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Show Friday, February 25, 1944 THE YLDCAT Page Four Baum Heads Army Sports Wildcats Bow To Provo Five Opening the 1944 basketball season, the BY Wildcats dropped a 6 decision to their traditional rival, the Provo high school Bulldogs in the latters gymnasium, Friday, January 7. Led by Allan Hansen and Bob Perry the Y quint spurted ahead to lead the Provo five 17 to 12 at the But after the half way mark. rest period the Bulldogs smashed bask as the Wildcats seemed to tire and lacked the punch shown in the first two periods. The Bulldogs pulled ahead in the third quarter and to to lead the visitors build up a margin of 7 points by the time the final horn sounded. Showing the fight they lacked in games the Wildcats played exceptionally good ball in d bucket play. using the In this play the ball is thrown into Hansen, tall Wildcat center, who either turns and shoots or throws it to someone else who in trn shoots. Using this system Hansen scored eleven points to share scoring honors with Joe Weight of Provo who also got eleven. Bob Perry played extra well, scoring four points and bringing the ball down off the bankboard and handling the ball in every way. 33-2- 21-1- 8, pre-seas- on time-teste- Preceding the game Grant Jhnr son was injured and had to be taken out soon after the contest Pioneers smashed the Wildcats of BY high jy a score of 33 to 26 on the latters court Feb. 4th, in a nip and tuck battle which kept all fans standing on their feet a large portion of the time. The first half saw both teams fighting for the lead, and a tie at e with a score of 15 all. Then in the third quarter the Wildcats dropped into a slump and failed to score while the visitors scored eleven points. With the coming of the fourth quarter the Y quint went back into action and scored eleven points but were not able to overcome the margin that separated , them from the Pioneers who scored eleven points themselves in the final period. This game was the last for Jay Lambert, Lehis stellar guard, who entered the Army Air Corps the following Monday. high school today with the eighth grade taking the lead with $255, ,and the eleventh grade second with $150, according to Zola Rae Law, student bond selling chairman. The girls who are at present selling bonds include Ver Lynn Freebairn, Betty Jensen, Miss Law and Vivian Jensen. high-Prov- 17-1- half-tim- 33 to 26. Lehi with Lambert and Dorton at the helm surprised casaba fans in this area by pushing down the Provo invaders BY high has not lived up to expectations in her four losses to Provo, American Fork, and Lehi, respectively having won from Lincoln twice and PG twice. Provo has won all but one game. Lehi smashed them, but the Bulldogs are favorites for --the first 33-2- 6. C-- A Labor Officials Visit Classes In order that the students might obtain both sides of the labor place berth. Every writer takes their fling argument the Problems: of Ameri- Wildcats Drop Decision to A. F. j ! at picking representative teams from the natiop, region, a'rea and etc. So here is a try at it. For guards, Bob Perry and Jay Lambert of BY high and Lehi respectively are our choice. At center goes Alan Hansen of Y high. Forwards are Jack Whipple from Provo high and Dorton of Lehi thats enough. Provo Takes Y For Second Win Shooting from all angles of the Provo high floor, the green-cla- d school Bulldogs outfought and outclassed a BY high school Wildcat quint to the tune of 34 to 21 on the latters court February 11. Joe Weight of Provo led the scoring with 13 counters, followed WILDCAT EDITOR NAMED of the Wildcats with Betty Jensen and Lee Knell, by Hansen 12. seniors, have been named editor The Wildcats were badly off and business manager, respectively student year on the hoop and missed shot after of the Wildcat, book, by the faculty, according to shot. This game was one of the most critical for the Wildcats, not Dr. Golden L. Woolf, principal. M iss Jensen is from Fairview, only from the view point of the and has worked on innumerable rivalry that exists between the two papers and yearbook 6taffs there, schools, but from the standpoint before receiving her new appoint- of the state tournament berth for which the Y quint was fighting. ment. The Young cagers played on Mr. Knell is a student at BY high of long standing, having come nearly an even scale with the inup through the training school, B vaders during the first half, but Y junior high school and senior came back in the third quarter with their usual slump. high. red-cla- Bond sales were headed up in the Region 3 has seen plenty of hot basketball competition and is apt to see plenty more. Probably the most exciting as well as disappointing game (to the Wildcat fans) was the BY o high game on Jan. 7. In this initial contest the Wildcats spurted ahead in a first half drive 2 to lead the Bulldoge at the half. Then came the second half in which the Y quint seemed to tire and were not able to put in baskets as they had in the first two periods. The final score was Lambert and Don Dorton leading the attack the Lehi 23-1- . . . So far this year With Jiy began. Dean Ashworth who replaced Johnson played a good game Chalking up their second victory along with Darrell Jensen and Poul in four starts the American Fork Jennings. Cavemen downed the visiting Wild-- 1 Line up: cats of BY high 38 to 32 in a rampaging battle January 28. With American Fork men dribbling through the whole Wildcat team the Forkers set up a wide margin to lead the Brigham Young quint 1 at the half. Then the BY crew went into action and came within two points d Cavemen of tieing the with a score of 23 to 21. At this point the rally slowed up until the hosts won the tilt by 6 points. This was the second loss for the Brigham Young casaba squad. BOND SALES Time Out Lehi Smashes Y High Quint i Corporal Donald Baum, former Y high student and son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Baum of 80 North fifth West street, has been placed in full charge of all athAA at Aallejo, letics in 211th California, according to word received by his mother. Baum, who is in anti aircraft coast artillery, was chosen by Colonel Hall, regiment commander, to take charge of this activity. He also received his good conduct medal for one year of active service. He has been at Mere Island for nine months. Don will be remembered by BY high students for his participation in football, basketball, baseball and softball. Corporal Baum wa's a member of the region winning basketball squad in 1941 and a back on the second place state chahip-ionshi- p grid squad of the next year. can Democracy classes- invited up two union officials of this district to discuss problems confronting us today, and to clear up some questions concerning the labor policies of the two main unions, the American Federation of Labos and the Congress of Industrial - Mr. Peters, who represents the CIO, spoke the first day, pointing out the underlying factors that prompted the forming of this organization and what the purpose of the union was. He stated that today newspapers carried only half truths in the printing of news of the strikes. Mr. Van Winkle of the AF of L verified the former's statements along with pointing out the difference between his union and the CIO. While studying a unit on banking systems earlier in the year, the class took a trip down to the Farmers and Merchants Bank in Provo. Here banking systems of this country were explained to them by Mr. Calder, cashier. Mr. Calder, who explained that without banks the financial system of this country could not exist, showed examples of the different credit forms. Among these were checks, stocks and bonds, prom-issar- y notes, etc. Also, he showed to the pupils some counterfeit money. I |