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Show May Yld Cat Iig. 'f HIM K A4 l;IAL IIS Finn Christensen, Beverly Brian Drllart, Mary Xcilsen, Bun-u- Linda Hansen, Dick Thomas. Diane Hills, Paul Denham li My te harned life's lemons well. Finn Christensen, sell, to be honest to my readers, took ten names ad-nnu- ng - out ol tile hat and aimed upon Fate-- fade into memory. (Mom lompnnion.ship is severed. An the following: To set a linn foundation light (ia is ended, complete. Paths lead into different fields. Care-fie- e at first, I'll talk about Jen ihallenges are swept away in the well of expanding I guess that trip to Loas c pel ienee. New horizons face the dawn of another day. Some twasnt that it Jeri?) iust did will rise to optimum heights of success. something for her. In Jeii, we tind one of those strange people New worlds open. Great is the challenge. The victor will com- that just cant get enough of B.Y.s Can ells. Shes coming back mand the spoil. to summer school! I sine hope she enjoys heiself. Eir-mag- j e. Hi-Sp- ) Hairy Legs Have it! B.Y. merely one. Fiom the knowledge of others have many received a greater knowledge. They who have a greater knowledge ha e taught those who would learn and they hae helped the w illing to achieve. ot er Who is the ideal student at High? There is none! No one student possesses all the chaiacteristics of a perfect student. Instead each student has characteristics which set him apat t fiom the lest. With the help of mtoi ested students we hae compiled a comYet. one cannot take all the credit for his achievements posite pictuie of the ideal stubecause achievement doesnt come through the endeavors of dent. The benefits of time lie in the use made of it. The char-a- c tors of person present are a result, in part, of the past. Opportunities are not only for a few, but avail themselves to everyone. He who will work and fulfill his capacity, achieves fiom opportunity and finds more. A persons achievement intellectually, physically, and spiritually is a result of his actions or lack of actions in the experiences of the past. I undei stand, is going to go to church tin-- summer in hopes that the Bishop might send him to the Woilds By Jed Christensen Fair so he can get his name Next we hae Diane Hills, who crossed off the roll book. No, I'm works all night at the Orem just kidding. Finns a 100 peuent (she owes me ten bucks attendee. for this, unpaid political anDeHart, as Carolyn Paxman afso she can buy a nouncement uniform toi next fectionately calls him, along with new eating and sleeping, (so he wont year. I hope it fits Diane. Then theres the girl who's not be little all his life! is going to sum-Ime- r get married. . . err ahh, on to the going to do anything this except go to Rexburg, Idaho next subject. land to Minnesota; then get sun-- ' I didnt get to talk too long to tanned, and peroxide her hair Mary Nielsen, but she tells ire green. Beverly Burrup, stand up she has accepted an oppmtunity there and take a bow. to give her song and iambic tonI hae an unfortunate an- tine to Lyndon B. Johnson when nouncement to make. It seems he attends the Worlds Fan. m that Dick Thomas is slowly re- was it the Boy Scout convention covering from a seveie sunburn Well good luck, wheievei it m on his chin. Get well soon Dick. Also, best of luck with any marital plans you might have. Linda Hansen told rne she doesn't know exactly what shes going to do this summer after she gets home from Disneyland, where she will be on exhibit . . . ed attention See ou next not really, not really. , Gone are the hours, the days and the weeks of these past nine months. They have been lived by a person, a school, a town, and a world. All have lived and now march on never to pass this way again. Nevertheless, each has changed, each has received something from the past, and many are better equipped for the road ahead because of the past experience. 1902 DyUl liiiiiiiMiiiiitiri''iiiTiiM"l,1l Jeri Firmage, Paul Evans, 23. i The Girl Seniors Voo-do- o Thioughout the yeais seniors 'period, that a membci o! i1 g tiied many ways ol .class had a woiking know 1m science. Aitei s, their last year successful- of a voo-do- o been planD n had week students ly. Last year pickle jeral sewed as a lucrative pioject to der hypnotic spells to in In supply funds for a senior trip amazing feats, it was noted t1 after graduation. It seems every this pt act ice might haw a pm! giaduating class has endeavored cal application. Membeis ot to make their graduation unique jtiack team were put undei n and oiiginal. This year the un- skilled hypnotists's povvei dm usual class of f2 has not only weie told that thov would i .been eonfionted with plans for in the coming track meet. "Li after graduation activities, but it athletic expel iment was cub seems that plans for individual foi (runner for the gieat pi.1 success tow aid graduation has matic plan to come the sni been a major problem. Since had found the amwei thoie aie quite a number of sen-io- i In the demonsti atmn dm s whose chances for excellence class, subjects weie able to m 'aie quite shady, the class has re- the past with phenommai an" sulted to a rather unorthodox acy, even as lar back as D,.' means of salvation. hood. With this as pi oof of a It was found during a very' in- pendable means for ice dl to esting and enlightening class facts, certain seniois decideu study for finals undei this mil cnee. If any of you futuie s, nm need assistance tow aid giam1 Semm tion contact a "Voo-doPal Stewart it might avail. Janet Peterson Pam Hoover Caiolyn Paxman Helen Gaidnoi Maty Ellen xetei son Mama Ann Nelson Alisy n Webb Claudia Coleman Ruth Ilallulay Sally Joyce Calder Chcivl Ann Doughty Claudia Portei Linda Hansen Helen Flee Rosie Gaidnei Collette Andeison Manly n Jacobs Beveily Redd Judy Hansen Marie Kell Kaye Childs Joan Nicholes Karen Tavlor .Till Eastmond Maty Ellen Stewart Sharleen Stone Claudia Keeler With each who has gained knowledge who has taken ad outage of his opportunities goes the influence and the wisdom of they who taught. A person achieves, lie finds success. but not alone. Shoes Clothes Smile Complexion Sh ness haw com-qiletm- i -- ! t mkCat Boy o Editor-m-Chi- I lair Ey Ev Suntan lotion, peeling noses and tuna fish sandwiches mark the members of the Sun Worshipers. Jeny Rowan George Taylor Tom Schaerrer Steve Grow David Beck Paul Felt clashes (brows Eyes Ears . Nose Teeth Sun Club Reactivated Perhaps you have heard of the recent reactiv iation of the B.Y. High hranch of the Sun Worshippers. It seems that every spring from about the middle of April until the close of school B.Y. Highs dormant sun worshippers club comes alive with gieat activity. With the senior members of the club graduating there are al- -' ways the new seventh graders ready, willing, and able to take their place. Initiations consist of getting sunburned during the first sunny noon hour of the year. Requirements alter initiation are that you bring a lunch each day and have plenty of suntan lotion, not only for yourself but for the senior members of the club. The meetings of t'no club are at noon and during Mventh period As vou might verv well have David Clark Jan Henderson John Peterson Chin Beard Voice Paul Evans Jim Kirkman Lips Arms .. Dick Thomas Hands . Paul Denham Kent Bunker Legs Ankles .. Phil Sw'ensen Feet Joe Clark .. Lee Kimball Dimples Freckles Rand Packer Blush Randy Kimball Laugh Emery Smith Sense of Humor Paul Van Wagenen John Paxman PersonalityPep Ray Ash Poise Peterson Brains Fred McIntosh Shoes Jed Christensen Clothes Jim Clark Smile Francis Rogers Brv ant Christensen Shyness . guessed, parliamentary procedure doesn't lule these meetings and members are spread all over the campus lawns. Because at one time or another all students have participated in the club's activities, the officers realized that it was growing too large for one branch, so they divided the club into two branches one the Education Building lawn branch and the other the Arts Building lawn branch. The club has recently had a conference and announced that its major objective was to give every member an equal opportunity to gain a tan. However, if within a period of two weeks at the end of school, if a membei doesnt have a tan he will be banned to the elementary play This ground So vou white members joke. better start doin. some home work on that tan. . Maiy Ellen Stewart Helen Free Feature Euitors Janice Gei ber. Ann Simmons Society Editoi Cheryl Ann Doughty Paul Van Wagenen Sports Editor Lee Kimball Copy Editor Pat Steuait Business Editors Gene Faux. Janet Peterson, Jan Sjlvester, Jamie Chandler Reporters Reid Acord, Mary Babcock. Beverly Burrup. Claudia Coleman. Paul Denham. Gene Faux, Judy Yorgason Advisor . . Addie Jean Fuhnman GIFT i t f HEADQUARTERS i' i' 26 West Center here the Finest in Flowers is Always So Reasonable Christians sris Tloral For Your . - . For Your A . t ANITA SHOP News Editor 1 47 Graduation Flowers North University Ave. Provo, I'tal (Copy (Cttt Duplicating and Print Shop is a 155 North 100 East - Provo, Utah FR |