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Show V The Roy Sim-Chronic- lltoh, Thursday. February 28 1957 LAYTON ROY Stores in BOUNTIFUL Open Friday Evening till 8 P.M. SERVING DAVIS COUNTY FOR 53 YEARS Our Volume Buying Saves You Money ITS THE NEW SHEER LOOK HAKI3 EVERY O - ' & c? fc. ?e "j "feZSfost" Moa.l Mode! en Of Her1' the new combination that beat everything you ever heard of for laving water, time, clothes, and electricity! The new Friqidaire Porcelain pair with amazing 57 Biq, Full Width Removable Deep, h porcelain Full-Widt- WtA-I- T Control Shelve Combination Big hydrator. Tower. 0no r0!ur as lowass22995 They re Here tor Only 30 inches wide but a "king-ize- " oven. as low as s35990 ... All in Bright Colors as low as $21495 Pink, Yellow, Green, Charcoal & White . . . "FRIGIDAIRE MEW SHEER LOOK FOR 1957" 21-in- ch overall fir diagonal , -- at a wonderful new low price! CARPET YOUR ROME Ihv PHIICO NEW, SPECIAL SPRING SERIES Decorator wr E 4t01 America TV value leader. Brilliant PbQco Golden D performance plua exqukite itjrling with the long low look. We even Include the decorator baae at the aeneattonal low price. Inclod "Advanced in sight and sound." World's Best Mattress Buy! MADE BY THE 6F MAKERS THE Famous Perfect Sleepa ir Compare! ,TN rjrr r i &;' rr attrtt odvfHaad CHECK WHAT YOU OET AOAtNJT MATTRESSES AS HIGH AS $39.91 In Ih Journal of American Mtdfcol I. lira It's SO Easy To Carpel Dining i Rom 15x15 F Livina Rom bit lav mat a laya X WwMfc l.i Mad. Cavaitn, Cmb-Pra- at Saay T arming tok Qaat Right X lar.vtMt ...HanMlae .. ,V Pm atir ' Take up to 5 yrs. on Balance 'vxvnou, STCM ,hB! 11 your room measurements n n i U you choose from oil woow or g eVeS' blends. VALUE long-wearin- H" aa. aW 4. My far Saypart ftaaatlfvi, 5 MONTH Bedroom 4x6 Ft. balaalve X st PAYMENT WITHIN TOxIl Ceere et Intalatad UphalatwaM to ParfaaMaa na-4CeaatrvaNee PAY NOTHING DOWN F. laaer-fpri- Men, Pally lyine-iav- Tour Home... and SAVE 9x14 Iku Omn any wary te pwy.pele Lafge Home as Shown 55 S q. Yd. O. iinf U Tw.,d rrrrrrl c,rpe'LY$37C75 per fcyl St n. ,A 'r BOUNTIFUL - , r LAYTON ROY - y NEW PARKING LOTS AT REAR OF ALL OUR STORES y d) 0: |