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Show i Tira PASE EIGHT rraxiH basin peppard service May 1 and 15, 1927. Basin. Associated Beehive Seed Growers of the Uintah Making Money business If yon are like most farmers, yon are in the farming want. or need to make money to pay for the tmngs yon Would 'yon like to know whether or not yon are making if yoiur money farming? Would yon like 'to know for instance, seed crop is making yon money? '..Or your other crops? it costs Generally the first step is to find out what for it. If to produce a crop and compare that with what yon 'get a made have costs profit. yon, yon yon sell it for more than it If yon get less than cost, yon are probably losing money. Yon is probable that may be losing because yon sell too cheap but it to produce too much cost yon yon are losing money because it i the crop. THE COST OF RAISING SEED For example suppose yon have 'a forty acre field of alfalfa on which yon grow seed. The land is worth $3,000.00, the water assessments amount to $60.00 a year and the taxes are $40.00 a year. Let ns assume that going- wages are $3.00 a day single $5.u0 a day with team and $7.00 a day with four horses, and that yon charge your own, time just 'as though yon were hiring it. Then the total cost of raising a seed crop on that forty would be about as follows: ....$210.00 Interest on $3,000.00 1 year at 7 60.00 vater Assessments 40.00 Taxes Cleaning field and ditches. 20.00 twol men, two teams, two days 1 42.00 6 horses. man .... four days Cultivating, 18.00 Irrigating. 1 man, 6 days 1 1 7 35.00 days team, man, Clipping, 5 men four anu teams, hauling, Raxing 2 days 46.00 1 four horses man, Cultivating, 6 days 42.00 1 5 15.00 man days Roguing weeds, 50.00 Cutting Seed I 1 Hauling and Stacking, 5 men four teams, 3 days Threshing 4 men threshing 3 days, .; I....'. hay worth $5.00 or the crop. Now let us see whether you are making or lofcing money. Suppose that the market price of seed is ten cents per pound. Your crop has cost vou $683.00. $283.00 4000 lbs. at 10c is $400.00 or you lose 83.00 6000 lbs at 10c is $600.00 or you lose 8000' lbs. at 10c is $800.00 or you make ....117.00 10.000 lbs. at 10c is $1000.00 or you make ....317.00 12.000 lbs. at 10c is $1200.00 or you make ....517,00 12,000 pounds from forty acres or 300 pounds per acre, is not lan unusual crop. If vour land produce more than that, the chances are that you are making good wages and a very nice ' . profit indeed. If it produces af the rate cf 200 pounds per acre, you are probablv making good wages and fair profit especially if the land is worth less than $50.00 per acre. However, if your average crop Tuns less than 150 pounds per 'acre, you are'probably making less than fair wages and should either find some way to get bigger yields or find some way to use your land to better advantage. Along this same line, suppose that on account of clover or weeds, your seed is worth only six cents a pound. Then you will have to have a big crop in order to break even. As we said above these cost figures, prices and sol on are just average. We suggest that you substitute the figures for your cAvn alfalfa fields and figure yourself out to see whether YOU are making money or not THE USE OF TIME We suggest now that you refer to the above figures again and see how many days work it. took. 69.00 150.00 36.00 Total If yon have 30 tons of Cost of Pvoduction Favniing---Th- e 833.00 ' 150.00 $683.00 actually cost THE COST PER POUND If yon divide the total cost by the nUmber of pounds in the crop yon have the cost per pound, so that On 4000 lbs. or 100 lbs. per acre the cost is 17.07 per pound On 6000 lbs. or 150 lbs per acre the cost is111.38 per pound On 8000 lbs. or 200 lbs. per acre the cost is 8.54 per pound On 10,000 lbs. or 250 lbs per acre the cost is 6.83 per pound On 12.000 lbs. or 300 lbs. per acre the cost is 5.07 per Other things being equal, the larger the yield, the pound smaller the cost per pound of threshed seed. Of course you understand 'that the above for figures are the purposes of illustration. Jt may cost you more or itmerely cost may you less than we have figured to produce your crop. LOSS OR PROFIT You will bear ip mind also that the above figures are supposed to allow you going wages for the time yon spent in raising YdUr seed crop i In the first column are the total days of man labor. In the the days the farmer himself could get in. in lor instance, getting hplhay we figured on five men for two Therefore the fanner wohld use only two days of his own days. time and aire or exchange work on the balance. Seveatv nine days is a little more than the number of work Fiftv days is just the number of ing days in three months. working days in TWO iuONTHS. How do vou make the other nine or ten months pay wages and profit? Figure it out second coltamn are liste WEEDS Weeds are beginning to show themselves as spring progresses. Weed use up land that should be producing crops. They get mixed up with the crops and reduce the market valkie of the product. They sometimes ruin the market value of the land it self or even make it unfit to produce crops. Get rid of the Weeds. J. G. Peppard Seed Company Duchesne Roosevelt Vernal |