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Show 9th Grade Await frV This Is Your Life, B. Y. Q! I Past, Present, Future and Doug Wilson, social chan-men- . The versatile advisors for this class are Miss LeOra Hatton i and Mr. Garth Allred. A full of remainder the for school makes it impossible for a freshman dance to materialize. The ninth graders are on the road to try to capture the assembly awaid with their annual (lass program. The assembly is tentatively scheduled for the 20th ol Aptil. cal-enda- Talking about different assem- blies. this will be the most ique piogram presented at un- B. Y. High. It is based on the history of B Y. High, so natuially, the title could only be This Is Youi Life, B Y. High. Being divided into tin eo sections, past, present and luture, it piomises to be full of variety. Mo-- l of the class is going to participate in this production. to the script committee, thote is going to lie a main char-acte- i . by the name of Mr. who will act as the guide and M C. The script committee consists of Michael Bullock, Mar-llvJacobs, Melodee Lambert, Shell le Chi istensen, and Ronnie g Liz-aid- n Claik Aiding whenever necessary are tin capable otfieers, Susan Jacobsen. piesident. Ronnie Clark, v ice piesident, Sheirie Christensen secietarv, and Carol John FLASH: S' Spring Arrived? B.Y. Junior Prom and assembly committees guarantee originality as they plan for fire and peace. Vacation Has Spting has sprung, vacation i is, but it's only two days, get1 vvis. A quote from the great plulosipher, Aristocracys. has Fascination in Flames Theme for Prom Extreme op- To do this in the most efficient age. By a trick of fate the main them? way, the Junior officers have di- character will then be confrontThe great day has finally the but of course it has only The juniors feel that they have vided themselves .between Brent ed with a baffling circumstance. in David two a for found Clark, this, essence, jobs. way, two days to its equivalent. ThursIlis final emersion will be the is tlu theme of the Junior Piom Yorgason and Sally Joyce Calder day anti Fi idav the nth anti 6th and are working on the assembly, key to the solution of his bevv Assembly. ol Aptil. while Janice Gerber and Fiancis Desiiing to give the student-bod- Rogers plan the dance. Jeri Homework for most will unOf a serious nature, this a memorable expenonce. Fnmage, Caroly n Paxman, ami doubtedly be on the agenda, but this vv is of students will repiesent the wed-iu.diking Les Blown, comprise the remainskiing, suntanning and baseball hard group to make their dance and a play and assembly. between comwill win the popularity poll. ing part of the assembly assemble the best ot the veai. mittee. With a plot and intermingling an etfoit is being made to As is customary, the dance will prepare inteiesting entertainment be pi needed by an intioduetory lor the vievvei s. piogram. The audience will join On Api il 20th, at the Edgemont with the Juniors in examining UN1TI STETIMUS 1th Ward, the theme will be 1st the purpose of life, as they will It is planned that the continued. he transpoited from a world ol lor the dance will esbeau-tdecorations a of to file and pain spheie tablish the tmal climax ot this and peace. plot. Their mood and feeling will Divided into three acts, the be taken from the assembly's story will begin in the present closing act. Fire and Peace.' posites. How can you blend , n s ta-'len- t, v Millay Learned As Contest Nears HS3 Vol. 19, No. 8 Brigham Young High The poetry festival will be held on the 28th of April. It will be held at the Utah State University in Logan as has been in the Forensics past. This year the poetry speaking w'd he taken from the poems ot Edn i St Vincent Millav. Theie will be several rounds ot poctiy Brings B.Y. 2nd Trophy B. Y. Highs 15 a cei participants, the Flab Foiensie Tournament at the Univeisity of Utah. Repealing last yeais triumph, the membei s of the team received, ecitificates of ratings in debate, extemporaneous speaking, ora ton and legislature competi- Utah Apiil 4ih is the big day for the of the cast who will mombeis The lyric and sonnet poctiy contest play. The the sent in by high school students piesmt Devil Daniel and Webstei. The iiom all over the state will be be will in held the Pleasant play judged with ei titivates langmg Giove School High Auditorium, from fiist place to soveial lion 6.00 p.m. at beginning B. Y. oiable mentions. High poets have leceived honorable menDavid Schimmer will play .Tations for several yeais. ke Stone: Cheiyl Ann Doughty, Maty Stone; Mvmn Walker, DanTwenty-fivparticipants may iel Webstei and Alan Rawlings attend fiom each school. At B Y. will be leatuied as Scratch (the those who will attend will be Devil The cast feels the play chosen from the English and will be a winner and plan to do speech departments ajtei tryouts their best to biing home the The students attending the trophy. festival will he treated to a disThe competition will be becussion on poetry, and to a de tween the schools in region 7; light ful social hour. American Fork, B. Y. High, Lehi, Pleasant Grove, St Francis, and come out on April 4th. Following Tintic. the primal ies on the 20th, the The winners of the region candidates will choose their party by drawing its number from a meet will then meet in statewide hat. Then the real campaigning competition with schools from all will start in earnest, characteri- over the state. To the cast may zed by: poster canvassed build- we say, On with the show. ings; noon hours that are far The legion meet will also infrom dull, and grinning amateur clude the areas of pantomime, politicians, if past yeais are any radio retold story, draspeaking, indication. matic and humorous readings. The dance, which is both stag Those who will repiesent B. Y. and drag, will be held that night High in retold story are Joan at the Social Hall at 8:30 p.m Nicholes, Judy Hansen, Carol Bert Murdock and his orchestra Babcock, Randy Peterson. Suzwill furnish the music. For the anne Shaw, and Connie Cannon intermission, which will start at From 21 humorous readings sev ten oclock, the entertainment en were chosen to go to region will be the announcement of B. but further eliminations are nec Y. High's officers-elec- t for 1962-63- . essary because the limit is six. The seven are: Marie Tyler, Joe Claik. Rosalie Gardner, Cynthia To qualify for a position a Benson, Nancy Curtis, Ernie must be: a citizen of the i debate vid Clark, excellent; Hal Hullin-ger- . excellent. Legislature in the House: Jim Kirkman, good; John Paxman,' su-- j ; All paits of Utah were represented by nearly 400 students in the two day tournament. of tihcate. a e tion. University Drama Meet have leceivoi Calls Actors speaking. Those who P"Mor in each round will coached by Lynn Benson, were named sweepstakes winners of the Class B division Saturday in team members and speech students judged the high school students. Receiving certificates in the state competition were: Debate: Pat and Mary Ellen Stewarf, good; Steve Grow and Paul Van Wagenen, superior; Bevei ly Burrup and Marcia Ann Nelson, superior. Extemporaneous Speaking: Da- As the most foimal dance of the year, the Junior Prom will be a night ot events worth remembering. Among these will be an adoption of tradition. A foimal promenade is being planned. In stead of limiting this to an exclusive Junior affair, officers wish to include all attendants at the dance in the final ceremonv. Elections denote the coming end of school year as new officers are chosen. 61-6- 2 Gold and Grey Warm Up superior. Legislature in the Senate: Phil Swensen, superior; Francis Rog-- j The student council of B. Y. ers. superior. will sponsor the for 1961-6Oratory: George Taylor, ex- High cellent; Connie Cannon, excellent; election assembly and dance in honor of those seeking student-bodMary Babcock, excellent. In the Region Seven Forensic positions for the next school Tounrament, held a week pre- year. vious to the State competition, These fateful events will trans B. Y. High swept all four events, Fork. Lehi (host American school!, Pleasant Grove, and St. ability to follow parliamentary Francis. procedure, eight teams received from teams All six debating superior ratings, and three of B. Y. High received superior rat- these were from B. Y. High. Six ings, and one team, Pat and Mary superior ratings were given in Ellen Stewart, went through the oratory, including three from B. entire contest as the only un-- , Y. High, and six superiors were in awarded defeated team. extemporaneous with comthree coming In the legislative forum speaking, petition, which tests participants from B. Y. High. pire on April 27th, climaxing a week of tough campaigning for the aspirants. Each paity both, the Gold Party and the Grey Party will be given 15 minutes on the assembly to display their talents. Following this, each of the candidates running for office will be person given a few minutes to speak to school in good standing, able to the studentbody. maintain a B average throughout the year, and a student at During the noon hour every B. Y. High for at least one semstudent in the high school and ester. The studentbody president the eighth grade will have the a senior next year. The be must to vote for his opportunity office of term lasts from June 1 choice. to May 1; the officials being The petitions for office will swoi n in as soon as possible. Floyd and Reed Smoot. Ten were chosen from 27 dramatic readings, and another contest was he k Me close the field to six people. Those going in drama are Sharlene Stone, Mary Lynn Robertson. Gene Faux, Susan Peterson, Colette Anderson, Kav Bonnett. |