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Show I mg. 2 Editorial if ii (H,t t m '.x (TchK dphi't i'i '4.1 i,,f i iiL .lie "i ti-- i t;J uv-tm- -i exi-leie- It v.i- - c. ar. II d ( i! I C: - I ( ; . j i oii . -- . i minutes millions of people weie man who was dedicated to aetie!. engaged in the life of one accomplish' atask'that had been placed before him. It represented not a five-dajob with an eig'ht to five schedule . Hie word GLEXX brings hut years of diligent planning . . this to our mind. after day of incessant carving, stopping for spent in death houses studying the food or rest make-uof the human body, brought forth for generations the name MICHELANGELO hours of sculptured beauty remains still with the marble masterpieces. constant criticism that lonely days and nights of work, resulted in rejected compositions because he was anachronotis music that is lecoy- () brought the world a wealth of f,,r four laairs and and Bust A" Valentine tolls around '.ear the gay blade's thoughts tutu to the pleasante! side ol hh t a, (1 t)u, (l! y jp y. High n m tlu-i- r tare and tiesh are face,! with a similar Mattie here on earth. We tlu. UIOI1, 1(lia; (lon.t must, ol necessity, again choose either to nave tree alienee ol th t ail.n tljng to get a hoad lontrol. lia-r- iiir those among its who advoeate contoinntv s,1(( un t birds and tho bn a- - did thc adversaiy and his followers. hey seek to dominate, the ai(. tnerc-l- trying to earn a control, l idea Mote deadly than any warring nation, these at on the bus that leaves lor the people live within our midst. They arc- the friends who dictate Weber Speech Meet. have- had on what we wear, the radicals who claim tdl people as bemg bad, Mr. Benson must the scientistsuch arent people. There are )o.dt tool yourself that there TnUay Ty own of W(? wc their ird.v ulmd under the spell knowledge who would . ol qurk Q tat( o. iiee voui agency. you gladly deprive j0r a riotous two ciays of fun and Tid- - guide of people exists, but need we succumb to b'olicx their power? We must instead light to halt their advance ot Thou,' conformity. To do this we have to learn to recognize in which tl ey work. Their most practiced method of ha, t0 leave thc ta(.t that to stai i innocently, to gently guide us away from our internal 7hc- school by seven oclock Friday control, beware ol those who state that it is all right to do or morning. thi- - or that because Joe b.rown does. They care noth- -' be h e Being as how I never get up a quarter to eight on school until of s the u- may receive by being one it.g tbr the sime-v crowd' the ' simple strive for the destruction of our free days, this idc-- proved rather dis-astrous to my beauty sleep. But, jj ' despite all obstacles, the bus was We w ei e given minds with which to think and reason for finally loaded and off to Ogden, After traveling the full 80 miles, es. but tin- power of independence to work to make oui 011 w,iat seemed to be an escape yourself an indivTkpal, not someone elses tool. You are lrom the junk heap, we arrived in ique. Xo other person can accurately mold you into the m minutes to wait forty-fiv- e time tv pc- of person you can become, (let out of the rut of the lor the first debate. At the end of meandering ciowd. Develop your individuality. Leave the the tifth round (debate I meant plight of the milling, conforming person to those incapable we were carted off to our motel of becoming am thing ebe. lor a good night's sleep. Atter witnessing an eating condti-sses- . -- c - - . s ao-e- , - :fV4 in dreary surroundings to com- going on lours or remaining musical genius by the name of TCHAIKOVSKY chose to dedicate himself to compose. blindness approaching and with the choice to give up the poet chose to writing to save his eyesight before him. write, and after darkness entered Ins life, spent seven years to aid others writin- one of the greatest epics of alKtime .riowd0, . -' - ... - .... j a - M-l- . p 1 - . little-night- put an extia Hull hail and put on a ne tl, p(. oUtqune, ( d y e ei . 2, I9(i2 Editorial Weber To started two plan- - "I InC. I:iicll tl.O.-- C I'lal.- 1 included t liR-- t vt.t (!' f i ;p in ; and (lit loittioi. lit1!!. lhc individual. an and ii akn.' Hid' f It'iit dei c u i (.iii'.i n voiced rigid L'lidorniity and (1 I'li t ageiicv proved tl-- v ii toi ot tlii- - LaUde, as tlio-- e la Uf ut'i e pernutL d to ome to earth. . t'd It, a (. l.i h'i-- o we a cepted that plan of indiidllal choii e our lives ttu now c "til i IKo iiy our own thoughts and decision.-- . ,, Marrh Vlil Cal - MILTON left his mark 01 diligence years of constant devotion to a cause, with a disresteady footsteps along a path of firm principles before men today gard for deviations from standards, places McKA. in a life of happiness dedicated to humanity his serenity of thought and action brings this to the world. today millions inhabit the same earth, breathe the sainair, have the same time, and yet, when the story of this age is told, only a few names will remain . . . they will be those I who have contributed . . for a worthwhile cause, not be those will fame but to give to others. The name recorded who are dedicated now to a cause, a work, a life eighty-seve- n i . test between Paul Van and Bro. Montague, m which they consumed two buckets ot fiied ehic-kieii and one (plait ol pop apiece, As I was elbowing my wav homo. By some quiik of late I we i etired to a night on the town, When we strolled by the Hotel down the ciowdcd hall ol B. V.Miave to attend a silly committee ben Lomond, we were hit by a a I to next to about After meeting. sitting ponder began High, of water balloons, bombardment we as lunch ol amount who time that clown, the great packs every When two teams meet in com- - ship or Mr. Bad Spoitsman- as a studentbody waste each ear though it were going to be his After this we pati onized the local ship, depending on the hehavio bv asking one another sillv (pies- - hist, and watching him wade grocery store for an of the people around him. lions. through four sandwiches, two ap- - supply of food. Having been around a good With our years supply of ioo a then and banana watching IkS time lirbt the other instance for Take From th(. vt,rv oppo- many years, our fiiend is quin T as he t.mshes the last bite of his we retired to our rooms and to the experienced as to tho kind ot o down the when teams meet temperatme third site mng right ing piece ot cake, leans back in watched TV When things became present day, Mr. Sportsmanship action he will receive lrom tlu llcUl t ci Ion bel W 7.VX O. m p(K). . air. brushes the crumbs ott dull we went knocking on doors in attendance. He never different fingers were frozen to mi books. onto the types ol audience-Whe- n out balloons of or water at threw over looks he floor, so misses a game, no matter Mr. Sportsmanship tn-- t lm ears, nose and feet weie window's. the me sleepy-eveand rather says, thev would I or occasion. didnt think cold came to B. Y. High, he took Atter consuming several dozen the weather Were you hungry? ot oui stu ever get warm, and some fool "Oh! Mr. Sportsmanship is a vt'ntory of the quality Like I said, a lot of time could pies and cookies, quarts of pop it to Is ask me, the he should decided had courage be saved by the studentbody heie and candy, w'e sank gratefully rather odd person. It seems he dentbody and cold enough for you? be to able expect pretty good beB. Y. High it we would stop into our beds and brought to an j has a very definitely split personOr likewise, I was sitting in at them. Why? Because from havior end the Weber trip. so many silly questions. ality. He is Mr. Good Sportsman American History, the tempera- asking a are part of a great instituthey ture had soared to what seemed tion of learning that is known I"! to be 100 degrees. I am beginning its superior students. to feel much like a boiled lobster, Mr. Sportsmanship was vci the perspiration was rolling down impressed with the behavioi comes then red little cheeks, the studentbody in eveiy my the clincher, Is it hot enough Then suddenly something hapfor you? pened to change their attitude a' Then there is the kid, who in basketball games. They of the opposm. making a mad dash in order not to be late, violently tromps on my feelings, and complete!', toot, then she has the nerve to forgot about Mr. Sportsmanship Bad ask, Did I step on vour foot? present. Their being Xo, not at all. Im in the habit show to Sportsmanship began of hopping around the halls holdThis called for a quick lovnn ing my foot! of just what Mr. Sportsmanship Perhaps another choice examstood for. The students weie ple is the fellow who passes the that he was the expullunch line, notices me almost in Class is their of feet. Freshman of sion The uniqueness the attitude ot tho stu(he exemplified mashed to a mere nothing beand their respect lor all dents, tween two seniors and he comes them. He was abb those around . . . Featuring through with this brilliant little to take a defeat as well as a win bit: See youre in the lunch line; l regardless of the case, to get some food? of his team. jou going proud 1No, I stand in the lunch line This Mr. Sportsmanship charevery day for pure enjoyment. acter is quite a person. He Who needs food?" for school spirit. No The- advising feet to the class After sitting through a mornthe halls of B. Y. High chance. Many pairs of feet be-- I respectable school Ticading ing of ( lasses so boring that it are (15 pairs of freshman feet. long to the various clubs. belong to Miss Hatton and Mr. should be without the Good side would take the patience of Job Allred. of his split personality. a recent accomplishment, for Garth not to fall asleep, the only thing Coming in odd sizes and covei ing i be keeping me from not going otf,a vanety of shoes, these feet which pa t of them should was the commended, sponsorshipis forwaid thc ol end the deep make up an active part looking of the Radio Free Europe cam- to the lunch mv mother has at sc . 00 , ' COMPLETE paign" held the week ol Febru- Those taught by Mr. Heading the congregation and arv STORE were the instigators of McConkie is stioe 6? Susan wearing a size Jacobsen, class president. Size 8j the campaign. Golf Tennis can be seen on the feet of Ronnie wore raisod in the fau Funds w bile secreClark, ice iaiioween booths and Baseball ultd Archery tarv. Sherrie Christensen, wears a cake sale in Xov ember. These Editor in Chief Mary Ehon Stewart G s. The social chan men Carol funrj vvqj dc, pm to use as the Liberal Trade-in- s Helen Free News Editor VviLon pielei John Doug form on the stage in the jmd Janice Gerber j,(. Feature Editor- sizes o and 8, i espectiv el Ann Simrr.op,- ,foim ot an assembly on March Ed:to-Ann Dourht Sociot Cheryl the shut-loo- t The freshman cl?s, being at the I1'- tfl Mu same wc-Paul Van U'ager.eo Sport- - Editor f feet will be heaid at a u the high school, ha- - from Pat Stewart Copy Editor dance sponsored by the Fro-s its ranks all J. V. Chem EoitoT-Gene Fau. ,! ,:i Janet Peter-o- n some J. V. basketball play- - A1". in Marc h. the feet will gath SKt te- Jamie Chand.er apd ,r together, at the Ninth ei- -. As it this was not asufticient cord Mar;. Reporter- to our games, thc Social. March is appaier.th a BabcocS. Cliunia C leman Paul Homer Lee Dive L'e.on Pa Mme for ket. Ft osh aie out to win the Pep Kimoa!'. Jim K Kps Knu Helen Wakefield Mao Ellen Booster Awaid. Consideting the During the last term a hay rule E Claudia Coleman haivo E liter of stomping teet avail- - and outside dame - planned toi amount fcsity, Provo, Utah A id.e Jean Fuhr.man Advisor able, the class has a pretty good needed foot excicise. What A Silly Answer Meet Mr. Sportsmanship all-nig- ht I . 1 . . t d becim-inconsiderat- tin bi-i- FresHomaum doe-wonde- rs - high-qualit- y, j YOUR 19-2- SPORTING GOODS 3. , pu-sident- . . h. B'j-m- - -. Rote-sn- Gia'e-contributio- ting Goods |