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Show 0 && vf-- Tfew? i t vs ataahMtP 4s2ftp23Jk-C- a fc!T! -ffiraTK?a, heie and conquer Mexico or any of the South American Republics and establish a branch monarchy or empire and that it is none of the, business of the SUBSCRIPTION rates: United State. There is involved in P $2.00 eryear. the attitude of Europe such a serious (Payable in advance), menace to the peace and safty of the people of jthe Uqited States as should Publishers. fill the heart of every true American IPULVER & OR.V.E, THE BLADE. e L on this western hemisphere with au e unquenchable desire to whip the arroApplication has been made at the Nephi as mails fox transmission through the gance out of any nation or nations that lecohd-clas- s mall matter. deny the justice oi a claim that ought post-tiffic- to be apparrant to every man and woman in the civilized world and rec morn., dec. 23, 1895 ognized by .every European nation. When French papers assert that the Monroe doctrine cannot be entertained as an BLADE AGENTS : law they seem to Below is a list ot our agents, who will forget an ineidenjj wherein they deemreceive subscriptions and receipt for ed it prudent to Respect it. Those men XMyments. and nations that claim the Monroe Wm. Chastain, tbapah, Tooele Co. doctrine has no place in the internaMILI.ABD OOUNTT. tional code, should read those pages of Saturday inter-nation- Joseph A. Lyman, Oak City. Christian Anderson, Fillmore. Thos. Plemmott, Seipio. Chris. Oversea, Leamington Geo. Crane, Ivanosb, Jame? Hatton, Petersburg. Virgil Kelly, Burbank, Meadow. llvrum James S. Blake, Hinckley. al American history1 that deal with the perjod embFacing th close of the great Civil war. They) should refresh their memories on how the French Empire attempted to take advantage ot the as- THE WAR CROUD. Communicated: The Blade heaitily endorses all hat humanitarian s on both sides of the Atlantic are saying in a depreca-wa- r between tory spirit relative to a and Great Britain, the United States A conflict between the two great English speaking nations would be a calamity that would not be equalled by a general European war. During the latter half of this century England has been making rapid strides in science and philosophy, and among her sons are found the most progressive thinkers of the age. That fact is freely conceded and the cause is found in the fact that England is au old country Vhosenatural resources are fully developed and .whose citizens have that leisure neceisary for investigation of those higher planes of thought. England represents the most advanced, enlightened and stable type of the old mpuarchial form of human government. In contra distinction the Unitg ed States is youpg with natural resources. During the List century the course of empire has i3en westward. New lands have been opened to civilization, mines have been discovered, railway and telegraph lines have been extended while new fields for enterprise and industry have been continually presented to the hardy rapidly-developin- sumed weakness of the United Statos and evadjj the,' Monroe doctrine by building a branch empire in Mexico. They should read up how Secretary Seward told France if she sent any more troops over to Mexico they would be met by U. S, soldiers, and how Maximilian was left, to bis fate and was executed under orders from the restored Mexican government. It was a wholesome respect for, the Monroe doctrine that influenced) the French government to .let Maximilian die rather than to further transgress a doctrine that then and there! was recognized as a part of international law. The United States were then weak. Today they are 'masters of the s'tua-tio- n unanimity with which the people world approve Presi-manl- y message is an lesson tioaBpiring arrogant snobs object on the other side of the Atlantic that, will teach them that the Monroeddctrine is as dear to the hearts of thp people over here as is the integrity of our tanion. or any. principle of human liberty and progress, as deplorable as a war with England would men want protection on their wool, muB Tr dilil'm Em' iro'uoii yet temporary arrest human progress ora surrender of the Monroe doctrine the people of the United States will choose the least and. maintain the independence of their! sister republics at all, It is a grave situation aud the be, of the wheels1 of of the haz-zard- s. Th-er- s n -- li j follovving-name- d - . true-inwprdn- ess 1 1 g 21-2- 6 . BATHS mflu-ehc- for instance, qvery law that now shackles American Industry and commerce) could be repealed with absolute safety. The majority of the people of the United States, just now, are hunting for the nigger in the wrong woodpile. principle, EDITORIAL on itsmerits. S.II.oSTINSON, i Traveling Pass, Apt. Salt Lake Citj UtaF' Or H. C. TOWNSENfih General Pass, and Ticket Apent, St. Louis, Mo. MERRY CHRISTMAS! C CO m KM a 0 3 0 CD c U1 KA 1 3 H3 England was entirely satisfied with theEssequibo boundary until gold was c-- t- ct-p-- (T O 1 p; 32 m to - t3 CL Iff 0B D H O B- 6S D CO try- CC' T3 CO Pt CD 3 hS O CD m rt-- b a B & fu 8 O p 02 Hi H p p p o ti o aCl P discovered bejmnd it, when she immediately extended her claim to cove, the territory thus.found to he valuable. In other-words- , the question is "characteristic one of and insimply satiable greed so far as she is concerned. B p a ct i tT1 d co o tr.3 3 rt-- & o t 35 0 p o pt h! p bo pi o - OQ LOCAL TIItlE CARD. o p Train arrive .and depart at various station!1 daily as follow.-Stations. Leave Leave Arr. Arr. 2.15 am,. .... 8 00pm Ogden 3. 15 am Ar (Salt J Lv 7.00 pm 1 7.45 South-boun- -3 North-boun- o CD HAPPY HEW YEAR! 10.40 pm .a- - 53 0' c 7 3- i Vs 1 U v 1 I i $ vli it ; j -- jib , t in j, ny Horn in th gig it - i s f to the south, iture, when v mt.u ,jv all r roe-ove- r bankruptcy. As with the Others, so with them, their politics is iDild as a option ot H'ltKh gratification: Sheep- - PROVO: Room Fir-- a and 2, National Bauk BuiloU) 1 ITAS- - til 5,(Wam 0: M C (In-''V ' ii 1 i- li . 1 4 f r 1 3.- - 4 SAN PETE f t 1 I South. 1 J No. 1 ai)j 1 1 The question is: tPTJWm 1 j By visiting our Store, The answer will readily he givefi td rrri - he nn w 12.40p 12.57p 1.15p i .trip 42p 2.22p SY-5B- (oLa K-t- sa Where will you buy your gifts for 45a 12 Kip q 2. 15p ' a earn uqhdipnq j r 3 T. H. G. FARKES, Superintendent. We have the Largest and Best Assorted Line of TOYS, DOLLS. WORK - BOXES and BASKETS. TOILET SETS, &c Ac. grocery line is complete and our prices aro ms'lcnr as the lowest. Our 1 i 7 rif. L time TABLE NO. IQ, Effective' Sunday, November 17tb, , La J . VALLEY RAILWAV d (ft h 4 i a or ff: P;crCP'FV ml or , j 3 t. -- -- Burlej, Oenl Agt. Pasgr. Dept.,' Otiiee, 201 Main st.. Salt Lake. CityTicket E. L. Lomax, Geni Passgr. and Ticket Agt. E. Dfekinpon, Gerrl Mngr., Omat S, H. II. Claik, OJIvet W. link, ' , E. t Elrj Anderson Joljn W. Doaue, Freiletjcj: R. Ckuikert, Iteeeivei 1 - O; U E. D. WIOKINS, Agent, Nephi. iff al U i D. E. - s - Two through trains dally- - from Saljf Lake to all points Bast. , Through Pullman Palace Sleepers frjm Saif Lake to Chicago v, Ithout change Improved Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair cars. Elegant day coaches. The only line pperatiug dining carHcrviee. The shortest ad fastest line to all point 1 o ....Frisco..,. t- Arrive Leave ' Trains souh of Juab run dally excepV Scjff DATS e - d' am Lv j Lake Ar 5.50 pm 8.11am Sandy.... 5 20pm 9.42 am 3.40 pm Fairfield 11.35 am . Eureka. 2.00 pm 8.45 atn. . Lehi Junct..5 4 45 pm 8.55 am Amern Fork 4.35 pm 9.02 am Pleast Grove 4.28 pm S.25 am ....Provo..,. 3.05 pm 9.44 am Spatiish Fork 2 49 pm 10 02 am . . . 3.32 pm Paj son . . . 2.40 11.05 am pm ....Nephi.... 11.45 am 2.00 pm 12.30 pm Lvj Juab fAr 1.30 pm 2 05 pm Leamington 11.55 am 4.05 pm ....Oasis.... 10.25 am 4.50 pm Clear Lake 9.37 am 8.00 am Art Mil- - ILv 6.35 pm 8.50 am Lv j( fopd f Ar 6.15 pm pi H- -- so In effect, Nov. 17,1894. d. CD CH CD O It 1 02 f- - g- vi pi 02 fi a y U u o 02 L( ItI o P UTE3 0 I1 H.H. HAWKINS Probably there will not be any war with England, but it is refreshing to hear the American eagle scream all the same. Co-ift,- s -- d inter-nation- . . - nl e all-owe- high-soundin- be-iev- es r-- av-orit- e cross-examin- out-linin- - k WALTER JAMES : t-.i- r t war-clou- d st , 1 e, al-mo- -- Sheep Mens I will look on with intense interest! while the There are a great many people who and adventurous of Americas sons. eithers gathr in ominous1 'blackness or of the in disperses light peace. constantly talk and apparently seriousThat very faut has detracted from ly think about their Ileavenly-homspecial interest in progressive thought but dont devote a second thought to INCONSISTENCY that has been engaging the attention rOUTlCAE making their earthly home happier for of our 'English cousins. However, and Selfishness, those with whom thei lot is cast. A while our relations on the other side little time devoted to lightening the Of the ocean have been delving into the CounmifrtCated burdens here below assure you a tomes of past geological ages, and have From the aihount of eloquence and better claim on what will the future has to g a glorious social des- noise, and the been intensity of feeling that offer. tiny for the race, the Americans have characterises each political campaignin been hustling for the almighty dol- theUnitedState8,any one unacquainted 4 lar and Lave given to the world with American- politics would be apt to For sometime past ouf esteemed exrow was every impoitaat industrial invenover some imagine that the the Salt Lake Herald has tion of the age. They have also been vital principle or principles upon which change, been offering a reward of five dollars to solving the great problem of universal depended the weal or woe of. a nation, the boy or girl that would send in th liberty and in which they have had Tut if even casually examine i, there best wish for Salt Lake City Had the the expressed or implied sympathy of will be discovered a' large amount of reward been offered for the best wish eur English cousins. Therefore, e&Qh inconsistency, insincerity and selfi.h-nes- s lor Utah and the awarding committee of the English-speakin- g natioas fa,as underlying what at first thought had been composed of plain country been playing a proper and important seems to be intensified patriotism. people, the following , wish would not drama of human The Louisiana Democrat who part in the legitimate only have received the five dollars, but progress, ' in a tapiO: for revenue, but who its wisher would have beon voted a Because of the conditions indicated is interested in the production of sogar ebromo' for intelligence and candor. tbJve, the people of the United States will demand jthdt his esp Cial industry I .wish for the good of Utah that the ana Great, Britain have become the be protected.1 And if he fails ef secur- pap-feoctopus, called Salt Lake City, til lin stays of human liberty and soing protection for his sugr will very were at the bottom of the deep, blue All other nations ltkelv lay aside his Jeffersonian Democ-- v sea cial progression. See? have looked with respect and admira- rafy and vote with the Republicans race who promise him pro-te- lion. At the tion on the English-Speakin- g The Supreme Court of the United VliO'9 industrial interests have become same time, he demands Lv coil, cheap fused with those tof each other until utensils arid machinery. The Florida States has recently made an important they appear to ue almost as on family. rice plantar wants a (duty bn rice and mling which is calculated to increase Under such conditions, a war between free sugar tq sweeten it. The Pennsyl- the difficulty of securing convictions in the United .States and England would vania coal baron would make the na- murder caes. It is to the effect that be a c.ime against civilizition and the tion believe t jint un industrial earth- when the plea of insanity is made,-thatonement ought, if it ver possible, to quake would take place if Newcastle burden of proof of sanity is on the pros, If the whole evidence, says ua imposed on that nation that shall coal was admitted ires, an parades eculion. bis Republicanism as if that and pa- the bo found to be in the wrong. ineludicg that supplied by ths exFgal presumption of sanity, does triotism were interchangeable and Along with Englands industrial terms. Yet tnat same pa- not exclude beyond reasonable doubt pansion, there has been a cvrrespoud-:ti- g i he h potheri. of insanity, the prisdevelopment of gseed. Taj litter triot (?) wants the cheapest possible laAsatute however, is hot characteristic bor, and won id utter a mighty protest oner N entitled to an acquittal of the Ot the rank and tile of Englishmen if a This may be were levied an lluns and sqo. iUc offense charged. it is nto see how it but as libt who are just easy Italians and by that means really pro- good iv, genetous, just used-tdefeat justice. and magnanimous a- are their Amer-ca- n tect toe American laboring man from may be relations. ButEigland is rulej competition with foreign paupers. He a i An doeraey af t.tle i nab m3 and cares not a fig at to whether or not his An Ohio Judge has decided that by b inkers whose alliance has become employes aro on the verge of starvation wives are legally responsible for the From that com- so l.mg as his coal is Calling at aitifi support of their husbands and their One and insepartbie. Buies defiance tae to Ameri- cial prices a kind of stuffed-interesbination families, provided the husbands themcas just and vital demand that Eu- The menu fact liters of iron and steel selves are unable to furnish the suprope shall reject the Monroe doctrine want protection on their-- , products in port. The decision is said to haye that no European p'nrer by conquest Older to keep out foreign completion, greatly surprised th9 lawyers, and also dr purchase shad ao'juue any m jre ter- but they uko want freoTIuns and da- the new woman. But the Judge conritory in this .western hemisphere gos and free coal so that they can tends that the law of Ohio in this redherc the divine right of kings and ern-- , make large profits from home consum spect is the same as, that irr Illinois, iers to rule the masses is emphati- ers, at the same time enable thenv to Iowa. California and the Territory of In the Ohio case the cally denied and which will be main-ffnn- compete with the foreigner in bis own Oklahoma. land cost whatever. for his was a balance of $22 wares sued amount at any to the by selling It Fan act of almost unendurable European pauper at prices 25 per c?nt. on a tailor bill of venerable date, and le-than he'ia charging American con the wife, who has real estate valued at ltrogance for any European power to 2L1V ,099, will have to pay it. deny the force of the Monroe doctrine sumers. The Massachusetts manufac md to in ike the silly claim that it s turers of vookns want free wool in or law. der that they may export their goods THURMAN & WEDGWOODff iceogrnvod as il Ti,o drm on the part of Europe to and protection on the product to keep Attorneys -- 'at - Law. ogriie the validity and force of the out imports. They care not a whit r or not their Republican allies Senroi doctrine is equivalent to serv-i- whether are on the verge of men : urn ivf-and the sheep tbo United States civilized, world ? they want cheap clothing, cheap sugar, i are, however, cheap grain etc. 1 illsiria n anI savjenn, two classes of men that are real paWill soon be moving their who triots; those are the stock-meFlocks to the Winter range vote the Republican ticket while the Good Sample Rooms for CommercialTrav-elers- . iD the Western protected sheep industry is eating out part of or ricn: Patron to all busiHack Meets (.Free their Trains, aud their range Millard County. destroying At lit - ulonf i if Sf'fduti door I. t Co the station. from n and to ness; the other class is the sheep-meus Rock. not: WALTER Black JAMES, ol who vote the Democratic ticket. Both 2 to 4 j. m- a of those' classes are entitled to the Has in Laid Large II. GOLDSBROUGII, just t'tah NepM ; credit of being unselfish in their poGENERAL of Supply .Proprietor, U litical affilliations and therefore pa MERCHANDISE And TIio Liissouri Pscifio R'y triots of the highest order. The 2724. farming class may also be credited up Notice tor Publication. witb posses.sing a high dere of patriotIf you are going to Land Office at Salt Lake City. Utah ism, for it matters not which way they October 25th, 1895 Notice is hereby Riven that the vote, they continue to get the hot end Kansas City,' settler has filed notice of his intention of th political poker. In the .light of to make final commutation proof in support St. Louis, his claim, and that said proof will be made For the Coming Season, past and present conditions of the of Juab before the clerk of the Countv Courton ofDecemChicago, Utah, at Nephi city Utah, granger class its numbers deserve un- County, R 1895, viz: Frank L. Copening II. E. No. Pelts will be ber Meals and Bought 15 New for R. 3 ballots W. S. York, stinted praise for casting Tp. 11123, for the SW H Sec. He names the following witnesses to prove or either any party. and cultivation Furnished as Usual. Or anj- other his eontinuoias residence upon lor, T.Sul-T. Taj If the people will just put on their of said Melton land, viz: Nephi M. Alexander point East Bee that jOiu ticket read-- M. and Jennings, lor, of Taj of themselves and divest i , livan all Juab, Utah. thinking caps who desires to protest against person Any in to Tiie Missouri Pacific 1H blindness long enough partisan Black Rock, Millard Co., Utah. the allowance of such proof, or who knows of the and the law under of reason, any substantial Interior vestigate the Department, why regulations of the not Time an Superb a is Elegant Coaehep, Quick it will discover that be alloved, will be given Norte But Ayers at the worlds Fair. politics they such proof should line th.s Roabbe'l tlieTVopIes. time jnae opportunity at the above thementioned Route. garment with which the rich are tiyin an witnesses of Sarsaparilla enjoj's the exttra and place to Ayers and to oiler evidence in rebut- ordinary distinction of having been the to cover their selfishness and that the said claimant, submitted an exhibit at of tal that by claimant. only olood purifier claims of the manufac, Btbos Groo, Register. Manufactur0.35 p. m. Worlds the Chicago. Leave Ogden fair, 7 Oil p. in. ers of other sarsaparillas sought by every Leave Pnebio turers that they desire their countrys W. A. C. Bryan Atty for claimant. 5 15 p. in Kah-a- s a Arrive of to means obtain Citj their showing goods, ft 53 a. m. prosperity is a mass of the most partist. Louis. Arrive but they were all turned away under the 9:30 a m. Arrive san hypocrlcy. If the money power Chicago y thoen-trHot and c old ot the rule forbidding application of patent medicines and nostrums. that creates a panic at will and battons dicision o the WorldV fair authoriThe on the results of their unrighteous ties in favor of Ayers Sarsaparilla was e Forin effect as follows! Ayers Sarsaparil- Call Upon the nearest ticket aent or address' greed could be destroyed or its is not a patent medicine. It does not la t B, KOOSF.R,, nullified by the application of the Commercial reipl.t A Bass. Apt belong to the list of nostrums. It is here ' two) ejrils a Br.O.S.I-iosm-e 1895. North D,t. from kl anti No. 2 , Dailj 43 0 38 0 33 0 11 02iT 2.1.0 10.10a 9.45a io. r, lft 0 8 0 10 4fta 10.27a 9.25' 9.10a 8.42 8.15& Trains leave Mauti for Sterling, Funks Lake , and Morrison at3-0p. mfi Mondays, Wednes , days and Fi, days. Returning arrive at Manti at G.vJ p. in. j Direct connections at Nephi with Unlo Padific Railway from and to Salt Lake CitJV Ogden, Ruffe, Pioyo, Milford andTntermfdiftl points, and all pnfnte East and West. Stop on signal. The Company reserves the right to var rom this Tuno Table at pleasure. THEODOr.E I res. &Bkubacic, Geni Manrger, Balt Lake City. II. S. Kerr, Suptv A O.F. A p; Ageht, Mafif otf' 7 i |