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Show H wJlusiber rmr.r w Voluzne 1S42 10 ' .v. 4pr ;w r- j fe . fc 4V4b (continued) Edward Free, Harry Ennis, Richard 'randson, Don Hansen, 3ob Greaves,, Robert Greenwood, 2ar jf.x,'3x Kales, Chari os il&rt, John. Huich, Harvey Carl Hunt or Dick Johnson Jack Knoll Nitu. Lnnoraaux, kin;., Jr Kassoer Curking, Jvns Mower, Raymond Rusink, Jiari Phillips,, Ruby Phillipa, Williem Foal eon. Dorothy Kr.wson. Josvol 3ow?.rd3, Clair e Sanson, Marion V0noe, Hell flardla . Of-ai-r y ASF MADLY THE i.VFvi;'.' .vanl Aaeonbl of 8 Y ;.': ho? d ? ridey , May in Hip;;. P:; wr gV.nn in the fields of Footbui 1 1 mid Tennis. Awards waro also given to tho editors and business rant-jo- rs of the V lid cat (annual High School yearbook) and tho Bntor (ached news-ou- r: a r ' Sfcudcmts 3.I.10 wu recognition in the field of Kjuai c A ww award vnaa created this year for the senior who jjrvu the beat service in ths Ui;h Sohool Creheutrac It vas y&jh by I! t.-v- 1 . ., -y Jsnne Cul3.imor. Karma liiehard Iia3.es, and Sara r0.s t V recognition for being the editors of the Wildcat and banter, respectively,. Joe AUwarth and Harvey King ware the Bu si near k onager s' of the 'Wildcat and Banter, respectively- - - 4 s Douglas Jonlcino, Bob Booth, Will Milxor., Charles Hart, Lor in Barlow, Frank and Joe Ashworth c. Awards in baseball were presented to Campbell Wallace, Harry Snnie, Dick Dabling, Dick Clark, Dick Johnson, Richard Haleo, Bob Free, Max Jolley, Mack Facor, Bill Pouleon, and Bob Greonwoodc Hargaret Hales and Doonno Morrill won Stott 1 ! certificates ware aw&rded p; Senior SCHOOL KLECTIOliS Daring the third week of April, elections were hold for the officer a of the 1942-4- 3 school year After a week of campaigning, climaxing with a student assembly on Friday, ry the students voted for President, and Treasurer, and athletic MaSac-rota- nager 0 blue party won a close race over the white, electing a straight ticket.--. Hew officers are President, Mack Facer j Soc0 and Treao,, Ellen Ashworth: The Atblotic Manager, Jim Oldroyd Elections for the Junior High, and other studemt body officers are hold in dd-hle- ta v. the folic fields The sc bays who won awards ji in football are: Dick Harry Funis,, Steve Larson Jin Qldroyd, Frank J- lice chan. Bill Fowl son, Bob Clark, Dick Vrandeon, Bob Booth, and hick Johnson. Those winning awards in basketfcai Don Ilgneon, Dick Dabling, Dick Johnson,, Jim Oldroyd, Hob Perry.. Edward ?rao John liuiuh, Bil. roulson, Charles Hart. ii,, Di ok Oabl Stewart Mcrlev, 01' s rk. Bob Greenwoods Max Jolly... I.-- ! ' , itre; d r u rl ?, ; ror. r ...nj awarck ware civen 1'. ARE YOB INTERESTED IN SUMMER SCHOOL.? Students who wish to strengthen the-m53?. veg in general Mathematics or in broadening their interests in reading and in rkigiish will have an excellent opportunity during the sujawsro Mr A John Clarks and Mrs - Anns B0 Hart will be the teacher u in the respectiTO fieldso Boys who wish to qualify for air Ho one f.ur training need SJ&thomaticOe ar ic so essentia to acad-sra- c good reading ability Other intorar ting courses n I. groups oan be taken by special arrangements. sv-oce-o i 1. 4 . to Loo Knoll,i edf . "1 t |