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Show velop it into a permanent mine. Mr Hewitt broke several boulders in our presence, which showed lead and ochre stains all through. It is intended to commence sinking a shaft, ten feet by six, at once. Two men are employed, and more will probably he put on The Discovery American shortly. We brought away a few specimens of ore, which may he seen at the Observer office. We trust this Fork, etc. property will more than realize all the hopes of its owners, and that the RutOn Thursday last we summoned land will live to cast, additional lustre sufficient courage to start out for the over the mining interests of th" district. purpose of fulfilling our proinue to The mine is situated only a short dis visit the locality of the recent discovery tanc from a wagon road, and within by Messrs. Hewitt & McManus. We three miles of the smelting works of the little dreamt of the formidable nature Miller Mine. Mr. Hewitt tell us he is interested in f the undertaking before us, or perhaps our resolution would have IhI several claims in the neighborhood. t red, and the visit have been indefinOne, the Tenth Legion, is showimr a itely postponed In comparative ignor- prospect similar to the Rutland. The d ance of tlie task, we passed toward Terrible, so named on account of itR of the canyon, and soon found peculiar position, is also owned by the ourselves traversing the dusty road same parties, and is reported as showiding to the lumber regions and ing a quantity of ore. Neither of these American Fork. The morning was de- ela'ms are beimg worked, the whole enlightful, and the hill sides wore their ergies of the owners being devoted to gayest summer attire, being covered the Rutland. with flowers of every hue, while the inThe Miller Mine. dustrious little bees might be seen in This fine property is moving pros- myriads sipping nectar from the open perously on its way, turning out ore at blossoms. The mountain scenery is the rate of eight to ten tons per day. wild in the extreme, but climbing up The Pittsburnh Minp, the steep activities takes away very ves- Is looked upon as among the richest tige of romance, and recalls one to the mines of Amercon Fork. The ore. we stern realities of life. We had been in- understand is found in immense quanformed that the distance was something tities. Considerable ore might be like two and a half miles it certainly shipped, but the managers do not care iseemed the longest two and a half miles about it. ow'ng to diffienlfr n ceeuring we ever traveled. After reaching the a market just now. Negotiations for summit of a hill, about half wav, we inbe sale of ore to the MIMe Comps nv quired for the place we sought, and having failed, the proprietors contemwere told it was two miles ahead. From plate ereetinT a smelter of their own. the divide toward the east we saw the The Francis Maria mine, belonging buildings of the to Mr. T. Connolly, is said to be looking Local News. MINING NEWS. at th-en- ; Wellington Mine, for this And point we made. At the mouth of the tunnel we found a man at work, who said that the mine is not yet in full work, being much retarded bv water. The shipments recently ba'-be n about 200 tons per week. The company is now running a tunnel to tar the mine, and draw off the water, and also to enable the ore to ho vhivmed more easily. When this work is bm pleted. the mine will no doubt enter upon a new era of its hitherto prosper-ouenreer. We would fain have called u.on the foreman, but time would not Xermit. After passing over two more di i.les. we entered American Fork. Following the trail for about halt n mile, we at length C'inght tin sound of a pick striking ibe rock. A few seconds sufficed to bring us a spot where a man was working a recently opened claim. On inquiry we learned that it was none other than the newly dLeovered mine of Messrs. Hewitt A McManus, and now known as the Rutland Mine. Mr. Hewitt was ab cut, having gone to look at another prospect a short way I bis reoff, but we bad not long to turn. Mr. Hewitt tells us this prospect was discovered about two weeks ago. Considering the short time that has elapsed, the work of" development has e s aa A distance of progressed rapidly. thirty feet bus been o.Yei: vnted, about 1 feet, deep on the eastern side. There are no mines a! work in the immediate vicinity, but several .abandoned shafts close by. The Rutland is situated right across the trail, and it is thought remarkable tiiat it wiia not dis oov( red before.. The crevice already exposed is about eight feet wide. Its direction cannot as jet be ascertained with eertaintj, but t m supposed to run mi a northeasterly and southwesterly direction. The whole of the rock taken out is all metal bearing, showing about twenty to thirty per cent of galena, interspersed with chloride. The ore m low grade, but is improving daily. Small patches of rich ore are found, .it v.e forgot to ak whether on a say bad 'bceo made. The east side shows ft et cf bluish cla about which in regarded a favorable indication, as its color is evidently owing to the presence f decomposed galena. The surface n tiler occasions a little trouble in places, but is disappearing. Altogether s the prospect is a one, and it i the gemva! opinion that time will de well-trodde- n i first-clas- well. Mr. Beekman is running a tunnel at 'merman Fork. 'Hie contract is taken for a distance of three hundred feet. This was the sum total of the information we were aide to glean in this fter accepting Mr. Hewitts direction. invitation to Inneh. we retraced our steps in the direction of Alta, the trip having occupied about five hours to accomplish. We passed a number of men with prospecting implements, evidently on the lookout for mineral. Ball. FIRE. masquerade ball will be given at Nick Drainers ConLast night, about eleven oclock, we Hall early next mouth, particular were attracted by a lurid glare cast cert which will be given in due time. over the city, which was caused by a of large fire toward the west end of the A revengeful traveller on a certain city. Proceeding to the spot we discovered tha stables of Messrs. Lingo & railroad in this State packed a hag full Anderson a mass of fire. The flames of loaded rpvolv r. and bended it to a who had had gained too much headway to make gentlemanly baggage-smashe- r ruined three or four trunks for him alany attempt to save th building, and all efforts were directed toward saving ready. The smasher flung the bag up the house, separared only by a few feet against the wall savagely, and then from the burning building. The wind threw it on the floor and stamped on it and down on it. as being favorable, the house was with and jumped up At about the fourth jump firing great difficulty saved. An hour suf- vsual. re ficed to reduce the wooden structure began all along he line. Forty-sivolvers went off in rapid succession, to a heap of blackened ruins. The origin of the tire is uncertain. A distributing bullets around the ear with boy was sleeping in the stable, and it disgusting carelessness of the legs of is supposed that smoking was the cause the smasher, who was shot in six places of the conflagration. Mr. Lingo was before he could get out of the car. He the first to discover the fire. Twelve rode upon the platform during the horses were in the stable at the time, wl o! or that tr:p ; and when he did and be rushed in and cut five loose, enter the car he increased his legs in snow and ran an iron-cla- d when he was forced8 to retire. Other stove-pipe- , horse must have got loose, but it is said plow' in free of h'm to push the bagfour perished, one a very valuable ani- gage out with. He smasher, perhaps, No insurance. The loss we have fewer carpet bags now than he once mal did in tie inst nveh fewer nt asi rmined. and he is filled with gloom. The only Mr. II eii field has boon he craves is that hr? may be prePhotogka ill y. shown us some views of Alta City and sent when the carpet bag owner calls Little Cottonwood Fanyon, executed by with his cheek. H savs there will then himself during the past week. They be a conflict which will make the Francs are finished in gtj'le, and are o- et man war perfectly ridiculous. well worth the prices asked. Thoe Danbury News. who wish mementos of Alta City ami Little Cottonwood will do well to se- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. cure some of these views, as a more favorable opportunity is not likely to occur. Among them we noticed a fine Sc view of Walker street, all the buildings being distinctly represented; also a birdseye view of Alla City, taken from the southern bill, and showing r.tntns 1 1 LG i Hill and Grizzly Flat in the distance; the seem of the disastrous snovvslide of last w inter is pictured, and likewise the stone quart ies at tit anile. Mr iientield is a thorough artist, and de- serv rs support Lingo HALKEIC STB LET, ALTA Next t AIU BEHRMAN AND FITZGERALD. j;12 tf Proprietor. RAFFLE! RAFFLE! BAFFLE. II LRS AND PACKERS, ALTA CITY. New Claims. .ui. James McDonald informs us that the following new mines have been recorded within the past few day a ; The Junior, .situated on Peruvian liiil, The Cliff House Ledge and Company, the Baron Humboldt, and the Steen and Iluntnon. followW. A J. V. Railroad. ing is the time table on this road . Passenger train leaves Sandy at 8 a. in., --T- he ami arrives at Granite at quarter to 0. Freight train leaves Sandy at 1, and arrives at Granite at quarter to 2. The afternoon passenger train leaves Sandy at 3. JO, and arrives at Granite at quarter to 4. Passetrifer train leaves Granite at 9.30, and freight train at 2. Afternoon passenger train leaves at 5, and arrives it Sandv at 5.30. Littla Cottonwood Precinct. Justices of the Peach- - William Gill Mills ami James A. Varnes. Deputy Sheriff Martin Florida. Constable Henry Shields. Notaries Public John McDonald and James A. Varnes. . Mining Recorder John McDonald Oo'i New American Heavy GOLD JFA T CIT, AND SEAL. CHAIN Apply at Behrtnan and Fitejreralds Saloon, jyl2 tf Walker Street, Alta. Alta Brewery. Wholesale and Retail. Beer old in the Brewery by the quart. Order may be left at the Layer Depat, Walk r street, Alta. ALEX. ItERNAY, Proprietor. Bv i. i. BURNSWQ0D, Blacksmith & Machinist, Main Street, Alta . Special attention riven to all work connected with the mines. All new work warranted. jyl2tf Anderson, RE n the neighborhood or Grizzv Flat, but particulars have not yet come to hand. The Wels Fargo Mine and Tunnel. This propertv is situated on Fmma Hill, near Grizzy Flat, and is owned partially by capitalists in New Orleans. Mr. T. M. Con verse, of New Orleans who is interested in the mine, says he has just, let a large contract in the tun nel, and work will be prosecuted as speedily as possible. He is confident that tne mine will turn out, well. The Anglo Saxon Mine, Is jtnafed on Wellington Hill, overlooking the city. Mr. Converse, who alse has an interest in this property, says that operations are being pressed forward vigorously. Mr. Corn erse expects to remain here till late in the fall to superintend the work on these i first-clas- Giuz.l Plat. Business in this The Gi ve Mme. place is gradually brightening up. The Mr. S P Roberts tells us that this steam saw mill of the Davenport Corn-paproperty continues to improve as the j stinted work on Wednesday, and The commenced hauHng lumber on Thurswork of development progresses body of ore is widening, anil everything day. The mill is now engaged in sawfends to prove that, the Olive is si gen- ing lumber for a tramway to connect uine mine. the Davenport with the Matilda mine. We have beard of more discoveries n BILLIARD AND BAR, x bl-ssfu- tuts. Alt Advertise A grand The Finest Teams on the Root'. Goo ls delivered in Little Cottonwood. American Fork, and all parts of the MRS. A. JOHNSON, Colorado Lodging Eouso Give description of mine, ledget, pimple of ore, etcjj!2 tf - FI02TEER Miners & Family STORE. Territory. Responsible for the Safe Delivery of Goods. LOWEST RATES CHARGED. WM. GILL MILLS jy26 3m Ila always on band the ehoicaat and yreateat variety of J. HENFIELD, PHOTOGRAPHER, West End of Mai street; Alta City Orders for photographs and gem pictures executed in a satisfactory manner On hand, large views of Alta City, Dead Mans Fall. Walker street, Alta City showing Emma llill and Grizzly Flat, and the Quarries ut Granite. Dry Goods, Hardware, Ac., Ac., Ac., Nacaaiary for Mine and Minin IjOWiFrices OH. A. D. BEVAN, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, Camp. and honest dealing jj!2 if Physician and Surgeon, FORXEY'S DRUG STORE , WALKER STREET, ALTA. jy2f tf HIRSCHMAH 6 HUNTERS Lunch Counter, At the ALTA. The best Accommodation at this AAOtel. Rooms, Beds Swan Saloon, Spring Single Granite Precinct. mint's. stocked with th thoicest Justice of the Peace S J. Despane RESTAURANT, BAR, AND SHOOTINC Constable E. Maxfiehl. GALLERY. Confectionery. At the entrance to a visited the Nevada Restaurant may he seen a Hail. Alta whs bj heavy r RITZ ADOLPHY, The on stones Tuesday. splendid exhibition of confectionery. hail storm Delicacies and Eatables, Proprietor. jy23 tf The fancy cakes are done up in a most w ere as large as marbles, and fell coartistic style, and the sight ought to be piously. A sufficient to quicken the dullest appeBREWERY. CALIFORNIA To the Trade. We have on hand tite. Boiled Ham, Pig Fett, Beef, Lasb, and are daily receiving the latest styles Wholesale and retail. Pig Tongats, Building. Several buildings are in of clothing, which we manufacture ourand Wines Rest Cigars. 15 Liquors from offer the to trade now. and The course of construction just selves, Oysters, Sardines, has Alta the to 20 per cent leas than any other house Beer old in the Brewery hy the quart. of Brewerj' proprietor Anchovies, made a considerable addition to his in the Territory. NISHWITZ k UEBEL, Marinierte IIoll Herring R. Goldberg k Go. premises. A large new building has Proprietor. jy 19 3m Main street, Salt Lake, just been co n pleted between the Swan Shweitaer and Limburg r Ckteae, Saloon and the Brewery. neat little Braach of 84 Leonard street, New York Russian Caviar. WANTED. dwelling nouse is being finished up the Valley, with many other in licatious of The expenses of the Modoc war A Situation a Cook or Waiter. Apply CIVE UO A CALL. Jil advancement. a rage $20,000 per day. t this offlea. . |