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Show rage 4, 1952 April Yld Cat 1 Nine Shine by Paul Denham Power? Speed? Ease? These On the l mi,' scene,1 I would In si nobody, is Chamberlain. in comment cm the tight 1 better than Wilt be-twe- e t n Benny Patet and Emile (hillilli Pmets condition is not Tiue, Russell holds Chamber-laito 40 points while they plav, due, m mv opinion, to caieless-tic--'- Chamberlain holds Russell to Ihc icdeiee oi to Old b 30. Chamberlain under seotes over '1 he J h teleiee, Ruby Oold a 1 5 a minute points per point item, has lofeieed many fights game; Scores 100 points m a and lia-- - a lot ot epei idle e. It t sets an all time has d ten been said that he is singletorgame; saces. and rebounds, tips even too last to stop fights. Then All the while Russel scores weie many reasons lor not stop- 30 a comes down game, points a ping this one. Fust, this was one less and with thud lebounds Championship light, and the aie I the cant trophy. figuie it as wins liked to go oi lisualls out Chambetlain: you bettei long as possible Second, Paiet is stmt fi some iends. making a deceptive fightei. and he will I be mac changing my mind. I otten fake an mui to get his w change the finish ot the Amopponent oil guatel Thud, them en helean League from Chicago m was no mison to think that and Detroit in second to fust ll id been hui t badh lie had foi n - ( rec-ou- 11 , not been down m the whole- light - ol that tune lie had even seomd a knockdown on Giitlith Pom 111 the icfeiee wasnt in a position to sec- Paicts condition when lie was m the oo nei And tst Giiltith is m thc'ie to fight, and cannot be- blamed loi fight ibg while he is m theie- Be-- t of to Pared, and wishc's howeu-ihis lamilv. I still look foi Los A g T s to wtap up the Xatioral Basketn.dl a- lust the opposite, leaving all the same - , i c e title Mv pi't this month pee-v- is the placers m the XBA. I think that Bill Russell must ecu tau.lv hae a led of ft iends to cote him MVP of the year for the second st i .light time Ceifainly Russel is a good placer, hut nobodc, and s HOT RODS - 1 oth-ei- Few spoits cais imported from' Europe have anc thing m design diffenng horn Eutopean tieneK The Sunbeam Alpine, however,1 Force aid has that American Look. Although the new bode stele, which was mtioduced eatly in I960. chew hoots Rom old line spoits car tc pes, most people liked the dual pi actual spoity chaiactei, and have been buying them m batches ever since. The Alpine does not lack much in tiie pel foi mane e division. Its1 tcp speed is 100 in p h (mfr.E Although acceleration like most spoits cars is not phenomenal (69 mph. in 19.3 seconds, for standing mile). its low center of gravity due to its low (52) ground clearance and small body enable it to turn and handle excellently. The Alpine also stands out in competition being a consistent winner in its class. It won the Eftuiencv Cup m last c ears Gland Piix m Le Mans, France seem to typify this years baseball team, a series of question maiks. The talent may be there but it will take a great deal of practice and work to polish the team into a winner. In the recently completed preseason game the Wildcats didnt look like the team that they are capable of producing. Perhaps it was the cold weather, or perhaps it was because of only two clays of practice; but still, 15 errors in one game is not good baseball. Several of the graduating seniors last year left holes in the diamond crew which are going to be hard to fill. The Wildcats seem to be without a lot of first rate pitchers this year. However, Randy Kimball, his brother Lee, ON THE CINDERS Bryant Christensen, Dic-Thomas and Kent Bunker The track and field team has all seem to be working into shape very high expectations once agas pitchers. ain. Although it is definitely a Kent Bunker, aside from his building year only 5 or 6 we hope to gain the expitching duties seems to have meets first base in the bag. Dave Por-k- perience in the Adamson is playing at sec- which will piepaie us tor the . Bill Miller, ( sen-iois- v pre-seaso- n ai-nv- . SPORTS QUIZ Why didn't the University of Utah plav in the XCAA touiney? 2. What was Billy McGills scoiing total and ranking 1. all-tim- e this season? What record did BYU set in the Skvlme last year for basketi 3. 4. What B. Y. High was the last year that won the Class B bas ketball championship? spioj pnios.iad osnmoq v a iiOLKN-WEB- CLIFTON VW yi Going Fo rmal an in IVY Styled Dinner Jacket hj After Six Youll h gr and, i.m, in "Plav bov " formal, bv A f;c r Si "I styling ai r - bt i ; n.nural hand' should- r- -, n i rr-i- i d s, , smooth, r th hr. u ;h h. and a ll tintiiai n iac h " I vv a1- c - -! v six ling -- u. to w . b a pi, a !. Beautiful : 4 V. KmdteRA Jlcral tfiCL FOR THE SEAFARING MAN! Islander, Trim, snug Catalina Cut trunks of s 1 fully lined cotton poplin. Zipper fly front with button closing, elastic waist insets and leg vents $3.95. A vv ide variety of colors. V 1 6001 'Soiiipu oqoiq VHj from V WIU.W VC that wonderful feeling . . , Corsage V i In the field, we should sec gieat things fiom Lee Kimball on the lavelin, along with his iellow Dave Dills. Dave colleagues Biaithwaits and otheis. In the discus we find Kent Peteison who will also perform in the bioad tump. That Van Wagenon kid will also be in the field events this year John Paxman and Kent Bunker will show well m the high iump. There are otheis whom I have not mentioned by name but we should be veiy proud of all this veai Special Girl I WDIIE . -- t UL rci uoijeoijqcnbsiQ i J VI y David Adamson, 2nd baseman, shows the form necessary fo compete with the Wildcat nine this jear. The baseballers have pla.ved Lehi and Orem so far. V I BCAUT in ptosped the- v ALL .NSW ch-a- Orel or th a I The tennis team, composed of V main good plaveis, will make their most challenging bid for Region in many years. Thf teajn will be led by an x illustrious tennis player, Roger Porter. Jim Kirkman, Fred M- I cIntosh and David Dixon will delighting for second place on the ladder. A goodly number of upstarts from th.e lower classes will be pushing the "Old Pros" for better places on the team. Region honors could be the pnze if the voting ones" come through. I Only time will tell, along with a i few matches. r 8161 ooepl pap Dave Dixon displays tennis form. TENNIS TIPS Paul Evans, Paul Denham, Dave Orchaid, and Dave mer will be running the middle distances at 410 and 8S0. Oi i d seems to be the hottest mile ball? 1 laveiaging 91 mph. in 21 consecutive hours). Its price ($2595 and piacticability poo. east makes it one of todays hottest spoits car buys. returning n and Mel Duke, a good ond of Mav sophomore prospect, is at short. Under the fine supervision of Dick Thomas is working fine at Coach Gibson, we feel that we a new hot coiner." the position will suppoit the school, if the tor Dick. Kent Peteison. Craig Cooper. studentbody comes out and sup Paul Felt and Lee Kimball round ports the team. out the outfield for Coach Arnold In the track events, we look this year. Finn Christensen is on very solid. In the 100 and 22(J the receiving end of the pitching dashes we will have some good crew, and is doing a fine ion be men. Also, in the hurdles we will hind the plate. lie will need a little practice in this new posi tion. ba-e- Region Seven Swenson. Phil Close bechamp hind Phil is Brenton Yorgason who with his chiving dehmina-tiowill be expected to do veiy well in meet competition. .have ! !t FR 53 North Univeisity Complete Rental Department Go formal to the Prom etiett J 116 West Center Provo, Utah ntinsU". i shop s . P r C v 3 t |