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Show lL KIMATORE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, JARUARY Page 2V IL MINATOKE Established January 11, 1908 By Luigi Blanco A Vuida John Cuccuru 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50 Fassetf'Cyrriani MOSE PAGGI Barney Mulhall Issued every Saturday by Matt Luane iL MINATORE PUBLISHING CO. Denis Cavanaugh W. M. Kanrula Postoffice Box 372 Anglo Ferry SALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH John Lines Wm. Ashton SUBSCRIPTION - One Year Six Months One Month 1 11 Ilarry Burrett Peter Naylor 25 E. Christenson - - Fondato $2.00 - - Gennaio 1968 ABBONAMENTI Un anno $2.00 Sei Mesi Un Mese 1.25 .25 OFFICE UFFICIO: Street, Salt Lake City 235 Edison Enrered at the Salt Lake City mail matter. as second-clas- s Post-offic- C0LLETTA UFFICIALE a favore dei danneggiati dal di Sicilia e Calabria. Ammontare pervenuto al Comitato Centrale di Salt Lake a tutto ieri 22 corrente. Matt Proeenione Yani Pali Chas. Hales Geo McFarland Charles Moseotetti John Balser James Stephens Laverio Cipriane Mike Berehera Toni Gargnardino W. S. Smith Corha Cluatto Joe Casassa Joseph Spendlove Sam Kask .50 1.00 50 50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Auelo Baffle Steve Georgia Giulio Nini Angelo Duei Wm. Sharpe Joe Magnan Philip Dotes Thomas James, Collettato da B. Accampo e J, Chilla Marro Peretto in Mercur, Utah. Jr Valerdino Biondi Moderto Joe Susman $5.00 Ann Zanetti 1.00 Barney Franza Mercur, Utah. B. Accampo C. A. Thompson 5.00 A. L. Watt 5.00 Frank Conetti 5.00 Tondro Goldin Gatesalsone -- Brochett & Co Tarro & Co., Saloon Dom Bruno Capitane Tony Colcani Pickle Bros Union Mercantile Geo. TV. Bryan Co A. Benson Cash R. W. Kempe G. Slefto Thos Reese Albert Bennett 1). P. Sirlli van L. G. Thayer V. A. Donalson Henry Dykman Tom James Jr James' White Joe Cesuno Sera fino Nuci Joseph Kiemy John Iluhto Sem Auigrmi Pel Sestero Aoni Maruzi T. Ghlordi Dom Chiado Pielli Mihiele Cranch Bargo Prospero Rey Camillo Poey Mesco Dune Batista Vermetli ; I'A- - . Sam Harwood 1.00 William Reece 1.00 Clem Conetto 5.00 John Yates 1.00 Isaac Curnow 2.50 Jno. Gardner 1.00 Jas. Trethewey 1.00 Thov. Billings 3.00 Lorenzo Cuatto 1.00 Al. Mills 2.50 Doni Zaeamo WO Aug. Nouchy 5.00 Frank Ganio 1.00 Jas. Riva 50 Alex. Fossett 1.00 Joe Testoline 2.00 Luie Mora $1.00 Felix Ponero 50 1.00 50 1.00 1.00 50 1.00 1.00 50 1.00 Joe Brocklebank Jno. Bruno J. W. Telford Thos. Iligman Victor Rosa Jas. Fantoz Joe Dupont Alex Straito Jno. Georgia Bart Franza 1.00 1.00 Oliza Mara 1.00 Jno. Zaeams 1.00 Oneido Boscarm . . $1.00 50 1.00 50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50 1.00 1.00 50 1.00 1.00 50 50 50 50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 LANEDDOTO STORICO Barney, Quachio Totale $134.50 Dalla banca e cittadini di Henri Monnier, il celebre creato-r- e Beaver County 46,00 dell immortale Prodhomme Donta dal First National era anche celebre per le sue burle Bank of Layton 18,00 feroci. Si narra di lui questa, che Ricevuto a mezzo di C. W. ha una lieve punta niacabra....che 201,00 del resto e Nibley lelemento necessario un tiro riesca bene. perche Totale $399,50 Un giorno dunque il Monnier Ammontare precedente $4079,74 era al caffe1, disposto a fare una Grand Totale a tutto delle solite lunghe chiacchierate ieri $4479,24 coi soliti amici, quando una coppia pacifica di sposi viene a sedersi VEDOVA CHE DIMANDA 0 vicino a lui, e incomincia un DOLLARI. e rumorosa partita a do15,-00- Certa Rebecca Dickerson fece dimanda alia Corte Distrettuale per avere 15,000 dollari per la morte incontrata dal di dei marito, mentre lavorava per la Utah Fuel Co di Sunniside. La morte come essa dice fu dal fatto ehe il marito fu a dal earro su cui si a trasportare del materiale per la mina, ed essa pretende come egli sia stato fornito di un eavallo indomabile e ehe quindi la mina ne e responsabile per il danno. Il Dickerson, morendo lascio1 oltre alia vedova laseia otto figli, quasi tutti di eta cau-sa- ta tro-vav- an-co- ra mag-gior- e. La signora Teresa Guariglia, 51 South st., New Castle, Pa., scrive : Voglio darvi informazioni dl un uomo di qui il quale per piu di tre anni ha sofferto d ulceri e pustole che nessun dottore era riuscito a curare. Prese quattro bottiglie di Lozogo e adesso e in perfetta salute. Potrei riferirvi molti altri casi, ma li rimando alia prossima volta che vi serivero. Compiace-tev- i sped ire immediatamente la cassa di Lozogo. Il Lozogo del Dott. Pietro o, hi ruota necessaria 1 Tutte le f vor la mmmi 2lgliare testa ad un uomo, mi metto in mi metto una cravatta mi faccio arricciare i capel bianca, e dico a mestesso: Tu compi li, un sacrodover Luomo e la donna intanto avea-ncominciato a guardarsi e aveva-nsmesso di giuocare. Monnier continua: Si pretende che porto sventura : e falso ; si che il mio contatto e fatale : non e vero Si dice anche che tutte le volte che pesto i piedi di un uomo. questo uomo mi passa per le man, entro lanno. Sono tutte menzogne! Ma non ebbe bisogno di dir Il giuocatore di domino bal-z- o in piedi come una molla e si precipito fuori, trascinando seco la sua sposa terrorizzata. . . .Aveva sentito sul suo il piede di Monnier! in&sejionuna ' ' l'sde ! . ave., Chicago, 111. . ... col-pis- ce LA CURIOSITA. A proposito del terremoto, che ba quasi comply amente distruttp Reggio e Messina, e da osservare che tanto la calabra che la sicula citta furono, altre volte, devastate dal terremoto,. per sorgere poidi nuovo sidle rovine. Reggio, che dagli antichi romani fu denomina-tRhegium Jidii e la cui e cosi lontana che si perde nella notte dei tempi, fu prostrata dai terremoti fin dai tempi di Giulio Cesare, ma i due che la storia an novera fra i piu memorabili nel 1783 e nel 1811. Mescosi nominata dai Messeni, sina, che la occuparono nel 453 av. Cristo, fu spopolata nel 1576 da una famosa pestilenza; un altra peste, nonmeno' famosa, la spopo-l- o nel 1743 e un terribile terremoto la distrus.se quasi tutta nel a ori-gin- UNA MOSTA DI ANIMALI A Un gruppo di visitatori si ferma davanti a un caprone che ha la front e armats di un doppio paio di corna. Una giovane 1.00 merav.igliata: donna esclama Quattro corna Che razza di animale! Cosa puo esseref 1 1.00 comi-nciat- o PARLA DELLE S0FFERENZE DI UN UOMO. 112-11- 1.00 Per sbarazzarsi di cosi incomodi vicini, Monnier, facendo conto di continuare un discorso gia dice ad alta voce: Sicuro, signori ! non vi sono mestieri scioc-c: non ve che della gente scioc-c- a, e quella povera gente che non vuole avere rapporti con me, mi fa compassione, die cosa sono io o direttamente la radice del male limpurita del sangue. Per cio e una medicina eosi - Vsi non la potete aequis-tar-e nelle farmacie,bensi da agen-t- i locali oppure direttamente dai 50 proprietari. Rivolgersi al seguen-t- e 50 indirizzo: Dr. Peter Fahrney 50 & So. Iloyne 8 Sons Go., 50 1.00 1.00 50 50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 mino... 2.00 Un giovinotto, Signora mia 1.00 un vedovo che con grazia: e, senza dubbio ha ripreso moglie. e ro 1763. UFFICIO JOTflRILE ITflLlflfJO 23, 1909. Unitevi e Sarete Forti ADMITS TRAFFIC IN WHITE $110,000,000 LOST BY NATION CLEOPATRA MYTH WOMANS SLAVES. IN TWO YEARS LAND OBSTACLE. FRAUDS. (Continued from Page 1) Confessed Woman Broker of Un- derworld Sentenced to Ten Secretary .Garfield .Give .Huge with the perfumes burning on the Months. Figures in Request for Invessel. crease of $500,00 in ApHIRED BY RUSSIAN JEW. Disputes Words of Plutarch. propriations. But Ferrero, Plutarch, to the Police Hunt for the Man and Also Washington, D. C., Jan. 18. contrary notwithstanding, says: Information of a startling characInvestigate Case of a JapArchaeologists have discoveranese and His Wife. ter of alleged wholesale frauds ed in Egypt portraits of Cleopatra upon the public lands has been Chicago, 111., Jan 19. AdmittGarfield and have discovered that in the given to Secretary ing in court that she was a brokis al- poetic descriptions of Roman hisDora Doug- through special agents. It er of fallen women. of torians there was at least much worth that $110,000,000 las yesterday told Judge New- leged lands have been fraudulently ac- fancy. In the comer that she was in the employ portraits we do not two years the within past quired whose of a Russian Jew, see the delicate grace of a Venus, identity the police withhold. The woman, by corporations and individuals. nor even the sensuous beauty of With a view of recovering these who is 35 yejrs old, said she was a de tomarguise Pompadour, hut, a lands, Secretary Garfield sent paid to lure girls to Chicago, to face to Chairman Ilale and fleshy and a powerful aquilbe transferred for a cash consid- day letters senate of house the and ine Tawney the face of a woman on nose, eration to resorts. respeef-ivel-y committees, appropriation in years, ambitious and irnpern ns, The admission caused her to be for an additional apasking to ten sentence months a !he vistage, one might say, of an given of $500,000 for investhe bridewell and stirred the po- propriation mother-in-lais there is rea- intractable lice to search for the womans em- tigation. It stated Why did Antony marry such a sonable prospect of recovering ployer. If apprehended he will much of The professor had a ready iaee? this alleged fraudulently be arrested on a charge of panderif land the acquired appropria'ion answer for this unasked question. ing. is promptly made. ' Three girls testified that Mrs. Antony wanted to carry ou4 the Garfield also submits Secretary dieam of Caesar, the conquest cf Douglas had prevailed on them to a statement of II. II. Schwartz, come to Chicago from Milwaukee. chief of the field service, showing Persia. Antony needed monev. The girls are: over 32,000 distinct cases of al- Antony needed money. CleopatMargaret Jacobs, 20 years old. The number ra had money. Antony annexed Katherine Albright, 22 years leged land frauds. of such cases awaiting investiga- the treasure of the Ptolemies by old. tion by states is as follows : OreThen as of 19 old. marriage. Anna Sang, king Egypt years' gon, 1,462; California ad Nevada, Prof. Ferrero admits, he became Admits Her Acts Frankly. 1,409; Washington and north Idafascinated with Egypt, not with I brought these girls and oth- ho, 1,325; Montana, 3,605; Coloers, too, said Mrs. Douglas, to rado, 8,621; Arizona, 406; Wyom- Egypts queen. The western barthe court. Altogether I brought ing, 21,155; Minnesota, Michigan, barian was overcome hv the effete four from Milwaukee, also several Wisconsin, North and South Da- east, reveled in its luxuries, and at last dreamed of breaking away from St. Louis, but I turned them kota, 5,894; Missouri, Louisiana from Rome and becoming the over to the Russian Jew instead and Arkansas, 1,593; Utah, 1,482; of selling them, as he proposed. Oklahoma and Kansas, 1,012; New head of a great eastern empire. Then you are a broker of fal- Mexico, 1,205 and Florida, Ala- This treason resulted in his fall. len women? suggested the bama and Mississippi, 1,960. Origin of Cleopatra Myth. judge. Not until after his destruction Thats true, your honor, hut I FOUNDER OF FIRST ALUMwas the Cleopatra myth invented, am not to blame. I was of good NAE BODY DIES IN and it happened like this, accordparents, had a good home, and WASHINGTON. ing to the speaker: married, as I thought, the best Augustus understood that beman in the world. He turned Mary Hyde Brown Ilitt, wife of fore Italy he ought to stand, cot drunkard after I had given up Isaac R. Ilitt, died at her resias the destroyer of the popular school teaching andjjad finished dence, iruWashiagtnn. JQ., C., yes- Antony, but "as the opponent of my education. I cotildnot live terday of cerebral hemorrhage. the effeminacy of the east to with him. She was born in Detroit in 1831 which Antony had succumbed. Better live with a drunkard and was the first graduate of He must stand against the corrupthan engage in such work as Female college at Cincinnati. tion of orientalism and for the No pun- The this, said the judge. day after her graduation in virtues of simplicity, severity of ishment I could mete out to you 1854 she was elected to a profesprivate habits, rigid monogamy, would avenge the crime you have sorship in the institution, which the spirit, thf purebeen guilty of and so willingly she held until her marriage in ly virile idea of the state. confess to, but I will only send 1856. The story of Antony and Cleoyou to the bridewell for ten She organized the first alumnae was created and diffused, months because of your willing- association in the world and was patra not because it was beautiful aud ness to aid the police in their ef- its first president. While living in but because it served forts to get at the bottom of this Evanston from 1871 until 1890 romantic, the interests of Augustus and his affair. she was intimately associated with political coterie. It was made an Wife Arrested. and Frances E. Willard. Japanese anti feministic legend to emphaAnother case which occupied For six years Mrs. Ilitt was size the danger of following the the attention of Judge Newcomer president of the Illinois State Wocounsel of women in political matwas that of Sarah Ipo, who at mans Foreign Missionary society ters or giving them any share in first told the court she had been and for eighteen years was presithe government. placed in a resort by her Japanese dent of the Northwestern branch The iconoclastic historian even husband, but subsequently denied of the society, which took in Illin- knocked away the last vestige of this. Eventually she was lodged ois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisromance, the possibility that Cleoin the Harrison street annex, consin. She was president emeripatra was in love writh Antony, tus at the time of her death. Mrs. pending further investigation. by declaring that she married him Mrs. Ipo had been found in a Hitt and her husband moved to because her throne was made inseresort at 2136 Armour avenue. Washington in 1890. They celecure by internal disturbances and She denied she was only 17 years brated their golden wedding on she needed the support of the Roold, contradicting a statement Christmas day, 1906. man legions. made to a missionary. She said Opposes Franchise for Women. she was an American, and that her Turkey Accepts Offer of $10,800,000 by Prof. Ferrero wav asked after Austria. parents lived in Chicago, but refused to tell who they were. Her the lecture whether he thought husband, George Ipo, who had Constantinople, Jan. 12. The Turk- the opposition of Augustus to fembeen brought in on the charge of ish government accepts the inine government was warranted. offer of $10,800,000 Indemseriousbe was found to O! You are getting at woman vagrancy, nity for the annexation of Bosnia and lie answered. ly ill, and on the advice of a phy- Herzegovina, thus removing every pos- suffrage, Well, sician was sent to the county hos- sibility of war. The grand visier, I think men govern badly enough. Kiamil Pasha, received Marquis I am opposed to pital. giving the franambas- chise the When the husband was being to women. Of course, I only at noon today and notilied him taken out of the court room the sador, of the decision of the council of min- speak for Italy, where I know the girl became hysterical, and falling isters. conditions, not for America. Histo her knees, pleaded with the The gmd vizier made an effort to torically itis a fact that the injudge not to separate her from her induce Austria to increase the com- fluence of women in politics grows, pensation another half million pounds, in times of husband. peace and diminishes but Ambassador Pallavicini declared he in It will kill me, judge, to times of war. Thus it has nevthat a nincrease in the amount was apart from my husband. You out of the question. If the offer was er made as much headway on the have no right to take him from rejected, he declared, negotiations continent of Europe as in more would be broken off. me. isolated England. If a period of In addition to pecuniary compensaThe girl fought off the officers war began the whole movetion to Turkey, Austria abandons her great when they sought to take her ment might collapse. in consents to an rights Novipazar, from the court room, and was car- Increase In the customs up to 15 per Prof Ferrero was accompanied ried to the annex. cent, admits certain monopolies, and by his wife, the daughter of Judge Newcomer said the girl agrees to the suppression of Austrian the great criminologist. could have her choice. She must postofflees in Turkish territory where Signora Ferrero is also an author, no other postofHces exist, return to her home at Nevada, should the foreign desire written a book on South porte it, and to the having Mo., or serve a term in the America after a tour of that conabrogation of certain old privileges over Albanian Catholics. tinent with her husband. . Wes-lya- n anti-femini- ne Austro-Hungaria- tj Per Procure, Atti Notarili di qualsiasi genere per Iltalia, come per disbrigo di Affari Legali locali, rivolgersi a ::::::::::: RflOSE PflGGI, Motaio - - - - 235 Edison Street - - - : Pubblico Salt Lako City, Utah n i, Austro-Hungaria- n Loin-bros- o, |