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Show AGENTS. f J 0. MORMON a Johnson ia agent for the Thursday last was the twenty-sixtObserver in Suit Lake City. anniversary of the entrance of the MorMr. C. H. E nos, Stationer, etc., mon pioneers into Salt Lake Valley. Walker street, Alta, ia agent for the The day was allowed to pass in Alta of the Observer. gale City without any special observance, but in Salt Luke Cit' and other places Mining and other correspondence is re the day was celebrated with great eclat. spectfully solicited- All communications inInto the peculiar circumstances which tended for publication must be accompanied led to the Mormon immigration to with the writers name. Utah, and the tenets of their faith, we the time nor the have But we can inclination to enter. MIST! not help bearing testimony to the the bravery, the devotion of that pioneer band the vanguard of the RICHARD WEBB, Editor. teeming millions destined to find a home in the great, interior Basin. The years have been busy ALTA, SATURDAY. JULY 26, 187:1. past twenty-si- x and frui:ful. Salt Lake City is in itself a standing monument of industry THE RECENT SHOOTING CASE IN and perseverance. Beared in isolation SALT LAKE. and in the fare of innumerable hard; J may well ships, its condition The killing of H. M. Garvey bv W. cause the hearts of its founders to thrill B. Sullivan, in Salt Lake City, on Tues- with pardonable pride. The Territory with over one hundred thou day evening last, has been a general populated sand inhabitants, vast tracts of land topic of conversation in Alta. The indeceased was well known here, and had brought under cultivation, railway aeveral intimate friends. Without pro- tersecting the country in every direcsettlements pushed forward nouncing on the merits of the atl'air, we tion. and cannot help regretting that such atfrays hundreds of miles from the central a are of such frequent occurrence. The point, these are no mean results-fotaking of human life under auy circum- quarter of a century. stances is a terrible thing. Nothing will justify it except tne saving of one s Personal. But when a one over own. man, quarWe understand that Mr. S. .1. Wright, few hundred a rel involving dollars, of Paris, Texas, who has been in our takes human life, the act should bring city for the past, two weeks, leave us albtn the condemnation of an outraged for his home. II is visit here suswhose those moral public. Only has chiefly been for the purpose of obwill endeavor are blunted, ceptibilities servation. We are glad to learn thni to paliate the deed. Lite is too pre- he is much pleased with our rising city, cious a thing to be placed in the scales and so thoroughly satisfied with the. against dollars. The law ought to be, mining prospects here that he could and we believe is, sutlieiently powerful not withstand the temptation to invest. to protect citizens, and those who He takes back a box of mineral speciign ire the law, and sees to redress mens, and will probably induce his their wrongs without it aid, should be friend-- : in Texas to invest in the punished severely. This appeal to pis- mines. tols over every trivial dispute has held sway long enough, and measures should A man nainml Owen Reynolds was be taken to put down the nil. In fatally poisoned Sandy on Thursday, place invested with hostile savages, we by taking an overdose of morphine. can understand the necessity of carry- It appears that the medicine was puring deadly weapons for dei'euce, but chased from a Dr. Gray, who gave diin a professedly civilized community, rection for taking it. It is said that where law and order reign, we cannot the quantity prescribed- was far too see any necessity for it. There is not large, nrul although the patient kept a single solid argument in favor ot M, within the prescribed amount, yet death but many reasons might be urged ensued. The affair certainly looks ugly against it. J n those Slates where the law and demands investigation. will not permit a tnau to carry concealed weapons, deaths from violence are Tragedy at Bingham. comparatively few, while in others We learn from a gentleman of this where no prohibitory statutes are in that a terrible tragpdy was enforce, murder holds high carnival. We city think we are sufKeientlj advanced in acted at Bingham yesterday morning. civilization in this Territory to dispense From the information received it woud with the carrying of weapon-- and the seem that there had been a long stand sooner laws to that effect are passed the ing dispute letween a man named at-a person named Cotton, better will it be for society. Too many in the liv ea hav e been sacrificed to this custom, wh'oh culminated yesterday is his two whose death of Co ton and, it said, and numbers walk about y lives are for ever embittered by the re-- . sons, at the bands of Butcher. Our Butcher acted in morse for the hasty deed that sent a informant says that fen "P. fellow being to an early grave. Nature self de Another report of the occurence is always jiist in her laws, and she has one affixed an indelible mark upon those brought from Sand says that only A mill such conwho ruthlessly invade the sanctity of man was shot dead. human life'. Courts of law may acquit flicting rumors it is impossible to get the rethe destroyer, but Nature never does. at the facts, and we simply give worth. The rash deed arms conscience against ports for what they are Mr. Burns's, JiOOTMAKEli, I Will shortly remove to the house known ' - HARLOW'S IAm HOUSE , Walker Street. jylb Saloon and Walker Street, Alta. FOUR HILLIARD TA ISLES. FOR Dealers ia jylf tf ALTA. Nick Dramers RESTAURANT, The only place- in ,AltH where the Miners can find a good hotne- Term reasonable- (live us a rail. jylS tf JOSEPH BRANDY, Proprietor. - Groceries, GRAND FREE 0 Provisions, Clothing, SITOS, Boots and Shoes, Choice Cigars. Tobacco. Emit. Heavy and Shelf Hardware, C. H. NEWSPAPERS AND STATIONERY, TwojJoors above Harlow and Kings, WALKER STREET, ALTA, jyictf II Of all descriptions, and General Stork of Ladies waiting in STORE. - lst, for Medicinal CIGARS ANO TOBACCO!t Pyhsicians Prescriptions carefully pounded. : If you. want During the day. J. McDonald, The best place for fun in Alia. Xii.ilio iVotary AND CONVEYANCER, ALTA CITY. jylfi tf com- MINERS DRUG STORE, Alt. W. COLDTHAIT. 1 Vbong Corner of Walker Street, Alta City, Little Coltonwood. NEVADA er RESTAURANT jyIGtf S. FULLER, Manager. The bar aupplied with the best Wine Liquors and Cigars. jyl2 tf mM Salt Lake Advertisement. ripou "bis sou riain. ihe mol:. disease w.nca he- has cm incurable The (raefed is ;J o! ifi-v lapse of time will work no cure, and no peuitence, however deep, will restore peace to his mind. Human laws should always approximate as near as possible to those of Nature. And if Nature has fenced human life around with such tremendous penalties, the civil laws against the life taken ought also to he severe, and ini partial v enforced. When this is the case we may expect that homicide aind murder will become less frequent, liut not till then. - Several changes have been made in the staff of the Salt Lake Tribune. Mr. Perris retires from the editorial chair, Mr. A. N. Hamilton being his successor. Mr. t. L. Prescott 'assumes tine S jxjsition of taana;jer. MEAT WALKER STREET, MARKET. Fresh Meat of all Linda always on hand. Open Day& Night f Th)j undersigned desires to inform his friendskind the public that he has opened the above lamed resfaurant, where he is prepared tft serve as fine a meal as the market can affotd. Mewls at all hour, day and night (live m a call. lii vi b vry - i 'Wtfij.--.il.,- " Fuacy Dance MUSIC BY HOMERS BAND to-da- him, and Night and This house is the largest and best appointed house in Alta City, and lui accommodation for seventy-fiv- e guestsLrulios and gentlemen visiting Alta City will find it to their benefit to stop at this house, as it has very superior accommodations, the tables being supplied with the best the market afford. , Jits ap- pear every night. Superintendents and contractors of mines are respectfully requested to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. jy!6 tf good article, call at th J. tendance Eight Young Ladies will Drugs Perfumeries, Paints, Oils And Dye Stuffs. Wines, Whiskies & Branches rad and A IMPLEMENTS, AC., A.C., &G. All kinds of Of, the Open Day and Nirht. Miners Outfitting Tools MIN KRS DRUG - - Hall Concert Dealer in ; i THE BOYS. and Surgeons, ALTA CITY, UTAH. y Buj-cb- AMUSEMENT KERSEY & TERRY, MINERS y r I WALKER STREET i . v iAitCity,& b-- And the fined brand of Wine, Liquors Drop in and see us. jy!9 tf Physicians Isnf., Containiagthe account of Cash aad r nfl. a Stables, and $7 in Currency. The $7 will j giv-- n to the finder on the book to Wells Fargo and Co, returning Alta, and Cigars. DRS Sunday MEMORANDUM BOOK, dm & KING'S Billiard Hall, HARLOW self-denia- l, to-da- On at - - t tWtWMtt Aitt AdvsrtissniBts. Alta Advertisement;. Alta Advertisements. ANNIVERSARY, Orders Promptly Filled. J.C. ARMSTRONG A C D. j.yll tf Proprietors VALLEY HOUSE, SALT LAKE C.TV, UTAH, One block north and wet of the Port Offlra, The bedrooms are clean and well ventilated Table supplied with the bet the market afford. Board and lodging. H to 110 per week. Board and lodging, 50 to 2 pr day. week. board, 6 1 Dy per Chat. Dahl L J. P. Scrensor, Notices. jyl2 2m Proprietor. R. L. BAWDENs Mr. ; H. . F nos, the. stationer on . Walk":- street, keeps the finest brands of .cigars and tobacco, also the latest SCO'iT, DUNHAM & CO.,. illustrated periodicals from New York East Eml of Main Street. Alta. SALT LA k'K He fresh The best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. also keeps a and elsewhere. Dealer in Salt Lake and other newspapers on the W. D. BRANDT, supply of fruit constantly on hand. table. jylStf Miners Tools, Mill Findings, By his obliging manner and attention Proprietor. to business, he has firmly established JAMES McTiRNEYS Hardware, Iron, Steel, Etc. jy!2 tf himself in public esterm, and is deserving of the patronage of all who value ff you Want a Good Meal, SAIctXHtf, a articles reasonable good prices. WALKER STREET, ALTA. Call at the E. A. FARGO & CO., busiof the attention We would call The best of Liquors at the Bar, and every to customers. attention given Iyl6 tf ness men to the advertisement of Messrs. Lingo & Anderson, freighters WALKER STREET. and packers, of Alta City. These genImpoitsr and Jobber af table supplied with the bet the martlemen are prepared to execute orders, ket The affordt. Meals at all hourstf jyl6 for the delivery of goods either in or beyond the can on. Parties entrusting Exchange Billiard Saloon. Brandies, Wines & Liquors, merchandise with them may be satisfied FIRST CLASS TABLES. of its safety, as they assume all resnon-sibility- . SI JTrB lrat. er. Cammerclal, Best of Liquor and Cigars at the Bar. Their, character as straight-fofwn915 in cash, receipt for aewing Containing Furnished Rooins up stair a gentleman's portwft. The men is also a sufficient guar ft. v ill be tm leaving KW1N0 A1 RAFFERTY, AN RANCISC. f. .j aaute rS. th;, ofE?--- . Proprietor. j16 tf nte overcharge. j16tf Special . - ; ' . . 50 Cents SALOON, Alta Restaurant, LOST! LOST! - d, , cirr, i |