seldom feel the desire for meat. A neighbor of ours, 68 years old, was troubled with indigestion for years; was a heavy meat eater, and now since he has been eating Grape-Nuts regularly, he says he ie well and never has indigestion I could name a lot of persons who have really been cured of indigestion by changing from a heavy meat diet to Grape-Nuts.” “There's a Reason.” Name given Postum Co., Battle by Creek, Mich. Read the little book, “The Road to Wellville” in pkgs. cut off and ¢ | believed Man and Wife Fatten on Grape-Nuts. | It was River, Wyo. The child to the canvas ed it away. ve been from the They ure experts. Morris Bu who murdered Mrs Charies A. Canfield, wife of a weaitiry Ι λ le operator, on January 17, 1906, paid with his life for his erime on De nber G upon the seaf fold at San Quentin prison. He died game and ex ssed no regret for his crime The superi murt has refused the petition of A. Augustus Hartje of Pittsburg for e-argument in his suit for a divorce from his wife, Mary Scott Hartje he court recently af. firmed a decision of the Allegheny county court, which refused Hartje a divoree, “My son, who is now twenty-two yeears of age, when four months old began to have eczema on his face, spreading quite rapidly until he was nearly covered. The eczema was something terrible, and the doctors said it was the worst case they ever saw. At times his whole body and face were covered, all but his feet. I used many kinds of patent medicines, to no avail. months; in six months he was well. Mrs. R. L. Risley, Piermont, Ν, Η., of the new rate. Oct. 24, 1905,” At a meeting held at Cheyenne of the stockholders of the Big Horn railroad, a branch of the Burlington, the extension of the road from Frannie to Fromberg, Mont., was authorIzed. The building of this link means a more direct connection between the Northern Pacific and the newly-opened coal mines in the Big Horn basin RATHER A POINTED REBUKE, lo ry con ui De ΐ Democratic istin state ar state t William McCobb, who looks after the block signals west of Green River Wyo., was killed by a freight train leavi the place They ment of the vote. announce Served Accordingly. They also relieve Die tress from Dyspepsia, In- At a men's cafe one night a young American—a barber—fell in with an Englishman. The latter was berating the Yankees for doing z all manner of business in their shops and not following the better English plan of sticking to one branch. The next day he swaggered into the barber shop to be shaved. The barber gave his face an extra good soaping and left him, at the same time seating himself to read. The Englishman kept quiet for a few minutes, when, seeing his attendant reading, he blurted out: “Why don't you shave me, sir?” You will 2 to go up thestreet for your shave,” quietly replied the barber. “We onlylather here.” digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nau: sea, Drowsiness, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER, They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, CARTERS Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature ITTLE few | REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, DOYOU KNOW THE WET WEATHER Not for Vacation Use. COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by a «ΟΝΈΠ It seemed to Bobby that there was no eid to the ad yice and instructions his mother gave him when he was starting off with his father for & week's trip. “Now I want you to be sure you have everything you need,” she sald, opening his bag in spite of his assurances that it held all a boy could possibly require. “Why, Bobbie, where is your hairbrush? You were forgetting it!” “No, mother, I wasn’t forgetting it,” | said Bobby, looking desperate. “I thought you said I was going on a va- δῇ BRAY i SLICKER? Clean - Light Durable AJ TOWER CO. BOSTON USA, γονέα Lanaoian CO UmITED, TORONTO.CAR. cation.” LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes ONLY ONE “BROMO QUININE” That is LAXATIVE BROM) ae Look for the signature of B. W.G oily -- the World over Cure s Cold in One Day. IN GREAT VARIETY FOR; SALE <AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY | | A.N.KELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO. 73 W. AdamsSt., Chicago RK HAIR ‘BALSAM| motes eaeme & Never Fails to Resto: - Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead,$i; Gold, Silyer. 750; Gold, 50c; Zine or Copper. $1. Cyanice testa. propriety, gazed blandly Mailing envelopes anda fvll price list sent onapriica- Jontro] and Ump.re work solicited. Ville, Colo. Reference. CaroonateNational Sue at foreeyeswef ‘Thompson’5 EyeWater DEFIANCE STARCH easiest to work with and starches clothes nicest. w. N. U., Salt Lake City,Νο. 50, 1907. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the dis We will give One Hundree 1 | Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be by Mall’s Catarrh Cure Send f w F.J. CHENEY Sold by Druggists Take Hali’s Family Pi!ls fer constipation. Charley of hoarding his money.” Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIAa safe and sure remedyfor infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of > ’ In Use For Over 30 Years. SHOES AT ALL PRICES, FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. “Ga thoin “EQ κάτ W. L, Douglas makes and solis mare men’s $2.50, $3.06 and $3.50 shoes than any other ne aes . the Kee world, because they hold oreof tit beticr, 555 fanger, and ofgreater value than any other he worid to-day. A woman is seldom satisfied with a purchase unless she can make herself believe that she got more than her money’s worth. | | FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervous ases permanently cured by Dr. Kline’s one G eat Nerve Restorer. Send for Free $2.00 bottle and traatise. Dr. R. H. Kiine, el 931 ‘Arch St, Philadelphia, Pa. An old bachelor says that some women marry for the purpose of obtaining ‘ a listener why can’t get away. Exclusiwely. ο $4 and $5 Glit Edge Shoes cannot be oquaiied at any price. t[¥~ CAUTION. — W. L. Douglas name andprice is stamped on bottom. Take No Subthe het shoe dealers everywhere. Shoes mailed from factory to any part stitute. Sold byth of the world, Illustr: edicatalog free. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass, NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRI Capsicum-Vaseline. EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLYIN VASELINE Dasa DON’T atte Sates WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES—HEEP A TUBE HANDY The Kind You Have Always Bought ing train and stepped in front of a some seven or efght feet deep, was pponed and the body fonnd CARTERS Positively cured by these Little Pills. proceeded to test by a liberal mouth- eased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that {s by constitutional remedies Deatness ts caused by an inflamed condition the mucous lining of the Eu hian Ta ν tube is inflamed you have 2 perfect hearing, and wien {t ness is the result, aud ur taken ont and this tube rp tion, hearing will be destr itof ten are caused by ¢ but an inflamed condition An enthusiastic demon- which is about four fest square and| stration accompanied the SICK HEADACHE “and for what our young friend has already received, Lord, make us truly thankful.” "Harper's Weekly. going west on his velocipede when he lifted his velocipede for an approach ing to locate the cause the drain box and gists. **You dear.’” “For what we are about to receive,” emphasis,| he intoned with painful He was The body of a man was found in of the drain tanks at the round house at Green River, Wyo. The irainage had clogged up and in try } Co., only, and for sale by all leading drug- murmuring: ed his hands and closed his eyes in preparation for grace. were train on the other track. natu parts are known to and approved by physici ans, as it is free fromall objectionTo get its beneficial able substances effects always purchase the genuine— manufactured bythe Celifornia Fig Syrup “She smiled at him roguishly “That was brave,’ she said, ‘but it was not clever, was it?’ **Yes,” said he, ‘it was. I led you to the dangerous spot on purpose.’ him for a moment or so; thenhe fold- confederates two miles west of that town. It acts pleasantly and truly as a laxative, and its component HOWARD E. BURTON 3 ACHeMIsts CHEMIST. | accuse ved ι ide by two who had stood guard. > increase the quantity from time to time There are countless roads on all | γ᾽ sides to the grave.—Cicero, The state of Oregon will not lose A Kind Word for Charley. ant either through the failure of the “IT suppose,” said the caller, “that lee Title Guat "anntee & Trust company, o1 your husband expects to win a great the temporary embarrassment of the | deal of moneyat the races.” ” Merchants’ National bank, the surety “Yes,” answered young Mrs. Torkcompanies being held responsible ins. “I don’t think that for the next and ΝΗ refund the money to the week or two anybody will be able to | wer after effects and without havir slice of bread, the quality of which he ters of we state. on which it acts without any debilitatjng I? ful. The minister, a stickler in such mat- ad lopied a solution calling n co to legislate in favor ῃ newal of the coir e of δι] irpose. of relieving the present finar ial stringency cotton industry—as mediately possessed himself of a large ssist organization, n clever as the conduct of a young Penn lvania ungraduate whom I heard about the other day “δ young 1 sat in a Louis Quinze drawing-room in conversation with a beautiful giri lhe girl, looking pensively into the fire, said: The man I marry must be both brave and clever.’ Well,’ said the young man, ‘when we were ting on the Wissahickon, and came to the dangerous spot and broke through, I saved your life, didn't be his constant habit, as soon as he had seated himself at breakfast im- of winted to advise with az your A Accor- stan f Fige only remedyof luc, but one of many reasons whyit is the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs A Pennsylvania divine formed one out = ploy. success and creditable 2 we produce superb cotton in the industry is not regulated with such wisdom as you emClever, indeed, is the conduct of a house-party in Philadelphia where the younger son, in accordance with what the clergyman observed to The Industrial association of Ne vada, which is the organization of the mine owners of the state, has an nounced that, because the Western Federation has violated its agreement calling a strike in Goldfield wit ut a referendum vote, the mine own rs of the district will not recognize unmy agreements made with the l unior or to the time when: the mep 1 appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk oflif and are essential to permanent the Minister’s Amendment to Usual Grace Fitted Circumstarices, The people of St. Regis, Wash., have a novel but effective way of getting rid of undesirable characters. The other day a clean-up of the town was made, and there being nothing better in which to put the prisoners, all were deposited in a railroad car A freight train came along, the car was attached to the train, and the un desirables thus gotten rid of. ¢ America to study PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, ee tTτὶ is guaranteed to cure any case | At last I decided to try Cuticura when 5 20Οἲν itehing, Blind, Bleedin r Protrudi 1 my boy was three years and four Sto 14 days or money refunded. Wie." <a months old, having had eczema ali that If there were not so many different time and suffering untold misery. I | began to use all three of the Cuticura ways of lying more people would tell Remedies. He was better in two the truth, 1, until the interstate commerce commission has decided as to the merits were Quality Egyptian A friend teased me to try Cuticura.| Northern railway from collecting the The collect cipal elections thirty-three τ homa house. Worst Case Doctors Ever Saw—Suffered Untold Misery—Perfect Cure by Cuticura Remedies. Judge William H. Hunt, in the federal court at Helena, Mont., signed an injunction restraining the Great lwo masked men held up the Mo ana saloon in Goldfield and took $90 from the cash register and $18 fror patrons in the place. The proprietor Nick Billick, fired at the men as they By a vote of 205 to 10, with four absent, House Bill No. 1, known as the “Jim Crow” measure, providing for separate coaches and waiting rooms for races, was passed by the Okla- ECZEMA COVERED BABY. Judge FE. W. Harney of Butte is dead, after a short illness Judge Harney oc cupied the district bench of Silver Bow eounty during the stormy period of the Heinze-Amalgamated litigation. He was the presiding judge in many of the cases which in this remarkable fight attained national note, William F. Britt, better known as Willus” Bri rother and manager of the prize fighter, Jimmy Britt, and indicted by the grand jury with two other membe of the “Fight Trust,” of San Franc cannot be found by the sheriff, w holds a warrant for his arrest result of the munild in thirteen of the in Massachusetts last week sh« WS a very considerable gain in the total of no-license column, and while changes were made in the liquor policy of two cities, one offset the other a found rate which went into effect November Robbers who tried to loot the Salis- imagines he sees wonders and delights where there Is nothing. Fight shy of ‘em both, my boy.” near Green excess over the old rate on a new riage, ain't it?” “Same thing, sonny; it's the same crews By a vote of 124 to 4, the house Democratic caucus voted down the proposition of Representative Jones minority members of the committees out of the hands of Minority Leader Williams. in Some weeks ago the wife of Judge Blank, of Pacific avenue, lost her cook, and since she had no other resource she rolled up her sleeves and for a week provided such meals as the judge had not enjoyed since those happy days when the Blanks did not keep a cook. The jud ge’s falight Was so great that by way of appreciative acknowl edgment he presented Mrs Blank with a beautiful ermine cloak. Quite naturally, the incident was a good deal noised about among the social acquaintances of the Blanks and a sp‘rit of envious emulation was developed in certain quarters. It was in this mood that Mrs. Jerome recited the story to her husband. “What do I get, Jerry?” she asked, “if I will do the cooking for a week?" “Well,” said Mr. Jerome, “at the end of a week, my dear, you'll get one of those long crepe veils.’"—San Francisco Argonaut. The body of a baby boy, dressed in rich apparel, was found last week a curve. of Virginia to take the designation of till death or the law them dopart.’ “But, said the boy, ‘that's mar- : mostly women ‘from Xenia, Ohio, were more or less seriously injured when a Dayton and Xenia traction car got beyond control of the motorman on a steep hill east of Dayton and overturned at real thing. Mirage is avoided. You know what a mirage is? Quite sure? thing, replied persons, train to young “She threw her arms about him, ried |, he There] Jef really was Mr. Jerome Evidently Was Aware of His Wife’s Culinary Ability. mdon Tribune declares that | that Em! idor Bryce] V the matter | will return from America and will be At a meeti of t exe itive comferson Ave., St, Louls, Mo., writes: Federation of **ltaffords me much pleasure to an- succeeded by Sir Henry Howard, the at The Hague, are without nounce that | have used your medicine minister Denver last week, it at various times for several years, and latic » ke an assessment that it hasgiven entire satisfaction, not | New Berlin, eighteen miles east of of the organization for only in my own family, but also that of | the Goldfield strikers, Jacksonville, Ky., was visited by fire others of myfriends. And would cheerSunday morning Loss, $75,000 fully recommend the use of Peruna, as| A reduction of about 25 per cent of ln l certainly do endorse your medicine.” The “Fit t National bank and the War- the clerical and operative forces of Catarrh of Head, Nose, Throat. | ren & Boynton bank were among the the Northern Pacific went into effect Mr. Charles Levy, 80 Allen St., New | buildings burned last week Several hundred men R. I were solids HAD NO DOUBT OF HIS FATE. excelle nt operators gold, and $2, and ac the with currency, Che value of the coin executed at » mints of the United States during mber, 1907, was $35,962,260; of 0 box, of Green I $35,840,000 was a secretions thick critical condition when | began with Doan’s Kidney Pills, and they certain ly did wonders for me. Though I am 81 years old, I am as well as the average woman of 50 I work well, eat well and sleep well.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. of his home $2.25 I 1 ; hey drop the d with μα Was \ Truth and said in New York the failure, knorvn * ee ἘΡ =F 7 Dabro, S ¢ ing in my back. I Was weak, languid broken with head aches and dizzy spells, and the kid ! the n lled Prince ere a Κο W North a Va Jan 526 sa τν = = a ] HE HAD THE QUALIFICATIONS. No Need to Suffer Every Day from | No Need for Maiden to Seek Further Backache. for Her Affinity. was iinmen 0 le ] 6 wonty NEW STRENGTH FOR OLD BACKS. | ) ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN — —PRICE ἴδε, —AT ALL DRUGGISTS RECEIPT OF 15. IN POSTAGE MADE OF PUREΤΙ ON and superi or to mustard or any other pilaster, and will not delicate 1. skin, The pain-allaying and curative qurali ties of the It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head- εξ and Sci atica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counterirritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach andall R uralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what t, and tt will be found to be in ] in the household and for children. Once uged no family wiil de wit out Many people say ‘‘it is the best of all your preparations.’ Accept no prey ration of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it. is not genuine. Send your address and we will maii our Vaseline Booklet describing our preparations which will interest you. 17 State st. CHESE BROUGH MFG. CO. New York city |