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Show Caduaton themes: on wuu Seniors Accept Exodus Invitation 'I'lic end is in sight. In a s tint', cl time tlic closing moment-will have been lived. Iraduating seniois will be through with other vear of sehool, but 1h 01 e thev go there aie still hectic mofiac-ifoim- - ments whu h they inmt .diare. Giaduation is th main word, but that which has led to the Ultimate goal is even larger semester tests. For every class there have been last minute reviews in an el tort to recall what was learned previously. The reward for this work has been two hour UNITI it audience as to which tudenK ai tied seholai ships, led then ela and or 'yarned mdivi-an- dual recognition lor and in tile various achievement, lields. Public eeoyp.it ion loi in knowledge and talents is earned pay lor the extra -- effort. From this hour, 62 tired stu-- ! dents will spend the rest of the morning in preparation for walk-- , liny svstmatically to their appointed seats on a platform. That niyht. May 23, 19li2, will be their of diour After this they long tests. With this behind, the will no spotliyht.be classified as longer tommy events look very simple. seniors of Briyham Youny Iliyh One of the most trying times School. will be to listen anxiously for the Whats in store for them after announcement of award winners. the ceremony? A reception, given Once a Near the sehool honors bv the future twelfth grade stusuperior students by presenting dents is planned to be held m the an assembly. This assembly m- - ballroom behind the auddorium. Administrators Teachers to Leave B.Y. High STETIMUS 5STOLHM southern Briyham Youny Iliyh School May 23, 1962 At this time both the graduates Their adjourning token will be a and their parents will be honoied. stomach ache caused by last minThis will be ute cramming fed upon by a sociation for large quantity of food. entirity. This is not enough, however. A mid-nigsupper at Grandview Cafe will turn weary group to thoughts of home and comfort. After six years of )aymy they will receive this departing gesture without cost. ht IMnfeow fesBameat which sal piMIcity f Yol. If), No. 9 Seminary Announces There is the remaining last fling at Saratoga. Boating, water skiing, swimming, and game playing will lend themselves to the enjoyment ot a graduated group of Graduates students. Held at the Provo 13th Chapel May 20th, was the Seminary Graduation. This was the largest graduating class. The main speaker was Ivan Barrett. Student speakers were Karen Taylor and George 'Pay lor. A reception was held at the conclusion of the exercises to honor the graduates and the 4th year on Sunday, this lopMM Imt Mt.th hrrt&rr jNdbo TT' y lor tho fitted; With the closing of each school year a group of seniors look for the last time on the walls of dear ,old B.Y. High. But, of course, we Vnust consider the leaders we will be.. losing this year as some of the members of our faculty leave us. students. Graduating were: Hans V. derson, Ray L. Ashby, Judy his- tory teacher, will be leaving us to accept a new assignment in California. We owe him much for his help in making history come alive in his classes and also for his help in making the trip to Model U.N. a success. the leader and inband will be our spiration of for us the upper campus. leaving We extend to him our thanks for With expressions of satisfacan outstanding band all the years tion written on their faces the he has been here. We hope he seniors of 62 take their leave to us will not forget to return . . the patriotic approach of Kent once in a while. as he salutes the future Bunker Mr. Hansen will be directing . the school in the neighboring . . the I dare you to flunk me town. We express our sincerest attitude of David Dixon . . . the wishes for as much success in Gleem" smile of approval of this new position as he had in the Ray . . . the shy, downcast glance one he holds here. of Fred McIntosh as he makes a Mr. Arnold, or Coach as most final search for his vanilla bottle of us know him, is leaving us to . . . the I told you I would make Ore- it defiance of Lee Kimball . . . help out the University of gon next year. We can truthfully the satisfied smile of Helen Free, say we are proud of his efforts on The class of 62 is fuU of hope our behalf and for taking us to all him wish We state this year. the luck in the world. Mr. Mason, . Mr. Christensen, the art teach- er. will be leaving us to help some other art department advance and progress as he has done for ours in the short stay he has had here. Miss Berry, our librarian, is leaving us this year to spend her time exploring other libraries to see how they tick. Last, but not least, is Mr. Porter. He will be leaving us to further his studies for the next two years to really earn the title of doctor that everyone has given him. He has really helped our studentbody solve many problems and we hope he will return. Jill Eastmond, Sharon Ecklcs, Gene Faux, Paul Felt, Jeri Firm-agHelen Free, Jerry Gagon, Janice Gerber, Steven Grow, Judy Hansen, Linda Hansen, Diane Hills Bob Huish, Hal Hullinger, Judy John, Mary Ann Larsen, Teddy Lee, Silvia McAffee, David Mitchell, David Orchard, John Paxman, David Payne, Janet Peterson, Join Peterson, George Pierpont, Claudia Porter, Beverly Redd, Mary Lynn Robertson, Francis Rogers, David Schimmer, Merlene Shaw, Eileen Sheffield, Edward Short, Craig Smith, Em-- i cry Smith, Mary Ellen Stewart, Pat Stewart, Phil Swensen, Jan viv .v,' v Sylvester, George Taylor, Karen Dick Thomas, Lynne . . . the cameras Taylor, the pass by Peter Van Orman, Paul the walks of life . . . school . Van Wagenen, Myron Walker, to make room for the next smiles, Irene Washburn, Verdun Watts, looks, salutes, glances . . and so Alisyn Webb, John Webb, Neal Whiteford, Sharlene W o s e y, they go. Brenton Yorgason, and Brian Zemp. e, Dr. Belt, our most able and competent administrator, will also be missed around here. As a school we owe much to this mans drive and desire to get the job done and get it done right. our capable Bar- ker, David Beck, Les Brown, Beverly Burrup, Sally Joyce Calder, Finn Christensen, Jed Christensen, David Clark, Jim Clark, Joe Clark, Stephen Clark, Claudia Coleman, Craig Cooper, Peggy Crockett, JoAnne Curtis, Paul Denham, Hansord Denys, David Dixon. Among those leaving will be Dr. Crnkovic, our administratoi whose efforts in school curriculum and the continuous progress school have been greatly appreciated. I)r. Crnkovic will be working with the College of Education, specializing in the instruction of prospective teachers in the continuous progress school. Mr. Anderson, An- P make it in the I dare you to lure look of Neal the smiles of Paul Felt and Steve Thompson, thinking they cant be seen with their . . the exuberant glasses on smiles of Jill Eastmond and Marie Tyler, proving the way to success is to be the first in line . do you . . . the Ah, go on to us smile approach really want of Judy Yorgason . and so they . h, . 1 The fourth year students were: Reid Acord, Susan Bankhead, Kent Bunker, Kaye Childs, Bryant Christensen, DeAnn Croft, David Dills, Cheryl Ann Doughty, Jan bullrushes. Henderson, Shelia Hartley, Marie Kelly, Lee Kimball, Kris Knud-seJohn Matson, Fred Mcln-Itoshope that they really will graduate and hope for the future Joan Nicholes, Mary Ellen Peterson, Alan Rawlings, Stephen Thompson and Marie Tyler. Charla Kolander and Ralph Woodward were given special The front page of a paper is helped others to graduate, will be ing about what he accomplished certificates of achievement, yesterday hasn't done much suposed to contain facts. Here appropriate: Coach i: Do day. are facts about the present senior Frank Arnold brings his poem; the shepherd W. E. Allred Physical Science the lamb; the sailor, coral and class. There are 66 graduates, .. .Ivvhat is right when no one is To Whom It May Concern: Re- - shells; the girl, a handkerchief girls, .... boys. They have all been looking. I 3 member that an acorn may be- - of her own sewing. Thanks Whiteford e to school for June English years during a scrub oak or a giant of iors, for your gifts, which they have encountered at hope the senior class continues least seven and maybe a hundred growing as scholars and as hu- - the forest -- but it can never be a Fred Webb (Chorus man beings as much in the next maple, So whatever you do, be you, but please graduate. teachers. Addie Jean Fuhriman (EngThey are all facing a future in four years as they have in the yourself. Jim Mason (Band): My advise lish): Excellence dwells within which school is not required. past four years. I love you all. what- the rocks . . . hardly accessible Lowell D. Thomson (Math): to our departing seniors They are glad they are graduatdo as as to well will ever of classi the know what do, pos- and man may nearly wear out his you Congratulations ing. They they miss but plan for greater things. 1962. You have many things to sible. heart to reach her . . . coupled Donna Turley (Guidance): Em- with Give yourself wholly until Because the future is uncertain, look forward to, and you can take The only gift is a portion jyou fall motionless in the final perhaps soipe advice from those pride in your accomplishments. erson who have graduated and have However, He who is still think of thyself; therefore the poet moment. . . from Martinez. . . Where is high finance mentioned in the Bible? When Pharoahs daughter took a little profit out of the . n, h, Pedagogues Pedantry Prevails ' t i 11-1- i : sen-com- |