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Show School Bells Ring Monday For Weber County Local New, Local Advertising for Local People , v' .v.v ;w . - ,. - - . ; 'whte sold within 10 ( I 1 A"i LV-f-- " ) ,ib,r Day so s.niess w.iv n Ogden chapter $134 will hold their meet ing at H pin at Ihe Moose Home TuchI.iv All inemhcis are urged to atti nd for an enjovahle evi mng Tile puldlcily lommittie will he ill barge Chapter No 134 wdl alwi hold a r tual prni-- ti t Mondn H pm Ml officers al the Moose Hoo.c esi oils and ih.uinun arc asked to a ti lid tins I'np.'l laid pi .11 a e i than plan food four 1 t'ountrv t wmih minutts The 12seater nu ri go round was never idle, nor w..s tin- 2u I'.o-s- i tigt r train, and '.tic wire f. ur showings of the ir."iie t h to a full house. Montie'h Hic'r, re ports that "fu'l co epei .i'.om of the f iinily and imp, of the stake was rcsioi.'.bV f,,i tin siiec'-vof the undntik eg : No 134 of the Women Moose will he hostess to a b :ipu ami '.ltd p.irv Frill :v eve Home rung at 8 p m at the it Refreshment., will he m All memhets of the Royal 10 nd omen of rdir of M im-- e the Moose an their j ruspcitm'- mi mhi rs are tnv iti d v . ...p UJ f Xu. , of elephants.'' imbuing the little kittens,' wh.ih were three v v Mr The Riverdale Staki celebration was a huge much so, in fact, thai it nated two hours sooner ned They ran out of tunes The Relief Sooetv Store sold' over S2'i )L V if r '.W. ;' :'&t ; : .V - .l ' h, Labor Day Moose News Most Successful Wiimi of the Moose ., ' . I'tah, Thursday, September Kov, School bells will ring for all Wetter County school students, Monday, Sept 9th Hoy .students will register for claxswoik Monday morn ng and lunches will he served at the schools In ordir lo eliminate crowding in the school, Supt Ted Bell has annourued a redefinition of boun danes for the Roy Schools Students attending lgikcuew School must live within thcTollow mg boundaries kin the east. Bamberger Railroad ti.aks on the north, 4ikl0 So St, west to the Union Pailtie liadrn.nl tracks, outh to 5175 So St and and oil the south, 5iK) So St Bell said that liftti and Supt who would s, t h glade students the Municipal attend iiurm(il., School will attend Hoy Ju .mr 11 gli S hail Hus fall while the school Is hung remodeled Tin sc students to the Junim High will go d.rec o legistir and will he mil by 'hill te.n In'! s tla I e Thc-- U ai In I s ale Knniar Bar. on, Ralph H Ba'e man (ain'yn o B.t'.ui .ml Aid. a J hiikham Boullilal n s (or the MI)K.1.iI Si Imol Is nil the cast, Bamberger K. 11. 0. Ill ti.uks ell the nm th, 3tkMI SI Stiii I wist to 2325 West St then nmth to 5175 S St tin west hiptir ( of ' ! til'- i .1 Named Deputy Grand Regent 11 N ,i' tit- M.i.wr rtnlir is M - In li jr.rae s h of Iic a t ( f Days 1 957 lianru wire. Mi uss Thmn:uk prtn ithy iy57 Duiker ami t 1 U IiL e 1 W ( . : t r ! r i;. the rr d hy 1 o-- Seioml p'ace vsent s is Ilro.vn t(r the f.nn . j Wilcox, postmaster. t'Jourfu Id R li Bar ton, postmaster and Will am W 1,' luughhy assistu:,' of l.iy'on Post r master Wayne N.o.'io as I : sistant to the pi., in e'i y I. Postniu-ti- i McBrid of K.iv-11 D. Rob, rts ut iii'eiv 1. pos' , ! im st bar master up to -ik me Far'ev dou,li ter of Mr and Mrs Ior,ald Farley, most ha r up s 3 months t h r i. i I.) 12 rn nil s Richard hro! n i :i u n of Mr f hri 11.1:0011 and MrS' .n'ey Marrlvn Sparro' 1! .phli r of Mr and Mrs Dee Spiriov, leas! h or up to 18 month S'n,ra S.indova' daughter of Mr a.i'l Mrs John Sandoval, reddest ha r in Derry, son of Mr and M-- s Flo. .1 Ix-as- ' id , t i I I fill li It oi Mi master r H ; m i I N liii.aiii .,1 w . . ' ill D s Till S.l t Go I'.e. o.v (, r iss Mrs dun,', '.. I and lllllis i.r Mrs 'a J I s I,., aa t. 1 r I Dairy Industry Hold Banquet Dal. II. li lain mw'.id duo, - 111 She u"i:.d ! T P.M 1 iti come your .iround ram s 'it the k houl sy s th s ve.,r As made (, 3 hi to v students i.i .a phi'is must b made as to mi dal mi of ass. mhlies, and n . , t Ne N hn t bain June r I. o s Mas !i and tioido'i Hem M (ii, .1 w w 1, ( I as te.n In rs f a ry Si hn.g Jos Jo eph H bring a sum ss ".r ' I' P ' an get a I' ir s( h .0' ( h (bin )(' West 'll gh.vas til) ant Smi'h I'uo at d 57'M w.iik Mo. pi.. ' ,f .ir ' "I H.t r !' ir s, . s ") .in g' t J'uav hn f mas.i IMkir s' !, . lha' the H"v Citys Police cannjt p hut dm to oMu r duia Hi parlment ate vv.1! ng (I for ml fa tunes on ( .1 ,v. s I.r j no ,r hv (.m ho givn a ill.oriza in ill pi((lahs ' " t ii i of fa i.i e Soiia one is needed o o' p j .,! out i! t 'ii H ,V a ei and again al 2 33 to 2 45 p p .a d frmtl 3 35 1" alimit 4 p m . , r, ' o t h v it h I 'o' a c Ch ict uT.i.i ( r ar reijm st, 1!( 2 I.X tn'.'l r p,.iki (i t'y ,'s'a'ile l.N 2IH41 ,1' High vay til will is, s, j j ijnii 1, ft ri a'! ( oss at the same to I, iv i i h.' r i .1 s' I ( I ' , a : v ' 1 iu-'r- v gi(l :a'.c regent, ini Co' ege of Regents the ii.nliii'i of I i lendsh ip. and lias t r the I" i n Ogden chap ur fm the past four years, a posi ' sh,. Im' Is a' the presi n time - of th f.lii.s, s III . . table B R cm. 11 A! lt" 'ii H Mien, principal, I Archibald has lieen an ac 'ne im her of Women of the Moose Ogden Chapter No 134 for ,'u years Mr- V'lm t to h.iiepii M., I cn 'o'i do, 11 l.mnsf I'aulmi mi t.raa K he Roy .lie i llul e a du.ry in on Thursday a' Hop Rich m S.i It I .ike ( : y hmi m mg ' hi Until ,i',i..,i rxirv of the imRo'iv in t't.ih nd tin 37'1'h year m 'ii ra a if t ui of r.,ia I H I . (II, . , , j' I i 11 - s to m Me 'iiil a I t n f Id pi la j i.i ip t a M o' a w it n K an la r Bat .p 0 Si Im oa h.i j if J Bateman I a! nil I Bi'.Ii n Kdrmml P Arilnh.dd was installed depu'v grand regi nt of Women of the Moose, Mate of t 'ah at the Moose National imi vintimi held in Spokane, Wash m August Mrs u- nmi! lu . I,. silo, g o' 1, , J x i ' I i ( sn (!- - ' ( 111 ,11 11 t . Mi hm.i'd a'so reie.vc-tin ward at the ion s'..r Kii..iihr vintimi Th s award is g.ien miiv Ui ruorders o have had a pi r st ri em d fm one y ear Mi 1'lll'iiey s.inp two lij.li solus A f c the mei tings a to.n of the Phillip (i(i Refinery was altangid by alls Rallard. The group wi ut to t.'.e top of the tower, the tal.est edifue m Sue is smiu times called "Mrs the state and were hr.cfej on t. e Moose' by members of the Ogden processing of crude oil and r.s .'.imp, .irned by la r many ',( many bypioducts Asphalt is tin yi ars of serv a c last and lowest of the oil by prod ucts, the most versatile of all and the least known scientifically Science still doesn't know wn.it it is and yet asphalt was a known (induct hack in the age of Kgyp t Oil mummies ' , , , , . 'i,i vv I ' 11 i um t THE LIVING .1 ( vioni u. ficd the i nd fireworks another sigm-o- Roy Da vs Bamberger Gives 40 Scholarships Council Approves Money for 'li Me. 'nor Ra. ,h. e and John I est Humbug, M, moriah h'. m d. lion v. aw, ad 4 scholarships this year to studen' muses to In Ip them gam th, n , ucation in silmols of n.iism ; u Salt Rake P; Ogden and lrovo The Roy City Council have approved nciicv !o h re ID women to make a surety fin Ihe pi inning commission fo help Boh 'linker m h s repo-- t on th" location of the new high PHILOSOPHIES By R. F. nm Gi liov nu ,( d . il.. olwell. ann.mieid fi (f ; n by Wulnn W m - nm pi "I m a i i 1, , Roy. information on the type of resilience, type of lot. condition of buildings, sewage disposal, culinary water, if per-ois rent iig or own their home, rooms in home, number of children, children's ages, school attended, grade in school, and etc. n Sun Chj-onicl- Photo t This is being done under the direction of the Weber County Planning Commission with Bob Tucker directly in charge. f pi oplc An apostle since 1931. a noted speaker, the author of srvcratv Molary hooks, and his recognition as an able busi Ilia ' e i ; i i,i d . , ' he 17 mnpi t mg min r w ill ng m a 11 This will he the lllh 8 p 111 oi e yei siho. arships have been givi n hy the s(. nismid hv I 'Mi 0.1 K' nnmg Co li 1,1 Die fiit'li was cs'ahii In.: foundatioi. u.,1 '.IS n I 1, Ilia, B n O'. Kim ry in 1947 by Mi and Mrs Panih tgu mi lu'ii m mcrnoiy of their son and d.iiali '. , ii l'm'.e. Salt ui li.rn. M s, . ,( t mtali, I'T Th" tot value has mns e Rake, Smi. n W W I tail iT li ccedcd Sh'io 0. S inn.nl ashing W 1 hi lea V. ay lie Ulth the need still great loi ilioii Geoigi K Donald, Salt Rake City nurses, Mr Olwell said that tin ,n ilinc of the pro il.nrym.iH, young women are invited to apply to hospitals which have a nurs, hiam im !,io ivin: Wallace Par ish, Rim, in. is kite dairy princess training'program or to the Brigham chniiman. with Wilbur U. Parkin I'mvi rsitv, Provo, I'tah. Young t Wcstnunisti r College, St. Mary 0! son of Salt Rake ity as associate In the invitation to accepting the Wasatch or the University o Goveinm- Clyde recalled bow 'speak. Salt Rake Utah, City, Utah as a youth a lug patt of his diet 1947 the foundation each was milk with bread and cheese. Since year has awarded these, scholar "I still enjoy dairy foods, including ships on the basis of need and the milk, cheese, butter and other proapplicant'srability and qualifies ducts particularly mailed milks," lions." the chief executive said. 11 I a- -' ' v , 1! These women lir'id Sept 4 and before they are Im shed liny will have contuc'id every limn' ui TOMMY Bl'RT, son of Mr. amt Mrs. Donald M. Burt, 5324. So. 2300 West, was the lucky winner of this miniature ranch house given away Roy Days by the Roy Chamber of Commerce. Shown in the picture with Tommy is his sister Sherly - 1, j ,u i.i ,,o. '..I. u .1 , 1. i pl0s lie U v k, 1. A. W pi nmilii nt and i a !iu I school They are gathering ' . . I 'i Like hundred , on J FRIEND'S PHIIOSOPHY OF VALUES of other friends of J Reuben Clark Jr. many Ih s Wiiir si 'cell'd him as a guide to more or less live by y.ais mu' IBs oost th. nking while U S undersecretary of state and later s ambassador to Mix.eo endeared him to the hearts of many ng d y Copywrite 1957 a ed oi u nm , iiiui 'i all ui O'aii 1. o ., oi ale j I ' II lev 1 1, 1 : ,s, officer a ..ili ( H The amount of money iiivolvil will be in i ess of SKi, tun n 1., COTTLE In, ,(s . an .1 i l w ; , ( ne in i was si : . : it do, iy 1 at y 1. luu I, e Hi. ( Hoy City Survey Burt. a !l' I ( t I Derry, curliest h.rr Youngsters were ju.h'ed in two age groups, 6 to 12 mu' "'s an 12 to 18 months Judges were Ma or C W. Rapp. Mrs Don Dunbar Hits I Dustmas'i 1!, Hint me . K li t' s, II K Pt.nl 'fnc till,la t of Roy. 1 lie Tn.i'link, Salt of the t tall ( hap Ur of the Assoeia' ion ut pos'm.is ti rs Postmaster Thomas Mm ley, Salina. firesidenf e!ei t of the assn 'postmaster . aih D piisidi-n- f i N. i Postmaster 'Iasi liar 1 Ietie Take, s.j,.r family offiiuLs of the Junior Chamber s 1 hdd.1 in o s w a .k lilt RltD 1,K s IBHil I K I .,d. Sl I'm, hi liud.ll .1 t I t It X I dale to ,i U w ( Hide H v r al 3 li"V ' .1 ,! !.e W nm !h ol HI a st In, I 1,1 111 I.'. . I . Si I I ' a :l i,,n t 's ,u ! , B y I .1 a . c' t " Ii t x ' ) I'.. I' .( tlaits ft notables at'ended and Many spoke O'l mill'd I U t..I ploli.ims 1. s' C)k i .it ions Mai agi r Georg'1 McPoiia'd of Salt l.akKola mni'l doeitir n Greenhurg per' Ihe il st a ' off i, in S.i' I, .ike 1 in In ,p Un 1 g .1 I Cornmerre expressed satisfaction elation that this years Hoy Days was very Ixical postal members in a'len sin ressfu! The 'amp trailer was won hy dance italuded Posinastir Kmin.i Russell and Zulu Pauling assistant an Opdemte i ii . .1 v n ITizes were erven to ( Rhue, daughter of Mr and Mrs IOuis Rhue prettiest eves Grr I'orv Pickens, son o! Mr and Mrs Kill son Jickens. bluest evr s Kenneth Horsponl, son fif Mr and Mrs Kenneth Morspoi diikrst eyes Wav tie Si!(o(k am! ti of Mr Mrs Melba Wilt oik younyest hahy with teeth Hrenda Wytlionp, daughter of Mr and Mrs Miin Wythonc, fat test hahy up t 12 mon'hs Janet Roskellv da udder of Mr and Mrs C .1 Kosreliy fatti st b ibv up to 18 m nil s n i Osp ta! J.jl'e da.ichtir o' Sir ami Mfs vt r i : n: roin Mrs at post m. ter ' d the (" ro ( L.-'- h the .n n R.i .... 's I 'oh Hr . : ' I'U dni si.. ( N. No; In Cmmifu f ' Il t week icgistering has tin main (..pic of almost every riv sa' imi Although most of we Warriors" dearly love lien". it's 'o difficult to give up si houl 7 s 'la'.summi r days The com hi i 'its strna .Cl I ( i Ill's. The pa District Meet Mavrr n Mrs Mien There were I m c eiit'-iivrr w the ( nntest !ts rif the Kov Dais c eTbrat 'on sK on rnv H irt mui of Mr an I Mrs ini' his ms'hiral realm with l Hurl 5324 So 2300 V was i. ( aihv Thornos k of Mr d.mihtir lire ! ami Mrs Guy Thornmk w o w s recipicn' of the playhouse given hv the C.t mbrr of Commerce A ,seictc(l as pnnriss s.ir d.ox a 'so from the Chamber Chosen as the .so .it'i ni..n's w.is woo hv Joan Wra'lit. (laughter was Charles Carver son of Mr an I i Mr and Mrs Kay Wright 5.337 Mrs R F Carver ami Ann Roth 200.) Wei Nelson delight. r il Mr .im! Mr i h las'. ( h !dn s f.o it w a . Edward Nelson Mr ' n is ii.iw- - I ' r M M of the new officers of r High met at the Snow Basin i lodge fm a pot link party Food, food and more food with dancing and games on the side proved great spoil Though WT her High might l Postmasters Held IN s Almost all W't-b- ( Named One of Best h..hv Weber Hi School spurt the plumhfst officers, they will stjll hr the happiest and have th. it 1 fun During the f.rst month of school, He sophomore officers will be to rigt, (.herbs .out .it it nd.mt Mi Aniuhcth Nelson, attindunt In the Sun (hron'cle pho'o fa Past, Roy Days flspt-i- l 12 inn: Pam Stoker at ti-- chad Michael Mrs Dee 1 e C2 H(H)sI Friedli, Kleanor S. Owens, Irene Chamberlain, Helen M. Slater, Rtna G. .Stallings' and Rose B. Thompson teaihcrs. I.ake Yiew School will have Ross I, Fictkuii, principal with the following ax teachers Lionel Brady, Norma D Uragun, Helen Dawson, Dmothea It Dean. Shloe Fuller, Kliabcth Gibson, Melba S. Green, Pearl A Hansen, Mildred II Hardy, Raymond W Harrop, and Robert S'ew art Kinc-- t Iioui is principal of Roy r High Sihool with the follow-mas te.n In rs Howard J Brewer, Mit.liy Bryson, Joan Christensen, Maui, e Blair, Alma W. Hansen, M.nv II Hilton, Burhn U. Jensen, Rex It Klihy, N'o.d Marble, Welling MiU.irlaiol Vein R Montgomery, It a 3i Nrilson Thera U Johnson, Alton R Rniij x roih, Joyce Perry, t :.,t k R Putti r. Dean J Rose, How aid (' Shape Clarence P Stock .veil ..nd ngmia C. Udy. S .nessman and livestock randier have extended his friendship in many directions. Cons storey as the world uses the term, is merrily want of without changing Ins views There piogri 's, for no one can advance rial possessions mail than ichcs otlar ,n many 1. lie shires with us CeT'bratmg his Hdih birthday' on Sept'T.iher Ins brant 'fill philosophy When a man reaches 80 what does he value most? ' "it is difficult to fix an order," he Said, "hut a person of my values age Valin's, perhaps first, hi.x religious testimony, lie institutions." free its and his family, lie value's his country inHe values his friends, he values his health, lie values his values very greatly "lie terest in life anil in its progress, that that he no longer feels that he is particularly wise thrre are far more things he does not know than that he does know." He comes to realize the truth of the statement that whenever know, you push out the c rcumfrrcncc of the atea of the things you do not know. you merely extend the inner boundary of the things you "And perhaps lastly," he concluded, "he values the fact that By Mablc M. lie still loves to work and that he is able to work. Tribune. Ferguson. Salt Igikc It is wonderful that J. Reuben Clark Jr. loves his work and is able to work. Many people at W are not ambulatory or ambitious. His than that daily work schedule is perhaps more vigorous and exacting he. than of many men much younger Well meet and ponder here again next week. |