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Show I'M) I M Falsehoods Revealed At Yld Cat Assembly Man Bunkei . . Claudia Porter Jed Christensen Kathleen Reeder Nelson Eac h act will be introduced by Ciaig Hiush Robert a quaitet composed of Maty Bab-toiKai Thomas Janet Peterson, Maty Niel- Dennis Tolley sen, and Bevei ly Bun up. These James Taylor gnls will be accompanied by a Bai bara Bingham BYU combo headed by Larsh n Buttle The clever musical ai Joseph Neil Riddle i alignments will be topped ott by John Knkman entiling notes of George Taylors Peter Van Orman used an lonah, played by Ann Colson; and Noah is will, played by Alan s and Cheiyl Ann Dough- - 1 Yor-genso- -- n Ait IV we will travel to ne where illustrious Jimmy oboe. i n ill Raymond Beckham Michael Bullock k, (W Mai Finn Cluistensen Stephen Phillips Julie Fuhnman natuie. i . ion Walker Neal Whitetoid Teiesa Rawlings R u haul Hay w aid Richaid Bohn Mv y h, 3 Brigham Birthdays Kn kman will set the stage on tiu with his supeib acting. In the linal ait we will trael back to tin U. S and there find senous thoughts and implications. Many members of the student-bodwill be cast in roles which are rated foreign to their usual ii Fage 'Id Cat Alan Wilkins Marsha Teichert Jena Smith Bill Miller Peggy Ciockett David Pavne Kaila Knudsen Enthusiastically boasting school spirit, Judy, Sharleen, Ray and Jerry cheer the team on to state. Mai gie Svvensen Lynn I'isenbach Veidun Watts Kivstvna Smith School Spirit Helps Put Wildcats in State Sob Sister As the state tournament l oils Sistei aiound B Y High waits expectwas standing in the antly to gain a spot m the comother dav, I oveiheaid petition say I wasn't human The Pep Club offueis Chetil K. K Ann Doughty, Claudia Poitei, S S Helen Wakefield, and the mem Maybe it urns in the family bins bung the enthusiasm up to Dear Sob Sister its highest point This coupled Tiaditions become abolished as Jed Christensen, Bryant Eieiy day at noon I see a lot with the HiSteppeis, makes for of B Y High bois pile intr good Cluistensen and Daid Dixon piesent historical facts as oigatued noise at the trucks and cars and head out like they actually happened. a bunch of animals Wheie do Right now the gnls aie Hoikthev go9 C C ing on two mine new loutines 'lhev aie Biass Buttons which When the boys ate the gnls will be presented for the Pleasant aie! Giove game, and With a Little SS. caul ot to be pei fonnecl at Bit an effective Hal sent Luck," dialling Leaing a familiar post, the for an active Folk Amencan Sob Sister Dear to (tempoianly accept Tailor has agieed Wre are all looking foivvaid to Cen-ticounseloi Why is it that eieiy time I position of Coordinator of abI Because hospital peisonnel look deep into C. K.s eyes get seeing moie tesults ot the gnls Utah Seminaries. His hard woik sence tiom the B. Y. High Semin- have become aeeumtomed to hei all chocked up? to ciack S S. have and and antics begun be felt wil faculty by al down on visitors making use of Havent you heaid about students alike. the baik stans, Miss Tuily has lining the short two yeais that decided not to lengthen her stay Biot her Taylor has taught at with patients and pills, but plans ley, the club has been set upon B Y High, he has instructed such to return to the coach" in a few the load of building intei est and couises as Church History, New davs. support for all school activities Testament, and Old Testament throughout the studentbody. He has also filled the capacity ot All groups such as Cooi dina tor in Charge of B. Y. twirleis, baton twnleis, and flag Highs Seminary for the past also the cheeileadeis will be made year. up of Pep Club membeis Those Lets catch the spirit, a fa eligible for membership are gnls, to semoi yeais. onto saving of Brother Tailor, REP tieshman (TAB: helps him to inspire all of whom The newlv oiganized Pep Club HI- - STEPPERS: lie (omes in contact with, leavhave been B Y High is leallv getting The be at to one of gieatly ing the image and night on dav staited with lots of enthusiasm working admned and respected. . spon-soiom self-abasketball ot tor man lies Undci the mpet vision Gum hospital walls and Cntihy This and eai they have Mgs Mis Buttle i games listing mat ti esses seem to piesuch tavontes as Made-IoBlue Sleigh Ride and d also have They Tango Rebel two nev loutines Walk, choieogiaphed by Diane cho'eo-giaphe- d Wheels Hills, and Porter. Claudia by Deal Sob When I the two bov s Around and About semi-mactiv- e) al games I lie laM-minu- te scunv-m- g Ruth Maglebv, LuAnn Rennsihiissel and Susan Fuhii man seems woithwhile attei the man lung is oiei KnthusiaMn iheers led by Shailme Stone, ot Judy Hansen, Rav Ashby, Jeny iGagon, piomise to iheei oui team on to win the Class B tournament The exhubeiant Pep Band is always at the game leady to l oot . . with a di urn . studentbodi wo want to exemplify oui best spot tsmanslup As a and suppoi t foi our team because this year we have pioied that school spn it has not died, but is the best it has ever been, thanks to many faithful students suih as Lee Kimball, Emery Smith, and Jim Knkman who lean always be seen at the games 1 you must see t this charmer! Campus Capers -- it-- d s, pei-toun- ed n, LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS per-toime- Superbly comfortable, and so very smart, is ANITA SHOP this stunning for spring fashions 26 60 5o?APLk vV CAN 4TUDY $895 hopsacking cotton robe by Her Grace. Its trimmed with a delightful fringe all the way down, and you can wear it with or without the elasticized hemp belt. Comes in a multicolor Highlander print West Center " on natural ground. Sizes 8 to IS. 250 (5 ut&rrf" West Center Street |