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Show Thursday September 18, 1958 The at the Brigham Young University HOOPER NEWS and now plans to continue his studies at the University of Iowa Visiting this week with Mr. and towarrds his Doctors Degree 111 Mrs. Frank V. Rawson have been Geology. The couple plan to be their daughter, Belva, and her hus- in Iowa for two years. band Richard W. Moyle of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Torgele and Utah, prior to their departure for Iowa City, Iowa. Richard recently Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Rawson completed his Masters degree at have returned from an enjoyable H. J. R. No. 2 By Messrs. G. Douglas Taylor, Edward C. Larsen and Howe A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 11 OF ARTICLE XIII OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH RELATING TO SYSTEMS OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTING UNDER THE TAX LAWS OF THE STATE. Be it resolved by the Legislature of the State of Utah, two-thirof all members elected to each of the two houses voting in ds thereof favor : Section 1. It is proposed to amend Section II of Article XIII of the Constitution of the State of Utah so that the same shall read as follows: Section 11. There shall be a State Tax Commission consisting of four members, not more than two of whom shall belong to the same political party. The members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the consent of the Senate, for such terms of office as may be provided by law. The State Tax Commission shall administer and supervise the tax laws of the State. It shall assess mines and public utilities and adjust and equalize the valuation and assessment of property among the several counties. It shall have such No. 2 S. J. R. By Messrs. Stringham and Hopkin A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE O F REPRESENTATIVES OF THE THIRTY SECOND LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF UTAH PROPOSING TO AMEND SECTION 3 OF ARTICLE X OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH, PROVIDING FOR PROCEEDS OF SALE OF SCHOOL LANDS AND ROYALTIES FROM MINERAL LEASES OF SCHOOL LANDS TO BE A PART OF THE STATE SCHOOL FUND. Be it resolved hu the Legislature of the State of Utah, of all members elected to each of the two houses voting in two-thir- thereof favor : Section 1. It is proposed to amend See. 3 of Article X of the Constitution of the State of Utah to read. Sec. 3 The proceeds of the sales of all lands that have been or may hereafter be granted by the United States to this state, for the support of the common schools, royalties received by the state as a result of mineral leases of lands that have been or may hereafter be granted by the United States to this state for support of the common schools, and five per centum of the net roceeds of the sales of United tates public lands lying within the state and sold by the United States subsequent to H. J. No. 7 R. By Mssrs. Hopkins, Gunther, Wangsgaard, Welch and Sheffield JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO AMEND ARTICLE XIII, SECTION 2 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH, RELATING TO TANGIBLE PROPERTIES EXEMPT FROM TAXATION. Be it resolved by the Legislature of the State of Utah, s of all members elected to each of the two houses voting in A two-third- thereof favor : Section 1. It is proposed to amend Article XIII, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Utah, to read as follows: Section 2. All tangible property in the state, not exempt under the laws of the United States, or under this constitution, shall be taxed in proportion to its value, to be ascertained as provided by law. The property of the state, counties, cities, towns, school districts, and municipal corporation lots with the Eublic libraries, thereon used exclusively for either religious worship br charitable purposes, and places of burial not held or used for private or corporate benefit, shall be exempt from taxation. Water rights, ditches, canals, reservoirs, other powers of original assessment as the Legislature may provide. Under such regulations in such cases and within such limitations as the Legislature may prescribe, it shall review proposed bond issues, revise tne tax levies of local governmental units, and equalize the assessment and valuation of property within the counties, the duties imposed upon the State Board of Equalization by the Constitution and Laws of this State shall be performed by the State Tax Commission. In each county of this State there shall be a County Board of Equalization consisting of the Board of County Commissioners of the said county. The County Boards of Equalization shall adjust and equalize the valuation and assessment of the real and personal property within their respective counties, subject to such regulation and control by the State Tax Commission as may be prescribed by law. The State Tax Commission and the County Boards of Equalization shall each have such other powers as may be prescribed by the Legislature. Section 2. The Secretary of State is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors of the state at the next general election in the manner provided by law. Section 3. If adopted by the electors of the state, this amendment shall take effect the first day of January, 1959. the admission of this state into the Union, shall be and remain a permanent fund, to be called the State School Fund, the interest of which only, shall be expended for the support of the common schools. The interest on the State School Fund, the proceeds of all property that may accrue to the state by the escheat or forfeiture, all unclaimed shares and dividends of any corporation incorporated under the laws of this state, the proceeds of the sales of timber, and the rentals received by the state from school and state lands, other than those granted for specific purposes, shall, with such other revenues as the legislature may from time to time allot thereto, constitute a fund to be known as the Uniterm School Fund, which Uniform School Fund shall be maintained and used for the support of the common and public schools of the state and apportioned in such manner as the legislature shall provide. The provisions of Section 7, Article XIII of this Constitution shall be construed as limitation in the rate of taxation on tangible property for district school purposes and not on the amount of funds available therefor, and, further no moneys allocated to the Uniform School Fund shall be considered in fixing the rates of taxation specified in Section 7 of Article XIII. Section 2. The Secretary of State is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors of the State of Utah at the next general election in the manner provided by law. water for irrigation purposes on lands in the State of Utah, may be exempted from taxation to the extent that such properv is used for such purposes. These exemptions shall accrue to the benefit of the users of water so pumped under such regulations as the legislature may prescribe. The taxes of the indigent poor may be remitted or abated at such times and in such manner as may be provided by law. The legislature may provide for the exemption from taxation of homes, homesteads, and personal property, not to exceed $2,000 in value for homes and homesteads, and all household furniture, and furnishings, equipment used exclusively by the owner thereof at his place of abode in maintaining a home for himself end family! Property not to exceed $3,000 in value, owned by disabled persons who served in any war in the military service of the United States or of the State of Utah and by the unmarried widows and minor orphans of such persons may be exempted as the legislature may provide. The legislature shall provide by law for an annual tax sufficient, with other sources of revenue, to defray the estimated ordinary expenses of the state for each fiscal year. For the purpose of paying the state debt, if any there be, the legislature shall prOvide for levying a tax annually, sufficient to pay the annual interest and to pay the principal of such debt, within twenty years from the' final passage of the law creating the debt. Section 2. The secretary of state is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors of the State of Utah at the next general election in the manner provided by law. Section 3. If adopted by the electors of this state, this state, this amendment shall take effect the first day of flumes owned and used by individuals or corporations for Irrigating land within the state owned by such individuals or corporations, or the individual members thereof, shall not be separately taxed as long as they shall be owned and used purposes. exclusively for such transmis-iion Power plants, power lines and other property used for generating and de-- 1 vrHng electrical power, a portion cf which is used for ftirflUhing po, :r pumping January, fr 1959. the only touchodnw id the gahid weeks vacation to Van Couvef, srmrr rsAftos Amum cir- BEELINE FROM area. which provide ; the fiht Mn ot Canada and surrounding ments of $15 per month. Write thik yhai ISr Webelr While t Seattle, Wash., they visitMusic Compinjr, Summerhajis HIGH WEBER ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. South ter 3719 St, Sait take State Tomorrow night Weber has Raymond Torghele, Charles broUtah. We Granite. second City. at hope game ther. They also visited at the homes to see you supporting your schdol. By Bonnie Fondren of several former Hooper residents ISililSsSlIIISISssJf ISSii iiiisSjjj mi Mrs. Lewis Those room sized boxes in the including Mr. and mi Thirdly there waS the firlt dance FOR SALE Six room, modern mi AND LAWNS Arave of Orofina, Idaho; Mr. and student parking lot are really port- of this year which was held in the mi in Roy. Must Jbe brick home Wl4-bmi Idaho of at Mrs. Leslie Cottle able clossrooms to be used Nampa, mi EX moved. Phone cartoons were decorations The mi and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Beus of for the next cttiiple 6t years. gym. mi that students various the drawn PLANTED mi by SHRUBS Wash. teachers classes The Othello, holding lucky mi PIANO LESSONS i suca out to turned wanted It mi help. out there are: Allen Lowe, Charles we hope that our other A class reunion of the Hooper A. Robinson and Dale and cess math; Ellis, B. Pettit, T.T.C.M., pupil Vera ESTIMATES- -- FREE 10th grade graduating class of 1942 dances will be as successful. Ray Newey, world .history and of Muriel Hartly Brown, of New was held at the Hooper Park on health; and Fred Draayer, health. York and Germany, teacher of Classes are going along just fine. Sept. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Deon Arave New Crop Lawnseed onto and theory. Beginners and is loaded Homework piano already Weber had a visitor from with Mr. and Mrs. Theon Rigby TA Phone demands advanced' are students. being were in charge. Attending were last week. He was Lakew Mulat, the 'students; High Grade Mixture mere books. It feels as if or TA 10 couples and their families. All ministry association in research made for had a summer vacation; had a very enjoyable time. from Ethioea. He is in this coun- w'e never most reports, the students from but 10 SEE US FOR: try under the four point plan of Joseph Allen, principal of the President Dwight D. Eisenhower like both school and teachers. The announcements Wedding Hooper School, celebrated his birth- to study the American education, clubs are going great guns, meetMissionary Farewells Ml. Ogden Nursery day Tuesday Sept. 16. The children especially the administration, jour- ings have been set up and since Poster Papers most of the officers are already at school made him birthday cards nalism and Cardboards Colored guidance departments. elected and presented them to him. He they will now start planROY PRINTING CO. to him, America's educs-tiona- l Hiway 91 Roy activities, was honored at home with a sur- According ning 5380 SO. 1909 W. is in the best the system memprise party last Sunday with Phone EX world. He was thoroughly enjoyed bers of the Allen family attending. by all he saw and spoke to. The basketball season starts this LOVE & P0UTICS Fifteen new names and faces week. All Hooper First Ward boys on the faculty this year. appear who are interested in playing for Some are new to teaching and the are pretty much like eating the ward should be at the stake others are just new to Weber. mushrooms. By the time you find gyn for practice and to sign up follows' Gordon Belare as out whether they are good for They at 7:30 p.m. Friday Sept. 19. They Mark Dickson, Connie nap, Chugg, you, It's too Idte. should remember that in order to Dale Ellis, Carol Hains, Lamont W. be eligible they must have a cerRoss Johnson, Allen Lowe, tain amount of attendance at all Heslop, Charles A. RobinLynn Paulson, meetings. These and other rules son, Leland Smith, Rex Spaekman, will be discussed and presented to Ronald Stephens, and Gerald Taythem this Friday. lor. Weber welcomes these new The Hooper First Ward held students. Last week was a week of firsts their ward conference last week. Speakers at sacrament meeting at Weber. The first of the firsts was the were President Henry A. Matis, ot Lake View Stake and Albert Field- student assembly which was in the school gym on SCpt. 10. It was ing. presented by the various officers Howarrd Fowers was injured last of the organizations at Weber. Bill week when he received a cut from Wangsard was master of ceremonAn named McGee a hay baler on his hand. It re- ies while Heber Fuller, president, drives a jazzy Stut Bearcat 03. quired several stitches. He also introduced and spoke with the ofreceived a cut from ether farm ficers of this years clubs. McGee's fussy, it8 ue The second first was the football machinery on his head the week several stitches game with Cyprus. Ed Castle made And the car nuts tike new! . before, requiring also. J demand Royal Triton. says he. Howard Cox received a bad cut from a corn chopper on his hand Wr; Jam Kioto, Stalin, Wait, nearly severing one of his fingers. Several stitches were taken and . . . Seriously, Mr. and it is hoped that his finger will heal Amazing? Ye, thxtsthe word tot the purple YOU are very important named Royal Triton motor oil. Cant beat it for protecting alnght. Man There is quite a little building people In my life. YOU can give your car engine... just a you cant beat Minuta service. Stop at Union Oil station tot both me Justice duties, to earn my going on in west Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fowers have started to living and I'LL THANK YOU FOR WIN $21 .Ml Send Ut a limerick about your build a new home just west of THEM. favorite Union Oil product or service. If it a their present home, Franz Fowers winnen Well pay you $25 on publication. Sincerely, is building a new milking parlor R. F. COTTLE Write to: 76 Limerick. Union Oil, Box 7600, Mr. Mrs. and and Francis Widdison Los Angeles 54, Calif. have built a new carport and driveFor FULL TIME way. vfas Mark Manning honored at a UNION OIL COMPANYor California Justice of the Peace THE SMOOTHER BOURBON . Cot (rss party given at the home of Mr. and Sports Boohs st Union Oil 8talons Watch it Sports Club on Weber For County 6 Yrs Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Mrs. Eldm Simpson with Mr. and 86 Proof Ancient Age Dist Co Frankfort. Ky. Potd Pol Adv Mrs. Fred Dawson as Those attending were Mr. and Mrs Merrill Widdison, Mr. and Mrs Will Cottle, Mr. and Mrs. Don Td dison, of Hooper, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Belnap of Ogden. This was held on Sept. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Sampson have returned from a trip to St George, Utah where they attended the wedding of Mrs Simpson, brother. The speakers at sacrament meeting in the Second Ward last Sunday were Don Widdison, Jack Lowe, Claron Paulsen, and Ralph Miles. Music was furnished by a quartet from the First Ward, Margie Johnston, Sharcn Paice, Gwen Flinders, and LeAnna Read, and accompanied by Ann Cox. Thought for the day: The six unfailing cosmetics. 1. For the lips truth. 2. For the voice prayer. 3. For the eyes pity. 4. For the hands charity. 5 For the figure uprightness. 6. For the heart love. CLASSIFIED Abs TOR SALE lbs $4.90 ld Mrs-Vote- peopU-pleas- nrientjcje ABC-T- T s 7tr DON'T ON THE HIGHWAYS H.J.R. No. 14 By Mssrs. Brewster, Sheffield, Welch UAnra n A Ponntnn A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO AMEND ARTICLE VI, SECTION 9 OF THE CONSTITUTION Ol THE STATE OF UTAH RELATING TO COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. Be it resolved by the Legislature of the State of Utah, of all members elected to each of the two houses voting in favor thereof'. Section 1. It is proposed to amend Article VI, Section 9 ot the Constitution of the State of Utah to read as follows: Section 9. The members of the Legislature shall receive such compensation, not exceeding $500 a year for the legislative term and expenses as provided by law while actually In session, and mileage as provided by law. Section 2. The Secretary ol State is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors of the state at the next general election in the manner provided by law. Section 8. This amendment shall take effect upon approval by the electors of the state. two-thir- ds Fall is an ideal time to travel east-col- orful autumn leaves, new Broadway shows, delightful weather and cool, .crisp evenings. And the ideal way to get there is on a smartly appointed Union Pacific Domeliner. Your pleasure begins the moment you step aboard. Youll relax all the way . . . enjoy delicious dining car meals ... the luxury of the lounge . . . have servants at your command . a. save your car and your nerves . . . and arrive refreshed and ready for business, sightseeing or fun ! Need help with )our travel plans? Were at your service anything from planning your itinerary to arranging for a Hertz rental car if you wish. Let us explain the money-savin- g Family Fares, too, and the Rail Travel Credit Card which makes it unnecessary to carry large amounts of cash. reservations, or help with your travel plans, tee your nearest Union Pacific Railroad ticket agent. For details, |