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Show 1 The three day trip to Mirror Lake. They did some hiking. 1 hear the boys are getting pretty expert at camp mg out including cooking. 'Hus trip differed a little from the usual ptcnicing and camping as they got caught in a snow storm. Mr. and Mrs. Jtay S Walker and children, Carson, Haelene, and Kay, just returned lrom an extensive trip through Yellowstone, Montana, Washington, Oregon and Caldur ma. They enjoyed the trip and saw many points of interest. Mr and Mrs Claience Mdburn have as their visitors Mr. Milburu's brother and his wile and small daughter lrom l owpet, Wyoming tMr and Mrs Cuttis Miibuin ) Mr. and Mrs F.dward liainrs had as their Visitors recently Anm Johnson and son, from Wilson, 1eu nsylvania Mr. Johnson is the presi dent of the Wilson Kranih He aiso vivitid the James A Nelson home Happy anniversaiy to Mr and Mrs kMward Karnes 'Kiev cc,e orate on Se ptember 5th Kiriy Forbes, son of Mr. and Mrs Neil Fortx-sis doing niieiy lollowmg a bout with the measles NEWS HOY Arlene Hamblin LX 4 2249 School days, school days, good old golden rule days. 11 seems to he the opinion around here that if mure concentration were put on mIiouI rooms instead of decoration . and landscaping Mr. and Mrs iiiil Carmack en a fishing trip to Idaho juyi-with relatives from Salt I'lty, Mr and Mrs liuhert Molen and family had as their guests recently, Mi Muli ii s sistei and brother in law. Mr and Mis Llden Casper Mr (asjur has lecintly been re least d lium the Air Forte in Teaas Jhey i etui lied to Iexas last week but plan to it turn soon and make . ir home in I tali Cut sis recently in the Molen t.oim also wile Mr and Mrs Clif foul Wik ox who visited and had dinner last Friday Ituy were lure from the. i home in W iscolism rile Kay Kusell fjmily will bi I hey inovid a week ago la-Wedmsd.it to San Hernadiim tal.f Kay and I belina and then time lovely ihildien. Kithard, Ka'hben and Claire were infill ti I s of the Koy I irst Ward Hit- I.e wis u Kainlirough family bough' the Kay Kussell home and an lentil. g hi .r funner home Mis livalooi Allen and tin. drill Lciuaim, Houglas, and Jill days in Smithfu Id pint vis.'ing Mrs Allens parents Mrs I mm., t laik aiiutnpanicd them and sisitnl with her si'ter who lives .n sniithfield also ! h m.'-M-- No Puck last met (171 niglii (Thursday) to discuss plans for llii , jimng year. Tin- Koy hiwani Aimes wi.l hold their first Hireling ol the coming Monday Stpt ! at H pm at tlie home of Millie Sievin', I 23W 1,555 So la-o- W Visitors at the Huwaird Stahic home this wetk wen- Mi and Mis Have Wilson and children of Far son, Wyo. and Mr and Mrs Kay Schulthus of Nyssa, Oregon Mrs ( K West drove to Ciraiid Junilioii Colo, with In r sun Kob horothy Curran visited with rela tives in Idaho kalis ovir tlie libor ert (Kobi and bus family With her, Mrs West took fur granddaughc r 1'ay we'kind Howard Klein son of Mr and ' fary Cwllllams. 3 year old dsughtei Mrs Alin rt Klein, is recovirmg of Mr and Mrs Keith Clwilliains Sight seeing at the Oraml Mesa, niieiy from an operation on his K.oi lie was operated on Tues t he- Aurav waterfall in the Amen i an Alps, Mrs West spent a week ,i., Mr ami Mrs Grant Howard and Keturnmg with Mr and Mrs Clwd last Monday Krai e an i Clary, enjoyed a isms, - Mr and Mrs lfert Lamb and daugldir Susan, toured California the past week, taking in suih fcights as the famed Disney hint! and Inall points there about returned home Sunday morning 1 Uintah Hatiuii of n your future Jounf the U i'i ii' ut y ,1 " ' o ' lv r 1 v ' I'.. ui ina " .lie is n t nr I K ,1 I. Urges (if l ( I hr t 'll 1'uiililme i I.isv-m !"l lintel ire. 1 .1 S' in i nv iii'iimrnt. lip li.i'p t" stinlv vvliric m vs .ml to lis r. nr si f ,! u, ,i .n .it the II e ' their vacation, unannounced I heir should say little son. or young son. he is a pretty big boy Ts'She pride of the for his no and wonder, he's all boy, family, and plenty of him David Stuart has been home with his wife and three children David has left his teaching position at the Cnivirsity of Texas m Austin, t take a new one at Oregon Matt Cniversity in Curtails Also staying with the Stuarts was a professor of pharmacy from Norway He has been at the Austin Cniversity for two years, and will ,fill the position vacated by David Stuart Glad to get home, and probably just in the nick of time, were Keid and Gay By bee. Dean and Darlene Fernclius. and Kenny and Marion Stuart Wc spent a short time at and left the area in Mirror !i IW f ' Circle Iheie dotat Frejhrrton Comi-Se- 21 pt Frchmen Regnter- - Sept 26 Former Students ReQ'Ster Sept Cost work starts Sept 30 Fcr tc"plcte O'fue mformotion 2721 write Others of the 'Hunting Bybee Clan ; are making tmur way up to Wyoming on a Antelope Hunt. In this group are Orin, Wayne and Boh By bee, with little Randy Garni r going along to learn the ropes of hunting and Laurence llumci ol Ogden, and Harry Hildreth Oi Cliartieiil And tin yd he gone In. they gi t their alilelupe. Good news tame to the Claudi Stuails la s t week Ills contest. lit. Has paid off agalll Th s tune till price was a ouiihsioAir gas kitch in and jaundiy I hey were inter viewed Thursday muining ovei tAJ). t imgi at uiutions and Fernelius, May havi By bee and Ixus Anderson gone to Mesa, Arizona for a shori and also on a short trip, were the F.arl Kendells, who spent some illit Up at Mollte Crislo One ariK.e of news whiib was left out was Uie re organization of nor Uintah Warn Sunday Siho.I Our new superm lendcnl is Dale Keyes, with Koo Smvthe and Jr By bee as counse lors. Carl Victor F'crnclius outgo wig superintendent had served lot more than 15 years and missed omy 17 Sundays in that whole time. At the time ol the reorgan. zatioii, serving with l arl Vic, were Glen Me F'ailand and Jr Studdard. We thank tin m for the work they have done and oiler our support to the new off hi rv in charge Welcome lo Annette Jaikson, who is staying w.th Jack and Ivy hi yes for the school season An nette is a member of the Walapai Tribe of Indians, who is taking part in the school program set up by the churih She is from Peach Springs, Arizona, and will be going to South Junior High Kist Sunday at Sacrament Meet ng two Hi w bat. ns were blessed. a i ul V.ment I.uAni Firnelius Mi"m- tin- name Suzitte for their in w dui.g.V.ii, and Bert and Mari it 1J numed'their new son yn K laik Aibert On the birthday list for the first half of September, we have Susan Combe and KoUald Stuart on the second Mark Miller the 3rd, Cliff Wilde the 4'.fi, Barbara Anderson'. Ki ninth Stuart, and lxiris Hamrt-oithe 5th Carl Vic Kernel us, Nat .dies Hartman. Niel Cowden. and Kitty By bee on the (ith. Norma Koisgrein the Till, Orland Nelson the l'h, F.rin.i Hill By bie the 10th Kta Ixiu 1i'bley and Beth Feme bus the 11th and on the 14th. George Kendell Ilapp birthday and congratulations lo all of you. Y ili-be- l KilC'c Tuilis will begin her dancing classes the second week in Sept Tho-who wish to take dancing - call EX 3 8760 e t of the President UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Salt lake City, Utah LOCAL SNOW WHITE Sweet - Thompson Large GRAPEFRUIT U. S. Choice Grade Beef ROUND STEAK SWISS STEAK HEEL ROAST Per Lb. or BONELESS RUMP ROAST Top Quality CHEESE at a BARGAIN PRICE JACK MEDIUM Fresh Baked , 2427 W. 5600 Roy Utah - Each 69c 23c 29c RAISIN BRAN BREAD Fresh Baked - Per Dozen BUTTERFLAKE ROLLS KRAFT ROVAI. . . QUART JAR 4 OZ. 59c f AN REI) FRESH ... 29c 24 SIZE CANS No. 303 Six Can 4'! 3Dot'T FAMILY SIZE Ripe Olives s 3 THREE POUND 00 CAN Swiftening Shortening 79c HI NT 00 TALL CANS S Fruit Cochtail FOR CANNING Stewed 5!orT CASE OF 24 TIN CANS 2lor25c TOMATOES . . PITTED SWIFTS 69c GRADE A SPECIALS EGGS . LIBBY TWO POUND IX)AF NO. . COUNTRY APPLESAUCE So. SWISS - Wholesome - Special Fresh Baked APPIJELAM) HOME ADDKESS Special PER POUND DATE NUT SURPRISE CAKE Cheese Spread . . . i PER POUND SIRLOIN TIP SWIFTS Ballet A i robatic Personality Singing With Bone RUMP ROAST Black Pepper Tap O PfJt POUND - White California SCHILLINGS v Per Pound CAULDFLOWER MAYONNAISE 1 is t heavy had storm. Speaking of Mirror Lake area Kent Bybee bagged a 4 point buck of bow up there on opening day and arrow season. Good going Kent. a good oil i I 4155 4 - H c .f i Ol S 'MH II. i ill' ie i , I.- U Il.ili "f i Phone F Our in w s i.s good news this wiek We liave a lot ol people who are home, lrom some win re, just fur a vis, or to stay after tripping aiuuiid for a wfu.e But this week a im.y stem I okliow a little hit about a lot of Unrigs, mi you II have u I, mi oat your own details from Kill 11.11 is home on the Air Force, In- has been sta 'miied in W yumiiig Donna Osmund is bait from Y c l low stone Dark where she wo?Red or a good part of the summer Kay Jon Y lese was home for a couple of wet ks while Glen was on his two weeks active duty And her two little daughters were the cen ter of attraction the whole time down to the Mildon home, as well as on Sundays, when ruffles and frills made hem real picture book (lolls Jaikie and Huger Nelson sur 'prised their folks by coming home ,i lung w .1 y run future. v Stunt Iloy, Utah, Thursday, September 5, 1957 Sun-Chronicl- No. 24 St Plain $169 Complete With Lid rm TOP QUALITY ..PURE PRESERVES IflOuSeS w ii u m ensAj to quartor length slccxch, rint.'' llacioii I for school and play lo-ti-, HO ii'oiiitur n ii n 3.95 Wli.tr Turtleneck 1ullovcr Cotton Sweater STOCK UP NOW AT THESE LOW PRICES! Table Pride Brand STRAWBERRY 10 oz. Jars $Q69 20 Oz. Jars Case ol 12 . Case oi 12 $A29 . . . BOYSENBERRY 18 Oz. Jars $429 Case of 12 . GOLD STRIKE STAMPS ON ALL ITEMS 3.95 Black cout'ileroy Iedal Pushers to match ly Koretth of California rsr mil SH'Ciltc). s'. LA ,'. J s ' -IIM i)f llflil ,s E5IA L t PLA.X In jnnrhiisi i'tm lll'S (turf Inlnl s (I III l! (ill! i fill! . Food St ore JO'S 5651 South 1900 West Royt Utah OPEN 8:30 a.m.-- 9 p.m. |