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Show The Sun-Chronic- Rojr, Utah, le, July 28, 1955 For Rainy Day Fun-M-ake GM liuilds New Train WEST POINT HEWS .Magazine mrrr If you have not driven a new, 1955 Ford we suggest that you make it a point to do so at once go to Bishops Ford Sales, 116 W. Gentile By i 7 Virginia in Layton and drive the most outstanding and revolutionary car that Ford has ever made they are in beauty, performance and economical operation you can make a real deal at Bishop's with a very liberal allowance for your prevent ear and attractive terms Olrson i L Phone 5 1310 Those celebi uliiig their birthdays this week are Mav itrth Fisher, Richard Flint. Edwards, the Caldwell Floyd Patterson twins, Dee and l,ee, and Klnier Kdwards We wish eaih of them a urt happv birthday and many more The Used Car department at Bishop s has a wide selection of low mileage, late mo lei used ears that have been traded in on 1955 Fords all of them are warranted for six months or 6,000 miles in writing These Better Used Cars" ail carry a "down price tag to come h Those having wedding atiniver sains this wcik arc .Mr and Mrs Alan Johnston Mr and Mrs Orrell Moss Mi and Mrs Volnoy Kdwards, Mi and Mis Howard Muir and Mr and Mrs Darrell King We wish them happiness on their special dav and always The MIA Kiris softball tourna ment was held at North Davis Jr High School grounds on Tuesday at 5 30 The West Point group from the MIA maids and up are tied for the championship with Syracuse After the games each girl having brought her own lunch, the group met together to eat and after the lunch President Harvey Broad bent of the stake high council spoke to the girls Syracuse Ward won the championship W M ."A li mm 'HI FV '- - MOTORS LIGHTWEIGHT TRAIN, ehown her In artetf -a world s fair of powe- r- In U conception, will be unveiled at the GM PoweramaElectro-MotivDivision at L Grange, IJU 23. GMa 31 7 CHICAGO-GENE- RAL Chi-Cair- o e September August n he generation of the shall be bless d Psalms 112 1 2 Congratulations to Arlene Bybee BILLS SHEET METAL SHOP and Robert Kempster on the birth of a baby girl born July 26th at the Dee Hospital They have another girl named Diane South Weber On Monday night of last week the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Ra chael jiton Warren Camp, met at the home of Beatrice Fage in West Point for a meeting and so tial The group of ladies were from West Point and the two Syracuse wards I .era ("riddle was m charge of the evenings activities Games were played and lunth was served There was twenty six ladies present Sounds as if they had a good time loo DOES EXPERT WORK Jack Daston spent the weekend a reputation fishing at Cokeville Establishing 1 ( this trade a has throughout had territory for Grant Dtckamore also work in all types of sheet expert here and vacation By right good fishing r metal fabrication, including air contn Utah L-ditioning. refrigeration evaporative Thora , window and roof style, the Mr and Mrs Vine Poll and Mr. coolers, x installation of pumps filters and and Mrs George Wrlch with all Moor floats Bill's Sheet Metal Shop, 15!) then families have enjoyed a trip has South Slain Street m through Yellowstone Park They become leaders in their field Phone 3 6230 Mrs Vern also run on to Mr and . I , , S. Cov and familv in the park The T lus popular conc ern also install Coy s have a son Keith who is furnaces, g.is oil or coal in com working in rllowtone during the mtpcial buildings and residences At this time of year evervones summer They will gladlv make a survey of busy hurrying to rodeo's parades vour building and recommend the and etc Our minds always go back Gene Dunlap a newcomer to So proper heating equipment to give to our pioneer ancestors l.ast Sun Weber rode in the rodeo during you the maximum in efficiency at He comes from a minimum installation cost They day evening we had a very inspir the celebration mg sacrament meeting and for around Nyssa Ore and moved into sell and install gas circulating heat Kav and Temco Wall those who didn t attend I would like the former home that Anglesv's oc ers Panel heaters, Dav and Night Water dipied to tell you a little about it The pre heaters and will convert your pres ludes were played on the piano and ent furnace to gas heat The Clyde Thorpe family left organ by La Rae ornia and ( olleen Moore and all music was based Tuc sdav for ( aiiforma after a around old favorite pioneer songs months vacation here They really furnace cleaned and serviced so Roger Bambrough plavcd on hislenjoved themselves but as always vou will in rt ady when cold weath rail to Bills Sheet guitar 'and song 'The Old Spinning the time went bv too quickly to get r lomes Metal Shop in Igiyton phone Kays Wheel and "The Kentuckian The done all th-planned " villi 44U will give vou quirk serv they were girls trio sang Ram Ra.Ner LaRar ('ornia, Johansen Sallv Moore and thev were areom u , coons .o,-Mlre ,ha our r,.a(jt.r1 W1 U( pamrd by Colleen Moore Dale Doll at the Bcrthana lk..,M() ulth ,ho splendid serv ronfillr,p meeting and liishop a, f hex will receive when thev ((, , to Hj inlnxiiued .some of I hr uldur Happ htrtlida K s nn niil li..,.,,i an Ray (aroly n loll Roger Big Uh 1ioneers who were repre t.IOM o0,h has 0n,.r K'm ,,lM"n anfl had w i, .w vr,,,n ,,ur anl ThoM' b,'inK hon Ihe .sheet 1,'a,n in experience and those- - who are rcd a' ,fm ocfaMon prp Mrs hl and air conditioning mpta Kll2a Kason Mrs (,ra Mrs pplpbrating their wedding anmver d b and ,s alwavs dis of the 24th n as the pioneers sang as they gath erod around their campfire This program lasting from ,1 to 6 p m is almost traditional It is usually given each year around the 24th i to several of of July I have them and the ladies usually wear pioneer dresses We should not allow ourselves to forget our pioneer ancestors In-er- Oil Thurvlav night of last week as Iradcrship mopting combined ,s , meeting and social l( was park Part ners were invited Thev plaved soft served thr - . On Sunday night the Dl'P gave program of old time songs such Ml ul;,,;:hhShh ;, j , II , . a , ivr,.w:l,v:nd.Mr ....... - ' I 1 ( i j aTso T!)? ReetTs beautiful trophies FiaTe and won ribbons Thought for the week -Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delightcth greatly in his commandments His seed shall be mightly upon the earth Roy Theatre 1-- Susan Hayward Soldier of Fortune Cinnemoscope SERVES AREA WELL oui Iciguson New Holland and Massey Harris farm implement dealer in this trade territory is K H Steed ' o 250 North Main Street in Sunset they also handle , Pillsbury Feeds seed grains, hard Diamonds With harvest time rapidly ap prnaching vou will jossibly need additional grain s'or.ige on your farm K K Steed to are dealers for Perfection Ml Steel Giant Bins which are approved for governim nt loan grain storage These tuns are available from 000 to 3 40(1 bushel capaeitv and can be puichased for, 20 pei rent down and the balance to be paid over a period of four yean at 4 per cent interest through a government loan We suggest the' next time vou are in the neighbor hood vou drop in to K R Steed ( o and investigate the many advan All Strel tages in using Pcrfc-ctioGram Rins 1 j Probicmw,.h yo, Ber-neic- e ware, baling wire twine and bale ties If you .oc in need of a new tractor o; farm equipment you will find lhal F II Meed Co will go out of their wav to make you an attractive deal They perform re on tractors and farm pair sen-icimplements and have good "buys" in used tractors and implements The farmers of this territory have found that it is a pleasure to do business with K R Steed Co m Sunset because thev are familiar with the nreds of their customers hosi n fn Id and make it a point to see that they are properly cared for We, ilnoctot .md Ruth Fames Olson as a are glad to recommend E R Steed te.ic hoi ,n the 2nd vear BeeHivei Co to our friends and readers and wish for this popular concern con tinued success in the operation of Newcomers to Riverdale are their business Douglas and Shirley Fcrland Mr Fcrnland is a second class airman There are sonic people who not leeentlv assigned to the Hill Air nnlv keep you from b ing lonely, b'1' ,,l'c He received his assign hut make you wish you were" Iceland m'''" " hls Parture from I. S McCandless whin- ho was serving in the Air Force a'ong with Richard Harrop, If it son of Royal Harrop ol Roy Be nice to your friends Thesi two young men and Othle wasnt for them, youd be a total rhoipi ludd. who was also there, stranger" - Lee Marvin win ii iiuniental in the develop i small branch of Ihe I, DCs im i.t Inn iliin the island Because there vas no igher authority there, they .4' ordain each other as part time "i uies, a I osponsibility which t l.urird out faithfully until tm.- ( ol then depaituie Because of then efforts, an offi rial mg dally purchase that you make at laid and I assn- shop will tie beautifully gift wrapped free of barge II is a real pleasuie for us to compliment Berm ire Barlow on the lines of nationally outstanding and known merchandise her Shop offers and we suggest to out readers that they make it a point to pay this shop a visit in the near future You will like the Luridly reception that you will reiiivc and we are sure th.it you will find just what you want he cause great care hay been taken hy ; icice Barlow to see that you wide selection in every de hav i Any at ihe c i p .mi ill TELL EVERYONE YOU READ THE if-ll- l 1 ir SUN f.'S- -. S. ( mm i I 'lent i M v K 1 XnT Dv ,d by Innland O from Flushing from Med ford Die They met and were mar-- r m cl four years ago when Mr Fern land was stationed near her home Ihuv ate living in their trailer house m thr motor court in Rivet dale M nil s i o ,m is Mr Fcrnland WAS 89.95 NOW , IXCIUS,V. SUDSjMISER . on soap and hot water Now! 5. Your locol CINE DINNER Pooler SEND US AN ORDER WHY TODAY'' Full ed re! Lightweight! No hag to empty! It beat, ae it awoepe, ae it deans! So easy to nael So easy to boy I Big saving on tools, tool -- sevenrinses saves over 50 MAs and PAs 777Ph(rnrfdrSirvTrtT6fk7TAND fiEF, "mas uavy awn iiEVftQjjr ALSO Complete family Laundry Service Fast Service LAUNDERETTE 6fl0iV uGBBfe Roy Theatre Aug. James Cagney ROY 4 6 V. Llndfor Run For Cover . . ROY (5490 So. 1900 Cinnemoscope gi ' LAYTON PHONE Wt) PHONE 15 PHONE 450 oo One Trial Will Convince Yp" save-2- 0 ROY THEATRE OUR REGULAR MEALS Also the new combination ehow and Dinner rate of $1.06 for a full evening entertainment Tickets honored anytime y STEED CO at well His American Saddler Stallion is one beautiful hnrse They have lots of nice colts coming on too July E. R. mamT other fairs and horse shows, not only in Utah hut in other states as Clark Gable - Let the children make a maga-lin- e when rainy weather keep them cooped indoor. They can writ their own atories, do their own drawings or cut out pictures from old magsxines to illustrate their "publication. Let them use the family portable to type up furnish ost estimates without obli gallon He are glad to recommend, Ibis reliable concern and hope for a tlrrn ooritiniird viirrr" in their On Sutidav Julv 24ih the evening The meeting, was most inten.sting The Gleaners . the evening and he spoke of , . v arcs of iiivch.i ion was given His grand lawn party at stake director. Her nlar)V ink.ri.skn,. things a P n.n. '0,'K aunian father was Brigham oung s person me e St romberg They served ha rhe "J'r ome was eon uc cc iy b(l(k pllnr an() 0( fiooq people gued chicken and all the trimmings Gene and Fern Greer instructors who were buried along the trail of a 12 sear old girl who s feet were front South Mcbcr, attended along talk on freedom of the individual both frozen so hadlv thev had to tie with these departments The congregation sang ,i Stand all, V. without am means of Amazed The mam speaker of the 'amputated Mrs Hog (Marie By bee Hock relief from pain She later married nmg was Arthur Pledger of the, bad a large family and lived formerly from South Welver and ..i.Jand Industries in Ogden to lx- Hr voars old Main other in now from Gianger, Wyo, has been told many interesting things about to numerous to mention suffering from a heart ailment in stances Ihe way in which they operate the were told about It makos us all 'he Doe hospital Marie will he business to make it pay out He also if we really appreciate mr there for about a month and would told many human interest incidents wondci in connection with the people who heritage enough work there It was an evening well Mr Adnan Fife who is the father. spent of Mrs Marlow (Elaine) Poll has, It was good to see Don and oia been suffering from spotted (Rockv Holbrook again and Im sure that Mountain (even for more than 31 they thought the long trip irom,w,,t,gs nc has been very ill, but. Trxas was worth it to see old S improving Most of the people f i tends and rrlat iv es again Imsure hrie in South Wclier know Adrian I m lie .rc mi H iv ( dabgills Mr a el Mis l.ynn Tyner hope and we all hope he will soon it lie lake mi Stake fton iir I spoilri that right) are gla to lc regain his health hark ul It to 14 and a w ondei f u I in hack foi a visit loo He aic always was had bv all The program they glad to welcome hack those who Mr and Mis lospnh SI hid piepaied fin watt! night was one hav r mm ed aw av to Mrs inti sisters' t o of Mr Staples I hro ,,f ,hr b,'M ''w'r ( hilts ' pt esidetit of the v law them with in They siting es Point whobr Thus folks m She and her Riverdale Ward Ml went to the hors, parade last week'WPrrMr and Mrs Elwood (Cealcy) two (ounselois- Mrs hvelyn Seats and Mrs 'forma Gunn' from or to Ihe horse show were probably and Mrs Ruth Barker stipci vised Wright from pleased as we were to have our Ijwrrner (Nellie) Mr and the girls on the trip Mr "hapman next Coalville week The good neighbor wn some of the Iro caretaker of the camp, comphmcn Wr Gunn- who ,s a npPhcw ph.es Frank D Reed Jr. ( who and k,erlin ted the girls highlv on their con his four visit days family spent bought the Vern Field home when duct and rare of the camp with also are the Staples They they moved to Oregon) won the ing Before going to camp the girls from California Irophy for thr best American Sad went oxer the top collecting SI from dler in the parade he also won a' earh familv as a contribution to trophy for the best Tennessee Walk Ml andMrs Umi ' lark spent want the, upkeep of the ramp ing Mare in Ihe horse show Max ,hr weekend of thr 24th at Macky. inc Reed who was societal y 1' Irlho They enjoy ed some good fish The Riverdale Ward has recently the horse show exhibited her mare sustained Faye Appolonie as drama -, - Bishop's Service Department is equipped with every device that is found in the modern automotive repair shop Their mechanics are trained and only genuine parts are used The same careruTallelv their itorlee, suggests the Royal tion is given to minor repair jobs that is given to a complete motor Typewriter Company. Typing gives their magazine a profesoverhaul Great pride is taken in sional look theyll be proud of. turning out first class work on any Sev the finished product their make ear or truck The next time rsiny-dawriting may turn out you are in need of automotive reto be a treasured family souvenir! pairs we suggest that you take your car or truck to Bishop's ln Layton and we are sure that you will become one of their regular custoLAD & LASSIE SHOP mers A high criterion was set when IS MOST POPULAR Bishop's started in business and from this original policy they have Well this never deviated Whether it is a new. known throughout trade area for nationally advertised, 1955 Ford car, pickup or truck, a high quality apparel for ladies, good used ear or repair work in teens and infants, the Lad and Las their service department you have sic Shop, 14 South Main in Clear- the assurance of the best of serv field has become most popular ice. fair treatment and reasonable Barlow, manager of this well prices when you do business with known shop invites you to come in Bishop's in Layton and get acquainted Here you will find Tom Sawyer Sportswear, Rob ert Bruce "T ' Shirts, NiteyNite sleepwear for boys and girls through 12. boys shirts and sports wiar from infants through prep sizes This shop has the distinction I,ower Prices - Better Quality of being the exclusive dealer for See Kate Greenawav dresses for tots Compare through pre teen ages Drive Out And See I,ad and Lassie Shop always has a wide selection of liabv needs and C. Stringham Jewelry unusual gift items for ladies and the very latest in costume jewelry See Cal Stringham You can always depend on the very Theater Building Roy, Ut. latest styles when vou patronize the ( learficld m Lad and Miop because new mere handise is arriv fac-lor- at ah requestofACOxnmitteef budding the on major After its Introduction at the epectattilar Powerama, the train will be tested railroad line. revolutionary-trai- v a BISHOP'S IN LAYTON YQUR FORD DEALER 7878 Launderette Roy Utah - |