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Show " lJt j-5BHaSnr IP s y VA- T"T cy vax 'tSb fr?'?L ii ., A tht M srf IPlea The sentence of death has been panad upon Durrant, the murderer of Blanche Has Lamout The date of the execution been fixed for February 21st, 1S3S. The Centennial Eureka Mining divideclared another doable Friday 000 or ft per share, bringing of dend f 30, the grand total to date up to 1, 40,000, Tmtic Miner. George Prince, one of the- oldest residents of Sandy, was found near his home about 6:30 yesterday morning in an unconscious condition . He lived only a short time after the discovery. He had by injured himself apparently iallen and ' the fall. Tribune, Dec. 2oth. Lehi Banner: The sugar company out on the 10th and 15th $50,001; paid000 for wages and f 10, 000 for beets. f 10, Tne company has a large number of teams hauling gravel from the bench above (o the factory to Dnt in the cattle corrals and it has quite a number of -- aot CREAM OF OUR EXCHANGES Territorial News, Culled and Condensed fer&lde Readers. there ara ;two million Irishmen in America who 'would want no better fun thin to help1 twist the Brittish lions tail. Salina Press. Postmaster Aldrich, says his hiost unusual caller was a cow, which dashed into office last week. Nothing for ber, was reported. -- Mt. Pleasant Pyrimid. t in Everybody Saliva' is discussing the There Are those who here WAp question. who mink that in event of trouble With Urfat Britain Sailna woulcj be at the and meircy of the enemy. war-shiwould come down, the Sevier snuthe-feenfivpr and blow the town into nd s I A.jJftWHq , I 9-la- Nephi Her Resources, Advantages Attraction. and R: st -- j (earns working on the reservoir. Ao accident which may ha.va resulted Geographically, Ncplii City is situat-x- al most in tins center of Utah. Its Intent natural resoitrces are practically unlimited. Its active resources consist (11 of Agriculture; (2) of Horticulture; 3) of the Sheep industry and (4) of minerals. To the North, West and South is a large area of as fine agricultural lands as can be found in Utah. Abundant crops of cereals and alfalfa bless the labors of the To the North, thousands of acres of natural meadow, watered by large springs, carpet. The spread out like a great emerald Nephi are unexcelled vegetable gardens of and that of its contiguin the west. Its fruit ous tpwns, is as perfect as can be grown in this latitude. In order to illustrate what can be accomplished here with bees, it is only necessary to state that a Nephi farmer last season, shipped 8,7tX pounds of fine honey, and the apiary is merely an adjunct to his farm. The wool industry of this locality, is one of and is such as to demand the largest in Utah, attention of two wealthy firms and large warehouses for the storing and handling of the product. A cpuple of miles east of the city, and near the mouth of Salt Creek Canyon, is a veritable mountain of pure orystalized gypsum. Convenient to the quarry, is a complete mill for is grinding and refining the pioduct which shipped to the300 n being continuously tons last states of the Pacific Coast, month being the output. Up Salt Creek canyon and north easterly ubout nine miles, pure salt springs gusli from the mountain side, and by means of one of the most complete salt manufactories in the United States, the brine is converted into table, and packing salt that has but few equals dairy and no superiors in the world. The brine is and the supply practically 35 per cent. Im addition to the manufactured unlimited. sl( product, there are several mines or quarries of rock salt, fihe extent of which cannot be computed. As a distributing point, Nephi recognizes but one superior in Utah. It is the key to Southern Utah, and with the advantage of two railroads stretching out to the east and south, furnishes,- svlthoulquestion, the best point in Utah fcp- the establishment of manufactories and ijvholesale houses. The attractions of Nephi as a residerce town, are unique in their variety. It is situated on almost the highest portion of the divide that (urnq the flow of waters north into Into the Sevier rivUtah lake and south-war- d er, thence onward to (he Sevier lqke the dead sea of Millord County. Its altitude, "gravelly soil and perfect drainage insure the best of health, in fact, the conditions . are such, that in but two cases of diptheria haveof occurred five years among a population nearly 3,000. Its citizens are thrifty and progressive. The wide streets and avenues of large shade trees, and elegant cosey cottages, beautiful lawns modern public" buildings, make of Nephi a is a real luxury. placeis in which life with a complete system of water-wIt supplied orks along which flows the water from pure springs distant some three miles up the canyon. To the wes( about five miles, the mountain range is low, rolling and of easy access, and abounding with rich pasturage. To the east a couple of miles, the Nebo range rises, to the north east a few miles abrubtly rises into the regions of the top of.Mt. Nebo eternal snow, Without exageration and without coloring, the foregoing is a description of the lovely city of Nephi, the Capital of Juab County in which are found the mines of Tintic, the wonder .and admiration of the Greqt West. Besides Tintic, the rich mines of Fish Springs, a and portion of Deep Creek and otherin wealthy the Western Growing camps ar situated part of Juab County. . is a directory of Nephis business Following : i Mrs. A. G. .Smoot ts - ps cut.-r-Pro- vo or Acting-Govern- ' l ' ' one-rrbo- thi ; Mc-Folland- er Is all It takes for Years SECURE THIS e -- here-Afte- r. slowly-mo- ving r t ri I COURSE ! j t. ht Cu ; To advertise our wo will give a thorough course ofCollage instruction in Double and Single Entry and Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at Book-keepin- i ' ZS 1 g uIug! nor; One Fourth Regular Price I r" - d I Is tho L lADiiig a limited number of This course will be completed persons. in 40 lessons. No charge for diplomas. Addrcbs, HI to Subscription to A Hack M( cts All Trains. J'tvc to XhitroriD, Two Sam file Booing. Nearest to Busin ss Centre (f1APITAL GldilHERCIAIi Y7ITY College 11G TV'cst Sixth fitrecj;. - - TOPHIyA, m;s. c. it. 1iEiN ggyaBBBE JTi, JlZrJ adnsRTOk nlza iwLwi eriaBMssiaBXj r 'mdam If you are going to range your sheep west of Write immediately tq the IflNCKLEY For prices on grain. Bottom Figures. CO-O- footb, Proprietor. KANSAS. De'f-ere- t P Supplies a Specialty. Sheep-meq- s Four miles from Qrisis station, wr? ' - i I inter-mountai- 3. hi ft Mr tms-bandme- n. worse than it didt happened Baaday to and Mrs. William jr.,a drive out to Shertook Tuey Strong. iff John A- Browns residence, and when the horse fell into a driving in the yard well which had been dug and left uncovSafina Pres3. ered. The harness and buggy kept him from going to the bottom, until assistre ara note tbit1 S. L. Ad ance pamo planed tocourse and got it Enquirof erection, a. er. pms has in the enter-an Shop; Fohndry and Machine Last Saturday, in presence Qf prise that has long been .needed in this and Mr.' Bienards, the triple tie for a Isa Adams thorough vicinity. We trust he will Councilmanic seat in Ephraim City was and vyorkman, grictical when the establish- decided by lot. Judge Henderson reprement is ready for business.-- - St. George senting & A. Larsen, Deunis Ct Eicenor Chas. Whitlock,, and, Dewey Richards Union,' , Erastus Wiliardsqn. Judge Henderson The output of the several properties drew the prize for Mr. Larsen.' Thjs repained for the past week was as follows: sult gives the Democrats three J a the Ceiitennial-Eurek- a 12 carloada of or6, Ephraim Council and the Republicans Sionx 10 two. All tis are now decided, and withAjJ.x6cars, -Mammoth'5 cars, mill 5 cars in a few days all commissions VfBl be in 25 and cars Beck Bullionparjs. Concentrates, Carisa. 2 cars, hforth iStar 2 the bands Q f the officers-elee- t. park. Tne Dragon Iron mine continues Tfie editors lot is a very happy one and phijipiqg its usual quota of fibont three at one and the Edreka Democrat. yet miserable pars daily same time. Hs pathway i3 strewn with , Ljars Myrup has returned frorp Monroe roses one day, and with thorns the next. where he has been assisting1 the people One day he is highly pleased at the result jn perfecting their plans for a reservoir. of his labors, the uaxt, perhaps, is but Th reservoir is located at the head of the sad disapointment. He .issues his paper east fork of the Sevier River, and will be today and same one pats him on the fivd miles long with aa average width of back and Bays, Hheres a noble fellow. 13a 'miles. . The dam will be a short one Another calls blip a hateful thing and and will be 20 feet high, Enough water wants to brain him with a club. And pan be stort d to water from ,5,00Q to 10,000 so the business goes on forever. 'Oh, Sentinel-acres of ia.d.-jTh- e yes, the country (newspaper busiues is a daisy J but with all her, faults we love We oalled op1 Aqsou P. Wiasor, o this her none the les3. -- ?Manti Messenger. .pity, the other day apd found him shellTribune; William ing, a iokof peanuts. He informs us that Thursdays on was run over by a of Stockton well will if here grow planted peanuts pandy loam, in order to give the seed switch engine at the Union depot last fibers a chance to penetrate the ground, evening. It is thought that he was unthis climate being admirably adapted to der the influence of liquor, as he was ly, their growth. ' We-arpleased to see this ing oq the track when No. 5 pulled in pew industry taking a start and' we shall and the engineer had to sto'pthe train tq out him oE. Shortly afterwards he got have more to say on this'Spbjeot on the track again in another part of the St. George Union and was ran down by switch enyards, Mattison this week disposed, of gine ffo. 1107- - The saw him and Jjmas 20 head of steers, the average applied the brakes. engineer The man staggered 1,106B as if to get out qf the way, but the weight of the animals being pounds. They were fattened cm lucerne knocked him down and and bran and were the sleekest lot of cat- ran over oneengiue One finger was cat hustlers hand. tle ever shipped from this point. John off, and he was badly braised about the C. ANDREWS & CO., JBafnard bought them for the Silt Lake body, but not The seriously injured. Dealers in Wool, Grain etc. Meat Company and shipped up to Zion crew lif UTAH WOOL the and at once, stopped engine GROWERS ASSOCIATION, oni Tuesday, where,; they will make ted McFolJander from the track. Assi3-' E. R. Booth, Manager. Christmas beef for the denizens of that tance was summoned, and he was taken HOUSE, bi$ Settlement. The price paid was $245 to the house of his brotner-iq-ia701 NEPHI Mrs.'E. Golds orough, propr. Galina Press. hundred pbnnds. South West Temple, where he received A. W. PALMER, peij of ore has R. proper medical attention. struck Rilev, Goshep, Wagon and Carriage Shop. General in j.the foothills in. that locality. The lore ' is in an iron stained quartz, assays as . NEPHI LIVERY STABLE, as ounces to the ton. in Downs high twenty OUR LAW MAKERS, gold Jno. R. propr. Mrl Riley is oLthe opinion that his new UNION HOTEL, Names-othe State Legislature. The find is on the same ore belt as that on Mrs. C. R. Foote, propr. Senate Stands 12 to 6 and the House wlpeh the noted Sioux and Utah mines GAZETTE SALOON, ard located, in the Tintic district. The v31to 14 Both Republican. J. W. Hartley, propr. controverts the theories of disbovery The following is the list of Legisla- - M. McCUNE,and many mining men who maintained that . Confectionary. Bakery thef ore zone did not extend to the foot- tors elected to the first State Legisla Y & McNALL LUNT, hills of Goshen Sait Lake Herald. tuie, according to the official canvass. Druggists We are informed that a meeting of the Cut it out for furtbur reference: COOPER, PYi?ER & CO. SENATE. Tin vie Silver League will be called at an Dealers in Hardware, Tinners and Plumb-ers- . in new A date the a and that early year Zundcll, GOLDEN EAGLE SALOON, silver society of considerable di.mentions N Warruui, Jr. Blackett Bros. Proprs. Dealers in Wines, will likely be the result. The Democrat R J Barnes, Is glid to hear this and trusts that' all Liquors etc. I) McKay, M. P. KONG, officers and members of the League will R C Chambers, to the oall and pnt their shouldCajbinet and Coffin Maker. G M Cannon ; ers fo the wheel m the great cause of free OSTLER & ALLEN, Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles II E Booth, fCVfer, sixteen to on. President Pike and dealers iu all kinds of horte furnishing: n .cl Srcretary (Nelsoa G Miller, cannot issue the goods. tali- too soon, for active work must be Ceorgo Sutherland A. V. HAGUE, tb- signal m every mining camp id the E B Jones . Batchey. v a. The Lor 1 helps those who help M M Warner M. STOUT, themselves. If we want tree silver1 we A J Evans Repairer of Boat-- and Shoes. to it. work Eureka get juoft CHAS, FOOTE SONS Driscoll P J ., tenderfoot drifted Dealeis in General Merchandise. Info carao the W D Gaud land of!,i r day and went to work for Bishop COOPERATIVE , MERCANTILE INNEPHI J T Chides ter STITUTION. on E II Snow Duet. They showed him how T.II. G. Partes, KuptJ the(Gold R G Miller to thaw powder by heating a shovel, W. H, PUT TEG EE W, Democrats 6 MaiHUaetn r of and dealer iin Harness Republicans 12. placing a laver ofonearth thereon and the powder This name is doubtful. A contest it. Af ter a time he Saddles, and supplies. had, occasion to tuaw soma rsowder, heat-- t now on may seat T. R- - Cutler, Repub- JNO, S PAINTER, the shovel red hot and, 'dispensing en- lican! ,DeaW in General and green Groceries. with the earth, placed the powder ORD BROTHERS CLO THING CO, tirely KEPRESENT ATI VES. co a shovel ten sticks in a bunch. Ttm Dealers, in Clothing u,ud Geut's furnishings poiVdor didnt do a thing only go off OSTLER & OCEEY, ' helors :e wa3 ten feet away. Stiange to Butchers. h t;, j; he tenderfoot didn't H. H. HA WHINS, get a scratch, though tha concussion jarred the hat Bqaydiug House and Restanrattt from his head. But the contractors are J. M. p. OSTLER, Boot and Snoe maker. inijfjus a shovel. Mercur Mercury. ' II. & COMPANY, THILL i bout 1 olook n. m. Wedoe-da- v Mr. Merchant Tailor.. Au Mrs. James V. Provost of Midway FRANCIS SELLS, r ofived the sad intelligence of the fatal Furniture and undertaking. in (irv of their son Charles which had BIECHALL& OSTLER, at the Crescent mine, near Park Clothing dealers, Citv, an hour and a half previous. The NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. u ifortunate son was employed at the A. Cazi r, Bupt. as stoper and he and his partner, EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO.l Jviin O'llagan, had just fired a round of Dealers m General Jamef erduiudme, shots which displaced tha timbers in the W. Pax man, Supt tu!r. In replacing the loosened frame PEXTON & CHASE Ihd loosened rock and ore gave way causBlacksmi thing ing vnveral tons of ore to fall upon the KNOWLES & WEBB, two men. Ollagan was killed almost AVheel Wrights. irmtintly while Prevost lingered until & WHITMORE, HYDE lvh0 Wednesday night when he died also General Merchandise. fro in the effects of the cave in, Wasatch GEORGE HARDY, Wave. Bout and shoe Maker. n. A. Walley, Wallace .W. BELLI STOX, THOS. of Wiley, Agt. Mt. Pleasant Marble Works. Bountiful, Ilyrutn Beck, a son of John BIRD & BOOTH, Ickof Salt Lake and Harry Joseuh, Dentists. surveyor, came in Tuesday. Mr. valley wll start a force of 60 or iCQ men to work on the asnhltum claims on the south side cf i.be valley today. Mr., Beck, the new Notice to Sheep-Memanager is a young man 'and if he follows in the footsteps of his father has a Sheep-mewill find It very convenibrilliant oppirtucity as manager of tbe-ent and profitable to take With them to valuable aphaltum claims to develop oue of Uintah countys richest resources. the winter range copies of the law of 1894 In an interview with Mr. Waliey he relalive to diseases of sheep and the duties of Inspectors. To meet that want a stated that a large sum of money would be expended bv them in making a better number of copies of the law have been road over the divida on the ridge where struck off at this office and Will be sold at their claims are located. This will be aplqceats each. Call early. preciated by thP people of this valley very much ospmially those who haul much produce to the post and agencies. Vernal Express. Scientific Amerit Record says: Although been a particularly lively gear among the mines of Park City, and Rhila the railroads have complained of lack freights, and the merchants of dull Republican, 31. Democrats, 14 times, there has been mined and shipped Those three names are doubtfuls, nom thee imp toidate, ores including contests now pending may seat J F Crescent shipments, to thb amount of Grant Simons and John C. to reduced Bringhurst, ton3, gives pounds; CAVrATS, all ore on oyer 42,152 short tons. The rate Graham, Rfipuhlicans. THAD2 MARI'S, CLSICM PATEHTS, iron. P irk Ci ty to Denver is 7 per ton, nd to Balt Lake 2; hence, crcsidering COPYRIGHTS, er mrormatln and free Handbook wrl te etc. to th manner ia which ore is divided, an Rates. Holiday .BILAN & CO., 06 Broadway, New Vop.ic. average figure would bo 3 per ton on all Ouiefet bureau for securing in America. L very patent taken out by uspatents The Union Pacific Ity will make an rock handle 1. That would gn 3 the railis brought before a notice puhue by oven rate of one fire for the round trip to roads a bust given free of charge iu the amounting to ,,277,512 on one el s of freight a on within Its distance all nothto system points sty alon, of the c jul. limbered and ot 2 13 miles from selling office on account ing machinery nerchandise of all k i n d s that of Christmas and New Years Holidays, to make go Largest crrculattn cf any scjenUfie pnner fn the a mining Selling rates Doc. 21, 25, 31 st and Jany. up tho c- ir, appli.-far uorid. splendidly illastrated, No intGli ent m p. 1 o dull t ITU should be without Jr. Wppiclv man il 6ih Jbk. Fin Limit Jan. .r th let Cju 1.50 six Jd months. Address, UNN k Co year: roa.i Oiio, hQilnT A E, D. Wicxins, Agt. i'tiiLicHiiiis, HoX B,uw Gun-boa- to Loan. In any amount Irom one hundred to teu thousand dollars. On improvtd farm water Ftock. proptyT.orC.onWlNN, County liocortLr. gBpsrintenfft r THOSE AFPgoTED WITH E3 . i , 1 w, ; ; , , i ; Of Black-smithin- , the. Kidneys, ( . f Enlargement of tho Prostrate Gland, Mot t ? i Stone in The Bladder, . ; - , Or any kind of Urinal troubles, ! Can secure immediate, And a permanent cure by using the t t i re.-pon- d i ffr. (Q The j i "teas j - r" iy i pvi mu 7? ' j t -- nC iw 1 ; rr' k 4 i , a put-V.o- it ishevp-Moil- s T1 V't 1 i or sale iiy liio -- SMITH DRUG 00. r- - (General Agents,) , I SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. , 1 ; oc-cuir- ed ! t i -- The specific and universal opinions, condensed, are as follows: You deserve great praise, and the gratitude of the reading world that portion of it, at Jenst, that is fortunate enough to read THE GUiEAT DIVIDE. Having a field entirely its own, it is intensely American in cast and character. It is useless for us to say, the illustrative features and typography are superb equal in unusualness to the fascinating and quality and Strange contents that fill our columns. TEN CENTS a copy; ONE DOLLAK & year, Tour newsdealer has it. If not, send to . m THE GREAT DIVIDE, Denver,!. Has been tested for more than five years in the case;, and. there has not been a case of failure recorded against the wattr. above-name- d i THE' . a f - 'fvk' w tr - 4 c V I j f J . 4,1 1 -- t JL fcji, I $G v n tVi '5 f r i 'J IT HAS CURED II! EVERY IflSTARCE. ! V HAiLWAYJ ?y, . -iij J Hit V j s s W . n. H . - Gv i-- 2 T- - .7 r Ja vv 5 itv ; -- 1. t. ? V . a imunli&zi f k W N cf Throe Distinct Routes Ch i AND THC ?A5Ei?IDFwT' lUHEDAD SCEKEBi 'Z'L 'I i n F nr; tbi 2rfir;if r V-'- ia.j tains Bail,? rnimcN OCON? SALT LAKS AND COiVER- - cr; n KJ tit. v.-- r wttj. til - U-r-y r Broadway, n VorkCity. '"--v- f L r . 1 ti ) b i 3 car's e. 1 -- 1 , -- -- case of Bright's Disease that had been prouounced incurable by leading: phybicians, was cured in ies than three months by the use of deserIet LITIIIA WATER and the patient is,now persuing his regular employment. During pregnancy, and Chronic Constipation, the Ladies will find in tne DESERET LITIIIA WATER au invaluable remedy. It Is a home water. Free from Sulphur, Absolutely fcoft, Ihire and Tajteless-Free from even a trace of Lime and is a product of Deseret, Millard County, Utah. A n e 92,-737,1- 03 Litiiia WatiIr PR CBrnt-ct.o.'- c in Dnlan Depots Scr ij. Ll I IZt. e, X J i II. BABCOCK, General Mangaer. Trade JIanager. F. A. WADLEIGII, Genl. Tass. Agent D. C. DODGE, Address all correspondence to 'he SitlkL Salt Lake City, Utah. Genl Agents for the DESERET LITIIIA WATER COMPANY. C. P. OIkL3:istio-fin.se-a EXPERT WJLTClIm A KER , and JEWELER . but will guarantee it to keep time, of full A will refund your money. supply of Watches, Clocks and Jejwe Orders from the country solicited. Close at Figures. I will not only warrant your watch to run, Organs and Pianos Tuned and Repaired; Main Street, NejU |