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Show rdai'tiriitfiifiiiitiifiiiirifttftaf'i'ii ifeiMfe1 wj'iirtiwr awaiirrnti HBiwfrai Communications Conference Provides New Ideas Model City's first national communications conference was held at the Holiday Inn Central in Minneapolis, Minnesota with Carl T. Rowan, noted syndicated columnist, delivering the keynote address. by the Co-sponsor- Carl T. Rowan addressed the National Communications Conference, saying, "We need to hear more about the good things Model City programs are doing across the nation." Minneapolis Model City 2 day in theme was ''Communication as an instrument for change." Communications Center Executive Director Ron explained that the conference was held because "we Washington that the recognize communications services we perform for Model City here are not being performed in the same coordinated way in other Model City programs." The Communications Center is operated as a Model City project, has an extensive staff and a budget which enables the Center to use the services of advertising agencies. "The conference gave us an opportunity to explore new and additional services we can perform," he added. Union of the Poor Continues Picket e to Halt Eviction of Tenants regarding the housing crisis include: Immediate negotiation between the tenants, Union of the Poor, and the management of the Travelodge at 6th South and 1st West. addition, the Union wants leave the apartment buildings In to standing and allow the tenants to remain there. They would like to 2. City housing officials continue to hide behind the excuse that because a few token houses (50 in the city for the non-agepoor) are being built, everyone should sit back and be patient. They ignore the fact that every day poor people are being evicted not only from their apartments but also from the entire city. The low vacancy rate continues to allow landlords to d increase their rents andor the apartment building used encourages commercial tenants only. The Union states they will continue to picket because of the promoters to put up apartments with rent far out of the range of low income peope. This trend following problems: 1. Travelodge has decided to evict 18 families from their apartments and has found si mi liar must be stopped NOW. In a statement issued by the Union of the Poor, the problems of housing in Salt Lake are admittedly complex yet it is not see for low-incom- e priced housing for only half of them. The owners have saidthat they will find housing for all the tenants but this has not our belief that because of the tremendously difficult situation in finding housing, Travelodge should allow these people sufficient time to happened. It is e find housing even if it means granting extensions form many months. low-incom- the complexity that hurting the poor people. The statement points out that the real problem is people with a lot of money out to make more money. They cite the construction of the Salt Palace, then the surrounding hotels and motels, then Arrow Press Square, then the planned Royal Inns Hotel, then the planned 13 story Travelodge decides to expand it is the poor people who cannot afford the expensive high-ris- e apartments who get the boot, the Union maintains. The Union further asserts that local government says, be patient, yet people are being removed everyday from their homes in the name of progress and development, in order to make room for expensive apartments, motels, hotels, parking lots, office buildings, gas stations and a lot more concrete. "We don't think we should continue to be patient. That's why we're taking a stand against Travelodge," a Union spokesman said. is Howard Johnson's. When Union of the Poor protests eviction of tenants and presents list of demands. Community Information Specialist and editor of a weekly newspaper represented the Salt Lake Model City program. Workshop topics included speaker's panels, cable T. V., conference Demands presented on April 4 and 5 by the Union of the Poor Marlene Marie Young, Association, the communications techniques. The Low-Incom- officers and citizens attended. techniques in film and videotape, workshop sessions Communications Center. directors, public information Communications Center and the National Model City Directors conference centered around Display of photos and paper mache' scenes created by Minneapolis More than 200 Model City newspapers, newsletters, communications and Model City's relations with the inter-grou- p media. Tours of the Communications Center and the communications mobile van, the only project of its kind among the nation's 147 Model City programs, were also conducted. "It was a tremendous learning experience for me," Ms. Young said, "I came back with many ideas to improve the flow of information communication and in our own community." "What are you in Model Cities doing to fight the problems? What are you doing to save our cities?" Rowan asked. ; |