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Show iawM Conference Planned for Salt Lake City Become What an education worth? Can you measure it in terms of dollars? It is usually true that the is more education you have the more money you can earn, but education means more than just the ability to earn money. In 1880 James Garfield, President of the United States said "Next importance to in Freedom and Justice is Education, without which neither Freedom nor Justice can be permanently maintained." James Garfield was assassinated in 1881. Martin Luther King, Jr. said "Education is the foundation formal schooling such as high school or college, but education can take many forms. Learning to sew a dress, build a bookshelf or fix a leaking faucet all are forms education. of Reading a cookbook to find out how to bake a special cake is a form of schools youngsters to expand and Doctor King was assassinated in 1968. What did these two gentlemen, whose deaths occured almost 90 years apart, have in common? They had the belief that education, in the largest meaning of the word, is an essential part of the lives of all of us. What did their assassins have in common? They believed that increase their knowledge in many by destroying they could solve a problem that is larger than individuals or a problem that has plagued the world for centuries. The problem is how to achieve true equality for all mankind. Doctor King and President Garfield belived that education could help. Usually when we think of education we think of 9 working task forces has enabled adults and of equality." an individual one of the 0 Force. Funding for eight neighborhood community areas. The Volunteer Improvement Program at the Guadalupe Center provides one-to-on- tutoring e for adults. in basic skills unique new concept in teaching young children. The Early Childhood Education program at Matheson School offers a "Head Start" type More program for projects are in the planning process and problems in the learning program For Individualized The is a public school system and education in general are discussed by the Education Task Force. Barbara Moore serves as the Task Force Assistant and can give you added information if you call for Conference of the National active in education. One young man showing another how to bat a baseball is another form of education. The Model Cities program has many education projects which resulted from the planning of the Education Task Salt Lake City will be the site the West Coast Regional information Cali I Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Registration begins at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, April 21, in the Hotel Utah Motor Lodge foyer, at a cost of $6.00 per person. Anyone choosing not to register may attend the sessions but will not be able to vote. The Honorable Joseph Kennedy, Municipal Court Judge, San Francisco, will be the guest speaker at the opening session, Friday at 8:00 p.m. to be held in the Hotel Utah Empire Room. Work sessions will begin Saturday, April 22 at 9:00 a.m. with Mrs. Muriel Outlaw, NAACP membership secretary, New York City and Leonard H. Carter, NAACP Regional Director, San Francisco, highlighting the adult session. Mrs. Bettye Black, NAACP Regional Trainer from Los Angeles will address the youth chapter. A plenary workshop on education, Saturday at 2:00 p.m., Model Cities will feature the Honorable Charles Johnson, Municipal Court Judge of Seattle and a panel consisting of Marlaina 467-941- 6 Kiner, Director of Region 10, Office of Education, HEW; George Williams, NAACP Regional Field worker for education. Riverside, California; 467-941- Renowed Speaker to Appear Dr. Murray Banks, noted will psychologist-philosopher- , guest lecture at Utah Technical College at Salt Lake, a give Thursday evening, April 20, at 7:30 p.m. The occasion is the college's three-dastate-widconference on general education in e y vocational-technica- l schools. Bank's program will be in the Utah Tech main campus Dr. auditorium, 4600 South Redwood Road. Tickets are on sale now at the college for $2.00 per person. The globetrotting Dr. Banks, famous for his talk and recording on "What to Do Until the Psychiatrist Comes," has been pegged by his reviewers as a "Psychologist with a sense of humor." H e's a one-mashow who entertains royally while he n instructs. Fie is by Jerry Carter the author of six books and has seven recordings that have become international favorites. State College, Whitewater, Wisconsin says, "The most rewarding assembly program our college ever presented. He is merry, impish, and completely captivating." The Child Guidance class deals with the daily problems of raising children. Sponsored by the Westside Mental Health Unit, the class is supervised by John McRae. Parents who attend the class note that the same problems exist in nearly every American family. Parents seem to react in the same manner because of a lack of knowledge and understanding of why children behave as they do. "The Challenge by Dr. Reidolf Dreikurs is the text used by the class. Principles and techniques covered in the book are then used in actual situations in the home. Discussions are the building blocks of the class, by enabling parents to express their feelings and concerns and getting feedback from the class. The class is held at Glendale Community School on Wednesday evenings at 7 :00 p.m. Child guidance class discusses common problems in raising children. Attorney Benjamin James, Legal Redress Chairman, San Francisco, NAACP branch. At 3:00 p.m. Saturday a session on political action will be lead by Dr. W. C. Patton, NAACP Associate Director for voter in Birmingham, Alabama and Virna Canson, NAACP Lobbyist in Sacramento, California. registration Employment will be discussed by a panel of noted NAACP representatives. The 53rd Annual Life Membership and Freedom Fund Banquet will be held Saturday, April 22 at 8:00 p.m. in the Salt Palace Assembly Hall. Keynote speaker at the banquet will be Clarence Mitchell, NAACP director in Washington, D. C. The conference will adjourn Sunday, April 23, with a session featuring Nathaniel Calley, NAACP regional counsel in Sacramento, California and William Pollard, representative, Washington, D. C. Civil AFL-CIO- Rights , Committee reports and adoption resolutions will complete of the conference. Registration and ticket information can be obtained by calling Salt Lake NAACP branch president James E. Dooley at , 322-203or Albert Fritz, 299-544- |