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Show ;fr i r ir I ! i Vol. Brigham Young High School, Provo, Utah, Friday, February 25, 1944. No. 2. 1 i. Bingham Goes Back to School Plans Listed Army and Navy Student Council To Give Tests title Discarding the Mr. for Private, Sanford Bingham, popular instructor at BY high was entrained today for Portland, Ore., where he will study dentistry at the North Pacific School of Dentistry as a member of Uncle Sams army. One of the most genial of the faculty members, Mr. Bingham has been social chairman of high school activities for five years, and special coordinator for junior high students for the same thing. Chaperoning dances has been very interesting, he said. I have watched with great interest the evolution of necking with first place honors passing from Jim Oldroyd and Sammy Speakman, graduates, to Tom Lee and Afton Taylor, seniors, and Dean Ashworth and Bette Brailsford, juni- ors. Memories Memories are reputed to be the soldiers greatest joy. Among the panorama which Mr. Bingham will take with him are: Allan Hansen as Private Boopy The student council of BY high school has released the following schedule of coming events for the remainder of the school year: February 25 Basketball game. B Y vs. American Fork. time-honor- ai vXm . JfciBWt Dabling lHHMBiNWMaaNinwawl Rawlings i i 1 I 5 5 $ i i I Service Men Visit Y High ed Highlighting the basketball assembly last Friday were the talks of former students now in the armed forces. Among the six servicemen present, were four second lieutenants of the U. S. Army Air Coips Bruce Dabling, Eldon Clark, Paul Smith, and Barney Rawlings. Also present were Pvt. Don Hansen, of the U. S. Army Air Corps, and Louis Clark, Pfc., U. S. Marines. Lt. Dabling, a former student body president, Lt. Rawlings and Lt. Clark, former basketball stars, are pilots. Lts. Dabling and Rawlings have just been commissioned and will begin combat training, while Lt. Clark has just finished this training course and is preparing for assignment overseas. Doop. . i He bombardier. is a Lt. Smith (Continued on page 3) he been training with his combat crew for some time, and is completing preparations for overseas . The third Army-Nav- y Qualifying test for College the Army specialized training program and the Navy college program which will be given throughout the country on Wednesday, March 15, at 9:00 a. m., will be adminFebruary 26 Lettermans party. istered at the Brigham Young March 3 Freshman Assembly university, Dean Gerrit de Jong, Lehi game. Jr. announced today. A leaflet of 4 March Freshman dance. which congeneral information March 10 Notre Maison assembly tains an n School Play. form may be obtained at the office March 11 Open. of Professor Joseph K. Nicholes. March 16 Thespian night. This form properly filled out will March 17 Junior Promenade admit to the test students between Junior Assembly. the ages of 17 and 21 inclusive March 23, 24, 25 Basketball tour- who. are high school graduates or nament in Salt Lake City. who will be graduated by July 1, March 31 Fauvine Assembly . 1944. Intent Jo take the test April 1 Fauvine Dinner Dance. should be madeknown immediately April 14 Sophomore Assembly. to Professor Nicholes in order that April 15 Sophomore Dance II. the necessary test supplies may be 21 April Open. Students ordered. from Provo 22 April Open. high School and BY high school April 28 Thespian Dance. will take the test at the same time May 5 Open. and place. May 6 Open. The same exxamination will be May 12 Lettermans Assembly. taken by both Army and Navy May 13 Lettermans Dance. candidates. The examination is May 19 Open. designed to test the aptitude and May 26 Graduation exercises for general knowledge required dance Last day of school. the program of college training and all qualified students are urged to take the test. At the time of the test each candidate will be given a choice of service preference, but taking the test does not obligate after the fellows the candidate to enlist in the serV-1- 2, combat duty. Pvt. Hansen, also a former student body president, is in meteorology training and visited the You may dream about pink elephants vice. school on his way to advanced throw a in the case where the girls gave the but party, The Army Specialized Training training in North Carolina. each of and them with was party everyone having with nightmares on been has Pfc. Clark duty program is aimed to meet the their before hearts than Other hearts Pacifpink in South dancing eyes. the pink a hospital ship Armys needs for specialists and see a vision of both the Aftons all one but beating Australia, New might New people to get them to remember to bring their money. Or New Caladonia, Zealand, Guinea, and the Fiji Islands. perhaps one might dream of Meredith dangling precariously lieuThe newly commissioned over the ladder trying to reach the chandelier you gasp but disdecided a tenants expressed he makes it ! And maybe some of them, lets hope not many, like for Texas where they received can see the bedraggled figure of Zola literally flying from their, training. one heart to another. ic, having visited ! ti K I' & Navy Man Speaks Lieutenant Nibley of the Naval Air Corps visited the Y high school at. 9:00 a. m. Friday, Feb. 18 to point out to groups of BY men the opportunities and possibilities of the Naval V-- 5 (Navy Air Corps) training program. Answering such questions as, What physical requirements are necessary for an aviation cadet? Lt. Nibley spoke for nearly half an hour. He put emphasis on the fact that the training program was tough. I a t I 1 X - 9 admission-identificatio- Sweetheart Ball is Successful; Girls Turn out in Hordes M A Perhaps you might have guessed by now, yes of course, it was the Valentines day 'Sweetheart Ball presented annually by the Notre Maison on February 12. The ball was held as with decorations built around the theme, usual in 250-The ceiling was decorated in white My Heart Tells Me. a a crepe paper. Two large red hearts were tacked tied . . . well most everything but glued to the stage as a frame for the (and seeing is believing) orchestra. And finally, that evening when all nightmares had been replaced by dreams, we see the gay figure of Jackie Beuler is a bright (ah) red formal with a smile so brilliant you'd never have, guessed she had been slaving on decorations all morning. If you were not too wrapped up in your fling of the moment you might notice Mark with Colleen in a filmy blue net and satin affair. Just one example of the many under the effects of low lights (thanks Bob) and soft music: A ... ... t technicians in certain critical fields of study. The Navy College Program also enables students to continue academic training at government Successful , completion pense. ex- of the prescribed courses may, following further officer training, lead to a commission in. the Navy. Corsages Banned Action taken by the student council recently banned corsages from all student body and club dances, according to Robert Free, president. Corsages will be taken from 11 couples at the door, including Provo high students, the order said. All clubs are requested to stipulate no corsages at their dances, with only the Junior Prom an the Graduation ' Dance, exceptions. 5 j f - V r $ y t k t |