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Show J V 1 El Thursday, July 28, 1955, Roy, Weber County, Utah Series COMMUNITY PORTRAITS Rules Given Peebles, a Congregational minister who had moved here. He wanted the town named for his son, Roy, who had died. Iq 1899, the area known as the first school district was organized into a ward with Thomas lUllored, bishop; Chauncey J. Garner and William F. Robinson, counselors and Harry White, ward clerk. -It, was love at first eight when William Henry Dalton, of Morgan County and Mary Jones met. She was 16 years old and was picking strawberries for a farmer in Hooper when the young man rode up to buy strawberries. After their meeting at a dance the young couple kept steady company. Dec. 2, 1886 they were married and became the parents of nine children, 8 of whom are still living. They are Mrs. Elizabeth E. Patterson, West Point; Mrs. Amos Schoffield, Roy; Charles Dalton, West Point, Rose D. Hardy. Minneapolis, Minn ; Golda D. Steck, Roy; Ida D. Draayer. South Ogden; Eva D. Allen, Los Angeles and Florence D. Anderson, Los Angeles. Mr Dalton helped build most of the roads in Weber County and Iso laid tracks for the DARGW Railroad and the Bamberger Railroad. He was a man much beloved by his family and friends Mrs Dalton felt that a story about her would not be complete without also honoring her husband and submitted this original poem written by Kate Hardy 7,esiger -- Mary E. Dalton celebrated 83th birthday On July all housing CT- I - ' Y i I, 195$, (he Roy City of the Villa and intend to operate it for the next two years. Lane F17 to 79, 18 to 80, Lane G17 to 79, 18 to 80. I.ane H23 to 73. 24 to 74, 123 to 73, 24 to 74, Une J17 to 79, 18 to 80, K17 to 79, 18 to to 75. 24 to 76, Lane 80, lane M23 to 75. 24 to 76, N17 to 79, 18 to 80 The balance of the housing will lx- - disposid of as rapidly as Long Awaited Carnival Set byjtoy Second Ward Sayings Bond 14 Years 0!d TOiSHI Goverinq Arsenal Villa Corporattoft-took-ov- er E Vol. 2, No. 12 - -- 4 r- - . I The long awaited carnival of the Roy Second Ward will be on Friday, August 5th from 5 to 10 pm at the Roy Park Thu carnival is being presented for the enjoyment of everyone In Roy and surrounding communities Concessions and games of all types will Ik opened at 5pm The refreshment booth will entice you with tempting hot beef sandwiches, hot dogs, ice cream, soda pop, candy, pop corn, etc. You'll want to try )our skill at the balloon dart game, basketball loss, ring the duck'a neck and many other games for your entertainment. The smaller children will thrill to a rule on a tram or pony, or be delighted with a surprise from the fish pond Balloons, doll clothes and accessories and many other useful items will be sold at the Bazaar booth Points may be accumulated from one booth to another to apply on a large prize from the prize booth Door prizes will also be U sr - i possible The rules governing the Villa un der City operation will be as fol lows (1) All rents become due on the given to some lucky persons of each month and must be first Frank Simmons is chairman of the Carnival Committee with July 23 marked the 88th birthday paid on that dale, any rent not of one of Roy's oldest living resiBlaine Harmer as Assisting them are Mrs, Eldu Bar-kcdo paid before the fifth dents, Mrs Mary K Dalton, wife ticket sales, Virgil Wilson, booth construction, and Mrs Lon linquont and tenants will be subj of the late William H Dalton. The ect to eviction This policy as to Dunbar, publicity All auxiliaries and priesthood quorums are day was observed quietly with the be strictly adhered to rent must members of her family at her home sponsoring booths (2i Renters will be expected to at 5325 So 1900 West, Roy keep their apartments and grounds clean An inspection will he made There is nothing like seeing Roy FURTHER DONATION of all premises onte a month and through the eyes of one of its earE Savings Bond had a birthday in May The Sene if found below thi expectations of liest settlers to realize how much SOUGHT its 14th and on hand to greet It were the wife of the 'the inspector, occupants will be noit has grown since It was known of the United States and two Washington si hool tified to clean up or vacate flease as the "Sandridge" or "Basin" as youngsters who were born in the same month as the first E FOR OGDEN BUILDING bond, Mas 1941 Mrs Richard Nixon is shown here on the bear in mind that the City of Roy it was called in the year 1878 when Capitol lawn rn living a floral tribute from Marsha Baker and welcomes vou as cit.zens and as Richard Jones, his wife Elizabeth, At a special meeting of ihe Mel r r Thomas Huwn-i- r. students of the Alice Deal Junior High suih we expect ou to take pride and their seven children, four boys chizdek Priesthood and the Senior Si hool in Washington, D C Mrs Nixon, as honorary A Tribute to in our Cits by keeping your apart and three girls moved here from of the National Women's Advisory Committee for Aaromc Priesthood members and William Henry Dalton ment and suroundings dean Bountiful, Utah rcieived the offering in behalf of the thousands Savings their wives in the Bake View Stake-housi3i Residents will be of women volimliits across the country, who have Resting now- in silent slumber cl to recently President Hulun I Nr and Mrs Jones were the par Free from sorrow, toil, and care. to install gas spare heaters but 4 sell 7 billion mj ..rate Series E Savings Bonds ,mi e The 1ctcisun proposed the plan of vol i two ents of Mrs Mary E. Dalton and Gone to mingle with the righteous, must first obtain rs were hosen for the honor not imlv bei ause your g'-from fr as a means of ob permission donation unlarv Mrs Dalton was only nine yean old That eternal they are tu same nge as the E bond, but bei ause thev are the rit inspector joy to share the Bake View Stake quota v of Savings Stamps in their s Imol h.tsers taming rain pun regular when they came She and her sister (4) Television antennas will not The spei l.o ula r 41; foot floral pine was mjde of pri toward the completion of the Ogden r(.(i and Margret Field, who is 90 jears old, Husband, father most deserving be permitted on anv roof i white carnations and blue cornflowers the Minute Man tnbcrnaelo are the oldest living residents of Patient, loving, kind and true of tin Savings Bond Program in gold It was donated (5) Garbage will be collected as sjmbol It was pointed out that we this town 1st Association of G tenter Wa hincton tv the A', id With his dear wife most congenial, in the past and all residents are Inc. V enjoying man) buildings built sweethearts each day urged to see that garbage is placed At that time the whole country our Pioneer lathers and thev by If in containers so same will be rol through. around here was nothing but sagewere built with much moie diffi lected brush. rabbit brush, prickley pears Friends cult) and sacrifice than any are and neighbors loved him 6 All gatbage containers must and bisquit root This area included calli ii to do now be of a size that one man can lift dearly, what is now known as Roy, Clinton We should consider it a prive For his door he opened wide a and be fitted with tight lid Gar Clearfield. Sunset, Layton and With his dear kind smile to greet hage containeis to be furnished bv lege to have a part in the construe Syracuse. There were no trees and tio'i of this beautiful building, them, renters 1 hrii no water. Only a few Indians, blow ax which will stand as our monument Welcomed all who came inside To the residents now living in NEW YORK snakes, badgers and lizards had con Britain', debo-nai- r for the generations to follow the units that are due to be de foreign secretary Anthony sidered it a fit place to live. The Bake View Stake quota is our hearts are filled with molished in the near future, we Eden poaea with hia very When the Jones family moved Today S 2 OOO This amount is prorated ou contact wish to suggest that sorrow, Clanssa bride, Spencer here there were only three other the wards according to popuChurchill, niece of Prime MinuFor his loss we keenly feel, among the office in regards to securing on to held be the Club Ro Tin are hiu.ims parade sponsoring families, Justin T. Grover and his Iook unto our ter Sir Winaton Churchill. Photc lation Each home is to be visited a residence inth e localitv that will Heavenly Father waa taken after their wedding at so Hov Davs thev were in charge of it last year and have been asked h family who were situated on 80 He that each family will have an next our hearts can heal alone the be down not tom during acres of land where the Varney they left Caxton Hall Register Ofto contribute to this the Ro Junior Chamber of Commerce, sponsors of Ito Days, to again two opjwtumty fice years in August, 1962. Eden became It is a pleasure to talk to Mrs Canning Co is now located, the cause worthy cost Prime deal of Minister of England, sucassume the parade duties There is always a great time, Henry Field family had 80 acres Dalton, one cannot help but forget ceeding hia Great Mentor, Sir Win-atoof land across the road, the Jones her 88 years for her mind is still events and the cooperation of all is de and these for effort forth put Churchill, who reaigned. Eden Examination Announced family took up land a little farther so young and active She says she Hast accepted the asaignment during a sired west and the William E Baker remembers everything that has hapvuit with Queen EIiu For Rural Carrier 11 beth at Buckingham Palace. family was settled on 80 acres west pened to her. She is still extremeThe many church, civic and business organizations will be con of the Grovers ly Interested in every day happen The United States Civil Service tacted in the near future to obtain floats It would tie apprs eiated if The Baker and Grover houses ings and enjoys to the fullest each Commission has announced an ex houses were built of rough lumber new experience the before mentioned would start preparation of floats before they WILLIAM J. FANNING animation to fill the position of and the Field and Jones' house of She returned recently from a trip rural 4. carrier lot the post off ire at are contacted It is hoped that there will be a great deal of effort logs which had lo be hauled by to Minneapolis, Minn., which she local evnl a COMPLETES SEMINAR this Utah make on to of the the forth Roy, coinmunit) part put i Canwagon and team from Weber took by automobile with her daugh Applicants for this examination success 'N-Xyon which was a distance of nine ter and Mr. and Mrs huge must actually reside within the deDr William J Fanning of 5360 miles to the mouth. Wilford W, Hardy, accompanied of the above mentioned post liver) Rov Davs Celebration is to be held on Aug 26 27 Friday and Sat South 1900 West. Roy, I'tah has The only water available at that also by her daughter Mrs Ida Draay-e- r office and must have so resided for time was a 50ft well dug by Ihe orand son Kash. just completed the Parker Chiro-p- i one year next preceding the closing urdav Queens will bo sponsored b Rov merchants, clubs and act ic Research Seminar at Denhand of William Baker It supplied Mrs. Dalton visited with the View stake house date for receipt of applications ganization and the finals will be held at the rolo ver, only enough drinking water for the Hardys at their home and then Age limits, waived for persons enon Frida). Aug 26 There will be rides and concessions all day four families It was the only well took a trip to Indiana to visit with The conclave consists of the latest veteran preference, arc between Riverdale and Kaysville. friends. She returned home alone titled to Aug 27th, with wrestling that night developments in Chiroproctic tech 18 to 50 from Muskrat spring in Hooper three by tram enjoying every minute of mque; and X ray analvsis, as re Clinton Heeler was (hosen chairman of the Parade committee with Full information and application miles away was used for the cattle. it. searched by Dr James W Park above at obtained the be forms may Rert UunquiM and Parley Olsen, assistants Buit Mansfield was asked cr, Greaswood, bisquit root and sage Mrs. Mary E. Dalton does her president of the Parker Chirothe brush were used for fires to warm own cooking and house work. In mentioned post office or from to oflei assistance to the committer because of his experience on practic Research Foundation, who office Commission's Washington i be homes and to cook with .While fact she does a great deal of cookmaintains 18 Texas clinics be filed with the the committee last year the men plowed the women and ing for others too. Her eyesight is Applications must U. S Civil Service Commission. ch.ldren gathered the brush. Later still very good and she can thread 1) C . and must be when the canal was started women a fine needle without glasses, how- Washington 25, TOO STRONG TEEN (.ER COMMITS Si K IDE Guild Approve Plan, not later or received postmarked as well as the men pitched in on the ever, she does wear them for readMerle Al Ohio Riddle n Bung Reach Cal Carol) Riplev than Aug 16. 1955. job ing purposes and close work. She 14)caiold nth grade pupil, wrote bnghi didn't know his ow n strength Kiwanit to Build About five years after the Jones does beautiful handwork in crocheta lov cmrssage m the sand along when it came to ringing the hell off hmJrn family arrived the DARGW Rail ing, knitting, quilting makings ets. Dining rooms vanish from 80 per the hanks of the Ohio River and a straight testing machine in an The Aprcndcr Guild have apRoad built a large boarding house amusement park He picked up Mrs. Dalton has always led a cent of the new homes SAIGON, SOUTH VIETNAM then shot herself to death Red Cross orderly it picking up and station combined. There was a busy and happy life. Along with hammer and came down with a proved the plans for the new bowman shot through the throat on large dining room where the rail- caring for her large family she has mighty blow that rang the bell. ery that will be built in the very aBoulevard Gallieni, Saigon a main road men ate their meals. When been an ardent church worker and Hilt Albright didn't know it until he near future in the new Roy Park by during bloody battle thoroughfare, woke up in a hospital where he was the Kiwanis Club young Mary was 16, she worked at member through the years. She is between the government forces of The Aprender Guild is buying the station house cooking for the a charter member of the first taken when the hammer rebounded Premier Ngo Dinh Diem and the rebellious Binh Xuycn Sect. More mil stiuck him atop the head, in the materials and the Kiwanis Club six railroad men and the family in Daughter of Utah Pioneer Camp orthan 300 died and more than 1,000 It will Constructed will erect it. lc charge, for $10 a month. Dieting a 2 inch cut and rendering ganized here. were wounded. to one the the of July celebrations similar at 4th Dances, L' inu.s D luin KoyParL .new .. juaconar itccrally . a P.Uanu)Aas and- Sunday School classes were organized in the Roy 4th Ward. It held in Hooper at first because is called the Mary E. Dalton Camp there were no facilities here until in honor of Mrs. Dalton. Her daugha bowery was built on the Justin ter Mrs Golda Sleek was named Grover place where the county in- captain. Besides her eight children, Mrs firmary now stands. Well does Mrs. Dalton remember Dalton has 27 grandchildren, 54 Ihe first school that was held in great granlchildrcn and nine great the Justin Grover home with his greatgrandchildren. Mrs. Dalton is a great booster daughter Sarah as teacher. After a She has sent year, the citizens erected a small for the blue frame schoolhouso. In the fall subscriptions of the paper to Minof 1877, Mr. Grover and others pe- neapolis, Indiana and California. titioned Weber County to organize She says she like the paper very the town into a school district. This much. She ihinks it is such a friendwas granted and later a two story ly paper. One wise uncovered by Insurance, WASHINGTON, D.C. was insured for one and one half brick building was erected which of the most priceless documents - F i million dollars for the 1V4 hour in Christendom, the oldest known served the community many years. UNINVITED GlF.ST from vault to vault. New Testament, which is estijourney sent were into LeavIdaho .Many suggestions Campbell's Ferry, Left to Right: Dr. Wm. B. Adams, mated by scholars to be upwards Washington about this time as a ing his front door open in order of .resident of tha Aramal- - Bible went for an name for the town. Among them to air the house, Monroe Hancock unusual ride from the vaulta of Foundation, Norman Yonan. were Central City, Sandridge, Basin, returned home late in the afterownr of the Codex (1600 yr. old the National Saving and Trust Cornell Varsity give it the three eventa on the Onondaga Lake 63rd Inter SYRACUSE, N. , Y. New Testament) showing the Lakeview and others, but Roy was noon. He found a wild bobcat Company to the vaults of the Liall its got a it cornea to the finish line to win, beat- collegiate Rowing Regatta, and are third in regatti Bible to Bruce Baird, treasurer chosen because of its shortness. The sampling'the sugar in a bpwl on brary of Congress. For the period ing favorite U. of Pennsylvania who came in 2nd, history to win three eventa in a row. of the Bible Foundation. of the (pip, the documents, other name was suggested by David his dining room table. Navy 8rd-- Cornell time was 16;49-4- . They won . i, 7? V poi-ula- A New Prime Minister r Vice-Preside- n 'rv , jx-ri- 1 e 1 n ft ' 7 rh! Roy Kivvanis Club to an-stil- l f-- Sponsor Roy Days Parade 1 Far Fighting son-in-la- M Sat-urda- t -- Oldest Known New Testament IX Fighting Tooth And Nail 1600-years-o- -- w. . '1 I, 4 i. |