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Show V. f Vnlvia S' rav ?f. II But next yoar rnust as evsn do tter no rrisk yo; success li&w Officers Y our s Stud eat Counail I volume mb mil always cherish this book coraoaout next weokj 4.00k it over, and if your hair isnt parted i T-fh-en remember just right, Student publicities the end it ia entirely a from the beginning 19' tc , STUDENT COUNCIL tfYill council ploaoo coxr: to &t tent saw to attention up c And thus boginn c. merry yjssaio n of student council every Monday with Don E&aaen prosidlng--c- r eoxetiung,. uhon everyone has created their IMtlc friends ion-counci- l kn the etudont counoil los&n itt rstro-epa- ot brings over the year juot past briar- vio feel tjisfj Tgxsxg happy EsaaorisOs not ix havo been especially of cient asto 01work ficere but we have been prvelegod cobeen h?c who vary a student body tdth Ho think it Lis bosn a groat operative,year from either a scholastic, athls or a social view point c To ell of those who hive rendered services of any type under the direction of the student council we extend our thanks and tc the now officer of next year wo offer our best wishes Tor a banner year ox; .B,T, High through i4s many years of iotance hue now reach d the stage where it bus provon its abilit to oompeto on a par 'l not only with tho e cools in this region but with the schoolc .f the citato ae well Each year the B, Y Ugh ha a climbed higher to now stops n the ladder of prot climb yet gress and tea expect nor fcUJa year has boon higher Yea,, wo think yet a groat year, tho it - , revive A Tu latest poor ?.;. t, o meet:noiont ing procodJc AM of th and future ad tool affair' Giro our; sod und discuss id At isauo i finally obod and decided on and then they had tou oners and go d and do what thoy hnd get-toget- her tt fh c 'i ;;- Editor--- mmmmm Associate Editor Society Editor-- " Sport Editor- Art Editor- - , 1 IKK - i & i ft Art id -- W Y . OT a Deanns Merrill - Harvey King Kola do Jong liar ion Jones Jack Mitchell Lee Knell if f Faoulty Advid - r MM rd 'l M I r .. Maria Hayes Vorna Hansen Willford D Lee Mrs, Caino Dr, v.ooif Dorthy Raws on Don linn son Mac ! -- I 1 Haw originally planned 9 But it5 s really a great life and helps the blue Monday;; along jog 0 tho council, along with final high-epef- c, are planning a big tho nlass offi-.gru- , r It will be in the form of a STiming party at the Hot Pots, Here's and than r. largo group lunch. hoping for a goed time but of course loo c who' a in ccuncilt -- STAFF aho--.- Page' Facer Cl 1 ea Ashvor t? Bowman ? V |