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Show ,jsm MK - ..i '"t W. The Vw"" gprnnnniininnnniniinfiiiiKimnmiimimimi Thursday September 18, 1958 le, place Sept. 20. Dee Bambrough, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bambrough, under- ROY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hartman of Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Vander Pool of Ogden, have just returned from a two week trip to Chicago where they attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. Vander Pools, parents. The Hartmans also visited relatives of in Wisconsin, Mrs. Hartman's among them was an aunt whom sheuhad never seen. LsL k UTAH RED BUSS went surgery last Friday following an attack of appendicitis. He returned home Monday and is well on the way to recovery. mm ll? The LAST WORD: If youd enjoy life, and not find it a grind, keep your mind on your work, not. your work on your mind. . POUND BAG Mr. and Mrs. James Pingree are the parents of a new baby girl born on the 13th of September. They have three other little girls. Parents for the first time are Mr. and Mrs. Val Hale. They had a boy on the 15th of Sept. Also parents of their first boy are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stettler. Their baby was also bom on the 15th. They have tvm little girls at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Russell left last week for a three week trip to Cincinatti, Ohio to attend the annual Postmasters Conven- tion. Mrs. Russell is serving on the national committee in charge of elections. Pete DeHeer returned last Sunday after spending 10 weeks in Honolulu for Albers Milling Co. Pete is the sheet metal man for Albers in Ogden and was sent to Hawaii to help with a plant they are putting up. Chairmen Announced By Municipal PTA Mary E. Dalton is somewhat improved after an illness of several months. She was able to attend the recent dedication of the historical marker depicting the site of the first post office. Mrs. Dalton celebrated her 91st birthday in July. Committee chairmen who will serve during the coming year have been announced by the officers of the Municipal Parent Teachers HORMEL'S Assn. The decendents of Richard and Elizabeth Jones held a reunion at the Roy Park. There were about 50 present. Lunch and a program and games were played. Don't forget the Roy First Ward Bazaar. It will be held this Friday at 6 p.m. A bridal shower was given in honor of Miss Nancy Holtry by her mother at the home of Mrs. Lewis Bambrough. Twenty live of her friends were present. Games and refreshments were enjoyed. Miss Holtrys wedding will take Short Shank 12 to 16 Lbs. Average The first initial, planning meeting held recently by the organi- fin In) zation listed the following chair; men: President Mrs. Everett Seath, LeMoyne Hess, first vice presi-dent- ; Principal Thomas Littlefield, second vice president, Mrs. Min Hamada, secretary and Mrs. Joseph Frieidli, historian. SWANSONS r, SWIFT'S "P1ESTO" son, finance and scholarship Mrs. George Pales; legislation, Wayne Taylor and room representatives, Mrs. Marion Clarkson and publicity Mrs. A. W. Ogan. CHEESE FOR DOWN PAYMENT Up to 15 months PRUNES to Pay FRYER I Breasts - Thighs or Drumsticks 57c I Frozen A Pound $1 L Pack'JoU Q SHRIMP GULF STREAM - JUMBO - PAN READY 79c 69c Per Pound Fresh TIDBIT 63c Chicken, Turkey Haddock Per Pound PARTS BOOTHS T.V. DINNERS Beef, Meat Loaf 2 for 25c Per Lb. 12 oz. 8 oz. Tubes MILD Other business decided on by the group was to set the first regular membership meeting on Oct. 9, and to plan a fund raising carnival for Oct. 24. YOUR OLD TIRES Per Pound BUTT HALF - Program chairman. Mrs. Henry A. Matis, membership, Peter Res-sleHospitality, Mrs. Aldus John- Convenient Budget Terms SHANK HALF 39c 1 BREADED SHRIMP 10 oz. Pack ITALION FRESH FROZEN PEARS DAVES Hiway 91 - JENSEN'S Roy We sell nothing VEGETABLES Peas ' BISCUITS -- 2pks.25c - Fall Classes in MEYERS 22 STARTING SEPT. Information Call I EX I TABLE PRIDE Preserves & DOORS ,or 3 Vac. Pack Tin-- LUNCH 3 MEAT OVC TOMATO CATSUP Lb. 1 oz. Can 3 for APPLE SAUCE 2h No. Size Cans Pumpkin APPLELAND No. 2'z Size Cans Apple Sauce 4 for $1 HAWAIIAN GOLD CRUSHED 5 $ No. 211 Size Cans SUNNYVALE 1 2 Mi Size 87cpear Halves 2 or 29c 3 cans $1 No. 303 Can RASPBERRY On YOUR Family's Furnishings SPRINGKIST Jars 400s White or Colored FRESH for SAVINGS! 303 Size Cans PINEAPPLE LA CORON- A- 12 oz. Cans 14 oz. 14 cans $ GOLD-- 46 5 ,or 6 for $11 STRAWBERRIES 5h4'"89c 89c TUNA WEST APPLEBERRY ' 2 PINEAPPLE JUICE Coffee ADMISSION US 24 oz. Cans HAWAIIAN BREAKFAST CUP r RASPBERRIES 10 oz. Packs Jar 79c CHUNK Oleomargerine 3 lbs. 95c PLUS SHORTS OPEN 2:45 SEE 40 oz. BEEF STEW. WEST PEAR 2 for 29c Pure CARNATION THE FIEND THAT WALKED THE 39c PHENIX Dont forget the kids show each Saturday at the HOY THEATER I.OTS OF CARTOONS All Flavors STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 20 oz. Jars Boysenberry 85c Gal. or SWIFTS Strawberry HEY KID Half RASPBERRY Raspberry 25 Butterscotch C E SUNNP JIM PURE FRESH FROZEN HEARTS DELIGHT Meadow Spring CREAM $1.98 GUESTS WELCOME' For TASTY Gallon - 8 P.M. Devils Yellow White Honey PERSONOLOGY rl CAKE MIXES Mile north of Death Curve L... J SWANSDOWN PILLSBURY or BALLARD 6 oz. Cans Orange Juice 5 for $1 Qc Peas and Carrots Mixed Vegetables Corn Fruit Farm but Quality Products SHAVERS FRESH FROZEN Packs TABLE TESTED Bartlett SERVICE 10 oz. CANDY 9 $1 GUMDROPS Lb Bag A5C KLEENEX TISSUES 4 ?.. i SPRINGKIST FREESTONE No. 2Mr Size Peach Halves 3 cans $1 yj , t' ;i -- 4- 'TT i '' I i;rvAia 'Where Quality s 4'i Is N , r t, trU 'Bir s i Inexpensive'' SHOP in ROY and mniimiiimiiHiiiiniiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiniinninnniiiiHiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiminiiiiniiiiiHiiiniinniiiifis 1 |